• Title/Summary/Keyword: Feasibility assessment system

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Paddy Rice Culture Experiment Using Treated Sewage Effluent From Constructed Wetland (인공습지 오수처리수를 이용한 벼재배 실험)

  • 윤춘경;함종화;우선호;김민희
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.94-104
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    • 2001
  • A pilot study was performed at the experimental field of Konkuk University in Seoul, to examine the feasibility of the constructed wetland system for sewage and the effect of treated sewage irrigation on the paddy rice culture and its soil characteristics. The constructed wetland performed well, in that effluent concentrations of pollutants were significantly lower than concentrations of the influent. Median removal efficiencies of BOD$_{5}$ was about 78% and slightly lower during winter. Removal efficiencies form TN and TP were approximately 48 and 21%, respectively, and relatively less effective than that of BOD$_{5}$. Irrigation of treated sewage to paddy rice culture did not affect adversely in both growth and yield of rice. Instead, plots of treated sewage irrigation showed up to 50% more yield in average than the control plot. It implies that treated sewage irrigation might be beneficial to rice culture rather than detrimental as long as it is treated adequately and used properly. Soil was sampled and analyzed before transplanting and after harvesting. pH was slightly increased due to irrigation water, but it may not be concerned as long as the treated sewage is within the normal range. EC was increased in first year but decreased in second year, therefore salts accumulation in the soil could be less concerned. OM and CES was slightly increased, which might be beneficial on growing plants. TN did not show apparent pattern. Available phosphorus was decreased after rice culture, but the quantity of phosphorus(TP-available phosphorus) was rather increased which implies that excessive phosphorus supply may result in phosphorus accumulation in the soil. Overall, the constructed wetland was thought to be an effective sewage treatment alternative, and treated sewage could be reused as a supplemental source of irrigation water for paddy rice culture without causing adverse effect as long as it is treated adequately and used properly. For full-scale application, further investigation should be followed on environmental risk assessment, tolerable water quality, and fraction of supplemental irrigation.ion.

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Study on the Priority of Defense R&D Project for Verifying Weapon Systems Requirement (전력소요 통합검증을 위한 국방 R&D사업 우선순위 선정에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Ho-Jin;Ahn, Nam-Su
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.153-159
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    • 2018
  • In recent years, the development of weapons systems in the field of defense research and development has become increasingly large, complex, and long-term, and so have budgets and the time spans involved. In order to improve this, the Weapon Systems Requirement Verification Committee, which benchmarked the preliminary feasibility of the private sector, was established to verify the appropriateness of requirements, and the necessity and priority of the projects. This research proposes a methodology for analyzing and prioritizing proposed weapons systems for effective and strategic allocation of defense budget funding. First, the evaluation factors that can be used in the defense sector were assessed by analyzing the related fields. We set the weighting of items by using the analytical hierarchy process for technical risk assessment and technical profitability evaluation. After that, we applied the methodology to 32 weapons systems and analyzed the results. In conclusion, through this study, it was possible to analyze profitability dimensions overlooked in the existing methodology.

The assessment of the contribution of overland flow to basin response by means of hydrological approach (수문학적 접근법에 의한 유역응답내 지표면유동의 기여도 평가)

  • Kim Joo-Cheol;Yoon Yeo-Jin;Kim Jae-Han
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.39 no.7 s.168
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    • pp.553-562
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    • 2006
  • The relative contributions of overland-flow and stream-flow to the response process at the basin scale are evaluated in the present study. The moments of GIUH models were applied to the data of the Bocheong watershed in the Geum river basin in Korea in order to discuss the feasibility. The GIUH model derived in this study consists of the stream path and overland region. The characteristic velocities for the flows between two cases mentioned above make a clear distinction as expected and would have more physical meaning than the ones of the model by Rodriguez-Iturbe and Valdes(1979). The path lengths of overland for each stream order are nearly constant, whereas the case of stream is shown to grow larger according to the basin sizes. As a result, the overall basin response process was founded out to be greatly under the influence of the hydrodynamic behavior of overland, and its behavior is suggested to be further researched for catching the broader meanings.

Development of Long Term Flow Duration Curves for the Management of Total Maximum Daily Loads - in the Nakdong River Basin - (수질오염총량관리 단위유역 장기유황곡선 구축 -낙동강수계를 대상으로-)

  • Kim, Gyeong hoon;Kwon, Heon gak;Ahn, Jung min;Kim, Sanghun;Im, Tae hyo;Shin, Dong seok;Jung, Kang-Young
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.26 no.8
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    • pp.939-953
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    • 2017
  • For the development of flow duration curves for the management of 41 Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) units of the Nakdong River basin, first, an equation for estimating daily flow rates as well as the level of correlation (correlation and determination coefficients) was extrapolated through regression analysis of discrete (Ministry of Environment) and continuous (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transportation) measurement data. The equation derived from the analysis was used to estimate daily flow rates in order to develop flow duration curves for each TMDL unit. By using the equation, the annual flow duration curves and flow curves, for the entire period and for each TMDL unit of the basin, were developed to be demonstrated in this research. Standard flow rates (abundant-, ordinary-, low- and drought flows) for major flow duration periods were calculated based on the annual flow duration curves. Then, the flow rates, based on percentile ranks of exceedance probabilities (5, 25, 50, 75, and 95%), were calculated according to the flow duration curves for the entire period and are suggested in this research. These results can be used for feasibility assessment of the set values of primary and secondary standard flow rates for each river system, which are derived from complicated models. In addition, they will also be useful for the process of implementing TMDL management, including evaluation of the target level of water purity based on load duration curves.

A Structured Methodology of Optimal Combination of Eco-Energy Development Technologies: Focusing on Wind Power Technology Combination (친환경 에너지 개발 기술 최적 조합 선정을 위한구조적 방법론: 풍력 발전 기술 조합 선정을 중심으로)

  • Kwon, Ohbyung;Cui, Nan
    • Journal of Environmental Policy
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.93-127
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    • 2011
  • Investment on technology to obtain green energy is prevailing all over the world. The technology development project is more likely to involve multiple sub-projects, each of which is related to develop elementary technology when the project is larger and nation-wide. However, the methodologies identifying optimal combination of elementary technologies among the candidates have been very few. Hence, the purpose of this paper is to propose a novel methodology which provides an optimal combination of green energy technologies. To do so, to-be developed technologies are clustered with multiple categories. Among the technologies, based on Delphi method, the experts select a representative technology, which is indispensible to the green energy system and has the highest connectivity with other elementary technologies. Then the methodology selects an elementary technology from each technology category based on two metrics: Relatedness with representative technology and project risk. To show the feasibility of the proposed methodology, we applied the methodology to an actual windmill development project.

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Development of Ex-post Cost Benefit criteria and Analysis Plan for an Urban Stream Restoration Project: The Case of Cheonggyecheon Restoration Project (도심 하천복원사업을 위한 사후 비용편익 항목 및 분석방안 제시: 청계천 복원사업을 사례로)

  • Lee, Miyeon;Jung, Insu
    • Journal of Environmental Policy
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.67-96
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    • 2012
  • The Ministry of Environment in Korea has been promoting the urban stream restoration project for paved streams in cities as the restored Cheonggyecheon. As an elementary study for suggesting policy implications for the project, cost and benefit criteria for an ex-post analysis on the Cheonggyecheon project is suggested in this study. The ex-ante analysis were reviewed critically by focusing on the cost and benefit criteria. Ex-post analysis plan in this study is developed considering the standard guideline of pre-feasibility, the theory of cost-benefit analysis, and the review results. The costs for compensating lands, amending conflicts, researching rivers, and maintaining water quantity were also included. For the benefits, this study proposes to estimate the benefits with the assessment on naturalness of stream. The results are expected to contribute to increase the efficiency of the urban stream restoration project and evaluate the project to match better with the meaning of the river restoration.

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A Study on the Feasibility of Evaluating the Complexity of KTX Driving Tasks (KTX 운전직무에 대한 복잡도 평가 - 타당성 연구)

  • Park, Jin-Kyun;Jung, Won-Dea;Jang, Seung-Cheol;Ko, Jong-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Railway
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.744-750
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    • 2009
  • According to the result of related studies, the degradation of human performance has been revealed as one of the most significant causes resulting in the safety of any human-involved system. This means that preventing the occurrence of accidents/incidents through avoiding the degradation of human performance is prerequisite for their successive operation. To this end, it is necessary to develop a plausible tool to evaluate the complexity of a task, which has been known as one of the decisive factors affecting the human performance. For this reason, in this paper, the complexity of tasks to be conducted by KTX drivers was quantified by TACOM measure that is enable to quantify the complexity of proceduralized tasks being used in nuclear power plants. After that, TACOM scores about the tasks of KTX drivers were compared with NASA-TLX scores that are responsible for the level of a subjective workload to be felt by KTX drivers.

Gaussian mixture model for automated tracking of modal parameters of long-span bridge

  • Mao, Jian-Xiao;Wang, Hao;Spencer, Billie F. Jr.
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.243-256
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    • 2019
  • Determination of the most meaningful structural modes and gaining insight into how these modes evolve are important issues for long-term structural health monitoring of the long-span bridges. To address this issue, modal parameters identified throughout the life of the bridge need to be compared and linked with each other, which is the process of mode tracking. The modal frequencies for a long-span bridge are typically closely-spaced, sensitive to the environment (e.g., temperature, wind, traffic, etc.), which makes the automated tracking of modal parameters a difficult process, often requiring human intervention. Machine learning methods are well-suited for uncovering complex underlying relationships between processes and thus have the potential to realize accurate and automated modal tracking. In this study, Gaussian mixture model (GMM), a popular unsupervised machine learning method, is employed to automatically determine and update baseline modal properties from the identified unlabeled modal parameters. On this foundation, a new mode tracking method is proposed for automated mode tracking for long-span bridges. Firstly, a numerical example for a three-degree-of-freedom system is employed to validate the feasibility of using GMM to automatically determine the baseline modal properties. Subsequently, the field monitoring data of a long-span bridge are utilized to illustrate the practical usage of GMM for automated determination of the baseline list. Finally, the continuously monitoring bridge acceleration data during strong typhoon events are employed to validate the reliability of proposed method in tracking the changing modal parameters. Results show that the proposed method can automatically track the modal parameters in disastrous scenarios and provide valuable references for condition assessment of the bridge structure.

A Study on the Problem Analysis of Designation and Management of the Zone of Urban Nature Park (도시자연공원구역 지정 및 관리상의 문제점 분석)

  • Lee, Jeoung-Suk;Cho, Se-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.98-106
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    • 2011
  • This study was performed with the purpose of providing basic data for the improvement of zoning regulations of urban nature park by analyzing the present problem which occurred during last 6 years from the year of 2005 when the program was introduced for the first time. The study was processed first by the analysis of the cases of problems evoked by citizens, second the other problems was delineated by interviews of officials, at last the validity of all of the problems was verified by a group of professionals through delphi method. The results can be summarized as follows. 1. In relation to the designation and management of urban national park areas, designation criteria, designation process, maintenance, laws and regulations and 20 other items were found to be problematic. After Delphi method, 5 items were removed and 2 added. The results showed that there were 17 problematic items in total. 2. Regarding the problem of criteria for designation, which are, lack of priority(weights), lack of objectivity due to the difficulty to use quantitative evaluation method, incompatibility for contaminated land environmental impact assessment, incompatibility of land suitability assessment, lack of detailed field survey standards, lack of national park area standards, and 6 other items. 3. Regarding the problem of designation process, which are, the occurrence of civil appeals for designating a new national park, the needs of feasibility study on the urban national park areas constructed before urban national park guidelines came out, lack of a comprehensive review of the boundaries set when determining national park area management plan, poor temporal and financial conditions for an accurate field survey, and 4 other items. 4. Regarding the problem of maintenance management, which are, lack of management system in each space, lack of effectiveness of Urban Nature Park Area Management Plan among master plans for park and green areas, the occurrence of dual managers due to dual natures such as purpose area and city park, lack of professional manpower to manage park areas, and 4 other items. 5. Regarding the problems of regulation guidelines, which are, lack of separate urban park area management plan, incompatibility of the permitted facilities in the park to the park area standards, lack of feasibility study on urban park areas, and 3 other items.

Fundamental study on enlargement method of existing subway tunnel during operation for sidetrack construction (부본선 건설을 위한 기존 지하철 터널의 운영 중 확폭 방안에 대한 기초연구)

  • Lee, Hyobum;Koh, Sung-Yil;Jun, Jonghun;Yoon, Hee Taek;Yi, Na Hyun;Choi, Hangseok
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.59-76
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    • 2020
  • As a continuous increase in demand for the transportation infrastructure in the metropolitan area, the renovation of existing metropolitan and urban railway lines for the rapid transport system requires the construction of sidetrack that can operate local and express trains simultaneously. However, the construction of sidetrack after stopping the operation of the existing subway line causes a lot of economic losses, therefore it is essential to study the tunnel enlargement scheme during the operation of the existing subway tunnel. Accordingly, in this paper, basic research on the enlargement plan of the existing subway tunnel was carried out for the renovation of the existing subway line. In order to investigate the method for the sidetrack construction, the Government Complex Gwacheon station on the Gwacheon line of subway line 4 was selected as a virtual research station. Subsequently, four construction plans including tunnel cross-sectional plan for each section were reviewed and constructability and economic feasibility were compared. Finally, the stability assessment was conducted for the selected construction plan which was considered to be relatively unstable by 3-D full numerical analysis considering the sidetrack construction process.