• Title/Summary/Keyword: Experience service

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군 농촌지도위원회의 효율적 운영 방안 (Directions for More Effective County Extension Committees)

  • 대니얼마틴스;김성수
    • 농촌지도와개발
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    • 제6권2호
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    • pp.75-84
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    • 1999
  • 미네소타의 농촌지도에 대한 법률적 지원은 1909년에 실시되었고 1912년에는 최초의 농촌지도 요원이 임용됨과 동시에 미네소타주 의회에 의해 군단위농촌지도위원회 (Country Extension Committees; 이하 CEC로 표기)가 본격적으로 가동되었다. 위원회의 조직은 총 9명이며 1명의 의장과 2명의 이사, 6명의 지역사회주민 그리고 최근에는 1-2명의 학생이 참여하여 지역주민들의 적극적인 참여를 도모하고 있다. CEC의 기본 운영 논리는 교육적 접근, 정책적 접근, 민주적 운영, 그리고 책임감 등이다. CEC 구성요원 선출시에 고려되는 기준은 첫째, 지역사회에 관한 배경요소, 경험요소, 전망에 대하여 폭넓은 부분을 표현할 것, 둘째, 지역사회 내에서 진행되는 일이나 지역사회성원들의 요구를 포착할 수 있는 안목을 배양할 것, 셋째, 지역사회에 관한 자신의관점이나 수집된 정보를 기꺼이 위원회와 공유할 것, 넷째, 지도사업에 대해 비판적 시각을 가지고 모임, 회합에 참석할 것, 다섯째, 흥미와 열정을 보이며 긍정적인 사고를 할 것, 여섯째, 묻기 곤란한 질문도 기꺼이 질문할 것, 일곱째, 지역사회 내에 존재하는 다른 시각과 여론을 포괄할 것 등이다. 성공적인 CEC요원의 역할은 지역사회의 자문 및 상담역할이며 모든 지도 사업은 가치와 확신을 기반으로 시행되어진다. 이들의 기본적 역할은 1) CEC의 목적과 의무에 대한 명확한 이해 제공, 2) 농촌지도사업의 사명과 자원(노력)에 관한 정보전달, 3) 지역사회성원들과 함께 일하며 그들이 대표하는 지역사회에 대한 정보습득, 4) 특수한 농촌지도사업과 관련된 정보를 조사, 5) 개개인의 리더쉽, 조직사업수행능력, 작업간 상호관계를 발전 등이다. 요원들은 자신의 관점이나 수집된 정보를 기꺼이 CEC와 공유하며 흥미와 열정을 가지고 지역사회사업에 참여한다. 이들의 또 다른 중요역할은 지역사회의 자문과 전체 회원에 대한 지속적인 양성과정과 교육 기회를 제공하는 것이다. 요원들과 CEC 구성원간의 상호협력은 매우 중요하며 '열린 마음, 정직, 신뢰, 친근감, 전문성, 흥미'와같은 개념에 기초한다. 군 농촌지도위원회에서는 충분한 정보와 서비스 제공에 노력하고 조직원은 지도활동을 활성화하여 농민들에게 지도와 조언을 제공한다. 또한 프로그램이나 활동에서 소외되는 계층이 없도록 두루 살펴 골고루 영향을 미칠 수 있도록 노력하고 조직결속력을 강화할 필요가 있다. 이 모든 활동을 위해서는 정보가 부족한 현실을 보완하기 위한 기초 작업으로서 정보화 사업을 강화하고 있다. 지도요원과 구성원은 일반정책의 발전 및 진행되는 사업 전반에 걸쳐 상호 연대해야 한다. 구성원의 성격, 흥미, 취미 그들이 속해 있는 다른 조직에 대한 자료를 토대로 지도자를 선출하고 신뢰감을 배양한다. 회합은 편리한 시간과 장소에서 실시한다. 때론 모임을 갖지 않는 것이 더 효과적일 때가 있다. 전화회의, 우편, 개별전화, 개별방문 등이 새로이 대두되고 있다. 미국의 대학은 지역사회성원들의 교육적 필요성과 연구목적으로 형성되고 건립되었으며, 이는 지역사회성원들이 자신의 문제를 스스로 도출하고 필요한 부분을 해결하기 위해서였다. 대학 역시 지역사회의 일부분이며 농촌지도사업 역시 대학교육의 일부라는 개념이다. 이러한 의미에서 지역사회성원이 자신들의 필요에 의해서 대학이란 도구를 사용하고 CEC 요원들을 통해 의사를 결정하고 이를 활용하는 것이다.

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서울지역 가정간호사의 업무수행능력 실태조사 (A Study on the Nursing Performance of the Home Care Nurses in Seoul)

  • 서문자;박호란;강현숙;김소선;신경림;김금순;김혜숙
    • 가정∙방문간호학회지
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    • 제6권
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    • pp.46-58
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    • 1999
  • The purpose of this research was to find out the state of the nursing performance of the home care nurses in Seoul in order to provide the data for the practical work guide. The data were collected from fifty home care nurses working in 22 institutions located in Seoul. The research tool used for this research was modified and tested by Song Jong-Rye(1999) which was originally modified the standard tool of American Nurses Association (1998) and was partly supplement and adjusted for this research. The reliability of this tool was Cronbach's $\alpha$=.0982. The collected data were statistically processed using SAS for t-test, ANOVA. $Scheff\'{e}$ test. Among the surveyees, 50% have been working as a home care nurse more than three years and 74.0% of them were married. And 52% have B.S degree with certification of home care nurse from the certification program for Home Care Nurses affiliated at nursing schools. Half of the home care nursing organizations were based on the general hospitals, and most(78%) of the responsible senior personnels of those organizations were nurses. The following results are drawn from this research. 1) The level of nursing performance by the task sectors General performance level of home care nurses was relatively high in grade of 3.06 from total 4.00. Among the task sectors. the ethical field scored the highest points, and the next were nursing intervention, professional training, and data gathering, and the research sector scored the lowest point. 2) The level of nursing performance by general features of home care nurses Statistically relevant correlation between performance according to the duration of working experience as a nurse(p=0.8951) and performance according to the duration of working as home care nurse(p=0.2263) did not emerge. Also, performance by marriage status(p=0.2218), education(p=0.5733), and taking the certification program for home card nurse(p =0.1560) has no statistically meaningful correlation. 3) The level of nursing performance by the type of home care nursing organizations There exists a significant difference(p=0.002) between performances by the types of organizations. Most of the responsible senior personnels of the home care nursing organization were nurses. The level of nursing performance of the home care nursing organization under nurse management was relatively higher than that of home care nursing organizations led by medical doctors or non-medical professional, but this was not proved as statistically meaningful(p =0.3617). 4) The level of nursing performance by task sectors according to the characteristic of home care nursing service organization There exists a significant difference between nursing performances by task sectors according to the characteristics of home care nursing organization(p=0.002). In case of model research center of one College of Nursing, the nursing performance in the sectors of organization, theory, and data gathering were lower than that of in hospital based home care nursing service. And in case of local home care centers, performances in sectors of organization, theory, data gathering, nursing intervention. professional training, and research sectors were significantly low. Based on the obtained results, overall performance of home care nurses can be appraised as relatively good. Especially, performances in sectors of the nursing intervention, nursing plan. and data gathering including the in direct nursing were recorded high scores. From this, it can be concluded that high quality of nursing is relatively practicing for home patients at these days. Since the high quality of nursing for patients was directly related to the level of nursing performances of home care nurses, it is required to improve practical performance level of them by making constant evaluation and running continual education program and supplementing curriculum for the sectors with low scores.

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미국 글로벌위성항법시스템(GPS)의 거버넌스에 관한 연구 - 한국형위성항법시스템 거버넌스를 위한 제언 - (A Study on the Governance of U.S. Global Positioning System)

  • 정영진
    • 항공우주정책ㆍ법학회지
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    • 제35권3호
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    • pp.127-150
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    • 2020
  • 우주개발진흥 기본계획(이하 "기본계획"이라 한다)은 우주개발진흥법에 따라 5년마다 수립되는 우리나라 우주개발에 관한 중장기 정책 목표 및 기본 방향을 정하는 국가계획으로서 우주개발에 관한 우리나라 최고 심의기관인 국가우주위원회의 심의 대상이다. 2018년 2월 국가우주위원회에서 제3차 기본계획이 확정되었다. 제2차 기본계획 및 우주개발 중장기 계획과 비교 시 제3차 기본계획의 두드러진 특징 중 하나는 '한국형 위성항법시스템 구축'이 중점 전략으로 채택되었다는 점이다. 그간 우리나라를 비롯하여 전 세계의 모든 국가가 미국의 글로벌 위성항법시스템인 GPS(Global Positioning System)에 의존해 왔다. 미국은 1983년 소련의 대한항공 007기 격추를 계기로 GPS의 표준위치결정서비스를 전 세계에 무료로 제공해 왔다. 그러나 GPS의 기술적 장애가 발생하거나 국제관계에서 국가 간 이해 충돌로 GPS의 표준위치결정서비스의 무상 제공이 중단될 경우 교통, 에너지, 통신, 금융 등의 국가 기반시설의 통상적인 운영이 불가능하게 되어 궁극적으로 국가의 경제·사회·안보에 큰 피해를 야기할 수 있다. 러시아의 GLONASS, 유럽연합의 Galileo, 중국의 Beidou, 인도의 NavIC 및 인도의 QZSS와 같은 글로벌 또는 지역 위성항법시스템의 등장이 상기와 같은 배경에서 비롯되었다고 할 수 있다. 한국형 위성항법시스템 구축도 마찬가지다. 즉 "국민이 사용하는 IT 기반 기기들과 국가 기간시설이 미국 GPS 등 해외 항법위성에 의존하고 있어 국가 책임하의 안정적 인프라 구축"이 필요하기 때문이다. 현재 위성항법시스템은 도로, 항공, 해양, 재난, 국방, 건설, 물류, 통신, 농축산업 등 국가 전 분야에 활용되고 있다. 다시 말하면 지구관측 목적인 아리랑위성 및 차세대중형위성, 통신 및 해양·기상·환경 관측 목적인 천리안위성 등과는 달리, 한국형 위성항법시스템의 개발, 운영, 활용 등에 있어서 범정부 차원의 역량 집중이 필요하다. 이를 위해서는 위성항법시스템의 종합적·체계적 구축을 비롯하여 활용 관련 각 부처의 주요 정책과 계획을 조정할 수 있는 범정부적 거버넌스가 요구된다. 아울러 위성항법시스템은 수명을 다한 인공위성을 주기적으로 대체해야할 뿐만 아니라 시스템 구축 후 지속적인 운영과 성능 개선을 수반하기 때문에 거버넌스는 법에 근거를 두어야 한다. 우리나라는 아리랑위성, 천리안위성 등과 같이 인공위성을 개별적으로 개발하고 운영한 경험은 풍부하지만, 한국형 위성항법시스템처럼 위성·지상·사용자 시스템을 동시에 개발·운영한 경험, 이른바 거버넌스 경험은 없다. 그러므로 개발·운영에 관한 시행착오를 최소화하기 위해서는 해외 사례의 검토가 요구된다. 미국의 GPS 거버넌스가 대표적인 본보기이다.

방송과 통신 융합시스템의 수용 및 상대적 효능에 관한 연구: IPTV를 중심으로 (A Study on the Acceptance of Convergence System of Broadcasting, and Telecommunication, and Their Relative Efficiency Focusing on IPFV)

  • 염병용;이상호;김재범
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • 제19권3호
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    • pp.25-49
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    • 2009
  • Advances in technology have resulted in the emergence of new information systems. The convergence of IT and manufacturing sectors has blurred the boundaries among industries. Also, such convergence has become established as a paradigm to build a new area. Especially the convergence of broadcasting and telecommunication, notably in the case of IPTV (Internet Protocol Television), is among the most salient examples of its kind in recent years as a major case of disruptive technology innovation. Despite its much fanfare, such convergence, however, has not fulfilled the expectation; it has not produced positive economic effects while negatively affecting the growth of IPIV. Stakeholders in and around IPIV including telecommunication companies, broadcasting corporations, and government bodies wish to gain control of IPTV under their wings. IPTV has drifted in the midst of conflicts among the stakeholders in and around IPTV, particularly telecommunication and broadcasting organizations in a broad sense. Our empirical research intends to deal with how audiences accept IPTV and how firms provide IPTV services to utilize their resources. Three research questions in this paper include, first, whether Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) can sufficiently explain the acceptance of IPTV as an information system. The second question concerns with empirically testing the playful aspect of IPTV to increase its audience acceptance. Last, but not least, this paper deals with how firms can efficiently and effectively allocate their limited resources to increase IPTV viewers. To answer those three main questions of our study, we collect data from 197 current subscribers of high speed internet service and/or cable/satellite television. Empirical results show that 'perceived usefulness (PU) $\rightarrow$ Intention to use' and 'perceived ease of use (PEU) $\rightarrow$ Intention to use' are significant. Also, 'perceived ease of use' is significantly related to 'perceived usefulness.' Perceived ease of handling IPTV without much effort can positively influence the perceived value of IPTV. In this regard, engineers and designers of IPTV should pay more attention to the user-friendly interface of IPTV. In addition, 'perceived playfulness (PP)' of IPTV is positively related to 'intention to use'. Flow, fun and entertainment have recently gained greater attention in the research concerned with information systems. Such attention is due to the changing features of information systems in recent years that combine the functional and leisure attributes. These results give practical implications to the design of IPTV that reflects not just leisure but also functional elements. This paper also investigates the relationship between 'perceived ease of use (PEU)' and 'perceived playfulness (PP).' PEU is positively related to pp. Audiences without fear can be attracted more easily to the user-friendly IPTV, thereby perceiving the fun and entertainment with ease. Practical implications from this finding are that, to attract more interest and involvement from the audience, IPTV needs to be designed with similar or even more user friendly interface. Of the factors related to 'intention to use', 'perceived usefulness (PU)' and 'perceived ease of use (PEU)' have greater impacts than 'perceived playfulness (PP).' Between PU and PEU, their impacts on 'intention to use' are not significantly different statistically. Managerial implications of this finding are that firms in preparation for the launch of IPTV service should prioritize the functions and interface of IPTV. This empirical paper also provides further insight into the ways in which firms can strategically allocate their limited resources so as to appeal to viewers, both current and potential, of IPTV.

젖소 유방염 관리에 따른 세균 및 체세포수 등급 실태 조사 분석 (Analytical studies of bovine mastitis management by standard plate counts(SPC) and somatic cell counts(SCC))

  • 허정호;정명호;박영호;조명희;이주홍
    • 한국동물위생학회지
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    • 제21권3호
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    • pp.285-300
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    • 1998
  • 1. The number of average milking cows, clinical forms of mastitis, mastitis-developing cows, and cows killed by mastitis a year were 25.7, 1.8(7%), 6.3(26%), and 2.7(10.1%)heads, respectively. The annual grade changes of standard plate counts(SPC) and somatic cell counts(SCC) showed the grade 1A of SPC diminished sharply from April to August, we think it was due to the lack of proper management in farming season and the grade 3 of SCC indirectly influenced increased in huge during August. 2. The average number of parturitions of farms was 2.3, but 50% of below 1 parturition were 22 farms(31%), 50% of above 3 parturitions were 16(23%) out of 71 farms. According to grades of the number of parturitions of milking cows per each farm, the farms' grades recording 3 parturitions and 50% were little bit excellent. 3. The actual situation research of foremilking CMT revealed 35 out of 74 farmer didn't do CMT Among them(35 out of 74 farmers), 80% did not test thanks to the troublesome process of the CMT. SCC grade 3, among farms who did foremilking CMT once or twice a month and who did not were 29% and 40% respectively and SPC grade 1A were 55% and 9%, respectively. 4. The research of actual situation on milking management let us know 29 farms(39%) did not do lastmilking, 37 farms(49%) usually did overmilking, and 34 farms(46%) did milking for 4 or 5 minutes. Grades according to average requiring times of milking showed SCC grade 1 of farms milking within 7 minutes was 11% and SPC grade 1A was 34%, on the other side, farms milking more than 7 minutes were 0% in SCC grade 1 and 13% in SPC grade 1A. Grades according to the starting time of milking after rubbing teats showed SPC grade 1A of farms starting milking at about 1 minute and over 2 minutes were 50% and 20%, respectively. 5. The research of actual situation on hygienic milking management uncovered 65 farms(88%) were using one towel which was used in washing teats and udders to wash more than 3 to 4 cows, and 53 farms(72%) were using one dried towel to dry udders not for each cow but for more than 3 to 4 cows after washing. Also, on milking turns disclosed 30 farms(40%) were milking cows in the order of incoming without isolation of a dominant group. According to grades of towels used in washing teats and udders, farms using a towel for each cow were 56% and a towel for over 3 cows were 31% in SPC grade 1A. According to using-or-not grades of dried towels after washing udders, farms using a towel for each cow were 79% and a towel for over 3 cows were 21% in SPC grade 1A. 6. Farms doing teat-dipping before milking were 7(10%), not doing teat-dipping after milking, or doing sometimes were 9(12%), and doing right after milking were 57(77%). And farms doing teat-dipping after dry cows and before delivery were 21(28a ). Farms using bethadine as an antiseptic solution were 70(95%), 40 farms(59%) diluted it with water as weak as 5 to 10 times, and on drying cows 64 farms(87%) slowly did it more than 2 days. Grade 1A of SPC of farms doing teat-dipping at every milking was 38%, farms doing occasionally or not was 33%, and farms doing it right after milking was 37% and doing after milking more than 5 cows was 20%. Grade 1A of SPC among farms diluting bethadine 5 times and diluting 5 to 10 times with water were 36% and 33%, respectively, and Grade 3 of SCC were 35% and 32%, respectively. 7. Studies on nonlactating period medical treatment, as the cows were on dry, 54 farms treated with their own hands.73 farms(98%) had bovine mastitis treated for themselves. And on applying medicines against mastitis, 55 farmers chose them on the basis of their own experience, 42 farms(57%) were treated more than 3 days. 41 farms(55%) dumped away the mastitis infected milk separately, 24 farms(32%) were feeding and milking at the same time. 8. Fifty-six farms(76%) always washed and disinfected milking machines after milking. Farms using the milking machines at low, or variable vacuum pressures, or at the vacuum pressure, set at the moment of its installation were 31(42%), and farms that did not know pulsation ratio were 27(37%). Farms changing liners when they were torn 8(11%), 58 farms(78%) said they checked milking system when there were wrong with them, 31 farms(42%) changed milking hoses when they found out problems, and 42 farms(57%) cleaned vacuum and milking systems when they felt dirty. The SPC grade 1A of farms washing and sterilizing milking machines was 38% and farms only washing was 28%.

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충남지역 초.중.고 학교급식 조리원의 위생지식 및 HACCP 수행도 조사 (Survey on sanitary knowledge level and degree of HACCP practice in culinary staff employed in elementary, middle, and high schools in Chungnam province)

  • 이영중;김선효
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • 제47권4호
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    • pp.300-312
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    • 2014
  • 본 연구는 충남지역 전체 행정 구역인 14개 시 군에 소재하는 초 중 고 급식학교를 골고루 포함시켜 305교를 편의 추출하고 각 학교에 근무하는 조리원 1명씩을 무작위 추출해 총 305명의 조리원을 대상으로 자기기입식에 의한 설문조사를 실시하였다. 본 연구는 학교급식 조리원의 학교급식 관련 위생지식 및 학교급식위생관리지침서 3차 개정에 준한 HACCP 수행도를 조사해 학교급식 위생수준 향상을 위한 기초자료로 제공하는 데에 목적을 두었다. 연구 결과 조리원의 학교급식 관련 위생지식 수준이 높을 때 HACCP 수행도가 높아 조리원의 위생지식 수준이 HACCP 수행도에 중요한 영향을 미치는 요인으로 파악되었다. 그러나 초 중 고 중에서 초등학교로 갈수록 조리원의 위생지식 수준은 높으나 초등학교에서 일부 항목의 HACCP 수행도가 낮았는데, 이는 본 연구 대상 초등학교가 중학교와 고등학교에 비해 면단위 농촌형 소규모 학교가 많아 HACCP 수행에 필요한 인력과 시설 설비 기구를 적정하게 보유하지 못하고 있기 때문으로 여겨진다. 따라서 소규모 학교에 대한 인적 물적 자원의 지원이 이루어질 필요가 있었다. 그리고 고등학교에서 조리원의 HACCP 수행도가 낮은 것은 이들의 HACCP 위생교육 횟수 부족에 따른 위생지식 수준이 낮은 점과 관련이 있으므로, 고등학교 조리원에게 1일 3식의 과다한 업무 속에서 짧은 시간 내에 취약 항목인 조리 전후 식재료나 음식의 취급 및 보관 등에 관한 위생교육을 자주 실시할 수 있도록 돕는 교육자료를 개발해 제공할 필요가 있었다. 중학교의 경우 조리원의 위생지식 수준과 HACCP 수행도가 높으며 학교급식 HACCP 관련 시설 설비 기구를 잘 갖추고 있어서 양호하였다. 그러나 본 연구는 충남지역 초 중 고에 근무하는 조리원을 대상으로 조사한 결과이어서 표집이 제한되어 있으므로, 연구 결과를 일반화하기에는 제한점을 가지고 있다. 앞으로 학교급식에서 지속적으로 문제가 되고 있는 위생관리에 관한 현장연구가 활발히 이루어지고 이 결과를 반영한 위생교육이 활성화됨으로써 학교급식 조리원의 위생지식 수준과 현장실천도를 높여 학교급식 품질을 향샹시켜 나가야 할 것으로 생각된다.

말기암환자의 완화의료에 대한 의사들의 인식과 완화의료 의뢰 시 장애요인 (Doctor's Perception and Referral Barriers toward Palliative Care for Advanced Cancer Patients)

  • 이재리;이정권;황선진;김지은;정지인;김시영
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • 제15권1호
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    • pp.10-17
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    • 2012
  • 목적: 완화의료를 위해서는 완화의료 대상자에 대한 판단을 하고 완화의료를 직접 시행하거나 완화의료에 자문/의뢰하는 의료인의 역할이 중요하다. 이에 본 연구는 한국의 암환자를 주로 진료하는 의사들의 완화의료에 대한 인식과 완화의료 의뢰 시 장애요인에 대해 알아보았다. 방법: 2010년 5월부터 6월까지 암환자를 주로 진료하는 전문의 477명을 대상으로 무기명 자기 기입식 웹 설문 조사를 수행하였다. 결과: 총 128명(26.8%)이 응답하였고, 설문에 응답한 모든 의사들은 말기암환자에게 완화의료가 필요하다고 생각하는 것으로 조사되었다. 80% 이상의 응답자들이 '3차 의료기관 및 암센터는 완화의료 서비스를 제공해야 한다.', '진행 암환자는 항암 화학요법을 받는 중이더라도 완화의료를 받아야 한다.', '말기암환자의 치료에는 여러 과의 협력이 필요하다.'에 동의하였다. 완화의료 수행능력에 대해서는 58% 이상이 자신이 하고 있는 신체 증상 조절 및 정신증상 조절, 말기암환자 가족의 정서적 지지에 만족한다고 응답하였으나 전반적인 말기암환자 및 임종 환자 관리 서비스는 64%에서 '만족스럽지 않다'고 응답하였다. 응답자 중 34명(26.6%)은 '자신의 말기암환자를 완화의료팀으로 자문'하거나 '의뢰한 경험이 없는 것'으로 나타났고 완화의료 의뢰의 장애 요인으로 '환자나 보호자의 거부'가 61명(47.7%)으로 가장 많았으며 다음으로 '믿고 의뢰할 수 있는 완화의료팀이 없어서'라고 응답한 의사가 59명(46.1%)으로 많았다. 결론: 본 연구에서 대부분의 암환자를 주로 진료하는 의사들은 말기암환자의 완화의료 시행에 대해 긍정적 인식을 가지고 있지만 실제 말기암환자 진료에 있어 다학제 간 협력이나 임종관리까지 충분한 완화의료의 제공은 이뤄지지 않는 것으로 나타났다. 효율적이고 수준 높은 말기암환자의 관리를 위해서 보다 적극적인 완화 의료 자문이나 의뢰가 시행되어야 할 것으로 생각된다.

호스피스 전자기록을 위한 데이터베이스 개발 (Database for Hospice Nursing in Electronic Medical Record)

  • 김영순;이창걸;이경옥;김옥겸;김인혜;김미정;황애란;이원희
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • 제7권2호
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    • pp.200-213
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    • 2004
  • 목적: 호스피스 간호기록의 문제점을 개선하고 병원 U-Hospital 개념의 전자의무기록 시스템 개발 초기에 간호사의 입장과 요구사항과 특성이 고려된 호스피스 간호과정 데이터베이스를 개발하고자 함에 있다. 방법: 단계별로 나누어 조사하였는데 1단계로 3개 호스피스기관에서 사용하고 있는 간호 기록지를 종합. 분석하여 임상경력 10년 이상의 전문간호사 5인의 경험을 추출하여 합의한 후 정확하고 간편하고 기록 누락성이 보완된 전자형 간호기록지를 생성하였다. 2 단계는 생성된 간호기록지를 본 연구 목적을 적극 수용하고 협조하는 가정호스피스 3기관에 의뢰하여 2004년 4월부터 8월까지, 81명의 환자기록에 적용한 후 프로토콜의 적중률을 검증하였다. 3 단계는 적중률 검사 후 그 결과를 갖고 3개기관의 10년 이상의 임상전문가와, 호스피스 의사, 호스피스 전공 간호학교수들의 90% 이상 합의를 거쳐 최종 데이터베이스를 생성하였다. 결과: 1. 연계성이 있고, 간편하고, 기록누락성을 보완한 전자형 간호기록지를 생성하였다. 2. 가정호스피스 서비스의 표준화된 프로토콜의 적중률은 95.86%로 매우 높았다. 3. 최종 수정 보완된 호스피스 간호과정 연계목록표는 Table 7과 같다. 결론: 본 연구의 결과는 기록시간의 단축, 가정호스피스 서비스의 질적향상에 기여할 것이며, 호스피스 숫가화와 교육의 기초자료로 활용될 것이다. 또한 타호스피스 기관에서 적극 활용되어 호스피스 간호 지식체계 발전과 말기 암환자 삶의 질향상에 크게 기여할 것이다. 앞으로는 1) 호스피스 간호과정 결과가 보완된 연구가 진행되기를 바라며 2) 개발된 데이터 베이스를 이용하여 입원형이나 시설용 모델 등으로 다양하게 변형하여 활용할 수 있기를 제언한다.

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지체장애인의 심리적 재활을 위한 성격 및 가치관 분석 (An Analysis of Value and Personality for the Crippled Person's Psychological Rehabilitation)

  • 엄익곤;김규수
    • The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy
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    • 제4권1호
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    • pp.79-93
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    • 1992
  • This study is search for analyzed the primary factor of psychological characters of crippled person toward psychological rehabilitation that is the most foundmental to all rehabilitation for a crippled person. The research is, make a comparative analyze to personality character, value character, and motion, and then examined the relation of among then, by applies to high school's crippled students. First. in the personality character aspect, a group of crippled student's is shown that the factor of family relations is lack harmony than normal group, that is, shown up that a parents and family members is oversensitiveness to crippled person, So sometimes they overprotectiveness, unconcered, and not accept it is. Also, in the factor of confrontability aspect, a group of crippled person's average is shown to high as compared with normal group, and then, it shown that they are irresponsible, have a weak self-control, and show a marked trend toward self-control. This is means that crippled person have scruples about psychological and social adaptation. But friendship, adaptability, cheefulness. and emotonal stability is shown no difference with normal person. Accordingly, in the personality aspect, the falter of family-relation and confrontability can be know that the object of psychological rehabilitation. Second, in the sence of value aspect, crippled students is show that the average score had higher than normal group toward the factor of variety, therefor we can know that they have purpose to more pursur of variety in the living. This is consideration that a raise from the limited of social contact chance and badly informed and experience. Also, the factor of purpose-intention is shown that crippled students had low non than normal group, then, that means that they have a weak will toward cope with various problems in daily living. Crippled student is, in contrast to lacked fixed purpose with self-living, and also insufficient tring to accomplish their objects. Third, crippled students motion shown that related to low level of personality character and a sence of value factor. Daily living activity is show that related to the factors of confrontability and cheerfulness. This means that rehabilitation service given a change to confrontability and cheerfulness that can be effect is related. And the activity of home is related with confrontability, psychological rehabilitation for the change of activity is can say that it should be contribute to strengthen toward responsibility and self-control from self-central to intention at rho others. Fourth, the relation between an motion and a value of crippled student is shown low level of regulations that can be ignore. In sum, in the rehabilitation of crippled person, hereafter, a study subject is if which search to character factor and to find out effect inter-factors within the the factor of psychological rehabilitation as medical, occupational, social rehabilitation, then probably more effective development toward rehabilitation programs. Conseguently, hereafter for the crippled person's rehabilitaton, the study should be rquirement for establish a character and factors each filed of rehabilitation. The study sibject toward crippled person's rehabilitation for the fature is search for character factor toward medical. occupational, and social rehabilitation. and find out inter-relation among then like as search of this study for psychological rehabilitation. For the rehabilitation of crippled person, if is not preceding of study like this, it ought to be difficult to creation service as well as development to effective program.

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단순간호활동에 관한 간호사 및 간호조무사의 태도조사연구 (A study on simple nursing activities for the registered nurses and nurse aides in the hospital)

  • 이정희
    • 한국보건간호학회지
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    • 제4권1호
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    • pp.37-55
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    • 1990
  • Every country in the world has been trying to expand the basic health right for the peoples as W.H.O has established the goal 'health for AU' by the year of 2000. Related to this goal, our government authority has establish the policy 'the insurance of health for all' into effect from July 198\). Recently hospitalshave been making a ceaseless effort for the plan for the rationalization of its management the academic World is making it a subject of discussion by doing the secure of manpower at a resonable level and the increase of productivity by the manpower. As a result of the efforts the study was established to secure the numbers of nursing manpower at a resonable level and use the unskilled persons at the utilizing field and seek the possible area of their activity for more efficient service through the investigation of ablity of simple nursing activities of regiestered nurses and nurse aides for rational function according to the educational levels and talents. The method of study was established by the registered nurses and nurse and nurse aides(R.N 229, N.A 226) who are working in 15 hospitals with over 200 beds. This surrey was conducted from Mar 29, 1989 to April 8, 1989. The method to test the degree of importance, difficulties, and the abillity of performance of a simple nursing activities was classified into 35 activities on the basis of references on this field. The degree of importance was composed from point l(Not so important) to 5(Very important). the degree of difficulties. was composed as follows; very easy - Point 1 very difficult and complicated - Point 5. and the ability of performance was composed from point 1 to 5. The materials gathered through the survey were analyzed with frequency, mean standard deviation, percentage. t-test, Anova, pearson's coefficient of correlation, stepwise multiple regression. factor analysis, discriminant analysis. The obtained results are summarized as follows: 1. The recognition values of the simple nursing activities of each group of registered nurse and nurse aides show; The degree of importance; 4.04 and 4.26 The degree of difficulties; 2.72 and 2.94 The ability of performance; 2.07 and 2.38 The brief summary shows there are little differences between who two groups the simple nursing activities turned out to be easy and simple work. 2. Regardless of the degree of importance, and difficulties, the ability of performance the important in fluencing of the degree of the simple nursing activities between the registered nurses and nurse aides was the order of educational level, hospital career, working career in wards and ages of the registered nurses and ages and hospital creer of nurse aides. The result was that the simple nursing activities could easily be familiar through the training of their working environment and period of experience. 3. Among the 35 simple nursing activities the items capable of resonable entrusting to the nurse aides are 5 that is helping bed-bathing, 8itz Bath, using bed pan, care while delivering patient, accompaying patient when visitor's check. There wasn't and differences between RN and nurse aides in performing the above 5 items. In anywhere. so we can say obviosuly that this nursing activities should be performed under the nursing system of which chief of nurse are supposed to supervise nurse aides as a possible function to be entrusted. In view of the above mentioned results, therefore, this partial functional job of the simple nursing activities can able be entrusted to the nurse aides through the regular training course. In case of these functional activities could be entrusted under, the responsibility of registered nurse, we can able suggest to for that there are the following advantages: 1.. In the nursing activities-affairs, the qualified guarantee of the nursing services can be kept and increased or promotoed with accommodation of the required nursing service and roles being expanded presently. 2. In the productivity of the hospital manpower, therefore, we have comt to view and consider in favourly that when an automational administration times would be come in the near future time to hospital affairs as a reality, to utilize the existing nures aides is better rather than investing so as to develop the other source manpowers or seek its for the efficient business management in the operational strategy or its policy.

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