• Title/Summary/Keyword: Fast-forward

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A Fast-Decoupled Algorithm for Time-Domain Simulation of Input-Series-Output-Parallel Connected 2-Switch Forward Converter (직렬입력-병렬출력 연결된 2-스위치 포워드 컨버터의 시간 영역 시뮬레이션을 위한 고속 분리 알고리즘)

  • Kim, Marn-Go
    • Journal of Power System Engineering
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.64-70
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    • 2002
  • A fast decoupled algorithm for time domain simulation of power electronics circuits is presented. The circuits can be arbitrarily configured and can incorporate feedback amplifier circuits. This simulation algorithm is performed for the input series output parallel connected 2 switch forward converter. Steady state and large signal transient responses due to a step load change are simulated. The simulation results are verified through experiments.

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Advanced Fast-Forward/Backward Algorithm for VOD Server (VOD서버를 위한 개선된 Fast-Forward/Fast-Backward 알고리즘)

  • Jin-Uok Kim;Soo-Mok Jung
    • Journal of the Korea Computer Industry Society
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.293-300
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    • 2004
  • In this paper, we devise both methods supporting interactive VCR-like functions for MPEG stream and minimizing the storage space. Specifically, we proposed both methods to efficiently stripe MPEG stream into multiple disks, and an access strategy to retrieve the distributed streams over the disks. To accurately locate the streams to be referred to, we introduce a table indexing the location. When client request Fast Forward(FF)/Fast Backward(FB), VOD(Video on Demand) server refer to this index table supporting FF/FB functions. Experimental result shows that the proposed method can reduce the additional storage space needed when VOD server services FF/FB functions.

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Kinematic Analysis of Multi Axis Shaking Table for Multi-Purpose Test of Heavy Transport Vehicle (고하중 차량의 다목적 테스트를 위한 다축 가진 테이블의 기구학 해석)

  • Jin, Jae-Hyun;Na, Hong-Cheoul;Jeon, Seung-Bae
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.18 no.9
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    • pp.823-829
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    • 2012
  • An excitation table is commonly used for vibration and ride tests for parts or assemblies of automobiles, aircrafts, or other heavy systems. The authors have analyzed several kinematic properties of an excitation table that is under development for heavy transport vehicles. It consists of one table and 7 linear hydraulic actuators. The authors have performed mobility analysis, inverse kinematics, forward kinematics, and singularity analysis. Especially, we have proposed a fast forward kinematic solution considering the limited motion of the excitation table. On the assumption that the motion variables such as rotation angles and displacements are small, the forward kinematic problem is converted to the observer problem of a linear system. This provides a fast solution. Also we have verified that there are no singularity points in the working range by numerical analysis.

A Fast Discrete-Time-Domain Simulation for the Input- Series -Output-Parallel Connected 2-Switch Forward Converter (직렬입력-병렬출력 연결된 2-스위치 포워드 컨버터에 대한 이산 시간 영옌 고속 시뮬레이션)

  • Kim Marn-Go
    • Proceedings of the KIPE Conference
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    • 2002.07a
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    • pp.533-537
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    • 2002
  • A fast time domain modeling and simulation is performed for the input-series-output-parallel connected 2-switch forward converter Steady-state and large-signal transient responses due to a step load change are simulated. The simulation results are verified through experiments.

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The Design and Implementation of Method for Providing VCR Functions in VOD (VOD상에서 VOR 기능 제공 방법 설계 및 구현)

  • Hong, Myung-Joon;Park, Ho-Kyun;Ryou, Hwang-Bin
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.4 no.10
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    • pp.2421-2433
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    • 1997
  • In this paper, based on the relative logical storage cost of each movie by the difference of service request probability, we propose and implement the SDU(Separate Data Use) method and the EDU(Existing Data Use) method to provide FF(Fast Forward) and FR(Fast Reverse) function in efficiently through analysing MPEG bit stream and frame characteristics. By selecting and applying the FF/FR function providing method based on the service request probability of movie, the proposed method can reduce the cost of FF/FR functions for total serviced movies.

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Study on changes in electrical and switching characteristics of NPT-IGBT devices by fast neutron irradiation

  • Hani Baek;Byung Gun Park;Chaeho Shin;Gwang Min Sun
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.55 no.9
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    • pp.3334-3341
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    • 2023
  • We studied the irradiation effects of fast neutron generated by a 30 MeV cyclotron on the electrical and switching characteristics of NPT-IGBT devices. Fast neutron fluence ranges from 2.7 × 109 to 1.82 × 1013 n/cm2. Electrical characteristics of the IGBT device such as I-V, forward voltage drop and additionally switching characteristics of turn-on and -off were measured. As the neutron fluence increased, the device's threshold voltage decreased, the forward voltage drop increased significantly, and the turn-on and turn-off time became faster. In particular, the delay time of turn-on switching was improved by about 35% to a maximum of about 39.68 ns, and that of turn-off switching was also reduced by about 40%-84.89 ns, showing a faster switching.

LIGBT with Dual Cathode for Improving Breakdown Characteristics

  • Kang, Ey-Gook;Moon, Seung-Hyun;Sung, Man-Young
    • Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Materials
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    • v.1 no.4
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    • pp.16-19
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    • 2000
  • Power transistors to be used in Power Integrated Circuits(PIC) are required to have low on resistance, fast switching speed, and high breakdown voltage. The lateral IGBTs(LIGBTs)are promising power devices for high voltage PIC applications, because of its superior device characteristics. In this paper, dual cathode LIGBT(DCIGBT) for high voltage is presented. We have verified the effectiveness of high blocking voltage in the new device by using two dimensional devices simulator. We have analyzed the forward blocking characteristics , the latch up performance and turn off characteristics of the proposed structure. Specially, we have focused forward blocking of LIGBT. The forward blocking voltage of conventional LIGBT and the proposed LIGBT are 120V and 165V, respectively. . The forward blocking characteristics of the proposed LIGBT is better than that of the conventional LIGBT. This forward blocking comparison exhibits a 1.5 times improvement in the proposed LIGBT.

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Syndrome Check aided Fast-SSCANL Decoding Algorithm for Polar Codes

  • Choangyang Liu;Wenjie Dai;Rui Guo
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.1412-1430
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    • 2024
  • The soft cancellation list (SCANL) decoding algorithm for polar codes runs L soft cancellation (SCAN) decoders with different decoding factor graphs. Although it can achieve better decoding performance than SCAN algorithm, it has high latency. In this paper, a fast simplified SCANL (Fast-SSCANL) algorithm that runs L independent Fast-SSCAN decoders is proposed. In Fast-SSCANL decoder, special nodes in each factor graph is identified, and corresponding low-latency decoding approaches for each special node is propose first. Then, syndrome check aided Fast-SSCANL (SC-Fast-SSCANL) algorithm is further put forward. The ordinary nodes satisfied the syndrome check will execute hard decision directly without traversing the factor graph, thereby reducing the decoding latency further. Simulation results show that Fast-SSCANL and SC-Fast-SSCANL algorithms can achieve the same BER performance as the SCANL algorithm with lower latency. Fast-SSCANL algorithm can reduce latency by more than 83% compared with SCANL, and SC-Fast-SSCANL algorithm can reduce more than 85% latency compared with SCANL regardless of code length and code rate.

Joint Relay Selection and Resource Allocation for Cooperative OFDMA Network

  • Lv, Linshu;Zhu, Qi
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.6 no.11
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    • pp.3008-3025
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    • 2012
  • In this paper, the downlink resource allocation of OFDMA system with decode-and-forward (DF) relaying is investigated. A non-convex optimization problem maximizing system throughput with users' satisfaction constraints is formulated with joint relay selection, subcarrier assignment and power allocation. We first transform it to a standard convex problem and then solve it by dual decomposition. In particular, an Optimal resource allocation scheme With Time-sharing (OWT) is proposed with combination of relay selection, subcarrier allocation and power control. Due to its poor adaption to the fast-varying environment, an improved version with subcarrier Monopolization (OWM) is put forward, whose performance promotes about 20% compared with that of OWT in the fast-varying vehicular environment. In fact, OWM is the special case of OWT with binary time-sharing factor and OWT can be seen as the tight upper bound of the OWM. To the best of our knowledge, such algorithms and their relation have not been accurately investigated in cooperative OFDMA networks in the literature. Simulation results show that both the system throughput and the users' satisfaction of the proposed algorithms outperform the traditional ones.

Implementation of fast forward function in video on demand service system (주문형 비디오 서비스 시스템에서의 정방향 및 역방향 빠른재생 기능구현)

  • 권은정;최영진;김형명
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.1377-1384
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    • 1997
  • We propose a new scheme to provide the fast forward and reverse(FF/R) functions to users in Video On Demand Service System. The proposed scheme is to use only I and P pictures obtained by sampling MPEG2 bit-steam. New frame raes for FF/R play are specified with parameters of MPEG2 syntrx. Bits of I and P pictures are reduced in three steps: Variable length decoding(VLD), Inverse quantization and Requantization. The proposed scheme is ecnomical in the sense that it can provide FF/R function without any additional requirement on the bandwidth and on the storage media in video server.

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