• 제목/요약/키워드: Factor of Safety

검색결과 4,662건 처리시간 0.043초

학교급식 및 외식업체에서의 신선편이 농산물 사용실태 및 요구도 평가 (Assessment of Demand and Use of Fresh-Cut Produce in School Foodservice and Restaurant Industries)

  • 손시혜;김주희;김수진;박혜영;김기창;김행란;윤기선
    • 한국식품영양과학회지
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    • 제39권6호
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    • pp.909-919
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    • 2010
  • 본 연구는 전 지역의 학교급식 영양사와 외식업체 종사자를 대상으로 학교급식 및 외식업체에서의 전처리 농산물 식재료의 사용실태와 농산물 이용의 효율을 높이기 위한 요구도에 관하여 설문조사를 실시하였다. 조사대상자의 업종형태에서는 학교급식이 181명(29.8%)이었고, 외식산업은 64명(26.1%)이었다. 학교급식의 운영형태는 148개교(81.8%)가 직영급식으로, 33개교(18.2%)가 위탁급식으로 운영되었으며, 외식업체는 프랜차이즈 레스토랑(45.3%)이 가장 많았다. 식재료 공급업체 선정 시 중요하게 고려하는 요소로는 학교급식 및 외식업체 모두에서 식재료의 품질이 가장 중요한 것으로 나타났고, 2순위로 중요하게 고려하는 요소로는 학교급식의 경우 공급업체의 위생시설(HACCP인증 여부)이 외식산업의 경우 식재료의 가격으로 조사되었다. 학교급식 및 외식업체에서의 전처리 농산물 식재료 구매 시 어려운 점으로는 식재료의 품질 및 신선도 저하가, 검수 시 어려운점으로는 식재료의 품질여부를 육안으로 구분하기 어려움이 전처리 농산물 식재료 사용에 있어서는 식재료의 품질에 가장 큰 비중을 두었다. 또한 전처리 농산물 식재료 조리시 가장 큰 문제점은 학교급식에서는 재세척의 필요성이, 외식업체에서는 일정하지 않은 크기인 것으로 나타났다. 학교급식에서 운영형태에 따른 계약기간으로 직영에서는 1개월이 39.2%로 가장 많은 반면 위탁에서는 1년 이상이 81.8%로 가장 많아 운영형태에 따른 계약기간에서 유의적 차이를 보였다(p<0.05). 전처리 농산물 식재료의 사용 확대 가능성에 대해 급식 및 외식에서 각각 44.4%와 58.1%가 앞으로 계속 사용이 증가할 것이며 전처리 농산물 식재료의 크기 규격화도 과반수 이상이 필요하다고 답하였다. 전처리 농산물 식재료의 위생 상태에 대한 불신으로 학교급식의 96.0%, 외식산업의 78.3%가 개봉 후 다시 세척을 하고 있었으며 위생 상태에 대한 불신이 전처리 농산물 식재료의 가장 중요한 문제점으로 지적되었다. 주로 이용하고 있는 전처리 농산물 식재료의 형태에서는 학교급식과 외식산업 모두 일반농산물을 많이 사용하고 있었고, 전처리 농산물 식재료를 사용하는 주된 용도로는 학교급식과 외식업체 모두 볶음과 무침으로 나타났다. 전처리 식재료의 유통기간 연장을 위해 저온유통과 포장방법에 대한 연구가 요구되어졌으며 또한 향후 식재료의 이용효율을 높이기 위해 학교급식 및 외식업체 모두 포장 개봉 후 갈변 예방법이 필요하다고 하였다. 한편 전처리 농산물 식재료의 처리단계 요구도 조사결과에 따르면 학교급식의 경우 엽채류는 흙먼지제거 단계(36.4%)까지, 외식산업의 경우 다듬기 단계(36.8%)까지 원하였고, 나물류는 학교급식의 경우 40.4%가 데치기 단계까지 원한 반면, 외식업체의 경우 33.3%가 다듬기 단계까지를 원해 업종간 유의적 차이를 보였다(p<0.05). 이상의 결과를 볼 때 학교급식과 외식업체에서는 전처리 농산물 식재료 사용에 대한 요구도는 크지만 공급업체에 대한 불신, 식재료 안전성에 대한 불안감이 사용률을 저하시키고 있었다. 따라서 이러한 문제점들을 개선시키기 위한 대책으로 정부는 대다수의 식재료 공급업체가 중소기업으로 자체적으로 고품질의 안전한 식재료를 생산할 수 있는 인프라가 매우 부족한 점을 감안하여 안전한 식재료를 생산하기 위한 시설 및 공정별 HACCP 모델 개발 등과 같은 연구지원을 강화하여야 할 것이다. 또한 표준화된 식재료가 생산될 수 있도록 전처리 농산물 식재료의 표준규격 및 기준을 제정하고 안전한 식재료 생산을 위한 공정개선 및 소독제의 효과, 유통기한연장, 품질보존 등 다양한 연구가 앞으로 지속적으로 이루어져야 할 것으로 사료되어진다.

서해 군산 연안의 2001년부터 2010년까지의 용존성무기영양염류의 변동 (The Variation of the Dissolved Inorganic Nutrients in the Costal Area of Gunsan, Yellow Sea from 2001 to 2010)

  • 허승;권정노;박종수
    • 해양환경안전학회지
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    • 제17권4호
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    • pp.357-365
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    • 2011
  • 본 연구는 국립수산과학원의 국가해양환경측정망 자료를 이용하여 2001년부터 2010년까지 년 4회 군산연안의 10개 정점에서의 용존성무기영양염류의 조사시기별 및 정점별 변동을 분석하였다. 용존성무기질소(DIN)의 연도별 평균값은 표층과 저층 모두 비슷한 농도 분포를 보였는데, 10년간 표층 평균은 0.421mg/L(0.198~0.846mg/L)였고, 저층 평균은 0.344mg/L(0.148~0.717mg/L)였다. 연도별 평균값은 표층에서 2002년 0.846mg/L로 가장 높았고 그 이후 차차 낮아지는 경향을 보여 2010년 0.198mg/L로 가장 낮은 값을 보였으며, 저층도 유사한 경향을 보였다. 군산연안의 10개 정점에서의 DIN의 10년간 평균의 암모니아질소, 아질산질소 및 질산질소의 비율은 각각 27%, 3% 및 70%정도로서 대부분 질산질소였으며, 표 저층간의 차이도 거의 없었다. 용존성무기인(DIP)의 연 평균값은 2002년 저층에서 0.085mg/L로 높은 값을 보인 것을 제외하고는 표 저층간의 농도 차이는 거의 없었으며, 표층에서 10년 평균이 0.024mg/L 였으나, 2008년 0.021mg/L, 2009년 0.007mg/L, 2010년 0.008mg/L로 농도가 급격히 낮아졌다. 2002년부터 2010년까지 DIN/DIP 농도비를 비교한 결과 표층에서 평균 6.0(3.2~10.1), 저층에서 평균 4.6(2.6~7.0)으로서 2002년을 제외하고는 연도별 및 표 저층 간에 큰 차이는 없었다. 2004년부터 조사된 용존성무기규소는 7년 평균이 표층에서 0.372mg/L, 저층에서 0.352mg/L로 표 저층간에 차이가 거의 없었으며, 표층에서 2005년 평균 0.552mg/L, 2006년 평균 0.575mg/L의 값을 보인 후, 지속적으로 감소하는 경향을 보였으며, 2009년에는 0.130mg/L로 최소값을 보였다. 전체적으로 염분과 용존성무기영양염류와의 10년간 상관관계는 표층에서 용존성무기질소는 -0.72, 용존성무기인은 -0.46, 용존성무기규소는 -0.63 이었으며, 저층은 용존성무기질소는 -0.70, 용존성무기인은 -0.44, 용존성무기규소는 -0.57로서, 군산 연안의 용존성무기영양염류은 금강으로 부터의 담수유입에 의한 영향이 크게 나타났으며, 특히 금강을 통해 용존성무기질소가 많이 유입되는 것으로 나타났다. 용존성무기영양염류는 군산시에 가까운 정점 1, 2, 3에서 높은 값을 보였는데, 이는 금강과 군산시의 영향으로 생각된다. 조사 시기에 따른 농도 변화는 크지 않았으나, 연도별 평균값을 보면 2001년부터 용존성무기영양염류의 농도가 점차 감소하는 경향을 보여, 이에 대한 지속적인 모니터링과 그 원인 연구가 필요할 것으로 판단된다.

일부 직업인들의 근골격계 자각증상과 강증진생활양식간의 연관성에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Relationship between Musculoskeletal Symptoms and Health Promoting Life Style among Some Workers)

  • 강홍구;이은경;전선영;김상덕;정재열;이영길;장두섭;송용선;이기남
    • 대한예방한의학회지
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    • 제5권2호
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    • pp.40-68
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    • 2001
  • In this study, grade of subjective symptom appealed by laborer of Jeollabuk-do was evaluated using questionary regarding factor made effect on musculoskeletal disease and in addition, studied relationship with health promotion life style of them. Based on the result, relationship of general characteristics of musculoskeletal subjective symptom and life-style of the subjects was concluded as below. 1. General characteristics of study subjects were as following. Ratio of male was higher as 57.7% of male and 42.2% female and age distribution was 5.1% of 20s, 34.99% of 30s, 36.3% of 40s and 23.7% of 50s and therefore, $30{\sim}40$ aged groups showed highest ratio. Most subjects (74.9%) was married status and in case of education level, high-school graduate and dropout (23.3%) and over-college graduate (46.8%) showed highest distribution. $1{\sim}2$ Mil. KRW (29.5%) and $2{\sim}2.99$ Mil. KRW (21.2%) is the main income distribution and however there was high ratio of non-reply (29.0%). In case of employment period, $10{\sim}14$ years (15.3%) and over 15 years (29.6%) showed highest ratio and there were many non-reply (39.4%) and in addition, 67.6% replied as own house and 14.3% as lease on deposit base in question of residence type. 2. Subjects showed high ratio of subjective symptom appeal of 62.79% and many cases (50.23%) appealed 1 or 2 symptoms. Symptom by body region was 29.8% (waist), 27% (shoulder), 21.2% (knee), 15.5% (neck), 9.5% (ankle), 8.1% (wrist) and 5.0% (elbow) in order. In case of relationship with general characteristics, female comparing with male, non-residence of own house, subjects with lower education level and employment period of $10{\sim}14$ years showed higher appeal rate and kind of symptoms than others. Therefore, it was concluded that rate of musculoskeletal symptom appeal have close relationship with gender, level of living, education level, age and employment period. 3. In case of severe pain of upper body except waist and ankle, it was appealed in both or right side and it means that upper body pain is originated from right side and right region pain is transited to both region pain. In addition, there was 39.41% of non-reply to existence of right-left region pain and therefore, it was evaluated that, in may cases, there was no awareness of their own symptom condition even on subjective symptom. 4. Degree of pain was, as pain over middle level, evaluated as 2.79 on full mark of 4.0 and in order of waist (2.97), ankle (2.83), knee (2.82), wrist (2.82), neck (2.79), shoulder (2.70) and elbow (2.62). In addition, 71.97% appealed $2{\sim}3$ cases for the latest 1 week. Owing to subjective symptom, 54.95% drop into hospital or pharmacy, 10.32% made temporary retirement or absence, 7.99% transferred into more comfortable duty and $39.4{\sim}54%$ experienced one or more managing mentioned above. 5. Fulfillment of health promotion life style of subjects was evaluated on full mark of 4.0 and total score was 2.63. Average mark of each area was personal relationship (3.05), self-realization (2.92), stress management (2.63), health control (2.48), physical exercise (2.19) and nutrition management (2.19) and personal relationship was highest and physical exercise and nutrition management were lowest. As general characteristics influencing health promotion life style, gender, residence style and employment period showed significant difference. Male showed higher mark than female and showed higher mark in order of own house, others, lease on deposit base, monthly rent. Subjects with longer employment period showed higher mark with significant difference. 6. Accounting of factor influencing each area of health promotion life style, self-realization showed significance in marriage status, income, residence style and education level and health control in age, residence style and employment period. Physical exercise showed significant difference in gender, age, residence style and employment period and nutrition in gender, age, residence style and employment period. Stress management showed significant difference in residence style and employment period and however not in personal relationship. 7. Health promotion life style relating with existence and kind of pain showed significant difference in all area except personal relationship area. In absence of pain, there was statistically significant high score in all area even in total health promotion life style and all area. Accounting of kind of pain, cases of $1{\sim}2$ kinds of pain and $5{\sim}6$ kinds of pain showed relatively high score and it was lower than mark of subject stated absence of pain. 8. Subjects appeal symptom were classified by symptom region and difference of total and each areas were evaluated. General area (p=0.002), self-realization (p=0.012), health management (p=0.023), physical exercise (p=0.028), nutrition management (p=0.028) and stress control (p=0.001) showed statistically significant difference and not in personal relationship area. Especially, elbow, shoulder and neck area marked high and group appealed pain of knee, arm and elbow, foot and ankle marked low. Based on those results, subjective symptom should be accounted seriously in diagnosis of occupational musculoskeletal disease of laborer and among subjective symptom, general characteristics of gender, age, condition of living, education level and employment period make effect. Generally subject appeal symptom marked lower than subject without symptom appeal and it means that life management of subject appealing musculoskeletal pain make important role in management and treatment of occupational musculoskeletal disease.

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인터넷 쇼핑몰 수용에 있어 사용자 능력의 조절효과 분석 (An Analysis of the Moderating Effects of User Ability on the Acceptance of an Internet Shopping Mall)

  • 서건수
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • 제18권4호
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    • pp.27-55
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    • 2008
  • Due to the increasing and intensifying competition in the Internet shopping market, it has been recognized as very important to develop an effective policy and strategy for acquiring loyal customers. For this reason, web site designers need to know if a new Internet shopping mall(ISM) will be accepted. Researchers have been working on identifying factors for explaining and predicting user acceptance of an ISM. Some studies, however, revealed inconsistent findings on the antecedents of user acceptance of a website. Lack of consideration for individual differences in user ability is believed to be one of the key reasons for the mixed findings. The elaboration likelihood model (ELM) and several studies have suggested that individual differences in ability plays an moderating role on the relationship between the antecedents and user acceptance. Despite the critical role of user ability, little research has examined the role of user ability in the Internet shopping mall context. The purpose of this study is to develop a user acceptance model that consider the moderating role of user ability in the context of Internet shopping. This study was initiated to see the ability of the technology acceptance model(TAM) to explain the acceptance of a specific ISM. According to TAM. which is one of the most influential models for explaining user acceptance of IT, an intention to use IT is determined by usefulness and ease of use. Given that interaction between user and website takes place through web interface, the decisions to accept and continue using an ISM depend on these beliefs. However, TAM neglects to consider the fact that many users would not stick to an ISM until they trust it although they may think it useful and easy to use. The importance of trust for user acceptance of ISM has been raised by the relational views. The relational view emphasizes the trust-building process between the user and ISM, and user's trust on the website is a major determinant of user acceptance. The proposed model extends and integrates the TAM and relational views on user acceptance of ISM by incorporating usefulness, ease of use, and trust. User acceptance is defined as a user's intention to reuse a specific ISM. And user ability is introduced into the model as moderating variable. Here, the user ability is defined as a degree of experiences, knowledge and skills regarding Internet shopping sites. The research model proposes that the ease of use, usefulness and trust of ISM are key determinants of user acceptance. In addition, this paper hypothesizes that the effects of the antecedents(i.e., ease of use, usefulness, and trust) on user acceptance may differ among users. In particular, this paper proposes a moderating effect of a user's ability on the relationship between antecedents with user's intention to reuse. The research model with eleven hypotheses was derived and tested through a survey that involved 470 university students. For each research variable, this paper used measurement items recognized for reliability and widely used in previous research. We slightly modified some items proper to the research context. The reliability and validity of the research variables were tested using the Crobnach's alpha and internal consistency reliability (ICR) values, standard factor loadings of the confirmative factor analysis, and average variance extracted (AVE) values. A LISREL method was used to test the suitability of the research model and its relating six hypotheses. Key findings of the results are summarized in the following. First, TAM's two constructs, ease of use and usefulness directly affect user acceptance. In addition, ease of use indirectly influences user acceptance by affecting trust. This implies that users tend to trust a shopping site and visit repeatedly when they perceive a specific ISM easy to use. Accordingly, designing a shopping site that allows users to navigate with heuristic and minimal clicks for finding information and products within the site is important for improving the site's trust and acceptance. Usefulness, however, was not found to influence trust. Second, among the three belief constructs(ease of use, usefulness, and trust), trust was empirically supported as the most important determinants of user acceptance. This implies that users require trustworthiness from an Internet shopping site to be repeat visitors of an ISM. Providing a sense of safety and eliminating the anxiety of online shoppers in relation to privacy, security, delivery, and product returns are critically important conditions for acquiring repeat visitors. Hence, in addition to usefulness and ease of use as in TAM, trust should be a fundamental determinants of user acceptance in the context of internet shopping. Third, the user's ability on using an Internet shopping site played a moderating role. For users with low ability, ease of use was found to be a more important factors in deciding to reuse the shopping mall, whereas usefulness and trust had more effects on users with high ability. Applying the EML theory to these findings, we can suggest that experienced and knowledgeable ISM users tend to elaborate on such usefulness aspects as efficient and effective shopping performance and trust factors as ability, benevolence, integrity, and predictability of a shopping site before they become repeat visitors of the site. In contrast, novice users tend to rely on the low elaborating features, such as the perceived ease of use. The existence of moderating effects suggests the fact that different individuals evaluate an ISM from different perspectives. The expert users are more interested in the outcome of the visit(usefulness) and trustworthiness(trust) than those novice visitors. The latter evaluate the ISM in a more superficial manner focusing on the novelty of the site and on other instrumental beliefs(ease of use). This is consistent with the insights proposed by the Heuristic-Systematic model. According to the Heuristic-Systematic model. a users act on the principle of minimum effort. Thus, the user considers an ISM heuristically, focusing on those aspects that are easy to process and evaluate(ease of use). When the user has sufficient experience and skills, the user will change to systematic processing, where they will evaluate more complex aspects of the site(its usefulness and trustworthiness). This implies that an ISM has to provide a minimum level of ease of use to make it possible for a user to evaluate its usefulness and trustworthiness. Ease of use is a necessary but not sufficient condition for the acceptance and use of an ISM. Overall, the empirical results generally support the proposed model and identify the moderating effect of the effects of user ability. More detailed interpretations and implications of the findings are discussed. The limitations of this study are also discussed to provide directions for future research.

유통 환제의 유해 중금속 함량 및 위해도 평가 (The Content and Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals in Herbal Pills)

  • 이성득;이영기;김무상;박석기;김연선;채영주
    • 한국식품위생안전성학회지
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    • 제27권4호
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    • pp.375-387
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    • 2012
  • 시중에서 유통 중인 환제 31종 93건을 수집하여 유해 중금속 (납, 카드뮴, 비소 및 수은)의 함량을 조사하고 유해성을 평가하였다. 중금속 중 납, 카드뮴, 비소는 Microwave dirgestion system를 이용하여 질산 분해 후 ICP-MS를 사용하였고, 수은은 시료를 수은분석기에 직접 주입하여 측정하였다. 중금속의 위해성 평가는 국제식품첨가물위원회(JECFA)의 잠정주간섭취허용량(PTWI)과 비교하여 %PTWI를 산출하였고 또한 참고섭취량(RfD)과 발암잠재력(SF)을 이용하여 비발암위해도와 발암위해도를 평가하였다. 전체 시료의 중금속의 평균 함량(mg/kg)은 납 0.87, 카드뮴 0.08, 비소 2.87 및 수은 0.16이었고, 재료별 평균 함량(mg/kg)은 표피 0.63, 열매 3.94, 잎 1.42, 뿌리 1.05, 종자 0.16, 해조류 22.31 및 기타 10.17이었다. 납은 전체 시료인 31개 중 28개 시료에서 0.01 mg/kg이상 검출되었으며 카드뮴은 31개 중 24개 시료에서 0.01 mg/kg이상 검출되었고, 비소는 31개 중 29개 시료에서 0.01 mg/kg 이상 검출되었다. 또한 수은은 31개 중 29개 시료에서 0.01 mg/kg 이상 검출되었다. 시료 중 석류환과 칡환은 납의 함량이 높았고, 톳환은 수은의 함량이 높았으며 다시마와 톳환은 비소의 함량이 높았다. 중금속의 위해지수 (비발암위해도)는 표피 0.09, 열매 0.51, 잎 0.33, 뿌리 0.21, 종자 0.02, 해조류 4.84, 기타 0.05이었다. 납의 평균 주간섭취량(${\mu}g$/kg/week)은 0.77로, 국제식품 첨가물위원회(JECFA)의 잠정주간섭취허용량(PTWI) 25의 3.1% 수준이었으며, 납의 초과발암위해도는 표피 $1.95{\times}10^{-7}$, 열매 $1.45{\times}10^{-6}$, 잎 $2.14{\times}10^{-7}$, 뿌리 $6.27{\times}10^{-7}$, 종자 $1.99{\times}10^{-8}$, 해조 $3.61{\times}10^{-7}$, 기타 $9.64{\times}10^{-8}$이었으며, 전체 시료에서는 $4.24{\times}10^{-7}$로 산출되어 평생 동안 섭취할 경우 천만명당 4명의 비율로 암이 발생하는 수준이었다. 카드뮴의 평균 주간섭취량(${\mu}g$/kg/week)은 0.06로 국제식품첨가물위원회(JECFA)의 잠정주간섭취허용량(PTWI) 7과 미국 환경보호청(U.S.EPA)의 참고섭취량(RfD) 0.001 mg/kg/day의 0.9%이었다. 비소의 평균 주간섭취량(${\mu}g$/kg/week)은 2.14이었으나, 비소의 %PTWI는 2010년 비소 독성에 대한 기존의 잠정주간섭취허용량(PTWI)값의 유지가 적절하지 못하다는 국제식품첨가물위원회(JECFA)(140)의 판단 하에 폐지되어 비교할 수 없었고, 미국 환경보호청(U.S.EPA)의 참고섭취량(RfD) 0.3 ${\mu}g$/kg/day을 기준으로 평가하면 참고섭취량(RfD)의 98.3%이었다. 또한 미국 환경보호청(U.S.EPA)의 발암 잠재력(SF)값을 적용하여 시료 중의 비소종이 모두 무기비소일 경우 초과발암위해도를 산출한 결과 표피 $1.54{\times}10^{-5}$, 열매 $7.24{\times}10^{-5}$, 잎 $1.23{\times}10^{-4}$, 뿌리 $2.02{\times}10^{-5}$, 종자 $3.25{\times}10^{-6}$, 해조 $2.18{\times}10^{-3}$, 기타 $5.67{\times}10^{-6}$이었고, 전체 시료에서는 $3.38{\times}10^{-4}$이었으나, 농산물 중의 무기비소 비율 약 23%를 감안하면 $7.78{\times}10^{-5}$이었으며, 비소 함량이 높게 나타난 해조류를 제외한 다른 시료들의 초과발암위해도는 $9.20{\times}10^{-6}$이었다. 수은의 주간 평균섭취량(${\mu}g$/kg/week)은 0.026로 국제식품첨가물위원회(JECFA)의 잠정주간 섭취허용량(PTWI) 5의 0.5%의 수준이었다. 유통 환제에서 중금속의 함량을 분석하고 위해성을 평가한 결과 중금속이 비교적 높게 검출된 일부 시료를 제외하고 대부분의 시료에서 자연 함량의 수준으로 측정되어, 안전한 수준으로 평가되었다.

국소재발된 두경부종양의 무고정틀 정위적 분할방사선치료 (Frameless Fractionated Stereotactic Radiaton Therapy in Recurrent Head & Neck Cancers)

  • 김인아;최일봉;장지영;강기문;조승호;김형태;이경진;최창락
    • 대한두경부종양학회지
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    • 제14권2호
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    • pp.156-163
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    • 1998
  • Background & Objectives: Frameless fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy(FFSRT) is a modification of stereotactic radiosurgery(SRS) with radiobiologic advantage of fractionation without losing mechanical accuracy of SRS. Local recurrence of head and neck cancer at or near skull base benefit from reirradiation. Main barrier to successful palliation is dose limitation secondary to normal tissue tolerance. We try to evaluate the efficacy and safety of FFSRT as a new modality of reirradaton in these challenging patients. Materials & Methods: Seven patients with recurrent head & neck cancer involving at or near skull base received FFSRT from September 1995 to November 1997. Six patients with nasopharyngeal cancer had received induction chemotherapy and curative radiation therapy. One patient with maxillary sinus cancer had received total maxillectomy and postoperative radiation therapy as a initial treatment. Follow-up ranged from 11 to 32 months with median of 24 months. Three of 7 patients received hyperfractionated radiation therapy(1.1-1.2Gy/fraction, bid, total 19.8-24Gy) just before FFSRT. All patients received FFSRT(3-5Gy/fraction, total 15-30Gy/5-10fractions). Chemotherapy(cis-platin $100mg/m^2$) were given concurrently with FFSRT in four patients. Second course of FFSRT were given in 4 patients with progression or recurrence after initial FFSRT. Because IF(irregularity factor; ratio of surface area of target to the surface area of sphere with same volume as a target) is too big to use conventional stereotactic RT using multiple arc method for protection of radiation damage to critical normal tissue, all patients received FFSRT with conformal method using irregular static ports. Results: Five of 7 patients showed complete remission in follow-up CT &/or MRI. Three of these five patients who developed marginal, in-field, and out-field recurrences, respectively. Another one of complete responders has been dead of G-I bleeding without evidence of local recurrence. One partial responder who showed progressive disease 15 months after initial FFSRT has received additional FFSRT, and then he is well-being with symptomatic improvement. One minmal responder who showed progression of locoregional disease 9 months after $1^{st}$ FFSRT has received 2nd FFSRT, and then he is alive with stable disease. Five of 7 case had showed direct invasion to skull base and had complaint headache and various symptoms of cranial nerve involvement. Four of these five case showed improvement of neurologic symptoms after FFSRT. No significant neurologic complicaltion related to FFSRT was observed during follow-up periods. Tumor volumes were ranged from 3.9 to 50.7 cc and surface area ranged from 16.1 to $114.9cm^2$. IF ranged from 1.21 to 1.74. The average ratio of volume of prescription isodose shell to target volume was 1.02 that indicated the improvement of target coverage and dose distribution with FFSRT with conformal method compared to target coverage with FFSRT with multiple arc method. Conclusion: Our initial experience suggests that FFSRT with conformal method was relatively effective and safe modality in the treatment of recurrent head and neck cancer involving at or near skull base. Treatment benefit included good palliation of symptoms and reasonable radiographic response. However, more experience and additional follow-up are needed to better assess its ultimate role in treating these challenging patients.

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방사선사 직무수행을 위한 방사선사 단독법 제정에 대한 요구도 (Demand for the Radiological Technologist Independent Act for the Performance of the Duties of a Radiological Technologist)

  • 김은혜;임청환;임우택;주영철;홍동희;정홍량;문영주;김훈;정영진;최지원;윤용수;조평곤;박명환;양오남;정봉재
    • 대한방사선기술학회지:방사선기술과학
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    • 제44권5호
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    • pp.525-534
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    • 2021
  • In order to provide high-quality medical services to the public and contribute to the improvement of public health, it is necessary to enact an independent law according to the work of radiological technologists. Therefore, this study intends to review the regulations related to radiographers in the Medical Service Technologists, etc. Act. and to present opinions and directions for enactment of individual laws for radiological technologists. An online survey was conducted to 15,000 radiological technologists working in medical institutions and education sites in Korea; 1,027 people (6.85%) responded. The questionnaire consisted of 3 questions on demographic characteristics, 5 questions on the scope of work, and 12 questions on the revision of the Medical Service Technologists, etc. Act. and the establishment of the Radiological Technologist Independent Act. Reliability and factor analysis were performed on 9 questions measured on a Likert 5-point scale in "Revision of the Medical Service Technologists, etc. Act. and the establishment of the Radiological echnologist Independent Act" among the questionnaire items. Reliability for the total 9 questions was Chronbach α=0.728. There was a high perception that the regulations related to radiological technologists were insufficient in the current Medical Service Technologists, etc. Act., and the perception that examinations performed by radiological technologists at medical institutions were included in medical practice was high. If the Radiological Technologist Independent Act is enforced, a high percentage of respondents said that they could receive legal protection through the institutionalization of the scope of work, that the status of radiological technologists would be improved, and the scope of work would be expanded. The response that the scope of work of radiological technologists should be included was the highest at 96.6%. In the analysis according to demographic characteristics, it was found that 96.7% of the respondents were agreed regardless of the factors. Radiological technologists will have to work hard to secure the public health by coping with new radiology devices, procedures and treatment methods. Therefore, as the results of this study, it is expected that the enactment and implementation of the Radiological Technologist Independent Act will contribute to the improvement of the quality of treatment for patients and to the public health.

류마토이드 관절염의 연구동향에 대한 소고(小考) -2004년 이후의 국내 학위논문 및 학회지 논문을 중심으로- (An Analysis of the Study Tendency on Rheumatoid Arthritis -Focusing on Domestic Theses for a Degree and Journal Since 2004-)

  • 최용훈;윤일지
    • 한방재활의학과학회지
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    • 제19권2호
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    • pp.125-156
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    • 2009
  • Objectives : To research the trend of studies related to rheumatoid arthritis and to indicate the hereafter direction for its study in oriental medicine and its treatment. Methods : I reviewed 75 domestic oriental medical journals, and 50 medical journals about rheumatoid arthritis published after 2004, and comparative analysis was made. And these theses were classified by college, year, field of study, subject. Results : The following are the results of this study. 1. Classified by oriental medical college, Dae-jeon college published the most theses, followed by Dong-guk, Kyung-hee, Se-myung and Dong-shin college. Han-yang college published the most theses among college of medicine. 2. Classified by type of thesis, experimental theses(70 pieces, 94%) showed higher rate than that of clinical theses(4 pieces, 5%) in oriental medical studies. However, in medical studies, clinical theses(34 pieces, 68%) showed higher rate than that of experimental theses(15 pieces, 30%). 3. Analyzed by subject, the most dealt subject in oriental medicine was herb medication, followed by herbal acupuncture, single herb, electroacupuncture, sasang & gene, acupuncture & moxibustion, complex accordingly. The most dealt subject in medical clinical journals was standards of diagnosis & prognosis, followed by medication, gene analysis, pathogenesis, clinical pattern, operative treatment and complication accordingly. 4. In theses related to herb medication, most of the subject was to evaluate anti-inflammatory and immunoregulatory effects of herb medication with geopungseup, jibitong, hwalhyeolgeoer function. The tendency of experimental methods was focusing on understanding anti-inflammatory and immunoregulatory mechanisms through molecular biologic methods by analyzing cytokine and gene. 5. Most of theses related to herbal acupuncture were experimental studies verifying ant-inflammatory and immnoregulatory effects through methods observing change of cytokine and immunoregulatory factors. Regarding remedies for herbal acupuncture, Ulmus davidiana Planch was most preferred, followed by bee venom. 6. In theses related to single herb, Boik-yak was most prefered, followed by Geopungseup-yak and Hwalhyeolgeoer-yak. Regarding methods of research, there were tendency of shifting from methods verifying travail, anti-inflammatory and anti-pyretic effects through a test of behavior, morphometry, serology and temperature measurement of the rectum and the skin into verifying anti-inflammatory and immunoregulatory effects through observing inflammatory cytokine in the joint and cells of spleen. 7. In theses related to electroacupuncture, ST36 and adjuvant were most preferred as acupoints and induced factor. The tendency of experimental methods was turning from verifying mechanism of travail effect to analyzing inflammation and pain inducing factors. 8. Diverse medical clinical studies were published. Subjects such as diagnosis and prognosis, medication, gene analysis, clinical pattern, operational treatment, complication and pathogenesis were published. Especially, studies about standards of early diagnosis, and research on possible parallel medications with methotrexate were actively inquired. 9. Most of theses related to medical experimental studies was about mediators and receptors related to inflammatory induction and osteoclasia mechanism. Also, it was presented blockage of them can be effective on rheumatoid arthritis. Conclusions : The oriental medicine studies have merit in its diversity of treatment, but it clinical studies is lacking compared to experimental studies. Also, more diversity of subjects is necessary. Therefore, complementary measures are needed. Hereafter, oriental medicine research about rheumatoid arthritis needs more clinical research verifying the effectiveness and safety in clinical field. Also, we require oriental medical standard of diagnosis and researches on pathological generation which would make early checkup and prognosis possible.

초등학생의 보건관리 만족도와 태도에 관한 연구 - 양호교사 유무를 중심으로 - (A Study on the Health Care Satisfaction and Attitude of Elementary School Students - by the presence or absence of nurse teacher -)

  • 박동권;박영수
    • 한국학교ㆍ지역보건교육학회지
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    • 제1권2호
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    • pp.49-71
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study was to serve as a basis for school health care of better quality, by making a comparative analysis of the health care satisfaction and attitude of elementary school students in consideration of their general characteristics and the presence or absence of nurse teacher. The subjects in this study were 919 selected six graders in 16 elementary schools in the city of Tongduchun, Koyang and Euijungbu, Yangju-kun and Yeunchun-kun. A survey was conducted with questionnaire designed for measurement of health care satisfaction and attitude. As a result of analyzing the data collected from June 1 through 15, 2000, the conclusions were as follows. 1) As for the general characteristics of the students investigated, the subjects included 513 boys(55.8%) and 406 girls(44.2%). The schools where 390(42.4%) students attended were located in municipal area, and the schools where 529(57.6%) students attended were located in kun area. 608(66.2%) students had a nurse teacher at their schools, while 311(33.8%) students had no nurse teacher. 498(54.2%) had an experience to use the health room this year, but 421(45.8%) had no such an experience. Their mean school life satisfaction was scored $3.42{\pm}.71$, above the average. And their health condition was rated $3.81{\pm}.87$, which implied they tended to be in good health. 2) The mean satisfaction at the health room operation was scored $3.33{\pm}.71$, above the medium level. What they were most satisfied with($4.02{\pm}1.08$) was, among the health room facilities, that there were beds. But they expressed the least satisfaction($2.83{\pm}1.17$) at the location of health room. The presence or absence of nurse teacher made a significant difference to their satisfactionat health room operation, because the students in schools with nurse teacher showed greater satisfaction($3.42{\pm}.72$) than the others in schools with no nurse teacher did($3.15{\pm}.66$). 3) Concerning their attitude to use the health room in case of disease or accident occurrence, a lot of students in schools with a nurse teacher, who had ever suffered from indigestion, headache or traumatic injury, used the health room. In schools with no nurse teacher, there was a tendency to talk to their class teachers(p<.001). The recognition of the necessity for health counseling was generally on a medium level. The counselor whom they wanted to discuss health problem with was family or friend in the largest cases. Few students discussed with class teachers in case there was a nurse teacher in school. Instead, some of them discussed with friend, family or nurse teacher, and there was a significant difference between them(p<.001). 4) The mean satisfaction at health, sanitation and environmental management was rated $3.20{\pm}.90$, above the average. The classroom lighting gave them the best satisfaction with $3.67{\pm}1.07$, but the satisfaction at toilet cleanness and disinfection was not good with $2.83{\pm}1.19$. By the presence or absence of nurse teacher, those who had a nurse teacher expressed better satisfaction at water supply facilities including hot water than the others who had no nurse teacher did(p<.001). But no significant difference was observed in the other items. 5) The health education satisfaction was rated $3.19{\pm}.99$, which was on a medium level. By item, the mean satisfaction level was $3.36{\pm}1.19$ at nurse teacher's explanation about treatment, $3.13{\pm}1.15$ at the frequency of health education, and $3.08{\pm}1.16$ at the explanation on the cause of disease. By the presence or absence of nurse teacher, the students with nurse teacher showed significantly better satisfaction at every factor0(p<.001). 6) Regarding health education attitude, their recognition of the need for school health education was scored $3.89{\pm}.96$. Those who had a nurse teacher felt it more necessary($3.96{\pm}.92$), yet the others who had no nurse teacher felt its necessity a little less($3.74{\pm}1.01$). The most preferred thing for them to learn in health education was first aid, followed by sex education, obesity prevention, safety accident prevention in school and outdoors, smoking-related health, good use of leisure time, and environmental pollution cause in the order named. According to the presence or absence of nurse teacher, there was a significant difference in sex education(p<.01), but no significant disparities were found in the other factors. The most preferred person who would offer health education was a lecturer from the outside(45.8%) and nurse teacher(45.4%). Their preference for class teacher as a person in charge of health education was just 8.8%. But the presence or absence of nurse teacher didn't produce any differences to their preference for a person in charge of health education.

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A Study on Relationship between Physical Elements and Tennis/Golf Elbow

  • Choi, Jungmin;Park, Jungwoo;Kim, Hyunseung
    • 대한인간공학회지
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    • 제36권3호
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    • pp.183-196
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    • 2017
  • Objective: The purpose of this research was to assess the agreement between job physical risk factor analysis by ergonomists using ergonomic methods and physical examinations made by occupational physicians on the presence of musculoskeletal disorders of the upper extremities. Background: Ergonomics is the systematic application of principles concerned with the design of devices and working conditions for enhancing human capabilities and optimizing working and living conditions. Proper ergonomic design is necessary to prevent injuries and physical and emotional stress. The major types of ergonomic injuries and incidents are cumulative trauma disorders (CTDs), acute strains, sprains, and system failures. Minimization of use of excessive force and awkward postures can help to prevent such injuries Method: Initial data were collected as part of a larger study by the University of Utah Ergonomics and Safety program field data collection teams and medical data collection teams from the Rocky Mountain Center for Occupational and Environmental Health (RMCOEH). Subjects included 173 male and female workers, 83 at Beehive Clothing (a clothing plant), 74 at Autoliv (a plant making air bags for vehicles), and 16 at Deseret Meat (a meat-processing plant). Posture and effort levels were analyzed using a software program developed at the University of Utah (Utah Ergonomic Analysis Tool). The Ergonomic Epicondylitis Model (EEM) was developed to assess the risk of epicondylitis from observable job physical factors. The model considers five job risk factors: (1) intensity of exertion, (2) forearm rotation, (3) wrist posture, (4) elbow compression, and (5) speed of work. Qualitative ratings of these physical factors were determined during video analysis. Personal variables were also investigated to study their relationship with epicondylitis. Logistic regression models were used to determine the association between risk factors and symptoms of epicondyle pain. Results: Results of this study indicate that gender, smoking status, and BMI do have an effect on the risk of epicondylitis but there is not a statistically significant relationship between EEM and epicondylitis. Conclusion: This research studied the relationship between an Ergonomic Epicondylitis Model (EEM) and the occurrence of epicondylitis. The model was not predictive for epicondylitis. However, it is clear that epicondylitis was associated with some individual risk factors such as smoking status, gender, and BMI. Based on the results, future research may discover risk factors that seem to increase the risk of epicondylitis. Application: Although this research used a combination of questionnaire, ergonomic job analysis, and medical job analysis to specifically verify risk factors related to epicondylitis, there are limitations. This research did not have a very large sample size because only 173 subjects were available for this study. Also, it was conducted in only 3 facilities, a plant making air bags for vehicles, a meat-processing plant, and a clothing plant in Utah. If working conditions in other kinds of facilities are considered, results may improve. Therefore, future research should perform analysis with additional subjects in different kinds of facilities. Repetition and duration of a task were not considered as risk factors in this research. These two factors could be associated with epicondylitis so it could be important to include these factors in future research. Psychosocial data and workplace conditions (e.g., low temperature) were also noted during data collection, and could be used to further study the prevalence of epicondylitis. Univariate analysis methods could be used for each variable of EEM. This research was performed using multivariate analysis. Therefore, it was difficult to recognize the different effect of each variable. Basically, the difference between univariate and multivariate analysis is that univariate analysis deals with one predictor variable at a time, whereas multivariate analysis deals with multiple predictor variables combined in a predetermined manner. The univariate analysis could show how each variable is associated with epicondyle pain. This may allow more appropriate weighting factors to be determined and therefore improve the performance of the EEM.