• Title/Summary/Keyword: Finite Element Method(FEM)

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Investigation of fault in the Kyungju Kaekok-ri area by 2-D Electrical Resistivity Survey (2차원 전기비저항 탐사를 이용한 경주 개곡리 지역의 단층조사)

  • Lee, Chi-Seop;Kim, Hee-Joon;Kong, Young-Sae;Lee, Jung-Mo;Chang, Tae-Woo
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.4 no.4
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    • pp.124-132
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    • 2001
  • Electrical resistivity survey has been conducted for delineating geological fault structure in Kaekok-ri near Kyungju. In general, electrical resistivity survey has an advantage of searching buried faults and its traces compared with other geophysical survey methods. Distribution of electrical conductivity in the ground is influenced by the ratio of pores, groundwater and clay minerals. These properties are evidenced indirectly to explain for weathering condition, faults and fracture Bones. Thus the electrical resistivity survey can be an effective method to find buried faults. We have carried out two dimensional (2-D) interpretation by means of smoothness-constrained least-squares and finite element method. Field data used in this paper was acquired at Kaekok-ri, Wuedong-eup, Kyungju-si, where is Ulsan Fault and is close to the region in which debatable quaternary fault traces were found recently. The dipole-dipole array resistivity survey which could show the 2-D subsurface electrical resistivity structure, was carried out in the area with three lines. The results showed good property of fault, fracture zone and fault traces which we estimated were congruous with the results. Through this study, 2-D electrical resistivity survey interpretation for fault is useful to apply.

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Field Analysis in the Ferrite Core at 100 kHz Band Magnetic Field (100 kHz 대역의 자계 환경내(內)에서의 페라이트 코어의 계(界) 해석)

  • Koo, Bon-Chul;Yoo, Jae-Sung;Kim, Mi-Ja;Gimm, Yoon-Myoung
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.18 no.8
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    • pp.977-983
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    • 2007
  • Recently, the number of systems which utilize wireless power transmission to a receiving module in a short distance is increasing. For efficient use of receiving space, coils are wound around the ferrite core to produce electromotive force(emf) in suppling power by wireless transmission. This paper analyzed the magnetic flux density distribution in the ferrite core in magnetic field environment which is uniformly oriented along to a single axis at 125kHz. For numerical analysis, Ansoft Maxwell which is applying the FEM(Finite Element Method) method was used. We studied the variations of the gathered magnetic fluxes to the changes of the relative permeabilities of the ferrite cores. Also we calculated the magnetic flux variation by shaving the ferrite core off for the groove of coil winding. Results showed that using a small ferrite core in magnetic field at 100kHz band can increase the amount of magnetic flux $3{\sim}4 times$ than without the core. The magnetic flux decreased 23% by shaving the core 0.5 mm on the periphery of 4.75 mm radius core with the relative permeability 800.

Determination of Bond Strength and Fracture Energy of a Bi-material Cylinder with Peny-shaped Interface Crack by Pull-off Test (직접인장시험에 의한 원형 비부착면이 삽입된 신.구 콘크리트의 부착강도 및 파괴에너지 산정)

  • Yang, Sung-Chul;Kim, Jin-Chul;Park, Jong-Won
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.6 no.1 s.19
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    • pp.47-56
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    • 2004
  • To determine the pure bond strength between substrate and its overlayed concrete material, a direct pull-off test method was introduced by using a bi-material cylinder with which a penny-shaped crack was mountained at its interface. First, to evaluate the stress magnification or concentration at the interface, the energy release rates of a penny-shaped interface crack in remote tension loading on a bi-material cylinder were determined in terms of different modulus ratios and undonded area ratios(crack ratios) using a commercial finite element program. Then the energy release rates were calibrated as non-dimensional values in consideration of structural dimensions and applied forces. And to evaluate whether this new pull-off test method gives sound test results, three different sizes of unbended area ratios were incorporated along their interface in bi-material cylinders(sulphur polymer concrete + old concrete). Test results showed that all specimens were broken off at their interfaces as intended. Also the FEM analyses and test results indicated that a bi-material specimen with unbended area ratio of 0.4$\sim$0.6 is suitable for best accurate testing.

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A Study on the Interfacial Bonding in AlN Ceramics/Metals Joints: I. Residual Stress Analysis of AlN/Cu and AlN/W Joints Produced by Active-Metal Brazing (AlN 세라믹스와 금속간 계면접합에 관한 연구 : I. AlN/Cu 및 AlN/W 활성금속브레이징 접합체의 잔류응력 해석)

  • Park, Sung-Gye;Lee, Seung-Hae;Kim, Ji-Soon;You, Hee;Yum, Young-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Materials Research
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    • v.9 no.10
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    • pp.962-969
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    • 1999
  • Elastic and elasto-plastic stress analyses of AlN/Cu and AlN/W pints produced by active-metal brazing method using Ag-Cu-Ti insert-metal were performed with use of Finite-Element-Method(FEM). The results of stress analyses were compared with those from the pint strength tests and the observations of fracture behaviors. It was shown that a remarkably larger maximum principal stress is built in the AlN/Cu pint compared to the A1N/ W joint. Especially, the stress concentration with tensile component was confirmed at the free surface close to the bonded interface of AlN/Cu. The elasto-plastic analysis under consideration of stress relaxation effect of Ag-Cu-Ti insert possessing a so-called 'soft-metal effect' showed that the insert leads to a lowering of maximum principal stress in AlNiCu pint, even though an increase of the insert thickness above 100$\mu\textrm{m}$ could not bring its further decrease. The maximum pint strengths measured by shear test were 52 and 108 MPa for AlNiCu and AlN/W pints. respectively. Typical fractures of AlN/Cu pints occurred in a form of 'dome' which initiated from the free surface of AlN close to the bonded interface and proceeded towards the AlN inside forming a large angle. AlN/W pints were usually fractured at AlN side along the interface of AlN/insert-metal.

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A Study on Stability Evaluation of the Nail-Anchor Mixed Support System

  • Kim, Hong-Taek;Cho, Yong-Kwon;Yoo, Han-Kyu
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.41-70
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    • 1999
  • The benefits of utilizing internal reinforced members, such as soil nails and ground anchors, in maintaining stable excavations and slopes have been known among geotechnical engineers to be very effective. Occasionally, however, both soil nails and ground anchors are simultaneously used in one excavation site. In the present study, a method of limit equilibrium stability analysis of the excavation zone reinforced with the vertically or horizontally mixed nail-anchor system is proposed to evaluate the global safety factor with respect to a sliding failure. The postulated failure wedges are determined based on the results of the $FLAC^{2D}\; 및\; FLAC^{3D}$ program analyses. This study also deals with a determination of the required thickness of the shotcrete facing. An excessive facing thickness may be required due to both the stress concentration and the relative displacement at the interface zone between the soil nailing system and the ground anchor system. A simple finite element method of analysis is presented to estimate the corresponding relative displacement at the interface zone between two different support systems. As an efficient resolution to reduce the facing thickness, the modified bearing plate system is also proposed. Finally with various analysis related to the effects of design parameters, the predicted displacements are compared with the results of the $FLAC^{2D}$ program analyses.

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Multi-fidelity uncertainty quantification of high Reynolds number turbulent flow around a rectangular 5:1 Cylinder

  • Sakuma, Mayu;Pepper, Nick;Warnakulasuriya, Suneth;Montomoli, Francesco;Wuch-ner, Roland;Bletzinger, Kai-Uwe
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.127-136
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    • 2022
  • In this work a multi-fidelity non-intrusive polynomial chaos (MF-NIPC) has been applied to a structural wind engineering problem in architectural design for the first time. In architectural design it is important to design structures that are safe in a range of wind directions and speeds. For this reason, the computational models used to design buildings and bridges must account for the uncertainties associated with the interaction between the structure and wind. In order to use the numerical simulations for the design, the numerical models must be validated by experi-mental data, and uncertainties contained in the experiments should also be taken into account. Uncertainty Quantifi-cation has been increasingly used for CFD simulations to consider such uncertainties. Typically, CFD simulations are computationally expensive, motivating the increased interest in multi-fidelity methods due to their ability to lev-erage limited data sets of high-fidelity data with evaluations of more computationally inexpensive models. Previous-ly, the multi-fidelity framework has been applied to CFD simulations for the purposes of optimization, rather than for the statistical assessment of candidate design. In this paper MF-NIPC method is applied to flow around a rectan-gular 5:1 cylinder, which has been thoroughly investigated for architectural design. The purpose of UQ is validation of numerical simulation results with experimental data, therefore the radius of curvature of the rectangular cylinder corners and the angle of attack are considered to be random variables, which are known to contain uncertainties when wind tunnel tests are carried out. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations are solved by a solver that employs the Finite Element Method (FEM) for two turbulence modeling approaches of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations: Unsteady Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes (URANS) and the Large Eddy simulation (LES). The results of the uncertainty analysis with CFD are compared to experimental data in terms of time-averaged pressure coefficients and bulk parameters. In addition, the accuracy and efficiency of the multi-fidelity framework is demonstrated through a comparison with the results of the high-fidelity model.

Magnetic Induction Soldering Process for Mounting Electronic Components on Low Heat Resistance Substrate Materials (저 내열 기판소재 전자부품 실장을 위한 자기유도 솔더링)

  • Youngdo Kim;Jungsik Choi;Min-Su Kim;Dongjin Kim;Yong-Ho Ko;Myung-Jin Chung
    • Journal of the Microelectronics and Packaging Society
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.69-77
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    • 2024
  • Due to the miniaturization and multifunctionality of electronic devices, a surface mount technology in the form of molded interconnect devices (MID), which directly forms electrodes and circuits on the plastic injection parts and mounts components and parts on them, is being introduced to overcome the limitations in the mounting area of electronic components. However, when using plastic injection parts with low thermal stability, there are difficulties in mounting components through the conventional reflow process. In this study, we developed a process that utilizes induction heating, which can selectively heat specific areas or materials, to melt solder and mount components without causing any thermal damage to the plastic. We designed the shape of an induction heating Cu coil that can concentrate the magnetic flux on the area to be heated, and verified the concentration of the magnetic flux and the degree of heating on the pad part through finite element method (FEM). LEDs, capacitors, resistors, and connectors were mounted on a polycarbonate substrate using induction heating to verify the mounting process, and their functionality was confirmed. We presented the applicability of a selective heating process through magnetic induction that can overcome the limitations of the reflow method.

A Biomechanical Study on a New Surgical Procedure for the Treatment of Intertrochanteric Fractures in relation to Osteoporosis of Varying Degrees (대퇴골 전자간 골절의 새로운 수술기법에 관한 생체역학적 분석)

  • 김봉주;이성재;권순용;탁계래;이권용
    • Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.401-410
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    • 2003
  • This study investigates the biomechanical efficacies of various cement augmentation techniques with or without pressurization for varying degrees of osteoporotic femur. For this study, a biomechanical analysis using a finite element method (FEM) was undertaken to evaluate surgical procedures, Simulated models include the non-cemented(i.e., hip screw only, Type I), the cement-augmented(Type II), and the cemented augmented with pressurization(Type III) models. To simulate the fracture plane and other interfacial regions, 3-D contact elements were used with appropriate friction coefficients. Material properties of the cancellous bone were varied to accommodate varying degrees of osteoporosis(Singh indices, II∼V). For each model. the following items were analyzed to investigate the effect surgical procedures in relation to osteoporosis of varying degrees : (a) von Mises stress distribution within the femoral head in terms of volumetric percentages. (b) Peak von Mises stress(PVMS) within the femoral head and the surgical constructs. (c) Maximum von Mises strain(MVMS) within the femoral head, (d) micromotions at the fracture plane and at the interfacial region between surgical construct and surrounding bone. Type III showed the lowest PVMS and MVMS at the cancellous bone near the bone-construct interface regardless of bone densities. an indication of its least likelihood of construct loosening due to failure of the host bone. Particularly, its efficacy was more prominent when the bone density level was low. Micromotions at the interfacial surgical construct was lowest in Type III. followed by Type I and Type II. They were about 15-20% of other types. which suggested that pressurization was most effective in limiting the interfacial motion. Our results demonstrated the cement augmentation with hip screw could be more effective when used with pressurization technique for the treatment of intertrochanteric fractures. For patients with low bone density. its effectiveness can be more pronounced in limiting construct loosening and promoting bone union.

Analysis of thermal changes in bone by various insertion torques with different implant designs (서로 다른 형태의 임플란트의 식립토크가 골에 미치는 열변화에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Min-Ho;Yeo, In-Sung;Kim, Sung-Hun;Han, Jung-Seok;Lee, Jai-Bong;Yang, Jae-Ho
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.49 no.2
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    • pp.168-176
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    • 2011
  • Purpose: This study aims at investigating the influence of various insertion torques on thermal changes of bone. A proper insertion torque is derived based on the thermal analysis with two different implant designs. Materials and methods: For implant materials, bovine scapula bone of 15 - 20 mm thickness was cut into 35 mm by 40 - 50 mm pieces. Of these, the pieces having 2 - 3 mm thickness cortical bone were used as samples. Then, the half of the sample was immersed in a bath of $36.5^{\circ}C$ and the other half was exposed to ambient temperature of $25^{\circ}C$, so that the inner and surface temperatures reached $36.5^{\circ}C$ and $28^{\circ}C$, respectively. Two types of implants ($4.5{\times}10\;mm$ Br${\aa}$nemark type, $4.8{\times}10\;mm$ Microthread type) were inserted into bovine scapula bone and the temperature was measured by a thermocouple at 0.2 mm from the measuring point. Finite element method (FEM) was used to analyze the thermal changes at contacting surface assuming that the sample is a cube of $4\;cm{\times}4\;cm{\times}2\;cm$ and a layer up to 2 mm from the top is cortical bone and below is a cancellous bone. Boundary conditions were set on the basis of the shape of cavity after implants. SolidWorks was used as a CAD program with the help of Abaqus 6.9-1. Results: In the in-vitro experiment, the Microhead type implant gives a higher maximum temperature than that of the Br${\aa}$nemark type, which is attributed to high frictional heat that is associated with the implant shape. In both types, an Eriksson threshold was observed at torques of 50 Ncm (Br${\aa}$nemark) and 35 Ncm (Microthread type), respectively. Based on these findings, the Microthread type implant is more affected by insertion torques. Conclusion: This study demonstrate that a proper choice of insertion torque is important when using a specific type of implant. In particular, for the Microthread type implant, possible bone damage may be expected as a result of frictional heat, which compensates for initial high success rate of fixation. Therefore, the insertion torque should be adjusted for each implant design. Furthermore, the operation skills should be carefully chosen for each implant type and insertion torque.

Estimation of Allowable Bearing Capacity and Settlement of Deep Cement Mixing Method for Reinforcing the Greenhouse Foundation on Reclaimed Land (간척지 온실기초 보강을 위한 심층혼합처리공법의 허용지내력 및 침하량 산정)

  • Lee, Haksung;Kang, Bang Hun;Lee, Kwang-seung;Lee, Su Hwan
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.287-294
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    • 2021
  • In order to expand facility agriculture and reduce greenhouse construction costs in reclaimed land, a greenhouse foundation method that satisfies economic feasibility and structural safety at the same time is required. As an alternative, the allowable bearing capacity and settlement were reviewed when the DCM(Deep cement mixing) method was applied among the soft ground reinforcement methods. To examine the applicability of the greenhouse foundation, the allowable bearing capacity and settlement were calculated by applying the theory of Terzaghi, Meyerhof, Hansen, and Schmertmann. In case of the diameter of 800mm and the width and length of the foundation of 4m, the allowable bearing capacity was 179kN/m2 and the settlement was 7.25mm, which satisfies the required bearing capacity and settlement standards. The calculation results were verified through FEM(Finite element method) analysis using the Mohr-Coulomb material model. The allowable bearing capacity was 169kN/m2 and the settlement was 2.52mm. The bearing capacity showed an error of 5.6% compared to calculated value, and the settlement showed and error of 65.4%. Through theoretical calculations and FEM analysis, it was confirmed that the allowable bearing capacity and settlement satisfies the design criteria as a greenhouse foundation when the width and length of the foundation were 4m. Based on the verified design values, it is expected to be able to present the foundation design criteria for greenhouses through empirical tests such as bearing capacity tests and long-term settlement monitoring.