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A Study on Relative Comparison of R&D Performance Using ANP Model (ANP 모델을 이용한 연구개발 성과의 상대적 비교에 대한 연구)

  • Jung, Uk
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.89-96
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    • 2010
  • This study explores the application of the analytic network process (ANP) approach for the evaluation of R&D projects with heterogeneous objectives. The ANP model in this study produced the final priorities of projects with respect to several performance measures when there are interdependencies between research objectives and performance measures. The paper provides value to practitioners by providing a generic model for R&D project evaluation. The ANP approach is tested against empirical data drawn from fourteen R&D projects under six different objective programs sponsored by the Korean government.

Physical Model Investigation of a Compact Waste Water Pumping Station

  • Kirst, Kilian;Hellmann, D.H.;Kothe, Bernd;Springer, Peer
    • International Journal of Fluid Machinery and Systems
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    • v.3 no.4
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    • pp.285-291
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    • 2010
  • To provide required flow rates of cooling or circulating water properly, approach flow conditions of vertical pump systems should be in compliance with state of the art acceptance criteria. The direct inflow should be vortex free, with low pre-rotation and symmetric velocity distribution. Physical model investigations are common practice and the best tool of prediction to evaluate, to optimize and to document flow conditions inside intake structures for vertical pumping systems. Optimization steps should be accomplished with respect to installation costs and complexity on site. The report shows evaluation of various approach flow conditions inside a compact waste water pumping station. The focus is on the occurrence of free surface vortices and the evaluation of air entrainment for various water level and flow rates. The presentation of the results includes the description of the investigated intake structure, occurring flow problems and final recommendations.

The Clothing Purchasing Behavior of Adolescent groups according to Shopping Orientation (의복쇼핑성향에 따른 청소년집단들의 의복구매행동)

  • 손민석;박혜선
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.25 no.6
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    • pp.1179-1190
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study was to segment adolescents according to shopping orientation and to clarify the different clothing behaviors among the segmented groups. The results may be useful for the marketer whose target is adolescents to make proper marketing strategies. The subjects for the final analysis were 436 adolescents who were living in Seoul and Pusan. The statistics used for analysis included factor analysis, cluster analysis, Cronbach α, one-way ANOVA, Dancan multiple range test and chi-square using the SPSS program. The results were as follows. Adolescents were segmented to 4 groups(Shop Loyalty/Convenience Pursuit Group, Pleasure/Brand Loyalty Group, Low Shopping Involvement Group and Economic Group). And the four segmented groups were significantly different in clothing purchasing motives, clothing evaluation standards, shop evaluation standards, information preference and demographic variables such as sex, and monthly spending money.

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FlappyBird Competition System: A Competition-Based Assessment System for AI Course (FlappyBird Competition System: 인공지능 수업의 경쟁 기반 평가 시스템의 구현)

  • Sohn, Eisung;Kim, Jaekyung
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.593-600
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    • 2021
  • In this paper, we present the FlappyBird Competition System (FCS) implementation, a competition-based automated assessment system used in an entry-level artificial intelligence (AI) course at a university. The proposed system provides an evaluation method suitable for AI courses while taking advantage of automated assessment methods. Students are to design a neural network structure, train the weights, and tune hyperparameters using the given reinforcement learning code to improve the overall performance of game AI. Students participate using the resulting trained model during the competition, and the system automatically calculates the final score based on the ranking. The user evaluation conducted after the semester ends shows that our competition-based automated assessment system promotes active participation and inspires students to be interested and motivated to learn AI. Using FCS, the instructor significantly reduces the amount of time required for assessment.

The Effects of Teamwork and Peer Learning on Academic Achievement in Physics Class at Junior College (팀워크와 동료학습이 전문대학 물리학 수업의 학업성취도에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Mi-ra;Cho, Young
    • Journal of Engineering Education Research
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.68-76
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    • 2020
  • This study presents a teaching model to increase the participation and interest, and to improve their understanding of physical concepts of first-year engineering students taking physics(2) course at a three-year college. In the class, a team task solution based on teamwork and a peer learning method through questions and answers between participants in each team were applied so that learners could actively participate in the class to discuss and present. We examined how the activities of each team affected students' interest in subjects, motivation to learn, and the degree of understanding of physical concepts. In the team activity, students were able to actively participate through emotional sharing between learners and free questions and explanations, and it was confirmed that academic achievement was improved by comparing the final exam evaluation results with the evaluation results of the previous three years.

A Proposed Framework for Evaluating the Return on Investment of E-Learning Programs at Saudi Universities

  • Hanaa Yamani
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.39-46
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study is to introduce a proposed Framework for Evaluating the Return on Investment (ROI) of E-Learning Programs at Saudi Universities. To achieve this goal, the descriptive analysis methodology is used to analyze the literature review about e-learning and its evaluation from different viewpoints, especially from the ROI-related perspective. As well as the literature reviews related to ROI and the methods of calculating it inside society institutes. This study suggests a conceptual framework for evaluating the ROI of E-Learning Programs at Saudi Universities. This framework is based on the merging process among the analyze, design, develop, implement, and evaluate (ADDIE) model for designing e-learning programs, which gives detailed procedures for executing the program, several evaluating models for e-learning, and the Kirkpatrick model for evaluating the ROI of e-learning. It consists of seven stages (analysis, calculating the costs, design, development, implementation, calculation of the benefits, and calculation of the final ROI).

Experimental Evaluation of the Seismic Performance and Engineering Damage State of Reinforced Concrete Columns (철근콘크리트 기둥의 내진성능 및 공학적 손상상태에 대한 실험적 평가)

  • Lee, Do Hyung
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.119-127
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    • 2023
  • In this paper, seismic performance evaluation was carried out for eight circular reinforced concrete columns designed seismically by KRTA[1]and KCI[8]. Primary design parameters for such columns included many longitudinal reinforcements, yield strength of reinforcements, the vertical spacing of spirals, aspect ratio, and axial force ratio. The test results showed that all the columns exhibited stable hysteretic and inelastic responses. Based on the test results, drift ratios corresponding to each damage state, such as initial yielding, initial cover spalling, initial core concrete crushing, buckling, and fracture of longitudinal reinforcement and final spalled region, were evaluated. Then, those ratios were compared with widely accepted damage limit states. The comparison revealed that the existing damage states were considerably conservative. This implies that additional research is required for the damage limit states of such columns designed seismically by current Korean design codes.

Establishing Evaluation Indicator for Agricultural Utilization of Idle Farmlands and Field Application (유휴농지 농업적 활용 평가지표 설정 및 현장적용)

  • Kim, Kyoung-Chan;Park, Chang-Won;Cho, Seok-Ho;Choi, Jin-Gyu;Yoon, Seong-Soo;Son, Yong-Hoon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.127-137
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    • 2014
  • Self-sufficiency rate of food in South Korea is almost at the lowest level among OECD countries, and the decrease tend of farmland is expected to be continued. In this situation, the government has been revised the target self-sufficiency rate of food, and carried forward various policies in order to achieve it. One of those policies is the restoration business of idle farmland which is planned to carry forward after 2015. This study set up indicators evaluating effective use of idle farmland, and tried to apply in the field before carrying forward restoration business. The result of this study may be summarized as follows. First of all, it reset an evaluation indicator that was based on the evaluation indicator developed in order to set application directions of idle farmland. Next, it selected 30 idle farmlands with reset evaluation indicator among 11,635 which were inspected nationwide in 2012. Before applying indicator, it measured the condition of recycling such as accessibility of farmland, condition of irrigation and drainage system, land state, and surroundings by field investigation. Then, it calculated composite score in each target area through applying indicators, and verified the indicator by comparing calculated result with the one which was decided from field investigation. Finally, it carried out field investigation, correct and upgrade some problems of the standard of score calculation that was found during applying previously set evaluation indicator to target area, and established the final standard of calculation for evaluation indicator.

A Study on the Outcomes Measurement of a Public Library's Reading Program for Children Using the Evaluation Framework Based-on the Logic Model (로직모델 기반 평가 프레임워크를 이용한 공공도서관 어린이 독서 프로그램 성과 측정 연구)

  • Han, Sang Woo;Park, Sung Jae
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.271-286
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to measure the outcomes of a program provided by a public library using the evaluation framework based on Logic Model. A reading program for children which was operated by a public library in Seoul was selected. The outcome evaluation was started with the analysis of the reading program process including planning, operation, and evaluation. Based on the analysis, a logic model framework for outcome evaluation was developed. For evaluation, user, bibliography, and circulation data were collected from the library KOLAS system. Additionally, the participant information were extracted from the final report drafted after the program. The research results show that the number of circulation of program participants was increased after the program. In addition, the range of reading topic was expanded. These findings indicate that the reading program is an effective program for promoting children's reading habit and that outcome evaluation might be a valid tool to measure the effectiveness of public library programs.

Resources Evaluation System for Rural Planning Purposes( I ) - Formulation of Goal System for Resource Evaluation - (농촌계획지원용 지역자원평가시스템 구축(I) - 자원평가 구성요소의 목표체계 구축 -)

  • 최수명;황한철
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.54-67
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    • 1997
  • Korean societies have been experiencing the wholesale structural changes in the rapid currents of recent openness, globalization and democratization, which effect much more heavily in rural areas than in urban areas, so rural recomposition works being an important national concern. In order to systematically reconstruct the rural structure, the decision makers, with a four step hierarchy of rural resident-residents group-community-region, should be endowed with the objective judgement on basic elements of resource potentialities under their control. In this process. rational resource evaluation works would be firstly necessiated from expert groups. Based on the view mentioned above, this study principally aimed at developing a rational evaluation framework for rural resources. For that objective, the first step of the study pigeonholed the total resources items identifiable in rural areas from the existing study results, spatial planning and field surveying data. After then, using the formalized classification criteria of resources items, a tentative goal system for rural resources evaluation was proposed and the final one determined through expert-group checking. The results obtained during the study are summarized as follows ; 1. Using the existing examples of resources identification/classification and the basic data list for county-level development planning as the principal reference ones, total rural resources elements were classified into 3 constituent units : land, natural environment and human resources, which correspond to places to work, to play and to live, respectively, as 3 constituent ones of life-supporting space. 2. Three characteristic areal types were adopted to represent the total rural areas : lowland, upland and seashore areas, and also 3 practical use types to represent the objectives of resources evaluation systems : for land use planning, natural conservation policy and village improvement planning. Thus 9 different types of goal system for resources evaluation were developed(each system by 3 areal typesX3 practical use types) 3. Each goal system has 3-tier classification steps from the higher, middle and lower one. The higher and middle steps should contain equally applicable components to all the rural areas, of which allowable number being around 3 and 4 respectively. However the lower step would contain detailed sub-components changeable to areal characteristics of which allowable number being around 7.

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