• Title/Summary/Keyword: Essential graph

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Essential Arcs of a Directed Acyclic Graph

  • Chung, Ee-Suk
    • Management Science and Financial Engineering
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.121-126
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    • 2007
  • Among many graphs, directed acyclic graph(DAG) attracts many researchers due to its nice property of existence of topological sort. In some classic graph problems, it is known that, if we use the aforementioned property, then much efficient algorithms can be generated. So, in this paper, new algorithm for the all-pairs shortest path problem in a DAG is proposed. While the algorithm performing the iteration, it identifies the set of essential arcs which requires in a shortest path. So, the proposed algorithm has a running time of $O(m^*n+m)$, where m, n and $m^*$ denote the number of arcs, number of node, and the number of essential arcs in a DAG, respectively.

Lattice Conditional Independence Models Based on the Essential Graph (에센셜 그래프를 바탕으로 한 격자 조건부 독립 모델)

  • Ju Sung, Kim;Myoong Young, Yoon
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.9-16
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    • 2004
  • Recently, lattice conditional independence models(LCIMs) have been introduced for the analysis of non-monotone missing data patterns and of non-nested dependent regression models. This approach has been successfully applied to solve various problems in data pattern analysis, however, it suffers from computational burden to search LCIMs. In order to cope with this drawback, we propose a new scheme for finding LCIMs based on the essential graph. Also, we show that the class of LCIMs coincides with the class of all transitive acyclic directed graph(TADG) models which are Markov equivalent to a specific acyclic directed graph(ADG) models.

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  • Lee, Mal-Rey;Kim, Sang-Geun
    • Journal of applied mathematics & informatics
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    • v.10 no.1_2
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    • pp.333-351
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    • 2002
  • This paper introduces a search method based on conceptual graph. A hyperlink information is essential to construct conceptual graph in web. The information is very useful as it provides summary and further linkage to construct conceptual graph that has been provided by human. It also has a property which shows review, relation, hierarchy, generality, and visibility. Using this property, we extracted the keywords of web documents and made up of the conceptual graph among the keywords sampled from web pages. This paper extracts the keywords of web pages using anchor text one out of hyperlink information and makes hyperlink of web pages abstract as the link relation between keywords of each web page. 1 suggest this useful search method providing querying word extension or domain knowledge by conceptual graph of keywords. Domain knowledge was conceptualized knowledged as the conceptual graph. Then it is not listing web documents which is the defect of previous search system. And it gives the index of concept associating with querying word.

A study on the comparative analysis of the graph introduced newly in the seventh grade mathematics textbook and on the investigation of the degree of the learning satisfaction (중학교 1학년 수학 교과서에 새롭게 도입된 그래프 내용 비교 분석과 학습만족도 조사 연구)

  • Hwang, Hye Jeang;Kim, Hye Ji
    • The Mathematical Education
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    • v.58 no.3
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    • pp.403-422
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    • 2019
  • As the informal graph was introduced newly in the area of function in middle school mathematics curriculum revised in 2015, ten publishing company became to have a concern on how to represent the graph content uniquely and newly. At this time, it may be meaningful and useful to compare and analyze the content of the graph unit shown on each textbook published by publishing companies. To accomplish this, on fundamentally the basis of diverse prior researches this study tried to select the elements of expression and interpretation of the graph and establish an analytic frameworks of expression and interpretation of the graph respectively. This study executed the frequency analysis and cross analysis by textbook system, textbook, and the number of the graph drawn on a coordinate plane on the representation and interpretation of the graph. As a result, the textbook contains more items on interpretation than the representation of the graph, and students showed a learning effect on the graph unit but showed a neutral response to the impact of learning. This basic and essential paper shed light on developing the practical and more creative textbook which has diversity and characteristic respectively, while adjusting the scope of the elements of the graph's representations and interpretations and providing proper level and quality content.

On the Diameter, Girth and Coloring of the Strong Zero-Divisor Graph of Near-rings

  • Das, Prohelika
    • Kyungpook Mathematical Journal
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    • v.56 no.4
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    • pp.1103-1113
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    • 2016
  • In this paper, we study a directed simple graph ${\Gamma}_S(N)$ for a near-ring N, where the set $V^*(N)$ of vertices is the set of all left N-subsets of N with nonzero left annihilators and for any two distinct vertices $I,J{\in}V^*(N)$, I is adjacent to J if and only if IJ = 0. Here, we deal with the diameter, girth and coloring of the graph ${\Gamma}_S(N)$. Moreover, we prove a sufficient condition for occurrence of a regular element of the near-ring N in the left annihilator of some vertex in the strong zero-divisor graph ${\Gamma}_S(N)$.


  • Nagoorgani, A.;Chandrasekaran, V.T.
    • East Asian mathematical journal
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.163-170
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    • 2006
  • In networking, it is essential to analyse the nodes along with their neighbours. The properties of fuzzy finite graphs are very much useful in obtaining solutions to many problems like traffic congestion problem. In this paper, free nodes and busy nodes are defined and the properties of nodes are examined at various levels of their degrees.

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Improved Localization of Unmanned Underwater Vehicle via Cooperative Navigation of Unmanned Surface Vehicle Equipped with Ultrashort Baseline (초단기선 탑재 무인수상선의 협력 항법을 통한 무인잠수정의 위치인식 향상)

  • Seunghyuk Choi;Youngchol Choi;Jongdae Jung
    • Journal of Sensor Science and Technology
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    • v.33 no.5
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    • pp.391-398
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    • 2024
  • Accurate positioning is essential for unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV) operations, particularly for long-term survey missions. To reduce the inherent positioning errors from the inertial navigation systems of UUVs, or dead reckoning, underwater terrain observations from sonar sensors are typically exploited. Within the framework of pose-graph optimization, we can generate submaps of the seafloor and use them to add loop-closure constraints to the pose graph by determining the best match between the submaps. However, this approach results in error accumulation in long-term operations because the quality of local submaps depends on the dead reckoning. Hence, we can adopt external acoustic positioning systems, such as an ultrashort baseline (USBL), to add global constraints to the existing pose graph. We assume that the acoustic transponder is installed on a UUV and that the acoustic transceiver is equipped in an unmanned surface vehicle trailing the UUV to maintain an acoustic connection between the vehicles. We simulate the terrain and USBL measurements as well as evaluate the performance of the UUV's pose estimation via online pose-graph optimization.

Efficient Mining of Frequent Subgraph with Connectivity Constraint

  • Moon, Hyun-S.;Lee, Kwang-H.;Lee, Do-Heon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Bioinformatics Conference
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    • 2005.09a
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    • pp.267-271
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    • 2005
  • The goal of data mining is to extract new and useful knowledge from large scale datasets. As the amount of available data grows explosively, it became vitally important to develop faster data mining algorithms for various types of data. Recently, an interest in developing data mining algorithms that operate on graphs has been increased. Especially, mining frequent patterns from structured data such as graphs has been concerned by many research groups. A graph is a highly adaptable representation scheme that used in many domains including chemistry, bioinformatics and physics. For example, the chemical structure of a given substance can be modelled by an undirected labelled graph in which each node corresponds to an atom and each edge corresponds to a chemical bond between atoms. Internet can also be modelled as a directed graph in which each node corresponds to an web site and each edge corresponds to a hypertext link between web sites. Notably in bioinformatics area, various kinds of newly discovered data such as gene regulation networks or protein interaction networks could be modelled as graphs. There have been a number of attempts to find useful knowledge from these graph structured data. One of the most powerful analysis tool for graph structured data is frequent subgraph analysis. Recurring patterns in graph data can provide incomparable insights into that graph data. However, to find recurring subgraphs is extremely expensive in computational side. At the core of the problem, there are two computationally challenging problems. 1) Subgraph isomorphism and 2) Enumeration of subgraphs. Problems related to the former are subgraph isomorphism problem (Is graph A contains graph B?) and graph isomorphism problem(Are two graphs A and B the same or not?). Even these simplified versions of the subgraph mining problem are known to be NP-complete or Polymorphism-complete and no polynomial time algorithm has been existed so far. The later is also a difficult problem. We should generate all of 2$^n$ subgraphs if there is no constraint where n is the number of vertices of the input graph. In order to find frequent subgraphs from larger graph database, it is essential to give appropriate constraint to the subgraphs to find. Most of the current approaches are focus on the frequencies of a subgraph: the higher the frequency of a graph is, the more attentions should be given to that graph. Recently, several algorithms which use level by level approaches to find frequent subgraphs have been developed. Some of the recently emerging applications suggest that other constraints such as connectivity also could be useful in mining subgraphs : more strongly connected parts of a graph are more informative. If we restrict the set of subgraphs to mine to more strongly connected parts, its computational complexity could be decreased significantly. In this paper, we present an efficient algorithm to mine frequent subgraphs that are more strongly connected. Experimental study shows that the algorithm is scaling to larger graphs which have more than ten thousand vertices.

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Waypoints Assignment and Trajectory Generation for Multi-UAV Systems

  • Lee, Jin-Wook;Kim, H.-Jin
    • International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.107-120
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    • 2007
  • Coordination of multiple UAVs is an essential technology for various applications in robotics, automation, and artificial intelligence. In general, it includes 1) waypoints assignment and 2) trajectory generation. In this paper, we propose a new method for this problem. First, we modify the concept of the standard visibility graph to greatly improve the optimality of the generated trajectories and reduce the computational complexity. Second, we propose an efficient stochastic approach using simulated annealing that assigns waypoints to each UAV from the constructed visibility graph. Third, we describe a method to detect collision between two UAVs. FinallY, we suggest an efficient method of controlling the velocity of UAVs using A* algorithm in order to avoid inter-UAV collision. We present simulation results from various environments that verify the effectiveness of our approach.

Topological Map Building Based on Areal Voronoi Graph (영역 보로노이 그래프를 기반한 위상 지도 작성)

  • Son, Young-Jun;Park, Gwi-Tae
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2004.07d
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    • pp.2450-2452
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    • 2004
  • Map building is essential to a mobile robot navigation system. Localization and path planning methods depend on map building strategies. A topological map is commonly constructed using the GVG(Generalized Voronoi Graph). The advantage of the GVG based topological map is compactness. But the GVG method have many difficulties because it consists of collision-free path. In this paper, we proposed an extended map building method, the AVG (Areal Voronoi Graph) based topological map. The AVG based topological map consists of collision-free area. This feature can improve map building, localization and path planning performance.

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