• Title/Summary/Keyword: Feature map correlation

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The Fracjection: An analytical system for projected fractures onto rock excavation surface from boreholes and outcrops (시추 및 야외조사 자료의 절취면 투영 분석 시스템 Fracjection)

  • Hwang, Sang-Gi;Lim, Yu-Jin
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2007.05a
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    • pp.1882-1889
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    • 2007
  • Surveying rocks for engineering aims for prediction of geological feature of the construction site. Conventionally, survey information at outcrops and bore holes are projected to the construction sites, such as tunnel and slopes, and rock properties of the sites are predicted by interpretations of specialists. This system, the "Fracjection", aims to assist the specialist for visualization of the projected fractures from borehole and outcrop survey. The Fracjection accepts the BIPS and outcrop survey data to its database and allows plotting them in AutoCad map. The software also reads elevation data from contours of the topographic map and constructs DEM of the construction sites. With user's guide, it generates 3D excavation sites such as slopes and tunnels at the topographic map. The s/w projects borehole and outcrop surveyed fractures onto the modeled excavation surface and allows analysis of failure criteria, such as plane, wedge, and toppling failures by built-in stereonet function. Projected fractures can further be analyzed for structural homogeneities and rock mass quality. Moving window style correlation comparison of stereonet plots are used for formal analyses, and RQD type counts of the projected fractures are adopted for the latter analyses.

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Numerical Evaluations of the Effect of Feature Maps on Content-Adaptive Finite Element Mesh Generation

  • Lee, W.H.;Kim, T.S.;Cho, M.H.;Lee, S.Y.
    • Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.8-16
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    • 2007
  • Finite element analysis (FEA) is an effective means for the analysis of bioelectromagnetism. It has been successfully applied to various problems over conventional methods such as boundary element analysis and finite difference analysis. However, its utilization has been limited due to the overwhelming computational load despite of its analytical power. We have previously developed a novel mesh generation scheme that produces FE meshes that are content-adaptive to given MR images. MRI content-adaptive FE meshes (cMeshes) represent the electrically conducting domain more effectively with far less number of nodes and elements, thus lessen the computational load. In general, the cMesh generation is affected by the quality of feature maps derived from MRI. In this study, we have tested various feature maps created based on the improved differential geometry measures for more effective cMesh head models. As performance indices, correlation coefficient (CC), root mean squared error (RMSE), relative error (RE), and the quality of cMesh triangle elements are used. The results show that there is a significant variation according to the characteristics of specific feature maps on cMesh generation, and offer additional choices of feature maps to yield more effective and efficient generation of cMeshes. We believe that cMeshes with specific and improved feature map generation schemes should be useful in the FEA of bioelectromagnetic problems.

Improvement of Disparity Map using Loopy Belief Propagation based on Color and Edge (Disparity 보정을 위한 컬러와 윤곽선 기반 루피 신뢰도 전파 기법)

  • Kim, Eun Kyeong;Cho, Hyunhak;Lee, Hansoo;Wibowo, Suryo Adhi;Kim, Sungshin
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.502-508
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    • 2015
  • Stereo images have an advantage of calculating depth(distance) values which can not analyze from 2-D images. However, depth information obtained by stereo images has due to following reasons: it can be obtained by computation process; mismatching occurs when stereo matching is processing in occlusion which has an effect on accuracy of calculating depth information. Also, if global method is used for stereo matching, it needs a lot of computation. Therefore, this paper proposes the method obtaining disparity map which can reduce computation time and has higher accuracy than established method. Edge extraction which is image segmentation based on feature is used for improving accuracy and reducing computation time. Color K-Means method which is image segmentation based on color estimates correlation of objects in an image. And it extracts region of interest for applying Loopy Belief Propagation(LBP). For this, disparity map can be compensated by considering correlation of objects in the image. And it can reduce computation time because of calculating region of interest not all pixels. As a result, disparity map has more accurate and the proposed method reduces computation time.

3D LIDAR Based Vehicle Localization Using Synthetic Reflectivity Map for Road and Wall in Tunnel

  • Im, Jun-Hyuck;Im, Sung-Hyuck;Song, Jong-Hwa;Jee, Gyu-In
    • Journal of Positioning, Navigation, and Timing
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.159-166
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    • 2017
  • The position of autonomous driving vehicle is basically acquired through the global positioning system (GPS). However, GPS signals cannot be received in tunnels. Due to this limitation, localization of autonomous driving vehicles can be made through sensors mounted on them. In particular, a 3D Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) system is used for longitudinal position error correction. Few feature points and structures that can be used for localization of vehicles are available in tunnels. Since lanes in the road are normally marked by solid line, it cannot be used to recognize a longitudinal position. In addition, only a small number of structures that are separated from the tunnel walls such as sign boards or jet fans are available. Thus, it is necessary to extract usable information from tunnels to recognize a longitudinal position. In this paper, fire hydrants and evacuation guide lights attached at both sides of tunnel walls were used to recognize a longitudinal position. These structures have highly distinctive reflectivity from the surrounding walls, which can be distinguished using LIDAR reflectivity data. Furthermore, reflectivity information of tunnel walls was fused with the road surface reflectivity map to generate a synthetic reflectivity map. When the synthetic reflectivity map was used, localization of vehicles was able through correlation matching with the local maps generated from the current LIDAR data. The experiments were conducted at an expressway including Maseong Tunnel (approximately 1.5 km long). The experiment results showed that the root mean square (RMS) position errors in lateral and longitudinal directions were 0.19 m and 0.35 m, respectively, exhibiting precise localization accuracy.

Assessment of Landslide Susceptibility in Jecheon Using Deep Learning Based on Exploratory Data Analysis (데이터 탐색을 활용한 딥러닝 기반 제천 지역 산사태 취약성 분석)

  • Sang-A Ahn;Jung-Hyun Lee;Hyuck-Jin Park
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.673-687
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    • 2023
  • Exploratory data analysis is the process of observing and understanding data collected from various sources to identify their distributions and correlations through their structures and characterization. This process can be used to identify correlations among conditioning factors and select the most effective factors for analysis. This can help the assessment of landslide susceptibility, because landslides are usually triggered by multiple factors, and the impacts of these factors vary by region. This study compared two stages of exploratory data analysis to examine the impact of the data exploration procedure on the landslide prediction model's performance with respect to factor selection. Deep-learning-based landslide susceptibility analysis used either a combinations of selected factors or all 23 factors. During the data exploration phase, we used a Pearson correlation coefficient heat map and a histogram of random forest feature importance. We then assessed the accuracy of our deep-learning-based analysis of landslide susceptibility using a confusion matrix. Finally, a landslide susceptibility map was generated using the landslide susceptibility index derived from the proposed analysis. The analysis revealed that using all 23 factors resulted in low accuracy (55.90%), but using the 13 factors selected in one step of exploration improved the accuracy to 81.25%. This was further improved to 92.80% using only the nine conditioning factors selected during both steps of the data exploration. Therefore, exploratory data analysis selected the conditioning factors most suitable for landslide susceptibility analysis and thereby improving the performance of the analysis.

Real-Time Mapping of Mobile Robot on Stereo Vision (스테레오 비전 기반 이동 로봇의 실시간 지도 작성 기법)

  • Han, Cheol-Hun;Sim, Kwee-Bo
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.60-65
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    • 2010
  • This paper describes the results of 2D mapping, feature detection and matching to create the surrounding environment in the mounted stereo camera on Mobile robot. Extract method of image's feature in real-time processing for quick operation uses the edge detection and Sum of Absolute Difference(SAD), stereo matching technique can be obtained through the correlation coefficient. To estimate the location of a mobile robot using ZigBee beacon and encoders mounted on the robot is estimated by Kalman filter. In addition, the merged gyro scope to measure compass is possible to generate map during mobile robot is moving. The Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) of mobile robot technology with an intelligent robot can be applied efficiently in human life would be based.

A Study on Object Tracking using Convolution Feature Map and Correlation Filter (컨벌루션 특징맵과 코릴레이션 필터를 이용한 물체 추적에 관한 연구)

  • Lim, Su-Chang;Kim, Do-Yeon
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2016.10a
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    • pp.661-662
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    • 2016
  • 컴퓨터비전의 한 분야인 추적은 다양한 방법론들에 근거하여 활발히 연구되어온 분야이다. 추적알고리즘은 연속되는 영상 시퀀스의 객체를 지속적으로 추적하는 방법으로, 객체의 외형 변형, 이동, 회전, 폐색등 복잡한 환경에서도 강건히 추적하는 것에 초점이 맞춰져 있다. 본 논문에서는 딥러닝의 한 부류인 CNN의 컨볼루션 레이어에서 출력되는 특징맵과 변화되는 객체에 적응적으로 대응하는 코릴레이션 필터를 결합하여 복잡한 환경에서도 객체를 추적하는 방법을 제안한다.

Automated Areal Feature Matching in Different Spatial Data-sets (이종의 공간 데이터 셋의 면 객체 자동 매칭 방법)

  • Kim, Ji Young;Lee, Jae Bin
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.89-98
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    • 2016
  • In this paper, we proposed an automated areal feature matching method based on geometric similarity without user intervention and is applied into areal features of many-to-many relation, for confusion of spatial data-sets of different scale and updating cycle. Firstly, areal feature(node) that a value of inclusion function is more than 0.4 was connected as an edge in adjacency matrix and candidate corresponding areal features included many-to-many relation was identified by multiplication of adjacency matrix. For geometrical matching, these multiple candidates corresponding areal features were transformed into an aggregated polygon as a convex hull generated by a curve-fitting algorithm. Secondly, we defined matching criteria to measure geometrical quality, and these criteria were changed into normalized values, similarity, by similarity function. Next, shape similarity is defined as a weighted linear combination of these similarities and weights which are calculated by Criteria Importance Through Intercriteria Correlation(CRITIC) method. Finally, in training data, we identified Equal Error Rate(EER) which is trade-off value in a plot of precision versus recall for all threshold values(PR curve) as a threshold and decided if these candidate pairs are corresponding pairs or not. To the result of applying the proposed method in a digital topographic map and a base map of address system(KAIS), we confirmed that some many-to-many areal features were mis-detected in visual evaluation and precision, recall and F-Measure was highly 0.951, 0.906, 0.928, respectively in statistical evaluation. These means that accuracy of the automated matching between different spatial data-sets by the proposed method is highly. However, we should do a research on an inclusion function and a detail matching criterion to exactly quantify many-to-many areal features in future.

Investigating the Performance of Bayesian-based Feature Selection and Classification Approach to Social Media Sentiment Analysis (소셜미디어 감성분석을 위한 베이지안 속성 선택과 분류에 대한 연구)

  • Chang Min Kang;Kyun Sun Eo;Kun Chang Lee
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.1-19
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    • 2022
  • Social media-based communication has become crucial part of our personal and official lives. Therefore, it is no surprise that social media sentiment analysis has emerged an important way of detecting potential customers' sentiment trends for all kinds of companies. However, social media sentiment analysis suffers from huge number of sentiment features obtained in the process of conducting the sentiment analysis. In this sense, this study proposes a novel method by using Bayesian Network. In this model MBFS (Markov Blanket-based Feature Selection) is used to reduce the number of sentiment features. To show the validity of our proposed model, we utilized online review data from Yelp, a famous social media about restaurant, bars, beauty salons evaluation and recommendation. We used a number of benchmarking feature selection methods like correlation-based feature selection, information gain, and gain ratio. A number of machine learning classifiers were also used for our validation tasks, like TAN, NBN, Sons & Spouses BN (Bayesian Network), Augmented Markov Blanket. Furthermore, we conducted Bayesian Network-based what-if analysis to see how the knowledge map between target node and related explanatory nodes could yield meaningful glimpse into what is going on in sentiments underlying the target dataset.

SuperDepthTransfer: Depth Extraction from Image Using Instance-Based Learning with Superpixels

  • Zhu, Yuesheng;Jiang, Yifeng;Huang, Zhuandi;Luo, Guibo
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.11 no.10
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    • pp.4968-4986
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    • 2017
  • In this paper, we primarily address the difficulty of automatic generation of a plausible depth map from a single image in an unstructured environment. The aim is to extrapolate a depth map with a more correct, rich, and distinct depth order, which is both quantitatively accurate as well as visually pleasing. Our technique, which is fundamentally based on a preexisting DepthTransfer algorithm, transfers depth information at the level of superpixels. This occurs within a framework that replaces a pixel basis with one of instance-based learning. A vital superpixels feature enhancing matching precision is posterior incorporation of predictive semantic labels into the depth extraction procedure. Finally, a modified Cross Bilateral Filter is leveraged to augment the final depth field. For training and evaluation, experiments were conducted using the Make3D Range Image Dataset and vividly demonstrate that this depth estimation method outperforms state-of-the-art methods for the correlation coefficient metric, mean log10 error and root mean squared error, and achieves comparable performance for the average relative error metric in both efficacy and computational efficiency. This approach can be utilized to automatically convert 2D images into stereo for 3D visualization, producing anaglyph images that are visually superior in realism and simultaneously more immersive.