• Title/Summary/Keyword: Established

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A newly-established evaluation methodology of the sustainable performance degree of interior architectural finishes (실내마감재의 친환경성능 판정기법 및 성능등급의 분류체계에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Ji-Soon;Yoon, Chung-Sook
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.141-149
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    • 2013
  • This paper aims to provide pragmatic application guidelines of the interior finish materials for apartment houses with newly-established evaluation methodology of the sustainable degree of interior products. With reference to the standards and criteria of domestic eco-labeling accreditation schemes for sustainable products in the area of architecture which focus on the sustainable elements classified as the health, recyclability, durability, and energy efficiency, in this study, a systematic evaluation method has been established for interior finish products with quantifiable indicators for sustainable performance. Base on the evaluation system introduced here, most interior finish products can be classified into a database and applied effectively to the realities from the perspective of the sustainability. There are the necessities of enforcement issues with the idea of revising or taking remedial measures of the current performance criteria of domestic eco-labeling accreditation to bolster their reliability. As well as already-commercialized products, hereafter, continued efforts are needed to control the whole process of manufacturing new interior finish products from their designing, constructing, consuming, recycling and to dismantling in terms of sustainability, which promises more pragmatic follow-up measures for the detail embodiment of the environment-friendly spaces.

Effect of Nicotine on Plasma Cholesterol Level in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats (Nicotine에 의한 자발성고혈압백서(自發性高血壓白鼠)의 혈장 Cholesterol 농도의 변동)

  • Yoo, Ho-Choong;Koh, Sang-Don;Shin, Hong-Kee;Kim, Kee-Soon
    • The Korean Journal of Physiology
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.137-146
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    • 1982
  • The present study was undertaken to find out fasting total plasma cholesterol levels of SHR at different phases(labile, established and malignant) in the course of hypertension development and also to investigate effect of nicotine on plasma cholesterol levels of these animals. In nicotine administered group, 2.18 mg/kg nicotine was given daily for six weeks. The results obtained are as follows; 1) Mean total plasma cholesterol levels of SHR at labile, established and malignant phases were $104.6{\pm}3.1\;mg/dl$, $120.8{\pm}2.6\;mg/dl$ and $136.6{\pm}2.5\;mg/dl$ respectively. The total plasma cholesterol level generally increased with age of experimental animals. 2) After administration of nicotine (2.18 mg/kg/day) for six weeks, mean total plasma cholesterol levels of SHR at labile, established and malignant phases were $130.2{\pm}3.1\;mg/dl$, $150.4{\pm}3.3\;mg/dl$ and $166.6{\pm}3.2\;mg/dl$, respectively. The result of present study strongly suggests that nicotine has a positive relationship with plasma cholesterol levels in SHR.

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  • ELAIW, A.M.
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.137-170
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    • 2015
  • In this paper, we propose and analyze three viral infection models with humoral immunity including an eclipse stage of infected cells. The incidence rate of infection is represented by bilinear incidence and saturated incidence in the first and second models, respectively, while it is given by a more general function in the third one. The neutralization rate of viruses is giv0en by bilinear form in the first two models, while it is given by a general function in the third one. For each model, we have derived two threshold parameters, the basic infection reproduction number which determines whether or not a chronic-infection can be established without humoral immunity and the humoral immune response activation number which determines whether or not a chronic-infection can be established with humoral immunity. By constructing suitable Lyapunov functions we have proven the global asymptotic stability of all equilibria of the models. For the third model, we have established a set of conditions on the threshold parameters and on the general functions which are sufficient for the global stability of the equilibria of the model. We have performed some numerical simulations for the third model with specific forms of the incidence and neutralization rates and have shown that the numerical results are consistent with the theoretical results.

Word Network Analysis based on Mutual Information for Ontology of Korean Rural Planning (한국농촌계획 온톨로지 구축을 위한 상호정보 기반 단어연결망 분석)

  • Lee, Jemyung
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.37-51
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    • 2017
  • There has been a growing concern on ontology especially in recent knowledge-based industry and defining a field-customized semantic word network is essential for building it. In this paper, a word network for ontology is established with 785 publications of Korean Society of Rural Planning(KSRP), from 1995 to 2017. Semantic relationships between words in the publications were quantitatively measured with the 'normalized pointwise mutual information' based on the information theory. Appearance and co-appearance frequencies of nouns and adjectives in phrases are analyzed based on the assumption that a 'noun phrase' represents a single 'concept'. The word network of KSRP was compared with that of $WordNet^{TM}$, a world-wide thesaurus network, for the verification. It is proved that the KSRP's word network, established in this paper, provides words' semantic relationships based on the common concepts of Korean rural planning research field. With the results, it is expecting that the established word network can present more opportunity for preparation of the fourth industrial revolution to the field of the Korean rural planning.

Experimental investigation on multi-parameter classification predicting degradation model for rock failure using Bayesian method

  • Wang, Chunlai;Li, Changfeng;Chen, Zeng;Liao, Zefeng;Zhao, Guangming;Shi, Feng;Yu, Weijian
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.113-120
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    • 2020
  • Rock damage is the main cause of accidents in underground engineering. It is difficult to predict rock damage accurately by using only one parameter. In this study, a rock failure prediction model was established by using stress, energy, and damage. The prediction level was divided into three levels according to the ratio of the damage threshold stress to the peak stress. A classification predicting model was established, including the stress, energy, damage and AE impact rate using Bayesian method. Results show that the model is good practicability and effectiveness in predicting the degree of rock failure. On the basis of this, a multi-parameter classification predicting deterioration model of rock failure was established. The results provide a new idea for classifying and predicting rockburst.

A Study on Management of Foreign Seamen on Board Coastal & Offshore Fishing Boats (연근해어선에 승무하는 외국인 어선원의 관리방안)

  • Cha, Cheol-Pyo;Park, Jong-Un
    • Journal of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Education
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.515-525
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    • 2011
  • Due to changes in internal and external environment of coastal & offshore fishery such as decrease in coastal & offshore fishery resources, rising labor costs, rising gas prices, rising turnover rate of seamen, and intensified avoiding 4D types of business, the domestic seamen's avoidance of going to sea is being intensified. In order to solve the problems of domestic seamen shortage, coastal & offshore fishery businesses prefer to employ foreign seamen whose wages are relatively low, so employment of foreign seamen continues to increase. However, the foreign seamen system has the problems in selecting and managing seamen but these problems have been not adequately dealt with, so damages to fishery business continue to occur due to the seamen's deserting. The cases, in which foreigners who entered the country to take the sea in coastal & offshore fishing boats deserted their workplace, recorded 36.4% as of 2010. So in order to achieve the purpose of the foreign seamen system itself through rational management of foreign seamen, the exclusive organization to manage foreign seamen should be established and the system to rationally select foreign seamen who have experiences of fishery should be established. The utilization of foreign seamen during off season needs to be maximized by establishing the employment connection system for the management of foreign seamen and employment stabilization, and the exclusive organization for education of foreign seamen and the organization for nurturing domestic seamen need to be established and operated.

Investigation of Chronomedicine and Health Preserving in Huang Di Nei Jing(黄帝内经 ) (《황제내경(黄帝内经)》 유관시간이론급시간양생적고찰(有关时间理论及时间养生的考察))

  • Ju, Bao-Zhao;Kim, Hyo-Chul
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.61-66
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    • 2015
  • Objectives : Through the analyze of formative factor of time sense and the vital movement temporal rhythm in Huang Di Nei Jing(黃帝內經). Methods : We find out the principle and methods of Chronomedicine and Health Preserving in Huang Di Nei Jing(黃帝內經), and this finding will direct the life nurturing for later generations. We find that time sense had been established in Huang Di Nei Jing(黃帝內經), which had yin-yang and five elements characteristic. Results : There have temporal rhythm of functions of zang-fu viscera, meridian and collateral, qi and blood. Based on the theory of correspondence between human body and natural environment, established principle of health maintenance about based on yin and yang, temporal rhythm of visceral qi. Conclusions : Established health maintenance methods based on time such as adjusting-spirit according to time, regular daily life, dietary regimen according to time, needling and moxibustion according to time. These methods will guide syndrome differentiation and therapeutic method and Medication which based on suitable time.

The Application of Interactive Journal to Elementary Science Classes at School Level (초등학교 자연과 상호작용 강화 학습일지의 학교 수준 적용 방안)

  • 김찬종;오영선
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.187-196
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    • 2001
  • Students' journals in science class are supposed to contribute to students' science teaming and to provide plentiful information on students' learning and progress. If interaction could be reinforced in the process of writing journals, the positive effects of the journals are expected to be increased. New approaches in teaching should be supported by school and community. Otherwise, teachers are frequently frustrated and failed to introduce new ways of instruction into science classes. The purposes of the study are to develop interactive journals, and approaches to introduce interactive journals at school level. The status and situation of the school were investigated by survey. Interactive journals were developed by teachers who experienced workshops on developing journals. A model journal was provided as a guidance to teachers. To establish environments for introducing journals in the school, an invited lecture was provided to increase parents' perceptions on journals. A communication system among students, parents, and teachers was established, and educational materials, such as encyclopedia, books, computers, and so on were prepared. For efficient administration of journals, various prizes and events were established. As a result of the study, teachers participated experienced professional development in terms of journals, interactive journals for science class were developed, the environments for the introduction of interactive journals at school level were established, and most students successfully completed science journals.

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  • Baek, Seung-Hak;Yang, Won-Sik
    • The korean journal of orthodontics
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.685-699
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    • 1991
  • The purpose of this report is to review vertical dysplasia such as openbite or deep bite in skeletal Class III malocclusion and their treatment modality and to present two cases treated with MEAW. The results obtained were as follows A. Open bite case 1. The treatment time was 3 year 8 months. 2. Upper and lower incisors showed extrusion and especially lower anterior alveolar process showed remodelling. 3. The mesially inclined upper and lower molars were uprighted and especially lower first molars showed extrusion that means remodelling of alveolar bone. 4. Normal overbite and overjet were established. 5. Mandible showed slight clockwise rotation. 6. Maxilla showed slight downward bending of ANS part. 7. Upper lip showed downward drop and lower lip showed retraction and touch between upper and lower lip was established. 8. Tongue posture of post-treatment was more raised than pretreatment. B. Deep bite case 1. The treatment time was 1 year 8 months. 2. Upper incisors showed intrusion and labioversion and lower incisors showed slight intrusion and linguoversion. 3. The lower molars showed distal uprighting and intrusion and upper molars showed mesial movement and extrusion. 4. Normal overbite and overjet were established. 5. Maxilla did not show downward movement. 6. Mandible showed slight clockwise rotation. 7. Lower lip showed retraction and downward drop and upper lip showed downward drop.

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A graduate school curriculum development for talking core men of into Cosmetic & Beauty inductry (향장미용산업의 핵심인재육성을 위한 대학원 교과과정에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Ju-Duck
    • Journal of the Society of Cosmetic Scientists of Korea
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.103-122
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    • 2003
  • Recently, many graduate schools related to Cosmetic & Beauty have established, and it is very advisable. However, the following the curriculum or the teaching staff has to be made up well for making a substantial graduate school, and it will contribute largely toward to Cosmetic & Beauty industry. If it is used like a tool for only increasing the quorum of student, it is not a help to Cosmetic & Beauty industry even though many Cosmetic & Beauty courses in the graduate schools are established. The government and the industrial circles have to give thought and support to develop a university. Then special workers who train in this part will be a help to grow Cosmetic & Beauty industry. Hereafter, Cosmetic & Beauty industry is a big field of industry after medical supplies in the fine chemistry industry when we take the scale of industry and the national competitiveness into consideration. And Cosmetic & Beauty industry is a competitive field of industry with a small investment contrary to medical supplies. However, there are few educational institutions for special workers through the college of pharmacy in Cosmetic & Beauty contrary to medical supplies. Also, there is no position for managing the growth of Cosmetic & Beauty industry in the government agencies. At this point of time, it is very desirable situation that the graduate school related to Cosmetic & Beauty is established lately, and we hope that it is an opportunity for the growth of Cosmetic & Beauty industry through the interests of the university, the government, the industrial circles, and so on.