• Title/Summary/Keyword: Exhibition Evaluation

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A Study on the Satisfaction Factors of the Attendees to the Overseas Exhibitions (해외전시회에서 참관객 만족요인에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Tae-Hee
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.283-303
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    • 2006
  • This is the research on the correlation between the marketing activities conducted by the companies participating in the overseas exhibitions in the exhibition and the satisfaction of the visitors. I have been able to obtain the following findings through the positive research on the satisfaction of the visitors to the overseas exhibitions. The research findings show that the external elements of the participating companies such as 'external appearances of booths, interior facilities and the atmosphere', 'designs of exhibits', 'size of the participating companies', and the publicity elements of the participating companies such as 'the degree of application of mass media', 'prior publicity of the participating companies', etc. among the marketing activities conducted by the participating companies in the exhibition affect the interest and repeat business deals of the visitors. The findings also show that the elements to induce the interest of the visitors such as the booth design and display of products where the participating companies may produce their unique image and the prior publicity to the visitors constitute the important elements of marketing. It has also been revealed that the visitors whose purpose of the visits are to purchase the products and to satisfy their interest in 'the events and contents of the events affect the interest and the repeat business deals of the visitors, among the interest and repeat business deals pursuant to the characteristics of the visitors. It has also been found that the visitors who have recognized the representative brands in the exhibitions affect the interest and the repeat business deals and the visitors who have visited the exhibition several times are more satisfied than the visitors who have visited the exhibition for the first time. The comparative evaluation of the degree of importance of the marketing activities of the participating companies before the visitors' visit to the exhibitions and the degree of satisfaction after their visit reveals degrees of satisfaction in the order of 'the booth staff's professional knowledge of the exhibits', 'foreign language proficiency and their techniques of negotiation and demonstration', 'designs of the exhibits (colors and packaging), 'prior publicity of the participating companies. Such being the case, the companies participating in any of the overseas should maximize the result of their participation in the exhibition by training their staff in the products and foreign languages and through the prior publicity. It has also been found out that "the atmosphere of the booth in the exhibition such as 'launching of new products', 'external appearances of the booth, layout of the interior facilities and the atmosphere and events of the participating companies affect the interest and repeat business deals of the visitors, among the factors for the satisfaction of the visitors. Therefore, it has been proven that the external factors such as the external appearances of the booth, display of the products, launching of new products and events producing the atmosphere of the booth of the participating companies among the marketing activities conducted by the participating companies, and the extent of the training of the booth staff and prior publicity are the major factors affecting the interest and repeat business deals of the visitors.

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Prediction and Evaluation of Indoors Noise Level of Exhibition Room in Museum by Road Traffic Noise (도로교통소음으로 인한 박물관 전시실의 실내 소음레벨 예측 및 평가)

  • Lee, Kook-Hyun;Park, Yeong-Ji;Kim, Jae-Soo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.32 no.8
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    • pp.787-794
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    • 2010
  • Recently, with sudden increase of supplying rate of cars and quantity of goods transported, traffic noisy becomes one of important factors obstruct environment of exhibition and view facilities have purpose in calmness and unsatisfaction about this is high now. Therefore, in case of exhibition and view facilities, it has to be grasped that satisfaction degree about the noisy in and out of the exhibition room by performing effect valuation on traffic noisy from design step. However the level of internal noise cannot be measured at the design phrase of the structure due to the noise of traffic. Up until now a walls transmission loss, based on the law of mass, is predicted using this method. However measuring the internal sound level after actual construction reveals that there is a large difference from measurements made at the design stage, and it is very difficult to find a solution after the opening of the structure. From research looking from this perspective the internal sound level was predicted- calculating the internal sound absorption ability, using acoustic simulation and loss prevention of an insulated wall- based on data collected to evaluate the internal sound of an exhibition room at a Folk Museum adjacent to a freeway. The results of this research are considered to provide important data for the prediction of internal sound level at the time of construction of exhibition facilities similar to this.

Questionnaire Results of Subjective Evaluation of Seal Robot at the National Museum of Science and Technology in Stockholm, Sweden

  • Shibata, Takanori;Wada, Kazuyoshi;Tanie, Kazuo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems Conference
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    • 2003.09a
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    • pp.16-19
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    • 2003
  • This paper describes research on mental commit robot that seeks a different direction from industrial robot, and that is not so rigidly dependent on objective measures such as accuracy and speed. The main goal of this research is to explore a new area in robotics, with an emphasis on human-robot interaction. In the previous research, we categories robots into four categories in terms of appearance. Then, we introduced a cat robot and a seal robot, and evaluated them by interviewing many people. The results showed that physical interaction improved subjective evaluation. Moreover, a priori knowledge of a subject has much influence into subjective interpretation and evaluation of mental commit robot. In this paper, 133 subjects evaluated the seal robot, Paro by questionnaires in an exhibition at the National Museum of Science and Technology in Stockholm, Sweden. This paper reports the results of statistical analysis of evaluation data.

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An Empirical Study on Evaluation of Agricultural Machinery Expo Using IPA Analysis (IPA 분석을 통한 농기계박람회 평가에 관한 실증연구)

  • Kwon, Se-In;Yang, Jong-Gon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.681-691
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    • 2017
  • This empirical study evaluated the 2016 Cheonan KIEMSTA(Korea International Exhibition of Machinery, Equipment, Science and Technology for Agriculture) based on an exhibitor's view. A total of 15 items of importance and performance were selected and 4 quadrants were analyzed for further analysis. The results revealed the following significant factors:concentration region with generating sales, exploring market opportunities in a new region, and meeting key decision makers; the Overkill region with collecting information regarding thecompetitor's product, demonstrating thecompany's capability, increasing staff's trade show experience, and training the sales teams; Low priority region with discovering new products, exploring export opportunities in a foreign market, and gaining an edge over competitors who are not exhibiting; and Keep up the work region bymaintaining relationships with existing customers, collecting market information, benchmarking competitor's position, introducing new product, and motivating sales people.

Evaluation on the Effectiveness of Graduation Exhibition -A Survey of the Working Designers- (의상관련 학과의 졸업작품전 평가에 관한 연구 -취업 디자이너들을 중심으로-)

  • 이영숙
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.181-186
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    • 1995
  • This study is to analyse whether the senior students' experience of graduation exhibitions would be of any practical use when they are employed by fashion industry. To address this theme, a survey is carried out for 73 fashion designers who participated into the exhibitions. Survey results show the graduation exhibitions are worth Not because skills learned from the experiences are applicable to the industrial practice, but because they provide them self-confidence of finishing four year programs successfully. They responded that graduation exhibitions are most effecive when they requires to utilize knowledges and skills acquired from all across the major subjects.

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Indoor Air Quality Evaluation of Commercial Urban Regeneration Modular Structure According to Space Usage (상업용 도시재생 모듈러 건축물의 공간이용에 따른 실내공기질 평가)

  • Nam, So-Jeong;Kim, Sea-Ryon;Pyung, Woo-Jin;Kang, Yujin;Kim, Sumin
    • Journal of the Korea Furniture Society
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.246-252
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    • 2016
  • From 2000s, modular construction has gained more attention due to many advantages such as reduction of duration, recycling. The modular structure is being used for urban regeneration recently. However, even though most facilities in the modular structures which are used as urban regeneration building are commercial spaces, exhibition spaces, eating and drinking spaces, there are lack of natural or mechanical ventilation systems. Also, there are relatively limited spaces on modular structure characteristic. Therefore, indoor environment performance of four buildings, which are performed as urban regeneration in Seoul, was evaluated by HCHO and $CO_2$ emissions. Consequently, the HCHO and $CO_2$ emissions of the commercial and exhibition spaces were confirmed that can influence on health of occupants. Therefore, the urban regeneration modular structure needs to add local ventilation systems for improvement of indoor air quality to more healthy and comfortable.

Subjective Evaluation of Seal Robot at the Japan Cultural Institute in Rome

  • Shibata, Takanori;Wada, Kazuyoshi;Tanie, Kazuo
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.651-656
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    • 2003
  • This paper describes research on mental commit robot that seeks a different direction from industrial robot, and that is not so rigidly dependent on objective measures such as accuracy and speed. The main goal of this research is to explore a new area in robotics, with an emphasis on human-robot interaction. Mental commit robots provide psychological, physiological, and social effects to human beings through physical interaction. In the previous research, we categorized robots into four categories in terms of appearance. Then, we introduced a cat robot and a seal robot, and evaluated them by interviewing many people. The results showed that physical interaction improved subjective evaluation. Moreover, a priori knowledge of a subject has much influence into subjective interpretation and evaluation of mental commit robot. In this paper, 95 subjects evaluated the seal robot, Paro by questionnaires in an exhibition at the Japan cultural institute in Rome, Italy for 4 days from June 25th to 28th, 2003. This paper reports the results of statistical analysis of evaluation data.

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Framework for the Quantitative Evaluation of Media Arts (미디어아트의 정량적 평가체계에 대한 연구)

  • Chung, Shin-Young;Eune, Ju-Hyun
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.19 no.2 s.64
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    • pp.139-150
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    • 2006
  • The evaluation of art has been historically based on the thorough reliance on the subjectivity of beholders due to the fact that the production and appreciation of works of art is founded on the similar(subjective) value. There had been little attempt to reverse such tendency by creating an objective and quantitative checklist for evaluating a work of art. Centering on the evaluation of the Media Art, which increased dramatically in numbers since the late 1960s, this is an attempt in systematizing the quantitative evaluation of Media Art by reflecting the idea of subjective criticism as well as its medium specificity. As such, the criteria for the evaluation consist of media evaluation, work evaluation, appreciation evaluation, product evaluation and exhibition evaluation. The evaluators can be divided into the general public, the Media Art specialist and the curatorial staff, according to their experiences in dealing with the Media Art. Based on the result of the FGD, the weight has been added to the evaluation system according to each evaluation criteria to ensure the balance between the objective and subjective criticism.

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Convergence evaluation method using multisensory and matching painting and music using deep learning based on imaginary soundscape (Imaginary Soundscape 기반의 딥러닝을 활용한 회화와 음악의 매칭 및 다중 감각을 이용한 융합적 평가 방법)

  • Jeong, Hayoung;Kim, Youngjun;Cho, Jundong
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.11 no.11
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    • pp.175-182
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    • 2020
  • In this study, we introduced the technique of matching classical music using deep learning to design soundscape that can help the viewer appreciate painting and proposed an evaluation index to evaluate how well matching painting and music. The evaluation index was conducted with suitability evaluation through the Likeard 5-point scale and evaluation in a multimodal aspect. The suitability evaluation score of the 13 test participants for the deep learning based best match between painting and music was 3.74/5.0 and band the average cosine similarity of the multimodal evaluation of 13 participants was 0.79. We expect multimodal evaluation to be an evaluation index that can measure a new user experience. In addition, this study aims to improve the experience of multisensory artworks by proposing the interaction between visual and auditory. The proposed matching of painting and music method can be used in multisensory artwork exhibition and furthermore it will increase the accessibility of visually impaired people to appreciate artworks.

Controversial Issues and Policy Alternatives in Promotion of Arts and Culture Grant Program: Focusing on Space and Exhibition Support Project of Visual Arts (문화예술지원사업 추진상의 쟁점과 정책방향 - 시각예술창작산실 공간·전시 지원사업을 중심으로 -)

  • Ko, Jeong-Min;Jang, Shinjeung;Chang, Yoonjeong
    • Korean Association of Arts Management
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    • no.52
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    • pp.39-73
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to explore the issues and alternatives in the promotion of space and exhibition support projects in visual arts, and to suggest an applicable direction of the government grant program. For this study, FGI and in-depth interviews were conducted in the direct beneficiaries of the grant program, the staff of the grant program, and the group of visual arts expert. As a result, the deliberation and selection of the support project should be carried out with sufficient time in consideration of the specificity of the support project. And the project requires to divide into two kinds of the projects based on the understanding of the social role and differentiation of non-profit exhibition spaces and private art museums. For the grant application and assessments, a long-term support is necessary to bring the capability and issues in efficient allocation of the budget, flexibility of budget item, and the budget shortfalls. Furthermore, the reliability between the grant program and beneficiaries needs to form a healthy partnership, and the evaluation criteria and eNARADOEUM system should be more practical and rationally established. Through this analysis, the implications of understanding the specificity of visual arts support projects, establishment of sustainable visual arts creation policies, and budget utilization were derived. Consequently, cultural and artistic support projects were directed to place more emphasis on efficiency than control, direction considering the position of consumers than suppliers, and long-term business planning rather than short-term perspective.