• Title/Summary/Keyword: Error Motion

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A Study on the Effect of the Sensor Gain Error in the Precision Measurement of Straightness Error Using Mixed Sequential Two-Probe Method (혼합축차이점법을 이용한 진직도 정밀측정에 있어서 센서 게인오차의 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Jeong, Ji Hun;Oh, Jeong Seok;Kihm, Gyungho;Park, Chun Hong
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.30 no.6
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    • pp.607-614
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    • 2013
  • In this study, effect of the sensor gain error is theoretically analyzed and simulated when mixed sequential two-prove method(MTPM) is applied for the precision measurement of straightness error of a linear motion table. According to the theoretical analysis, difference of the gain errors between two displacement sensors increases measurement error dramatically and alignment error of the straightedge is also amplified by the sensor gain difference. On the other hand, if the gain errors of the two sensors are identical, most of error terms are cancelled out and the alignment error doesn't give any influence on the measurement error. Also the measurement error of the straightness error is minimized compared with that of the straightedge's form error owing to close relationship between straightness error and angular motion error of the table in the error terms.

Noncommutativity Error Analysis with RLG-based INS (링레이저 자이로 관성항법시스템의 비교환 오차 해석)

  • Kim, Gwang-Jin;Park, Chan-Guk;Yu, Myeong-Jong
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.81-88
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    • 2006
  • In this paper, we analyze a noncommutativity error that is not able to be compensated with integrating gyro outputs in RLG-based INS. The system can suffer from some motion known as RLG dithering motion, coning motion, ISA motion derived by an AV mount and vehicle real dynamic motion. So these motions are a cause of the noncommutativity error, the system error derived by each motion has to be analyzed. For the analysis, a relation between rotation vector and gyro outputs is introduced and applied to define the coordinate transformation matrix and the angular vector.

Experimental Verification on Corrective machining Algorithm of Hydrostatic Table (유정압테이블 수정가공 알고리즘의 실험적 검증)

  • 박천홍;이찬홍;이후상
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 1997.10a
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    • pp.425-428
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    • 1997
  • Effectiveness of corrective machining algorithm is verified experimentally in this paper by performing corrective lapping work to single side and double sides hydrostatic tables. Lapping is applied as machining method. Machining information is calculated from measured motion errors by applying the algorithm, without information on rail profile. It is possible to acquire 0.13pm of linear motion error, 1.40arcsec of angular motion error in the case of single side table, and 0.07pm of linear motion error, 1.42arcsec of angular motion error in the case of double sides table. The experiment is performed by the unskilled person after he experienced a little of preliminary machining. Experimental results show that corrective machining algorithm is very effective, and anyone can improve the accuracy of hydrostatic table by using the algorithm.

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Fuzzy Logic Based Temporal Error Concealment for H.264 Video

  • Lee, Pei-Jun;Lin, Ming-Long
    • ETRI Journal
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    • v.28 no.5
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    • pp.574-582
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    • 2006
  • In this paper, a new error concealment algorithm is proposed for the H.264 standard. The algorithm consists of two processes. The first process uses a fuzzy logic method to select the size type of lost blocks. The motion vector of a lost block is calculated from the current frame, if the motion vectors of the neighboring blocks surrounding the lost block are discontinuous. Otherwise, the size type of the lost block can be determined from the preceding frame. The second process is an error concealment algorithm via a proposed adapted multiple-reference-frames selection for finding the lost motion vector. The adapted multiple-reference-frames selection is based on the motion estimation analysis of H.264 coding so that the number of searched frames can be reduced. Therefore the most accurate mode of the lost block can be determined with much less computation time in the selection of the lost motion vector. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm achieves from 0.5 to 4.52 dB improvement when compared to the method in VM 9.0.

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Development of On-machine Flatness Measurement Method (평면도 기상 측정 방법 개발)

  • 장문주;홍성욱
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.187-193
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    • 2003
  • This paper presents an on-machine measurement method of flatness error fur surface machining processes. There are two kinds of on-machine measurement methods available to measure flatness errors in workpieces: i.e., surface scanning method and sensor scanning method. However, motion errors are often engaged in both methods. This paper proposes an idea to realize a measurement system of flatness errors and its rigorous application for estimation of motion errors of the positioning system. The measurement system is made by modifying the straightness measurement system, which consists of a laser, a CCD camera and processing system, a sensor head, and some optical units. The sensor head is composed of a retroreflector, a ball and ball socket, a linear motion guide unit and adjustable arms. The experimental .results show that the proposed method is useful to identify flatness errors of machined workpieces as well as motion errors of positioning systems.

Development of an Ultra Precision Hydrostatic Guideway Driven by a Coreless Linear Motor

  • Park Chun Hong;Oh Yoon Jin;Hwang Joo Ho;Lee Deug Woo
    • International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.55-60
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    • 2005
  • In order to develop the hydrostatic guideways driven by a core less linear motor for ultra precision machine tools, a prototype of guideway is designed and tested. A coreless linear DC motor with a continuous force of 156 N and a laser scale with a resolution of 0.01 ㎛ are used in the system. Experimental analysis on the static stiffness, motion errors, positioning error and its repeatability, micro step response and velocity variation of the guideway are performed. The guideway shows infinite stiffness within 50 N applied load in the feed direction, and by the motion error compensation method using the Active Controlled Capillary, 0.08 ㎛ linear motion error and 0.1 arcsec angular motion error are acquired. The guideway also reveals 0.21 ㎛ positioning error and 0.09 ㎛ repeatability, and it shows stable responses following a 0.01 ㎛ resolution step command. The velocity variation of feeding system is less than 0.6 %. From these results, it is estimated that the hydrostatic guideway driven by a coreless linear motor is very useful for the ultra precision machine tools.

Basic Characteristics of an Active Controlled Capillary for Compensating the Error Motion of Hydrostatic Guideways (유정압안내면 운동오차보정용 능동제어모세관의 기본특성)

  • 송영찬;박천홍;이후상;김수태
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 1996.11a
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    • pp.662-667
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    • 1996
  • For compensating the error motion of hydrostatic guideways, the structure and the theoretical design method of ACC(Active Controlled Capillary) are proposed. The maximum controllable range, micro step response and dynamic characteristics of ACC are analyzed experimentally for verifing the availability. The experimental results showed that by the use of ACC, the error motion within 2.7${\mu}{\textrm}{m}$ of a hydrostatic guideway can be compensated with the resolution of 27nm, 1/100 of uncontolled error, and the frequency band of 5.5Hz. From these results, it Is confirmed that the ACC is very effect to improve the moving accuracy of high or ultra precision hydrostatic guideways.

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Error Concealment Techniques for Visual Quality Improving (화질 향상을 위한 오류 은폐 기법)

  • Suh, Jae-Won
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.65-74
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    • 2006
  • The MPEG-2 video compressed bitstream is very sensitive to transmission errors due to the complex coding structure of the MPEG-2 video coding standard. If one packet is lost or received with errors, not only the current frame will be corrupted, but also errors will propagate to succeeding frames within a group of pictures. Therefore, we employ various error resilient coding/decoding techniques to protect and reduce the transmission error effects. Error concealment technique is one of them. Error concealment technique exploits spatial and temporal redundancies of the correctly received video data to conceal the corrupted video data. Motion vector recovery and compensation with the estimated motion vector is good approach to conceal the corrupted data. In this paper, we propose various error concealment algorithms based on motion vector recovery, and compare their performance to those of conventional error concealment methods.

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Identification of motion error sources in NC machine tools by a circular interpolation test (원호보간시험에 의한 수치제어 공작기계의 운동오차원인 진단에 관한 연구)

  • Hong, Seong-Wook;Shin, Young-Jae;Lee, Hu-Sang
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.126-137
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    • 1993
  • This paper presents an efficient method for the identification of motion error sources in NC machine tools by making use of the circular interpolation test, which is often used in estimating the motion accuracy of NC machine tools. Mathematical formulae are described for motion errors due to various kinds of error sources. Two identification formulae are proposed: one is based on the frequency analysis and the other is formulated with the weithted residual method. Motion error signal is classified into two patterns, mean errors(mean of CW and CCW test signals from mean errors). The sources of the mean errors are identified by using the frequency analysis technique and the sources of the deviation errors by the weighted residual formulaltion. A menu driven, user oriented, computer program is written to realize the full steps of the proposed identificationprocedure. Then, the identification method is applied to two NC machine tools.

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Geometric error compensation of machine tools by geometry redesign (형상 재 설계에 의한 공작기계 기하오차 보정)

  • 서성교
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Machine Tool Engineers Conference
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    • 2000.04a
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    • pp.367-372
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    • 2000
  • Accuracy of a machined component is determined by the relative motion between the cutting tool and the workpiece. One of the important factors which affects the accuracy of this relative motion is the geometric error of machine tools. In this study, geometric error is modeled using form shaping motion of machine tool, where a form shaping function is derived from the homogeneous transformation matrix. Geometric errors are measured by laser interferometer. After that, the local positioning error can be estimated from the form shaping model and geometric error data base. From this information, we can remodel the part by shifting the design surface to the amount of positional error. By generating tool path to the redesigned surface, we can reduce the machining error.

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