• Title/Summary/Keyword: Final evaluation

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A Study on Establishing a Standardized Process for the Development and Management of Food Safety Health Indicators in Korea (우리나라 식품안전보건지표의 개발 및 운용과정 정립에 대한 연구)

  • Byun, Garam;Choi, Giehae;Lee, Jong-Tae
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.217-226
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    • 2015
  • This study was conducted to establish a standardized process for developing food safety health indicators. With this aim, we proposed a standardized process, accessed the validity of the suggested process by performing simulations, and provided a method to utilize the indicators. Developing process for domestic environmental health indicators was benchmarked to propose a standardized process for developing food safety health indicators, and DPSEEA framework was applied to the development of indicators. The suggested standardized process consists of an exploitation stage and a management stage. In the exploitation stage, a total of 6 procedures (initial indicators suggestion, candidate indicators selection, data availability assessment, feasibility assessment, pilot study, and final indicator selection) are conducted, and the indicators are routinely calculated and officially announced in the management stage. The exploitation stage is operated by an interaction between a task force team who manages the overall process, and an advisory committee (minimum of 4 in academia, 2 in research, 4 in specialists of Ministry of Food and Drug Safety) who reviews and performs evaluations on the indicators. The standardized process was simulated with 45 initial indicators, and total of 4 indicators (17 detailed indicators) were selected: 'Proportion of domestic fruit/vegetable receiving 'acceptable' in the evaluation of pesticide/herbicide residues', 'Food-borne disease outbreaks', 'Food-borne legal infectious disease incidence', 'Salmonellosis incidence'. Synthetic food safety health index was derived by calculating percent difference with the data from 2010 to 2012. Results showed that when comparing the year 2010 to 2011, and 2011 to 2012, the overall food safety status improved by 10.37% and 9.87%, respectively. In addition, the contribution of indicators to the overall food safety status can be determined by looking into the individual indicators, and the synthetic index may be illustrated to enhance the ease of interpretation to the public and policy makers. In overall, food health safety indicators can be useful in many ways and therefore, attention should be drawn to conduct further studies and establish related legislations.

The Analysis for Minimum Infective Dose of Foodborne Disease Pathogens by Meta-analysis (메타분석에 의한 식중독 원인 미생물들의 최소감염량 분석)

  • Park, Myoung Su;Cho, June Ill;Lee, Soon Ho;Bahk, Gyung Jin
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.305-311
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    • 2014
  • Minimum infective dose (MID) data has been recognized as an important and absolutely needed in quantitative microbiological assessment (QMRA). In this study, we performed a comprehensive literature review and meta-analysis to better quantify this association. The meta-analysis applied a final selection of 82 published papers for total 12 species foodborne disease pathogens (bacteria 9, virus 2, and parasite 1 species) which were identified and classified based on the dose-response models related to QMRA studies from PubMed, ScienceDirect database and internet websites during 1980-2012. The main search keywords used the combination "food", "foodborne disease pathogen", "minimum infective dose", and "quantitative microbiological risk assessment". The appropriate minimum infective dose for B. cereus, C. jejuni, Cl. perfringens, Pathogenic E. coli (EHEC, ETEC, EPEC, EIEC), L. monocytogenes, Salmonella spp., Shigella spp., S. aureus, V. parahaemolyticus, Hepatitis A virus, Noro virus, and C. pavum were 105cells/g (fi = 0.32), 500 cells/g (fi = 0.57), 107cells/g (fi = 0.56), 10 cells/g (fi = 0.47) / 108cells/g (fi = 0.71) / 106cells/g (fi = 0.70) / 106cells/g (fi = 0.60), 102103cells/g (fi = 0.23), 10 cells/g (fi = 0.30), 100 cells/g (fi = 0.32), 105cells/g (fi = 0.45), 106cells/g (fi = 0.64), 10102particles/g (fi = 0.33), 10 particles/g (fi = 0.71), and 10102oocyst/g (fi = 0.33), respectively. Therefore, these results provide the preliminary data necessary for the development of foodborne pathogens QMRA.

A Study on Dose-Response Models for Foodborne Disease Pathogens (주요 식중독 원인 미생물들에 대한 용량-반응 모델 연구)

  • Park, Myoung Su;Cho, June Ill;Lee, Soon Ho;Bahk, Gyung Jin
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.299-304
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    • 2014
  • The dose-response models are important for the quantitative microbiological risk assessment (QMRA) because they would enable prediction of infection risk to humans from foodborne pathogens. In this study, we performed a comprehensive literature review and meta-analysis to better quantify this association. The meta-analysis applied a final selection of 193 published papers for total 43 species foodborne disease pathogens (bacteria 26, virus 9, and parasite 8 species) which were identified and classified based on the dose-response models related to QMRA studies from PubMed, ScienceDirect database and internet websites during 1980-2012. The main search keywords used the combination "food", "foodborne disease pathogen", "dose-response model", and "quantitative microbiological risk assessment". The appropriate dose-response models for Campylobacter jejuni, pathogenic E. coli O157:H7 (EHEC / EPEC / ETEC), Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella spp., Shigella spp., Staphylococcus aureus, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Vibrio cholera, Rota virus, and Cryptosporidium pavum were beta-poisson (α=0.15, β=7.59, fi = 0.72), beta-poisson (α=0.49, β=1.81×105, fi = 0.67) / beta-poisson (α=0.22, β=8.70×103, fi = 0.40) / beta-poisson (α=0.18, β=8.60×107, fi = 0.60), exponential (r=1.18×1010, fi = 0.14), beta-poisson (α=0.11, β=6,097, fi = 0.09), beta-poisson (α=0.21, β=1,120, fi = 0.15), exponential (r=7.64×108, fi = 1.00), betapoisson (α=0.17, β=1.18×105, fi = 1.00), beta-poisson (α=0.25, β=16.2, fi = 0.57), exponential (r=1.73×102, fi = 1.00), and exponential (r=1.73×102, fi = 0.17), respectively. Therefore, these results provide the preliminary data necessary for the development of foodborne pathogens QMRA.

The Effect of Percutaneous Bilateral Metalic Stent for Hilar Cholangiocarcinoma (간문부 담관암 환자에서 경피경관 양측성 금속 배액관의 효과)

  • Kim, Kum-Rae;Kim, Joo-Hyung;Park, Won-Kyu;Jang, Jay-Chun;Cho, Jae-Ho;Kim, Tae-Nyen;Kim, Jun-Hwan;Jang, Byeng-Ik
    • Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.211-220
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    • 2005
  • Background: The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of a percutaneously placed self-expanding metallic stent for the relief of biliary obstruction in patients with hilar cholangiocarcinoma. Materials and Methods: From November 2001 to December 2004, 48 patients with hilar cholangiocarcinoma were prospectively studied. After percutaneous placement of bilateral selfexpanding, uncovered metallic stents, follow-up evaluation was carried out until July 2005. Results: There were 4 cases of Bismuth type II, 21 cases of Bismuth type IIIa, 8 cases of Bismuth type IIIb and 15 cases of Bismuth type IV. Stent placement was technically successful in all patients. All patients had satisfactory biliary drainage, resulting in one week drainage rate of 72.8% and final drainage rate of 91.1%. There were 12 cases (21.3%) of abdominal pain requiring analgesics and 1 case (7.1%) of cholangitis; both were successfully managed with conservative treatments. Late complications occurred in four patient (8.3%), including two patients with cholangitis, one patient with liver abscess, and one patient with biloma; all were appropriately managed by percutaneous drainage. The average length and median durations of stent patency and median survival time were 303 days (range, 60~815) and 338 days (range, 60~1175), respectively. Conclusion: Placement of a percutaneous metallic stent is an effective and safe method for palliation of patients with hilar cholangiocarcinoma.

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Media Scholars and Power: The politicized intellectuals hanging on the dangerous rope (언론학자와 권력: 정치화된 지성의 위험한 줄타기)

  • Choi, Nakjin;Kim, Sunghae
    • Korean Journal of Legislative Studies
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.113-156
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    • 2016
  • Media scholars take a lion stake in power circle. Not only do they take a part in media policies but seize prestigious positions like board members in Korea Communication Commission(KCC). Unfortunately, though, little has been known about who they are, what qualifications they have, and whether they meet public interests. This paper attempts to unveil the mechanism of those politicized intellectuals who are specialized on the media. Two categories divided into 'representative' and 'expertise' are employed for this purpose. On the one hand, the representative means the degree of committment into such public services as participation in conferences or non-profit organizations. On the other hand, the number of research articles, books and projects belong to the expertise. Evaluation levels consist of 'excellence, good and average' were allocated to those scholars who are(were) in 'Power Hole,' where decision makings come into being. Some interesting observations were made though this study. First of all, such criteria as representative and expertise vaguely suggested by the laws were hardly fit into those intellectuals, Rarely did they commit into public service let alone showing vigilance in academic activities. Secondly, both ideological loyalty and political activities in line with the government had much to do with taking such positions. Thirdly, not surprisingly, it showed that to graduate from Seoul National University and have Ph.D. degree from U.S.A. was one of the most essential factors. In final, most of them were very good at taking advantage of the press in way of boosting their publicity. To attend at policy making processes either in form of board members or advisers is inevitable for media experts. However, as shown in this study, such qualification of public service and academic eagerness shouldn't be underestimated. Academic integrity not selling intelligence solely for private interests needs to be protected as well. The authors hope this study to provide a valuable opportunity to establish a kind of ethical standards in participating into politics.

Full mouth rehabilitation for a patient with vertical dimension loss using digital diagnostic analysis: A clinical report (수직고경이 감소된 환자의 디지털 진단 분석을 이용한 완전 구강 회복 증례)

  • Choi, Yeawon;Lee, Younghoo;Hong, Seoung-Jin;Paek, Janghyun;Noh, Kwantae;Kim, Hyeong-Seob;Kwon, Kung-Rock;Pae, Ahran
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.59 no.4
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    • pp.487-496
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    • 2021
  • Full mouth rehabilitation is re-organizing the occlusion of the remaining teeth and missing teeth considering the functions, esthetics, and neuromuscular harmony. With the loss of multiple teeth, the patient's occlusal plane gradually collapses and the vertical dimension can be reduced. Since reduced vertical dimension can be a potential etiology of the temporomandibular joint and masticatory muscles, prosthetic restoration with increased vertical dimension is required. This case report is about a 68 years old patient with vertical dimension loss due to worn dentition and multiple loss of teeth. In this case, the loss of vertical dimension is assessed carefully using the digital dentistry technology. Using CAD software in digital analysis step, the occlusal plane was established and evaluated using several criteria. Orienting the position of the bone and teeth using CBCT image, patient's condition was visualized in 3 dimension and treatment planning was possible virtually. The information that matches the patient's condylar position with the articulator, which is the virtual face bow, is reproduced on the actual articulator, and evaluated again. After the evaluation, provisional prosthesis was fabricated and it was confirmed that the patient adapts without any abnormality. This was implemented as a final prosthesis. As a result, the patient obtained satisfying results, utilizing the benefits of digital dentistry technology and traditional methods.

A Study on the Development of an Assessment Index for Selecting Start-ups on Balanced Scorecard (균형성과표(BSC) 기반 창업기업 선정평가지표 개발)

  • Jung, kyung Hee;Choi, Dae Soo
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.49-62
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to develop an assessment index for the selection of promising start-ups, which will enhance the efficiency of program that support start-ups. In order to develop assessment models for selecting start-ups, three major research steps were conducted. First, this study attempted to theoretically redefine the assessment index from the perspective of the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) through a literature review. Second, major assessment index were derived using Delphi technique for experts in start-up areas. Third, weights were derived by applying AHP technique to calculate the importance of each index. The results of this study are summarized as follows. First, this study attempted to apply the assessment model for selecting start-ups from the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) view through the previous study review. Second, the final major questions were derived with sufficient opinions collected and structured survey of leading start-up experts in areas related to research subjects and elicited the most representative questions. Third, the results of applying the weights of the main selected assessment index, commercialization viewpoint is the most priority, followed by market view, technology development viewpoint, and organizational capability viewpoint. In the middle section, th ability to make products in the commercialization viewpoint, market competitiveness in the market, product discrimination capacity in the technology development perspective, and the ability of the entrepreneur in the organizational capacity perspective were important. Overall important items were found to be in the order of the capabilities of entrepreneurs, market competitiveness, product fire capability, and product discrimination. The importance of small items was highest priority for comparative excellence of competing products, and the degree of marketability, capacity of entrepreneurship, ability to raise capital, desire for entrepreneurship, and passion were shown. The results of this study presented a conceptual alternative to the preceding study on the development of existing selection assessment indexes. And it provides meaningful and important implications as an attempt to develop more sophisticated indicators by overcoming the limitations of empirical research on only some of the evaluation metrics.

Multimodal Diagnostic Approach for Synovitis of the Wrist (수근관절 활액막염 원인 질환 진단을 위한 다중적 접근법)

  • Bae, Kee Jeong;Kim, Jihyeung;Yoon, Chan;Hong, Seong Hwa;Gong, Hyun Sik;Baek, Goo Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association
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    • v.53 no.6
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    • pp.540-546
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to suggest a multimodal diagnostic approach to determine the cause of the disease in patients diagnosed with synovitis of the wrist and who underwent synovectomy. Materials and Methods: Twenty-nine patients, who underwent contrast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) preoperatively and synovectomy from January 2000 to December 2013, were reviewed retrospectively. Among them, 17 patients underwent a Tc99m white blood cell (WBC) scan preoperatively. In patients who met the diagnostic criteria of rheumatoid arthritis (RA), the diagnosis was confirmed as RA if the MRI finding or histology was compatible with RA. If the MRI finding and histology were disparate, the final diagnosis was made based on the histologic finding. Results: Of the nine patients who met the diagnostic criteria of RA, seven patients were finally diagnosed as RA and two patients as tuberculous arthritis. Of the 20 patients who did not meet the diagnostic criteria of RA, the MRI findings and histology were consistent with the same disease in 12 patients. In the remaining eight patients, five were diagnosed with nonspecific chronic synovitis, one with RA, and two with tuberculous arthritis based on the clinical findings, MRI, and histology findings. Conclusion: MRI and a WBC scan are very useful imaging modalities for diagnosing the causative condition of the wrist synovitis. A histology evaluation after synovectomy can also be useful in cases with a difficult diagnosis or are refractory to medications.

A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis on the Correlation between Learning Satisfaction and Academic Achievement (학습자의 교육훈련 만족도와 학업성취도의 상관관계에 관한 체계적 문헌고찰과 메타분석)

  • Jeong, Sun-jeong;Rim, Kyung-hwa
    • Journal of vocational education research
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.39-75
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to verify the general characteristics in the previous studies and the magnitude of the correlation between the learner's satisfaction and the academic achievement in the education and training program. To do this, we searched relevant literature from 2000 to 2016, and conducted a systematic review of the literature on the final 31 studies through the selection criteria and quality evaluation. Among them, 27 meta-analysis of the literature was conducted. The finding of the study were as follows. First, a total of 31 studies were conducted from 2000 to 2016, and more than half of them(16) were conducted for the last 4 years(2009~2012). In terms of education and training students, there are 18 college students, 9 workers, and 4 elementary students in order of study. In terms of methods, 15 collective education, 14 distance education, 2 blended education. In terms of learner's participation, 22 the general participation, 9 the active participation. Second, as a result of the meta-analysis, the magnitude of the correlation between satisfaction and achievement was moderate(ZCOR=.297, 95%: CI .210~.383). Third, as a result of verifying the difference in the magnitude of the correlation effect between satisfaction and achievement according to the characteristics of the education and training program, there was no difference between the groups in the student object and education method, but there was a difference in the magnitude of the correlation effect depending on the participant type(Q=15.40, df=1, p<.0001). The active participation showed a correlation effect size larger(ZCOR=.588, 95%: CI .422~.754). The effect size of the general participation was lower than the median(ZCOR=.211, 95%: CI .12 ~.300).

Performance of Waste-air Treating System Composed of Two Alternatively-operating UV/photocatalytic Reactors and Evaluation of Its Characteristics (교대로 운전되는 두 개의 UV/광촉매반응기로 구성된 폐가스 처리시스템의 성능 및 특성 평가)

  • Lee, Eun Ju;Lim, Kwang-Hee
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.59 no.4
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    • pp.574-583
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    • 2021
  • Waste air containing ethanol (100 ppmv) and hydrogen sulfide (10 ppmv) was continuously treated by waste air-treating system composed of two annular photocatalytic reactors (effective volume: 1.5 L) packed with porous SiO2 media carrying TiO2-anatase photocatalyst, one of which was alternately operated for 32 d/run while the other was regenerated by 100 ℃ hot air with 15 W UV(-A)-light on. As its elimination-behavior of ethanol, the removal efficiencies of ethanol at 1st, 2nd and 3rd operation of the photocatalytic reactor system(A), turned out to be ca. 60, 55 and 54%, respectively, at their steady state condition. Unlike the elimination-behavior of ethanol, its hydrogen sulfide-elimination behavior showed repeated decrease of hydrogen sulfide removal efficiency by its resultant arrival at a lower level of steady state condition. Nevertheless, the removal efficiencies of hydrogen sulfide at 1st, 2nd and 3rd operation of the photocatalytic reactor system, turned out to be ca. 80, 75 and 73%, respectively, at their final steady state condition, higher by ca. 20, 20 and 19% than those of ethanol, respectively. Therefore, assuming that adsorption on porous SiO2-photocatalyst carrier was regarded to belong to a reversible deactivation and that decreased % of removal efficiency due to the reversible deactivation of photocatalyst including the adsorption was independent of the number of its use upon regeneration, the increments of the decreased % of removal efficiency of ethanol and hydrogen sulfide, due to an irreversible deactivation of photocatalyst, for the 3rd use of regenerated photocatalyst, compared with the 2nd use of regenerated photocatalyst, were ca. 1 and 2%, respectively, which was insignificant or the less than those of ca. 5 and 5%, respectively, for the 2nd use of regenerated photocatalyst compared with the 1st use of virgin photocatalyst. This trend of the photocatalytic reactor system was observed to be similar to that of the other alternately-operating photocatalytic reactor system.