• Title/Summary/Keyword: Feature modeling

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A Study on the Development of the Knowledge-based CAM System for a Mold Cavity (금형가공을 위한 지식기반 CAM 시스템에 관한 연구)

  • 조우승;김희중;정재현
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 1997.04a
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    • pp.410-415
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    • 1997
  • Recently, The manufacturing companies are introducing the CAD/CAM systems to solve problems for the lack of experts, the higher cost of manufacturing and the difficulties of process. Knowledge engineering approach makes it possible to change a know-how of experts to computerized information effectivly. The proposal of this paper is the development of an interactive knowledge-based CAM system to disign and manufacture the mold with non-expert engineers used easily. This system is composed of two functional parts. One is the geometric modeler that used the technique of a feature modeling. The other is the expert system module that composed inference engine and databas which contains characteristics of materials and cutting tools setc.

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3D Model Retrieval Based on Orthogonal Projections

  • Wei, Liu;Yuanjun, He
    • International Journal of CAD/CAM
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.117-123
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    • 2006
  • Recently with the development of 3D modeling and digitizing tools, more and more models have been created, which leads to the necessity of the technique of 3D mode retrieval system. In this paper we investigate a new method for 3D model retrieval based on orthogonal projections. We assume that 3D models are composed of trigonal meshes. Algorithms process first by a normalization step in which the 3D models are transformed into the canonical coordinates. Then each model is orthogonally projected onto six surfaces of the projected cube which contains it. A following step is feature extraction of the projected images which is done by Moment Invariants and Polar Radius Fourier Transform. The feature vector of each 3D model is composed of the features extracted from projected images with different weights. Our System validates that this means can distinguish 3D models effectively. Experiments show that our method performs quit well.

Networked Community: A connected Societ

  • Yoon, Soungwoong;Lee, Sang-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.25-32
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    • 2017
  • We are living in networks which are regarded as a society. However, it is difficult to designate a specific position or the impact over sociological relationships and virtual links. In this paper, we conceptualize two themes of the network as Physical Network and Virtual Network, and observe their cross-network effects. New concept called Networked Community (NC) is then introduced to walk through both PN and VN by using the element of connections say connectivity feature. Through modeling NC by the theme of network transposition and egocentric network, we try to comprehend all possible networks for detecting the problems and solutions by using both sides' idea. Experimental results show that we can model real-world problems and then analyze them through NC by measurable and structural manner.

Video-based Height Measurements of Multiple Moving Objects

  • Jiang, Mingxin;Wang, Hongyu;Qiu, Tianshuang
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.8 no.9
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    • pp.3196-3210
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    • 2014
  • This paper presents a novel video metrology approach based on robust tracking. From videos acquired by an uncalibrated stationary camera, the foreground likelihood map is obtained by using the Codebook background modeling algorithm, and the multiple moving objects are tracked by a combined tracking algorithm. Then, we compute vanishing line of the ground plane and the vertical vanishing point of the scene, and extract the head feature points and the feet feature points in each frame of video sequences. Finally, we apply a single view mensuration algorithm to each of the frames to obtain height measurements and fuse the multi-frame measurements using RANSAC algorithm. Compared with other popular methods, our proposed algorithm does not require calibrating the camera, and can track the multiple moving objects when occlusion occurs. Therefore, it reduces the complexity of calculation and improves the accuracy of measurement simultaneously. The experimental results demonstrate that our method is effective and robust to occlusion.

A Prototype Implementation for 3D Feature Visualization on Cell Phone using M3G API

  • Lee, Ki-Won;Dong, Woo-Cheol
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.245-250
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    • 2008
  • According to public and industrial interests on mobile graphics, a preliminary implementation regarding 3D feature visualization system on cell phone was performed using M3G API, one of the de-facto standards for mobile 3D graphic API. Through this experiment, it is revealed that scene graph structure and 3D mobile file format supported from this API is useful one for 3D geo-modeling and rendering in mobile environment. It is necessary that 3D mobile graphic standards can be considered as one component of current mobile GIS services standards to provide value-added 3D GIS contents.

The Impact of the Safety Awareness & Performance by the Intelligent Image Analysis System (지능형 영상분석 시스템이 작업자 안전의식 및 행동에 미치는 영향)

  • Jang, Hyun Song
    • Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.143-148
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    • 2015
  • The study examined the relationship between workers' safety awareness, safety performance and the components of the intelligent image analysis system in accordance with preventing the workers from safety hazard in dangerous working area. Based on the safety performance model, we include safety knowledge, safety motivation, safety compliance and safety participation, and we also define three additional factors of the intelligent image analysis system such as functional feature, penalty and incentive by using factor analysis. SEM(Structural Equation Modeling) analyses on the data from the total of 73 workers showed that functional feature of intelligent analysis system and incentive were positively related to safety knowledge and safety motivation. And mediation effects of the relationship were verified to safety compliance and safety participation through safety knowledge as well.

Development of a Deep Learning Model for Detecting Fake Reviews Using Author Linguistic Features (작성자 언어적 특성 기반 가짜 리뷰 탐지 딥러닝 모델 개발)

  • Shin, Dong Hoon;Shin, Woo Sik;Kim, Hee Woong
    • The Journal of Information Systems
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.01-23
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    • 2022
  • Purpose This study aims to propose a deep learning-based fake review detection model by combining authors' linguistic features and semantic information of reviews. Design/methodology/approach This study used 358,071 review data of Yelp to develop fake review detection model. We employed linguistic inquiry and word count (LIWC) to extract 24 linguistic features of authors. Then we used deep learning architectures such as multilayer perceptron(MLP), long short-term memory(LSTM) and transformer to learn linguistic features and semantic features for fake review detection. Findings The results of our study show that detection models using both linguistic and semantic features outperformed other models using single type of features. In addition, this study confirmed that differences in linguistic features between fake reviewer and authentic reviewer are significant. That is, we found that linguistic features complement semantic information of reviews and further enhance predictive power of fake detection model.

Development and Evaluation of SWAT Topographic Feature Extraction Error(STOPFEE) Fix Module from Low Resolution DEM (저해상도 DEM 사용으로 인한 SWAT 지형 인자 추출 오류 개선 모듈 개발 및 평가)

  • Kim, Jong-gun;Park, Youn-shik;Kim, Nam-won;Chung, Il-moon;Jang, Won-seok;Park, Jun-ho;Moon, Jong-pil;Lim, Kyoung Jae
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.488-498
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    • 2008
  • Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model have been widely used in simulating hydrology and water quality analysis at watershed scale. The SWAT model extracts topographic feature using the Digital Elevation Model (DEM) for hydrology and pollutant generation and transportation within watershed. Use of various DEM cell size in the SWAT leads to different results in extracting topographic feature for each subwatershed. So, it is recommended that model users use very detailed spatial resolution DEM for accurate hydrology analysis and water quality simulation. However, use of high resolution DEM is sometimes difficult to obtain and not efficient because of computer processing capacity and model execution time. Thus, the SWAT Topographic Feature Extraction Error (STOPFEE) Fix module, which can extract topographic feature of high resolution DEM from low resolution and updates SWAT topographic feature automatically, was developed and evaluated in this study. The analysis of average slope vs. DEM cell size revealed that average slope of watershed increases with decrease in DEM cell size, finer resolution of DEM. This falsification of topographic feature with low resolution DEM affects soil erosion and sediment behaviors in the watershed. The annual average sediment for Soyanggang-dam watershed with DEM cell size of 20 m was compared with DEM cell size of 100 m. There was 83.8% difference in simulated sediment without STOPFEE module and 4.4% difference with STOPFEE module applied although the same model input data were used in SWAT run. For Imha-dam watershed, there was 43.4% differences without STOPFEE module and 0.3% difference with STOPFEE module. Thus, the STOPFEE topographic database for Soyanggang-dam watershed was applied for Chungju-dam watershed because its topographic features are similar to Soyanggang-dam watershed. Without the STOPFEE module, there was 98.7% difference in simulated sediment for Chungju-dam watershed for DEM cell size of both 20 m and 100 m. However there was 20.7% difference in simulated sediment with STOPFEE topographic database for Soyanggang-dam watershed. The application results of STOPFEE for three watersheds showed that the STOPFEE module developed in this study is an effective tool to extract topographic feature of high resolution DEM from low resolution DEM. With the STOPFEE module, low-capacity computer can be also used for accurate hydrology and sediment modeling for bigger size watershed with the SWAT. It is deemed that the STOPFEE module database needs to be extended for various watersheds in Korea for wide application and accurate SWAT runs with lower resolution DEM.

Watershed-scale Hydrologic Modeling Considering a Detention Effect of Rice Paddy Fields using HSPF Surface-Ftable (논의 저류효과를 고려한 유역수문모델링 - HSPF Surface-Ftable의 적용 -)

  • Seong, Chounghyun;Oh, Chansung;Hwang, Syewoon
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.60 no.5
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    • pp.41-54
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    • 2018
  • A method to account a detention in a rice paddy field in hydrologic modeling was tested at plot and watershed scales. Hydrologic Simulation Program - Fortran (HSPF) and its one of surface runoff modeling method, i.e Surface-Ftable, were used to simulate a inundated condition in a rice paddy culture for a study plot and basins in Saemangeum watershed. Surface-Ftable in HSPF defines surface runoff ratio with respect to surface water depth in a pervious land segment, which can be implemented to the feature of water management in a rice paddy field. A Surface-Ftable for paddy fields in Saemangeum watershed was developed based on the study paddy field monitoring data from 2013 to 2014, and was applied to Jeonju-chun and Jeongeup-chun basins which comprise 12% and 22% of paddy fields in the basins, respectively. Four gaging stations were used to calibrate and validate the watershed models for the period of 2009 and 2013. Model performed 7.13% and 9.68% in PBIAS, and 0.94 and 0.90 in monthly NSE during model calibrations at Jeonju and Jeongeup stations, respectively, while the models were validated its applicability at Hyoja and Gongpyung stations. The comparison of results with and without considering detention effect of paddy fields confirmed the validity of the Surface-Ftable method in modeling watersheds containing rice paddy fields.

Dynamic Facial Expression of Fuzzy Modeling Using Probability of Emotion (감정확률을 이용한 동적 얼굴표정의 퍼지 모델링)

  • Gang, Hyo-Seok;Baek, Jae-Ho;Kim, Eun-Tae;Park, Min-Yong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems Conference
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    • 2007.04a
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    • pp.401-404
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    • 2007
  • 본 논문은 거울 투영을 이용하여 2D의 감정인식 데이터베이스를 3D에 적용 가능하다는 것을 증명한다. 또한, 감정 확률을 이용하여 퍼지 모델링을 기반으로한 얼굴표정을 생성하고, 표정을 움직이는 3가지 기본 움직임에 대한 퍼지이론을 적용하여 얼굴표현함수를 제안한다. 제안된 방법은 거울 투영을 통한 다중 이미지를 이용하여 2D에서 사용되는 감정인식에 대한 특징벡터를 3D에 적용한다. 이로 인해, 2D의 모델링 대상이 되는 실제 모델의 기본감정에 대한 비선형적인 얼굴표정을 퍼지를 기반으로 모델링한다. 그리고 얼굴표정을 표현하는데 기본 감정 6가지인 행복, 슬픔, 혐오, 화남, 놀람, 무서움으로 표현되며 기본 감정의 확률에 대해서 각 감정의 평균값을 사용하고, 6가지 감정 확률을 이용하여 동적 얼굴표정을 생성한다. 제안된 방법을 3D 인간형 아바타에 적용하여 실제 모델의 표정 벡터와 비교 분석한다.

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