• Title/Summary/Keyword: Final evaluation

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A Study on the Practice of Making up Questions on Schools Mathematics Tests (수학과 평가 문항제작의 실제)

  • Jeon, Young-Ju
    • Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.281-297
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    • 2012
  • Mathematics evaluation is aimed at measuring students' mathematical ability to think and achievement. Moreover, the quality of mathematics education at school is elevated by the test questions analysis and application process. And the starting point of evaluation is to make good test questions. This study is composed of four parts. First, theoretical background associated with making test questions is surveyed. Second, example questions according to the education goals and question-making cautions are presented. Third, four practical stages of making test questions which consist of designing, making the first draft of questions, verifying and making the final draft of questions, are illustrated.

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The Influence of SGRs on Self, Peer, and Instructor Evaluation in Higher Education

  • HONG, Seongyoun
    • Educational Technology International
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.97-114
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    • 2008
  • This research has three purposes: The first purpose is to verify whether SGRs(Student-Generated Rubrics) are effective for learner achievement in higher education or not. The second one is to analyze the agreements between an instructor's evaluations and peer group assessments with SGRs in real classroom situation. The final purpose is to propose the possibility of students' more objective self-evaluation with the use of SGRs. It appears that rubrics are effective tools to improve learner achievement in adult education and to promote the agreement between the instructor's and peer's evaluations, even though learners do not develop SGRs. In addition, this research has demonstrated that most students are not very accurate self-assessors, and they often overestimate themselves. This study can be helpful for novice instructors, especially for those who try to assess their students more fairly, to develop the SGRs as an evaluation tool appropriate for their own situation, and to give more reliable feedback to students.

Development, Application and Evaluation of the Evidence-based Nursing Practice Guideline for Hemodialysis in the Patients with Risk of Bleeding (출혈위험이 있는 신부전환자의 혈액투석을 위한 근거중심 간호실무 가이드라인 개발과 적용 및 평가)

  • Kim, Su-Mi
    • The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.150-155
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to develop evidence-based nursing practice guidelines for hemodialysis in the renal failure patients with risk of bleeding and to evaluate the guidelines by applying it to the practice. Method: Referring to the SIGN, the first draft for guidelines was developed based on the advices and recommendations obtained from the procedure of critical literature analysis. Then, the draft was modified by the procedures of the expert group evaluation and pilot application to the practice. The final draft was evaluated by the expert group using AGREE instrument. Result: The first draft of guidelines was developed through 8 stages of process and was evaluated by seven experts in terms of the appropriateness, applicability, and effectiveness using a 9 point scale. The mean score of 11 items was 7.90 or above. The quality of the final draft was evaluated by 5 experts using the AGREE instrument. The mean standard score was 73.0% or above in the 19 items. Conclusion: The clinical guidelines developed by this research can be utilized as systematic and scientific guidelines for hemodialysis in the renal failure patients with risk of bleeding. In addition, the research can contribute to improving care services.

Development and Application of Nursing Service Quality Indicators in Nursing Homes (노인요양시설의 간호서비스 질 평가 지표 개발 및 적용)

  • Chung, Ja-Ne
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.401-413
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    • 2007
  • Purpose: This study was designed to develop Nursing Service Quality Indicators(NSQIs) in nursing homes that would lead to an appropriate evaluation and improvement of nursing service quality. Methods: The preliminary NSQIs were developed through literature reviews and analysis of existing quality indicators. A content validity testing was done twice by using a panel of experts who were from academia and the clinical areas. The final NSQIs were confirmed and applied in three nursing homes to test feasibility. Results: The preliminary NSQIs had 4 domains and 31 indicators. Two content validity testings were performed. The indicators scoring over.80 CVI for each testing were selected and modified by experts' opinions. The final NSQIs consisted of 7 domains and 33 indicators. They were applied in three nursing homes and it was revealed that all the indicators were applicable. Conclusion: In this study, it is shown that this new 'Nursing Service Quality Indicators in Nursing Homes' is suitable for a holistic evaluation of nursing service quality of elderly patients in nursing homes. This NSQIs will be able to provide a basis for establishing nursing care standards and improving the nursing care quality in nursing homes.

Color Prediction of Yarn-dyed Woven Fabrics -Model Evaluation-

  • Chae, Youngjoo;Xin, John;Hua, Tao
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.347-354
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    • 2014
  • The color appearance of a yarn-dyed woven fabric depends on the color of the yarn as well as on the weave structure. Predicting the final color appearance or formulating the recipe is a difficult task, considering the interference of colored yarns and structure variations. In a modern fabric design process, the intended color appearance is attained through a digital color methodology based on numerous color data and color mixing recipes (i.e., color prediction models, accumulated in CAD systems). For successful color reproduction, accurate color prediction models should be devised and equipped for the systems. In this study, the final colors of yarn-dyed woven fabrics were predicted using six geometric-color mixing models (i.e., simple K/S model, log K/S model, D-G model, S-N model, modified S-N model, and W-O model). The color differences between the measured and the predicted colors were calculated to evaluate the accuracy of various color models used for different weave structures. The log K/S model, D-G model, and W-O model were found to be more accurate in color prediction of the woven fabrics used. Among these three models, the W-O model was found to be the best one as it gave the least color difference between the measured and the predicted colors.

Design and Performance Evaluation of an Assemble-To-Order System (주문- 조립시스템의 설계 및 성능평가)

  • 박찬우;이효성
    • Journal of the Korean Operations Research and Management Science Society
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.41-65
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    • 2002
  • We study a multi-component production/inventory system in which individual components are made to meet various demand types. We assume that the demands arrive according to a Poisson process, but there is a fixed probability that a demand requests a particular kit of different components. Each component is produced by a flow line with several stations in which the processing times of each station follow a two-stage Coxian distribution. The production of each component is operated by an independent base-stock policy with blocking. We assume that the time needed to assemble final products follows a general distribution and the capacity of an assembling facility is sufficiently large. The objective of this study is to obtain key performance measures such as the distribution of the number of each orders for each final product and the mean time of fulfilling a customer order. The basic principle of the proposed approximation method is to decompose the original system into a set of subsystems, each subsystem being associated with a flow line. Each subsystem is analyzed in isolation using a Marie's method. An iterative procedure is then used to determine the unknown parameters of each subsystem. Numerical results show that the accuracy of the approximation method is acceptable.

Digital Image Quality Assessment Based on Standard Normal Deviation

  • Park, Hyung-Ju;Har, Dong-Hwan
    • International Journal of Contents
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.20-30
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    • 2015
  • We propose a new method that specifies objective image quality factors by evaluating an image quality measurement model using random images. In other words, No-Reference variables are used to evaluate the quality of an original image without using any reference for comparison. 1000 portrait images were collected from a web gallery with votes constituting over 30 recommendation values. The bottom-up data collecting process was used to calculate the following image quality factors: total range, average, standard deviation, normalized distribution, z-score, preference percentage. A final grade is awarded out of 100 points, and this method ranks and grades the final estimated image quality preference in terms of total image quality factors. The results of the proposed image quality evaluation model consist of the specific dynamic range, skin tone R, G, B, L, A, B, and RSC contrast. We can present the total for the expected preference points as the average of the objective image qualities. Our proposed image quality evaluation model can measure the preferences for an actual image using a statistical analysis. The results indicate that this is a practical image quality measurement model that can extract a subject's preferred image quality.


  • Song, Jung-Kook;Sohn, Byung-Hwa
    • The korean journal of orthodontics
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.271-277
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    • 1985
  • With modification of the acid etch technique and improvements of the physical and mechanical properties of the acrylic resin, the removal of directly bonded attachments and the finishing of the underlying enamel have become an acute clinical problem. This study was to evaluation the efficacy of recently introduced instrumentation and techniques to remove bonded brackets and residual resin, and restore the affected enamel surface to an acceptable clinical condition. Fortyeight premolar which were scheduled for extraction for orthodontic purposes were bonded with brackets using super-C ortho. Four additional premolars with untreated surfaces were used as controls. After one weak the brackets were removed and the residual resin removed by hand scaler, green stone, green rubber wheel, sandpaper disc, tungsten carbide bur, Sof-lex disc. Half the experimental teeth were given a final pumicing and then all were extracted and stored in 50 percent ethanol. The scanning electron microscopy was used to evaluated the enamel surface. Following results were obtained; 1. A satisfactory result was obtained by means of the Sof-lex disc. 2. The order of the scratch formation was the procedure using hand scaler, green atone, tungsten carbide bur, sandpaper disc, green rubber wheel, and Sof-lex disc. 3. The procedures using green stone and tungsten carbide bur showed many groove formations and the other procedures showed none. 4. final pumicing serves effectively to remove residual adhesive and restore the enamel surface.

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An Analysis of the Determinants of the Commercial Airline Pilot Competencies during the Transition Course (민간 조종사 전환과정 중 조종역량 결정요인 분석)

  • Jung, Jin-Yong;Song, Woon-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.69-81
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    • 2020
  • Since airline safety depends significantly on the role of pilot, the importance of airlines' training qualified pilots and investing in the training program grows. This study aims to analyze the determinants of the commercial airline pilot competencies during the transition course. To this purpose, one-year training evaluation results of 215 new airline pilots in the JET transition course of Company K in 2019 are studied with correlation coefficient analysis, factor analysis, ANOVA, and regression analysis. Undergraduate major and Uljin-trained pilots show higher final-stage scores in PROC, AUTO, and CRM. Due to Uljin-trained pilots' higher first-stage scores, their score increase during the course is limited. Uljin-trained pilots' MANUAL scores in the final stage are lower than those of undergraduate major and overseas-trained pilots. Influence of trained location is found greater than English competency, undergraduate GPA, and ground school scores on commercial airline pilot competency evaluation scores during the program. The results will be useful in establishing scenario-based training focusing on different background to apply competency-based training and assessment.

A Study on the Development of a MOOC Design Model

  • LEE, Gayoung;KEUM, Sunyoung;KIM, Myungsun;CHOI, Yoomi;RHA, Ilju
    • Educational Technology International
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.1-37
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study was to develop a MOOC design model that would improve the current practice of MOOC development in Korea by specifying easy-to-use course development procedures and guiding strategies. Following Richey and Klein (2007)'s conceptual model development procedure, the first step was to perform critical review of relevant literature and observe typical MOOC development processes. As a result, the initial model was developed. The second step was to conduct the expert review with five educational technology and MOOC researchers to secure the internal validity of the model. Based on the experts' suggestions, the model was revised and once again reviewed by the same experts. This process resulted in the development of the 2nd version of model. The third step was to carry out external validation research in order to test the effectiveness, efficiency, and usability of the model. A basic model may be confirmed or corrected based on examination of its results. Consequently, the model was elaborated as the final model. In the final model, 6 procedural phases and 9 specific steps were included. The six procedural phases are: Analysis (1st Iteration), Design, Development (Course Development), Implementation, Evaluation, and Analysis (2nd Iteration), a slight variation of ADDIE model. The specific steps include: 1) Goal Setting, 2) Environment Analysis, 3) Content Design, 4) Style Design, 5) Course Development, 6) Implementation Plan, 7) Course Implementation, 8) Summative Evaluation, and 9) Need Reflection. The study concluded with suggestions for further research and application of the MOOC design model.