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Phototoxicity Evaluation of Pharmaceutical Substances with a Reactive Oxygen Species Assay Using Ultraviolet A

  • Lee, Yong Sun;Yi, Jung-Sun;Lim, Hye Rim;Kim, Tae Sung;Ahn, Il Young;Ko, Kyungyuk;Kim, JooHwan;Park, Hye-Kyung;Sohn, Soo Jung;Lee, Jong Kwon
    • Toxicological Research
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.43-48
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    • 2017
  • With ultraviolet and visible light exposure, some pharmaceutical substances applied systemically or topically may cause phototoxic skin irritation. The major factor in phototoxicity is the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) such as singlet oxygen and superoxide anion that cause oxidative damage to DNA, lipids and proteins. Thus, measuring the generation of ROS can predict the phototoxic potential of a given substance indirectly. For this reason, a standard ROS assay (ROS assay) was developed and validated and provides an alternative method for phototoxicity evaluation. However, negative substances are over-predicted by the assay. Except for ultraviolet A (UVA), other UV ranges are not a major factor in causing phototoxicity and may lead to incorrect labeling of some non-phototoxic substances as being phototoxic in the ROS assay when using a solar simulator. A UVA stimulator is also widely used to evaluate phototoxicity in various test substances. Consequently, we identified the applicability of a UVA simulator to the ROS assay for photoreactivity. In this study, we tested 60 pharmaceutical substances including 50 phototoxins and 10 non-phototoxins to predict their phototoxic potential via the ROS assay with a UVA simulator. Following the ROS protocol, all test substances were dissolved in dimethyl sulfoxide or sodium phosphate buffer. The final concentration of the test solutions in the reaction mixture was 20 to 200μM. The exposure was with 2.02.2mW/cm2 irradiance and optimization for a relevant dose of UVA was performed. The generation of ROS was compared before and after UVA exposure and was measured by a microplate spectrophotometer. Sensitivity and specificity values were 85.7% and 100.0% respectively, and the accuracy was 88.1%. From this analysis, the ROS assay with a UVA simulator is suitable for testing the photoreactivity and estimating the phototoxic potential of various test pharmaceutical substances.

An Evaluation of Learning Community by using CIPP model: Focused on the case of a tutoring program in the university (CIPP모형을 활용한 학습공동체 평가: 대학 튜터링 프로그램 사례를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Mijin;Lee, Jung-A
    • Asia-pacific Journal of Multimedia Services Convergent with Art, Humanities, and Sociology
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    • v.7 no.5
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    • pp.369-379
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study was to improve an university tutoring program qualitatively, evaluating and analyzing the case of tutoring program that students attended in order to strengthen their learning competences through CIPP(Context-Input-Process-Product). To do this, a tutoring survey with satisfaction survey was carried out for 90 students who participated in the final reporting meeting among those who joined the tutoring program at the second semester of 2016 year at the B university. In addition, a tutor interim checking workshop was held for the 49 tutors and qualitative analyses were carried out on the reflection papers submitted by students who were involved in the tutoring program. Tutoring program assessments were carried out in terms of several steps and their view points. They were the necessity of tutoring program for the context evaluation, the appropriacy of human-material resources and program planning for the input evaluation, the teaching and learning activity for the process evaluation and the influence, effectiveness, sustainability, transferability for the product evaluation. Survey results showed that the average scores were presented 4.05 for the context evaluation, 3.88 for the input evaluation, 4.08 for the process evaluation and 3.92 for the product evaluation respectively. Similar analysis results were represented from the tutor workshops and the reflection paper analysis results. Learners were satisfied with all the evaluation items, scoring more than the average level. However, it was necessary for the evaluation items that were rated low range to improve the program through detail modification plans.

The Effects of Price Salience on Consumer Perception and Purchase Intentions (개격현저대소비자감지화구매의도적영향(价格显著对消费者感知和购买意图的影响))

  • Martin-Consuegea, David;Millan, Angel;Diaz, Estrella;Ko, Eun-Ju
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.149-163
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    • 2010
  • Previous studies have shown that retail price promotion change consumers' purchase behavior and that retailers use price promotion more frequently. Keeping constant the benefits received by consumers, there are several ways for retailers to communicate a price promotion. For example, retailers can present a price reduction in absolute terms ($, \euro), percentage terms (%), or some combinations of these two methods (Della Bitta et al. 1981). Communicating a price promotion in different ways is similar to the framing of purchase decisions (Monroe 1990). Framing effects refers to the finding that subjects respond differently to different descriptions of the same decision question (Frisch 1993). Thus, the presentation of the promotion has an impact on consumer deal evaluation and hence retail sales. In fact, much research in marketing attests to the effects of price presentation on deal perception (Lichtenstein and Bearden 1989; Urbany et al. 1988; Yadav and Monroe 1993). In this sense, a number of marketing researches have argued that deal perceptions are also determined by the degree to which consumers are able to calculate the discounts and final purchase prices accurately (Estelami 2003a; Morwitz et al. 1998), which suggests that marketers may be able to enhance responses to discounts by improving calculation accuracy. Consequently, since calculation inaccuracies in the aggregate lead to the underestimation of discounts (Kim and Kramer 2006), consumers are more likely to appreciate a discounted offer following deeper processing of price information that enables them to evaluate a price discount more accurately. The purpose of this research is to examine the effect of different presentations of discount prices on consumer price perceptions. To be more precise, the purpose of this study is to investigate how different implementations of the same price promotion (semantic and visual salience) affect consumers' perceptions of the promotion and their purchase decisions. Specifically, the analysis will focus on the effect of price presentation on evaluation, purchase intentions and perception of savings. In order to verify the hypotheses proposed in the research, this paper will present an experimental analysis dealing with several discount presentations. In this sense, a2 (Numerical salience presentation: absolute and relative) x2 (Worded salience presentation: novel and traditional) x2 (Visual salience: red and blue) design was employed to investigate the effects of discount presentation on three dependent variables: evaluation, purchase intentions and perception of savings. Respondents were exposed to a hypothetical advertisement that they had to evaluate and were informed of the offer conditions. Once the sample finished evaluating the advertisement, they answered a questionnaire related to price salience and dependent dimensions. Then, manipulation checks were conducted to ensure that respondents remembered their treatment conditions. Next, a 2×2×2 MANOVA and follow-up univariate tests were conducted to verify the research hypotheses suggested and to examine the effects of the individual factors (price salience) on evaluation, purchase intentions and perceived savings. The results of this research show that semantic and visual salience presentations have significant main effects and interactions on evaluation, purchase intentions and perception of savings. Significant numerical salience interactions affected evaluation and purchase intentions. Additionally, a significant worded salience main effect on perception of savings and interactions on evaluation and purchase intentions were found. Finally, visual salience interactions have significant effects on evaluation. The main findings of this research suggest practical implications that firms should consider when planning promotion-based discounts to attract consumer attention. Consequently, because price presentation has important effects on consumer perception, retailers should consider which effect is wanted in order to design an effective discount presentaion. Specifically, retailers should present discounts with a traditional style that facilitates final price calculation. It is thus important to investigate ways in which marketers can enhance the accuracy of consumers' mental arithmetic to improve responses to price discounts. This preliminary study on the effect of price presentation on consumer perception and purchase intentions opens the line of research for further research. The results obtained in this research may have been determined by a number of limiting conceptual and methodological factors. In this sense, the research deals with a variety of discount presentations as well as with their effects; however, the analysis could include additional salience dimensions and effects on consumers. Furthermore, a similar study could be carried out including a larger, more inclusive and heterogeneous sample of consumers. In addition, the experiment did not require sample individuals to actually buy the product, so it is advisable to compare the effects obtained in the research with real consumer behavior and perception.

Development of analytical method for Isotianil in agricultural commodities using GC-NPD and GC-MSD (GC-NPD와 GC-MSD를 이용한 농산물 중 Isotianil의 공정분석법 개발)

  • Do, Jung-Ah;Lee, Mi-Young;Kang, Il-Hyun;Kwon, Kisung;Oh, Jae-Ho
    • Analytical Science and Technology
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    • v.25 no.6
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    • pp.364-369
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    • 2012
  • Isotianil is a novel fungicide which induces systemic acquired resistance in plants. It has excellent preventive effects as low dosages against rice blast which is one of the most serious diseases in rice. The Maximum Residue Limit (MRL) of Isotianil in republic of korea was set to 0.1 mg/kg in rice, so it is necessary to determine levels of Isotianil residues in agricultural commodities for controlling food safety. Therefore, The purpose of this study was to develop analytical method for the determination of isotiical residues in agricultural commodities using GC-NPD/MSD. Isotianil was extracted with acetonitrile from apple, chinese cabbage, hulled rice, mandarin, pepper, and soybean. The extract was diluted with saline water, and then dichloromethane partition was followed to recover this fungcide from the aqueous phase. A solid phase extraction with Florisil cartridge was additionally employed for final clean up. Isotianil was analyzed and quantitated by GC-NPD and confirmed by GC-MSD. Average recovery of Isotianil ranged from 70.0 to 103.9% in six representative agricultural commodities with relative standard deviations less than 10%, and limit of quantification (LOQ) was 0.05 mg/kg.

Development of Management Guidelines and Procedure for Anthropometric Suitability Assessment: Control Room Design Factors in Nuclear Power Plants

  • Lee, Kyung-Sun;Lee, Yong-Hee
    • Journal of the Ergonomics Society of Korea
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.29-43
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    • 2015
  • Objective: The aim of this study is to develop management guidelines and a procedure for an anthropometric suitability assessment of the main control room (MCR) in nuclear power plants (NPPs). Background: The condition of the MCR should be suitable for the work crews in NPPs. The suitability of the MCR depends closely on the anthropometric dimensions and ergonomic factors of the users. In particular, the MCR workspace design in NPPs is important due to the close relationship with operating crews and their work failures. Many documents and criteria have recommended that anthropometry dimensions and their studies are one of the foremost processes of the MCR design in NPPs. If these factors are not properly considered, users can feel burdened about their work and the human errors that might occur. Method: The procedure for the anthropometric suitability assessment consists of 5 phases: 1) selection of the anthropometric suitability evaluation dimensions, 2) establishment of a measurement method according to the evaluation dimensions, 3) establishment of criteria for suitability evaluation dimensions, 4) establishment of rating scale and improvement methods according to the evaluation dimensions, and 5) assessment of the final grade for evaluation dimensions. The management guidelines for an anthropometric suitability assessment were completed using 10 factors: 1) director, 2) subject, 3) evaluation period, 4) measurement method and criteria, 5) selection of equipment, 6) measurement and evaluation, 7) suitability evaluation, 8) data sharing, 9) data storage, and 10) management according to the suitability grade. Results: We propose a set of 17 anthropometric dimensions for the size, cognition/perception action/behavior, and their relationships with human errors regarding the MCR design variables through a case study. The 17 selected dimensions are height, sitting height, eye height from floor, eye height above seat, arm length, functional reach, extended functional reach, radius reach, visual field, peripheral perception, hyperopia/myopia/astigmatism, color blindness, auditory acuity, finger dexterity, hand function, body angle, and manual muscle test. We proposed criteria on these 17 anthropometric dimensions for a suitability evaluation and suggested an improvement method according to the evaluation dimensions. Conclusion: The results of this study can improve the human performance of the crew in an MCR. These management guidelines and a procedure for an anthropometric suitability assessment will be able to prevent human errors due to inadequate anthropometric dimensions. Application: The proposed set of anthropometric dimensions can be integrated into a managerial index for the anthropometric suitability of the operating crews for more careful countermeasures to human errors in NPPs.

Validity and reliability of a Korean version of the wellness evaluation of lifestyle (K-WEL) (한국형 웰니스 생활양식 측정도구 (K-WEL)의 타당도와 신뢰도 검증)

  • Kim, Hee Sook;Song, Yeonungsuk;Kwon, So-Hi
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.1609-1619
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    • 2016
  • The aim of this study was to identify the construct validity and reliability of a Korean version of the Wellness Evaluation of Lifestyle (K-WEL). A total of 345 nursing students completed the 99-item K-WEL. Construct validity using exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis were conducted using SPSS WIN 22.0 and AMOS 18.0. The final K-WEL consisted of 71 scored items, 14 subscales (self worth, work, spirituality, gender identity, love, friendship, realistic belief, leisure, exercise, nutrition, stress management, emotional responsiveness, sense of control, sense of humor) and 4 factors (essential, social, physical and coping self). Goodness of fit of the final research model was acceptable as shown by χ2=225.12, p<.001, CMIN/DF=3.17, RMSEA=.08, NFI=.87, IFI=.91, CFI=.91. The convergent validity and discriminant validity was evaluated by AVE (.61~.69) and C.R. (.79~.89). The Cronbach's alpha values were .55~.87 for the subscales of K-WEL. This study shows that the K-WEL is a valid and reliable measurement to assess multidimensional aspects of wellness.

Improvement of the Checklist for Residential Housing's Crime Prevention Accreditation Assessment (주거시설에 대한 CPTED 평가인증 기준 개선방안 연구)

  • Park, Hyeon-Ho;Kim, Kang-Il;Cho, Joon-Tag
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.55
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    • pp.117-141
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    • 2018
  • Police crime statistics report that residential housing such as apartment, low rise, detached houses is the second most vulnerable to crime, which is closely followed by the number of street crimes. Also residential houses are often exposed to quality-of-life crime, e.g burglary. It threatens the basic human rights of house residents in terms of safety and comfort within the urban living environment. This study examines related precedent studies regarding the vulnerability of residential housing including studios, multi-family housing from the viewpoint of crime prevention through environment design(CPTED), extracted the elements and items suitable for the safety of residential facilities and the certification evaluation indicators and check items to be the basis for the checklist are derived. Based on these evaluation indicators and inspection items, we conducted on-site surveys of residential facilities in three areas of Seoul, Yongin and Asan, and the final draft of the checklist was revised based on the results of the field survey. There are 43 items on the 7 fields of evaluation in the final version of checklist, 11 items in the management and operation, 20 items in the surveillance, 7 items in the access control, 1 item in the territoriality, 2 items in the activity support, and 2 items in the security and safety facilities. In addition, various points of interest were added to allow the administrator of the residential facility to earn points for special measures taken for safety. This checklist can be appropriately modified and utilized in consideration of the characteristics of each facility. Korean national police agency has CPOs to check the residential facilities in their jurisdiction using checklists and to certify excellent facilities with high level of safety.

Locational Decision of the Viewpoint Using GIS and Space Syntax (공간구문론과 GIS를 이용한 조망점 위치결정)

  • Choi, Chul-Hyun;Jung, Sung-Kwan;Lee, Woo-Sung
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.53-68
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    • 2011
  • A selection of viewpoint is a first priority for landscape evaluation. However, it has been artificially carried out by a subjective method without of criterion. Therefore, this study proposed the objective and quantitative viewpoint selection methods using space syntax and GIS. For this, the study area on samduk3 residential improvement district located at Daegu city was divided into 24 sectors of visibility zone by distance and direction. After that, the preliminary viewpoints equally distributed in space were selected by axial map analysis of space syntax and viewshed-frequency analysis of GIS. According to the result of selection of the final viewpoints using the VEI(Viewpoint Evaluation Index), all the final viewpoints were placed in the National Debt Repayment Movement; VEI value of VP-2 was 112.63 in the foreground, VP-10 was 18.31 in the middleground and VP-18 was 5.55 in the background. Selected viewpoints were verified as a big changing of landscape variation and high chance of view such as the public area, the park and the high-density residential area. Thus, VEI will be used as a quantitative method of selecting viewpoints and it is expected to be able to use as the objective indicator.

Devalopment of Evaluation Scale according to Major Selection Attributes of Culinary Major (조리전공 대학생의 전공선택속성에 따른 평가척도 개발)

  • Yang, Hyun-Kyo;Koo, Kyung-Won
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.19 no.10
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    • pp.397-406
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to develop the evaluation scale according to the major selection attribute of culinary major students. For the scale development, 69 items were extracted through theoretical review. After that, a survey was conducted on 73 students who are currently studying culinary majors, and two culinary majors and three culinary major professors conducted in-depth analysis and refining. The questionnaire was conducted from March 18 to March 27, 2019, and the second expert group survey was conducted from August 19 to August 31, 2019 based on Kendall's W-validated mean and standard deviation. The results of this study are as follows. First, 46 properties were derived from the first expert group survey. Second, six factors and 32 attributes were derived through consultation with the second and third expert groups. Thirdly, through the verification of Kendall's W attributes of 32 six factors, verification of consensus on the importance of experts was made, and the final four factors (individual factors, occupational factors, major characteristics factors, and university-related factors) were derived. It was. The results of this study suggest that the final composition of the culinary major selection attribute is expected to contribute enough to increase student satisfaction, school loyalty, and enrollment rate of students through the measurement scale to grasp the competitiveness of the culinary major.

Development Entrepreneurship Teaching and Learning Model for Secondary Career Education: Applying Design-Based Research (중등 진로교육을 위한 기업가정신 교수학습 모형 개발: 설계기반연구를 적용하여)

  • Jiyeon Lee
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.45-59
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    • 2024
  • Based on the OECD learning compass 2030, which presented the competencies required for students to live in an uncertain future, this study developed an entrepreneurship teaching and learning model for secondary career education by applying design-based research. Due to the limitations of the paper, this study did not cover the entire research procedure of design-based research in detail, mainly dealt with the model's expert validation and career teacher usability evaluation, and developed the final entrepreneurship teaching and learning model by reflecting the opinions of experts and career teachers. To validate the redesigned teaching and learning model, a review was conducted with eight experts, and it was confirmed that the model was valid in all areas of validity, explanatory power, usefulness, universality, and understanding. In addition, in the usability evaluation conducted on 10 career teachers, the CVR value was 1.00 in all areas corresponding to usability, detailed procedure, and intention to use, confirming that the teaching and learning model was helpful in the progress of entrepreneurship classes. The final teaching and learning model was developed by reflecting the improvements that appeared in the expert validation and usability evaluation, and the name of the model was expressed as 'DIA' using the preceding letters of the entrepreneurial method consisting of steps such as Discover, Imagine, and Act. In addition, the name DIA simultaneously contains the meaning of education for students to learn how to discover their own diamonds in life. This study is meaningful in that it presented a specific entrepreneurship teaching and learning model applicable to career education and systematic model development and verification at the pedagogical level by incorporating model development research methods in the field of education into entrepreneurship education research.

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