Paddy Rice Culture Experiment Using Treated Sewage Effluent From Constructed Wetland

인공습지 오수처리수를 이용한 벼재배 실험

  • Published : 2001.03.01


A pilot study was performed at the experimental field of Konkuk University in Seoul, to examine the feasibility of the constructed wetland system for sewage and the effect of treated sewage irrigation on the paddy rice culture and its soil characteristics. The constructed wetland performed well, in that effluent concentrations of pollutants were significantly lower than concentrations of the influent. Median removal efficiencies of BOD$_{5}$ was about 78% and slightly lower during winter. Removal efficiencies form TN and TP were approximately 48 and 21%, respectively, and relatively less effective than that of BOD$_{5}$. Irrigation of treated sewage to paddy rice culture did not affect adversely in both growth and yield of rice. Instead, plots of treated sewage irrigation showed up to 50% more yield in average than the control plot. It implies that treated sewage irrigation might be beneficial to rice culture rather than detrimental as long as it is treated adequately and used properly. Soil was sampled and analyzed before transplanting and after harvesting. pH was slightly increased due to irrigation water, but it may not be concerned as long as the treated sewage is within the normal range. EC was increased in first year but decreased in second year, therefore salts accumulation in the soil could be less concerned. OM and CES was slightly increased, which might be beneficial on growing plants. TN did not show apparent pattern. Available phosphorus was decreased after rice culture, but the quantity of phosphorus(TP-available phosphorus) was rather increased which implies that excessive phosphorus supply may result in phosphorus accumulation in the soil. Overall, the constructed wetland was thought to be an effective sewage treatment alternative, and treated sewage could be reused as a supplemental source of irrigation water for paddy rice culture without causing adverse effect as long as it is treated adequately and used properly. For full-scale application, further investigation should be followed on environmental risk assessment, tolerable water quality, and fraction of supplemental irrigation.ion.



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