• Title/Summary/Keyword: Fashion shopping behavior

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A Study on Self-concept, Shopping Orientation and Store Patronage Behavior of College Women's Fashion Life-style Segments (여대생의 패션 라이프 스타일에 따른 자아개념, 쇼핑성향, 상점애고에 관한 연구)

  • 정혜영
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.25
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    • pp.201-213
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    • 1995
  • The purposes of the study were (1) to seg-ment the female college apparel market based on fashion life style and (2) to develop a pro-file of each segment regard to self-concept, shopping orientation and patronage behavior. The data were collected through questionnaire by random sample of 526 female college students. By cluster analysis of lifestyle factors, three groups were identified, (fashion leaders, fashion followers and fashion aversion) Three groups were then compared through multivariate analysis of variance and chi-square statistics on 10 self-concept variables, 6 shopping statistics on 10 self-concept variables, 6 shopping orientation factors and 1 patronage behavior variable. Significant difference were found among the three groups on all these variables which indi-cate that fashion lifestyle can be a useful base for segmenting female apparel market and these groups are unique in terms of self-con-cept, shopping orientation and patronage behavior.

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Clothing Importance Perception and Clothing Involvement: in Relation to Value, Fashion Opinion Leadership and Shopping Behavior (의복중요성 지각과 의복관여: 가치, 유행의사선도력 및 쇼핑행동과 관련지어)

  • 이영선
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.549-559
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    • 2000
  • In a few studies about product involvement there was confusion in the construct of involvement especially in association with importance. Due to the confusion of the construct unanticipated and inconsistent results were reported in some cases. So this study was mainly to identify the relationship between clothing importance and clothing involvement and also investigated the casual relationships among consumers n, value, clothing importance, clothing involvement fashion opinion leadership, and shopping behavior. The data were collected from 429 female adults using questionnaire, and were analysed with actor and path analysis. Results can be summarized as follows. First, clothing importance was the separate concept from clothing involvement, though they were closely related. Second. it was revealed that the main casual path was valuerlongrightarrowclothing importancelongrightarrowclothing involvementlongrightarrowfashion opinion leadership, shopping preference, shopping frequency, and shopping time. On the whole, the affective dimension of clothing involvement mainly affected them, and consumer's age negatively affected fashion opinion leadership and shopping behavior.

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Fashion Orientation, Goal-directed or Experiential Motivations, Shopping Flow Experience and Purchasing Behavior of Fashion Products (패션지향성, 목적지향적/체험적 쇼핑동기, 플로우 경험과 패션제품 구매행동)

  • Lee, Kyu-Hye;Choi, Ja-Young
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.185-193
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships among fashion orientation, shopping motivations, shopping flow experience, and purchases of fashion products. Two types of shopping motivations were employed in the study: goal-directed and experiential. A conceptual research model was developed using research variables and structural equational modeling was used to test hypotheses. Empirical results indicated that fashion orientation had a strong positive direct effect on both types of shopping motives. Experiential and goal-directed motivations both had significant influence on shopping flow experience by consumers. During this process the influence of experiential motivation on flow experience was stronger, which implies the importance of experiential motivation on shopping fashion products. In addition, shopping flow experience played an important role in fashion product purchasing. Results of this study suggest that retailers should take into consideration flow in the context of shopping.

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The Effect of Fashion Leadership on Fashion Products Purchase in Surrogate Internet Shopping Mall (유행선도력에 따른 대행 인터넷 쇼핑몰의 패션제품 구매행동)

  • Song, Myung-Hwa;Hwang, Jin-Sook
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.179-189
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    • 2008
  • The purposes of this study were to segment surrogate internet shopping mall consumers by fashion leadership and to find the differences among the segmented groups in regard to surrogate internet shopping perceived risks, selection criteria, dissatisfactions with surrogate shopping malls, and other purchase behavior. The subjects of this study were female consumers who were users of surrogate internet shopping malls. The data were collected during October, 2005. The respondents returned the questionnaires and 283 questionnaires were finally used in the data analysis. The statistical analyses used for the study were factor analysis, ANOVA, Duncan test, and $X^2$-test. The results showed that consumers were segmented by four groups: fashion dual leaders, fashion leaders, fashion followers, and fashion laggards. These segmented groups were significantly different in regard to surrogate internet shopping mall perceived risks, selection criteria, dissatisfactions with surrogate shopping malls, and other purchase behavior. Generally, fashion dual leaders had less perceived risks, considered diverse selection criteria important, and were less dissatisfied with surrogate shopping malls. Also, the fashion dual leaders had a higher purchase frequency and paid a higher price on surrogate internet shopping malls.

A Study on Service Quality and Satisfaction of Fashion Retail Stores -Focusing on departmentstore, discountstore, East & South gate fashion shopping mall- (패션점포의 서비스품질과 만족에 관한 연구 -백화점, 할인점, 동대문과 남대문 패션쇼핑몰을 중심으로-)

  • 이주영
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.53 no.2
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    • pp.171-182
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study was to determine dimension of service quality, there by to analyze difference of service quality according to the types of fashion retail stores. and to investigate consumer variables (demographic characteristics, purchase behavior) and service quality which affect consumer satisfaction. The subject were 451 women in the age of twenty to forty years old who live in Seoul and the suburban of Seoul. The results of the study were as follows : First, it was found that fashion retail store's service quality was classified 5 factors: (1)salesperson. (2)convenience of shopping, (3)variety of product and facility. (4)store policy, (5)efficiency of movement. Second, departmentstore was evaluated the highest in terms of all factors. Discountstore was evaluated highly in terms of store policy and lowly in terms of variety of production and facility. East & South gate fashion shopping mall was evaluated the lowest in terms of all factors except variety of product and facility. Third, service quality and satisfaction showed significant differences in demographic characteristics. Purchase behavior of each fashion retail stores showed significant differences. The difference of service quality and satisfaction depending on purchase behavior showed a significant positive relation. Forth, service quality of discountstore and East & South gate fashion shopping mall were affected by purchase behavior partially. Departmentstore users were affected by salesperson and store policy. Discountstore users were affected by all factors except convenience of shopping. East & South fate fashion shopping mall users were affected by all factors.

Shopping Orientation and Knitwear Purchasing Behavior of Female College Students in the U.S. (미국 여대생의 쇼핑 성향과 니트웨어 구매행동에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Ok-Hee;Rucker, Margaret
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.161-173
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    • 2005
  • The Main objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between shopping orientations and Knit wear Buying Behavior of female college students in the U.S. age 18 to 33. The questionnaires for this survey were developed to measure knitwear purchasing behavior, including sources of information about knitwear, evaluative criteria of knit wear product, attributes f store preference for knitwear, and shopping orientation. The questionnaire was administered to 119 female college students in the University of California. The data was analyzed by percentage, frequency, mean, factor analysis, Cluster Analysis and ANOVA, Duncan Multiple Range test. The female college students were classified into five subdivisions by cluster analysis; cautious shopping group, recreational shopping group, self-confident shopping group, shopping indifferent group, price conscious shopping group. In the case of fashion information sources of knit wear, significant differences were found according to shopping orientation subdivision in observation of others' and famous people's clothing, fashion shows, fashion articles in magazines, newspapers, and on the Internet, and shop displays. The evaluation criteria of knit wear product were significantly different depending on shopping orientation subdivision in fashionable, brand and store name, appropriate for different occasion, prestige. The store attributes of knitwear were significantly different depending on shopping orientation subdivision in product knowledge of sales personnel, store atmosphere, display of merchandise, layaway payment plan, price level, ease of parking and access, and new fashion.

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The Interrelatinship among Fashion Leadership, use of Fashion Leadership, use of Fashion Information and Apparel Shopping Behavior of Middle-and High-School Male Students(Part I) (남자 중.고등학생의 유행선도력과 정보원 활용 및 의류구매행동과의 관계연구(제1보))

  • 전경숙
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.675-685
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    • 2000
  • The fashion leadership, use of fashion information, and apparel shopping behavior of middle-and high-school male students were examined. The interrelationship of the three variables was also analysed. Subjects were 600 male students in Kang-Bouk and kang-Nam. Major findings indicated that fashion consciousness and confidence were the significant factors in fashion innovativeness and opinion leadership. And the outfit of celebrities(popular signer and film stars) was the most influential factors in the fashion leadership. Among commercial informations, the display and interior was more effective than advertisings. The higher the innovativeness, the more subjects wanted to accompany friends rather than parents and also the more time was spent in their shopping.

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Cosmetics Behavior and Purchasing Behavior according to Female Cosmetics Consumer' Shopping Propensity Typology (화장품 소비자의 쇼핑성향 유형에 따른 화장행동 및 구매행동)

  • Park, Eun-Hee;Ku, Yang-Suk
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.28-42
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to classify cosmetics shopping propensity and analyze the relationship between cosmetics shopping propensity typology, cosmetics behavior, and purchasing behavior of female cosmetics consumers. Questionnaires were administered to 455 famale consumers living in Deagu and Kyungbook province. Data were analyzed by using frequency, factor analysis, cluster analysis, correlation analysis, $X^2$-test, ANOVA, and Duncan-test. The findings are as follows. Cosmetics shopping propensity typologies of female consumers were classified into four groups such as economic, band loyalty, passive, and impulse display shopping. In the relationship of the cosmetics shopping propensity was related to the sub-variables of cosmetics behavior. Cosmetics shopping propensity groups showed different all the sub-variables of cosmetics behavior factors. Cosmetics shopping propensity groups showed connected with the sub-variables of cosmetics purchasing behavior factors.

A Study on Fashion leadership, use of fashion information and apparel shopping behavior of middle-and high-school male students (Part II) (남자 중.고등학생의 유행선도력과 정보원 활용 및 의류구매행동과의 관계연구(제2보))

  • 전경숙
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.50 no.7
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    • pp.5-14
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    • 2000
  • Fashion leadership of middle- and high-school male student was measured. The subjects were divided into five subgroups including, fashion dual leaders(13.3%), innovators(10.3%), opinion leaders(7.6%), followers(52.3%), and laggards(16.3%), according to their innovativeness and opinion leadership. The findings were as follows : fashion dual leaders were very confident and fashion-conscious while other subgroups were very price-conscious and quality-aware. Among the fashion information sources included in the study' my own experience and opinion' was the most Important to all 5 subgroups. Generally the higher the fashion leadership was, the more actively utilized fashion information sources. The fashion magazine and commercials as information sources was not as important to the subjects as it was to college women. Apparel shopping behavior was also significantly different among subgroups. As a whole, the general characteristics, such as. the use of fashion information and the apparel shopping behavior, of opinion leaders and innovators were similar, but those of followers and laggards were very dissimilar.

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The Study of Impulse Buying Behavior according to Consumption Value in Mobile Fashion Shopping Mall (모바일 패션 쇼핑몰에서 소비가치에 따른 충동구매행동 연구)

  • Kang, Eunmi
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.372-381
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    • 2015
  • This study investigates differences in fashion products attributes, mobile shopping mall attributes, impulse buying behavior, and satisfaction according to mobile shoppingconsumption value. The findings provide new information on marketing strategy for mobile shopping malls. A total of 283 usable questionnaires were obtained from college students. Data were analyzed by frequency analysis, factor analysis, and ANOVA using SPSS 21.0 for Windows. The results were as follows. First, according to the consumption value, consumer were classified into 3 groups: social/functional oriented, indifference and epistemic/emotional oriented. Second, the conspicuous-functional pursuit group considered utility and exhibition more important in regards to fashion products attributes for the consumption value group, the personality pursuit group also considered aesthetics and utility more important than other groups. Third, conspicuous-functional pursuit group considered continuous management more importantin regards to the importance ofmobile shopping mall attributes for the consumption value group, the personality pursuit group considered informationexchange more important than the other groups. Fourth, the conspicuous-functional pursuit group and Personality pursuit group considered impulse purchase behavior more important than the emotionalpursuit group. The conspicuous-functional pursuit group considered satisfaction after impulse purchase behavior more important than other groups.