• 제목/요약/키워드: Euler-beam theory

검색결과 341건 처리시간 0.027초

선형 변단면 정확탄성곡선형 아치의 자유진동 (Free Vibrations of Elastica Shaped Arches with Linear Taper)

  • 이병구;이태은;김권식
    • 대한토목학회논문집
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    • 제29권6A호
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    • pp.617-624
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    • 2009
  • 이 논문은 선형 변단면 정확탄성곡선형 아치의 자유진동에 관한 연구이다. 정확탄성곡선형 아치의 선형은 Bernoulli-Euler 보 이론을 이용하여 산정하였다. 이러한 선형을 갖는 아치의 자유진동을 지배하는 미분방정식을 유도하고 이를 수치해석하여 무차원 고유진동수를 산출하였다. 수치해석 예에서는 세 종류의 선형 변단면과 두 종류의 지점조건을 채택하였다. 이 연구의 결과를 검증하기 위하여 이 연구와 SAP 2000의 고유진동수를 비교하였다. 수치해석의 결과로 지점조건, 변단면 형상, 세장비 및 단면비가 최저차 4개의 무차원 고유진동수에 미치는 영향을 분석하였다.

Dynamic Analysis of a Moving Vehicle on Flexible Beam structures ( I ) : General Approach

  • Park, Tae-Won;Park, Chan-Jong
    • International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing
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    • 제3권4호
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    • pp.54-63
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    • 2002
  • In recent years, mechanical systems such as high speed vehicles and railway trains moving on elastic beam structures have become a very important issue to consider. In this paper, a general approach, which can predict the dynamic behavior of a constrained mechanical system moving on a flexible beam structure, is proposed. Various supporting conditions for the foundation support are considered for the elastic beam structure. The elastic structure is assumed to be a non-uniform and linear Bernoulli-Euler beam with a proportional damping effect. Combined differential-algebraic equation of motion is derived using the multi-body dynamics theory and the finite element method. The proposed equations of motion can be solved numerically using the generalized coordinate partitioning method and predictor-corrector algorithm, which is an implicit multi-step integration method.

Differential transform method and numerical assembly technique for free vibration analysis of the axial-loaded Timoshenko multiple-step beam carrying a number of intermediate lumped masses and rotary inertias

  • Yesilce, Yusuf
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • 제53권3호
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    • pp.537-573
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    • 2015
  • Multiple-step beams carrying intermediate lumped masses with/without rotary inertias are widely used in engineering applications, but in the literature for free vibration analysis of such structural systems; Bernoulli-Euler Beam Theory (BEBT) without axial force effect is used. The literature regarding the free vibration analysis of Bernoulli-Euler single-span beams carrying a number of spring-mass systems, Bernoulli-Euler multiple-step and multi-span beams carrying multiple spring-mass systems and multiple point masses are plenty, but that of Timoshenko multiple-step beams carrying intermediate lumped masses and/or rotary inertias with axial force effect is fewer. The purpose of this paper is to utilize Numerical Assembly Technique (NAT) and Differential Transform Method (DTM) to determine the exact natural frequencies and mode shapes of the axial-loaded Timoshenko multiple-step beam carrying a number of intermediate lumped masses and/or rotary inertias. The model allows analyzing the influence of the shear and axial force effects, intermediate lumped masses and rotary inertias on the free vibration analysis of the multiple-step beams by using Timoshenko Beam Theory (TBT). At first, the coefficient matrices for the intermediate lumped mass with rotary inertia, the step change in cross-section, left-end support and right-end support of the multiple-step Timoshenko beam are derived from the analytical solution. After the derivation of the coefficient matrices, NAT is used to establish the overall coefficient matrix for the whole vibrating system. Finally, equating the overall coefficient matrix to zero one determines the natural frequencies of the vibrating system and substituting the corresponding values of integration constants into the related eigenfunctions one determines the associated mode shapes. After the analytical solution, an efficient and easy mathematical technique called DTM is used to solve the differential equations of the motion. The calculated natural frequencies of Timoshenko multiple-step beam carrying intermediate lumped masses and/or rotary inertias for the different values of axial force are given in tables. The first five mode shapes are presented in graphs. The effects of axial force, intermediate lumped masses and rotary inertias on the free vibration analysis of Timoshenko multiple-step beam are investigated.

Bending analysis of a single leaf flexure using higher-order beam theory

  • Nguyen, Nghia Huu;Lee, Dong-Yeon
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • 제53권4호
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    • pp.781-790
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    • 2015
  • We apply higher-order beam theory to analyze the deflections and stresses of a cantilevered single leaf flexure in bending. Our equations include shear deformation and the warping effect in bending. The results are compared with Euler-Bernoulli and Timoshenko beam theory, and are verified by finite element analysis (FEA). The results show that the higher-order beam theory is in a good agreement with the FEA results, with errors of less than 10%. These results indicate that the analysis of the deflections and stresses of a single leaf flexure should consider the shear and warping effects in bending to ensure high precision mechanism design.

Thermoelastic beam in modified couple stress thermoelasticity induced by laser pulse

  • Kumar, Rajneesh;Devi, Shaloo
    • Computers and Concrete
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    • 제19권6호
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    • pp.701-710
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    • 2017
  • In this study, the thermoelastic beam in modified couple stress theory due to laser source and heat flux is investigated. The beam are heated by a non-Guassian laser pulse and heat flux. The Euler Bernoulli beam theory and the Laplace transform technique are applied to solve the basic equations for coupled thermoelasticity. The simply-supported and isothermal boundary conditions are assumed for both ends of the beam. A general algorithm of the inverse Laplace transform is developed. The analytical results have been numerically analyzed with the help of MATLAB software. The numerically computed results for lateral deflection, thermal moment and axial stress due to laser source and heat flux have been presented graphically. Some comparisons have been shown in figures to estimate the effects of couple stress on the physical quantities. A particular case of interest is also derived. The study of laser-pulse find many applications in the field of biomedical, imaging processing, material processing and medicine with regard to diagnostics and therapy.

Buckling and bending analyses of a sandwich beam based on nonlocal stress-strain elasticity theory with porous core and functionally graded facesheets

  • Mehdi, Mohammadimehr
    • Advances in materials Research
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    • 제11권4호
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    • pp.279-298
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    • 2022
  • In this paper, the important novelty and the defining a physical phenomenon of the resent research is the development of nonlocal stress and strain parameters on the porous sandwich beam with functionally graded materials in the top and bottom face sheets.Also, various beam models including Euler-Bernoulli, Reddy and the generalized formulation of two-variable beam theories are obtained in this research. According to a nonlocal strain elasticity theory, the strain at a reference point in the body is dependent not only on the stress state at that point, but also on the stress state at all of the points throughout the body. Thus, the nonlocal stress-strain elasticity theory is defined that can be actual at micro/nano scales. It can be seen that the critical buckling load and transverse deflection of sandwich beam by considering both nonlocal stress-strain parameters is higher than the nonlocal stress parameter. On the other hands, it is noted that by considering the nonlocal stress-strain parameters simultaneously becomes the actual case.

조합하중을 받는 변단면 변화곡선 보의 기하 비선형 수치해석 (Geometrical Non-linear Analyses of Tapered Variable-Arc-Length Beam subjected to Combined Load)

  • 이병구;오상진;이태은
    • 한국전산구조공학회논문집
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    • 제25권2호
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    • pp.129-138
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    • 2012
  • 이 연구는 조합하중을 받는 변단면 변화곡선 보의 기하 비선형 수치해석 방법에 관한 연구이다. 보의 좌단은 회전지점이고 우단은 마찰이 없는 활동(滑動)지점으로 지지되어 있어 하중이 작용하면 보의 축방향 길이가 증가하여 평형상태를 이룬다. 조합하중은 회전지점에 작용하는 모멘트 하중과 집중하중을 고려하였다. 보의 단면은 휨 강성이 부재축을 따라 함수적으로 변화하는 변단면으로 선택하였다. 이러한 보의 비선형 거동을 지배하는 연립 미분방정식을 Bernoulli-Euler 보 이론으로 유도하였다. 이 미분방정식을 반복법으로 수치해석하여 보의 정확탄성곡선을 산정하였다. 이 연구의 이론을 검증하기 위하여 실험실 규모의 실험을 실행하였다.

표면 부착형 PZT소자에 의해 유발된 판 구조물의 램파 전달 해석을 위한 스펙트럼 요소 정식화 (Spectral Element Formulation for Analysis of Lamb Wave Propagation on a Plate Induced by Surface Bonded PZT Transducers)

  • 임기룡;김은진;강주성;박현우
    • 한국소음진동공학회논문집
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    • 제18권11호
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    • pp.1157-1169
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    • 2008
  • This paper presents spectral element formulation which approximates Lamb wave propagation by PZT transducers bonded on a thin plate. A two layer beam model under 2-D plane strain condition is introduced to simulate high-frequency dynamic responses induced by a piezoelectric (PZT) layer rigidly bonded on a base plate. Mindlin-Herrmann and Timoshenko beam theories are employed to represent the first symmetric and anti-symmetric Lamb wave modes on a base plate, respectively. The Euler-Bernoulli beam theory and 1-D linear piezoelectricity are used to model the electro-mechanical behavior of a PZT layer. The equations of motions of a two layer beam model are derived through Hamilton's principle. The necessary boundary conditions associated with the electro-mechanical properties of a PZT layer are formulated in the context of dual functions of a PZT layer as an actuator and a sensor. General spectral shape functions of response field and the associated boundary conditions are obtained through equations of motions converted into frequency domain. Detailed spectrum element formulation for composing the dynamic stiffness matrix of a two layer beam model is presented as well. The validity of the proposed spectral element is demonstrated through numerical examples.

Rotating effects on hygro-mechanical vibration analysis of FG beams based on Euler-Bernoulli beam theory

  • Ehyaei, Javad;Farazmandnia, Navid;Jafari, Ali
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • 제63권4호
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    • pp.471-480
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    • 2017
  • This paper investigates free vibration characteristics of a rotating functionally graded (FG) beam in hygro environments. In the present study, material properties of the FG beam vary continuously through thickness direction according to the power-law which approximates material properties of FG beam. The governing differential equations of motion are derived based on Euler-Bernoulli beam theory and using the Hamilton's principle which solved utilizing a semi-analytical technique called the Differential Transform Method (DTM). In order to verify the competency and accuracy of the current analysis, a comparative study with previous researches are performed and good agreement is observed. Influences of Several important parameters such as power-law exponent, hygro environment, rotational speed and slenderness ratio on natural frequencies are investigated and discussed in detail. It is concluded that these effects play significant role on dynamic behavior of rotating FG beam in the hygro environments. Numerical results are tabulated in several tables and figures that can be serving as benchmarks for future analyses of rotating FG beams in the hygro environments.

크랙을 가진 단순지지 보의 동특성에 미치는 이동질량의 영향 (Influence of Serial Moving Masses on Dynamic Behavior of Simply Supported Beam with Crack)

  • 윤한익;김영수;손인수
    • 한국소음진동공학회논문집
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    • 제13권7호
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    • pp.555-561
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    • 2003
  • An iterative modal analysis approach is developed to determine the effect of transverse open cracks on the dynamic behavior of simply supported Euler-Bernoulli beams with the moving masses. The influences of the velocities of moving masses, the distance between the moving masses and a crack have been studied on the dynamic behavior of a simply supported beam system by numerical method. The Presence of crack results In large deflection of beam. The crack section is represented by a local flexibility matrix connecting two undamaged beam segments i.e. the crack is modelled as a rotational spring. This flexibility matrix defines the relationship between the displacements and forces across the crack section and is derived by applying fundamental fracture mechanics theory. Totally, as the velocity of the moving masses and the distance between the moving masses are increased, the mid-span deflection of simply supported beam with the crack is decreased.