• Title/Summary/Keyword: Erigeron annuus

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Distribution and Management of Naturalized Plants in the Northern Area of South Jeolla Province, Korea (전남 북부지역의 귀화식물 분포 및 관리방안)

  • Lim, Dong-Ok;Kim, Ha-Song;Park, Moon-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.506-515
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    • 2009
  • This study was carried out to investigate the distribution status and UI(urbanization index) of the naturalized plants and exotic plants. For this purpose 7 cities and counties in the northern South Jeolla Province were selected and investigations were conducted on a total of 14 sites, two sites from each city or county, during the period of March to November 2006. The exotic plants were identified as 111 taxa; 26 families, 79 genera, 105 species, and 6 varieties. As for urbanization index, Hampyeong County had the highest level of urbanization(21.95%) and Gokseong County the lowest level of urbanization(16.38%). Naturalized plants classified as family were as follows: Compositae was 36 kinds(32.43%) Graminae 17 kinds(15.31%) and Leguminosae 7 kinds(6.31%). Major communities of naturalized plants consisted of 21 communities including Robinia pseudoacacia-Amorpha fruticosa community, Erigeron annuus community, Erigeron canadensis community etc. Invasive naturalized plants consisted of 7 taxa: Paspalum disticum var. indutum, Paspalum distichum, Rumex acetocella, Solanum carolinense, Aster pilosus, Ambrosia artemisiifolia var. elatior and Ambrosia trifida. The study shows that the integrated management of exotic plants on a national scale is needed. It also recommend that a systematic and integrated management of exotic plants in the northern South Jeolla Province is crucial to preserve and protect natural species.

Seasonal Changes of the Vegetation Structure and the Primary Production in the Disturbed Banks of the Upo Wetland (우포늪의 교란된 제방에서 식생 구조의 계절적 변화와 1차생산)

  • Kang, Eun-Yeong;Kim, Tae-Geun;Oh, Kyung-Hwan
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.61-70
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    • 2009
  • Seasonal changes of flora, vegetation structure, and primary production for the vascular plants were investigated in the disturbed bank, Daedaejae, one of the reinforced bank of Upo wetland, in Changnyeong-gun, Gyeongsangnam-do, Korea from October 2005 to October 2006. The flora of the whole study area, the fabricated and the non-fabricated bank area were composed of 78, 72, 75 taxa, respectively. Among all of them, hydrophytes, hygrophytes, and mesophytes were 3, 33, and 42 taxa, respectively. The naturalized plants were 20 taxa, which was 25.6% of 78 taxa distributed in the study area. Dominant species of the fabricated and the non-fabricated bank area was Equisetum arvense and Trifolium repens, respectively. Importance values of the naturalized plants such as Erigeron annuus, Humulus japonicus, Astragalus sinicus and Ambrosia artemisiifolia var. elatior were relatively high in both area. The species diversity indices(H') were 1.010~1.450, and those were relatively high in October and low in March in both area. Those of the non-fabricated bank area was higher than the fabricated bank area during the whole study period. The similarity indices(CCS) between two kinds of banks were 0.359~0.456, and was lowest in March and highest in August, the culmination period of the vascular plants. Net primary production in the fabricated bank area was $417.1\;g/m^2$, and those of Phragmites communis, Oenothera odorata, Miscanthus sacchariflorus were 179.5, 84.0, and $66.1\;g/m^2$, respectively. Net primary production in the nonfabricated bank area was $392.7\;g/m^2$, and those of Erigeron canadensis, Miscanthus sacchariflorus, and Phragmites communis were 102.5, 87.4, and $81.6\;g/m^2$, respectively.

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Distribution and Management of Naturalized Plants in the Eastern Area of Jeollanamdo, Korea (전라남도 동부지역의 귀화식물 분포 및 관리방안)

  • Park, Moon-Su;Lim, Dong-Ok;Kim, Ha-Song
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.489-498
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    • 2011
  • This study was carried out to investigate the distribution status and urbanization index of the naturalized plants. For this purpose, 7 cities and counties in the eastern area of Jeollanamdo were selected and investigations were conducted on a total of 14 sites, during the period of March 2006 to November 2008. The naturalized plants were identified as 123; 22 families, 75 genera, 118 species, and 5 varieties. As for the urbanization index, Suncheon city had the highest level of urbanization (33.45%) and Gurye county the lowest level of urbanization (20.21%). Classification families were as follows: Compositae 40 kinds (30.1%) Gramineae 17 kinds (12.8%) and Leguminosae 14 kinds (10.5%). Major communities of naturalized plants consisted of 20 communities including Erigeron annuus community, Erigeron canadensis community, Alnus firma community, Amorpha fruticosa community, Oenothera odorata community, Bidens frondosa community, Coreopsis tinctoria community, Ambrosia artemisiifolia var. elatior community etc. Invasive naturalized plants consisted of 5 taxa: Ambrosia artemisiifolia var. elatior, Ambrosia trifida, Eupatorium rugosum, Paspalum distichum var. indutum and Paspalum distichum. The distributional characteristics of naturalized plants were divided on the basis of six areas associated with ecological characteristics of a habitat.

Flora in Ahnshim Wetland, Daegu Metropolitan City (대구광역시 안심습지의 식물상)

  • You, Ju-Han;Jung, Sung-Gwan;Park, Kyung-Hun;Kim, Kyung-Tae;Lee, Woo-Sung
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.162-170
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study was to suggest the raw data on establishing the domestic wetland conservation plan. The results of this study were as follows. The vascular plants were summarized as 201 taxa in Ahnshim wetland; 57 families, 154 genera, 179 species and 22 varieties. The rare and endangered plant designated by Korea Forest Service was Hydorcharis dubia. In the wetland plants, the emerged plants were showed Typha angustata, Beckmannia syzigachne, Zizania latifolia, Phragmites communis, Persicaria thunbergii, Oenanthe javanica and Veronica undulata, and the submerged plants were Potamogeton crispus, Vallisneria asiatica, Hydrilla verticillata, Ceratophyllum demersum and Myriophyllum verticillatum. And the floating leaved plants were confirmed Potamogeton distinctus, Hydrocharis dubia, Nelumbo nucifera and Nymphoides peltata, and the floating plants were Salvinia natans, Spirodela polyrhiza and Lemna paucicostata. The naturalized plants were 33 taxa; Avena fatua, Dactylis glomerata, Rumex crispus, Rumex conglomeratus, Amaranthus retroflexus, Lepidium apetalum, Tlaspi arvense, Descurainia pinnata, Potentilla supina, Vicia villosa, Robinia pseruo-acacia, Amorpha fruticosa, Trifolium repens, Medicago sativa, Ailanthus altissima, Euphorbia supina, Oenothera lamarckiana, Quamoclit angulata, Ipomoea purpurea, Solanum nigrum, Veronica perisca, Helianthus tuberosus, Ambrosia artemisifolia var. elatior, Xanthium strumarium, Erigeron annuus, Erigeron canadensis, Conyza sumatrensis, Senecio vulgaris, Bidens frondosa, Tagetes minuta, Taraxacum officinale, Taraxacum laevigatum and Sonchus oleraceus.

An Analysis of the Environmental Index and the Distribution of Naturalized Plants in Large Rivers of Downtown Gwangju Metropolitan City (광주광역시 도심 대규모 하천의 귀화식물 분포 및 환경지수 분석)

  • Lim Dong-Ok;Ryu Youn-Mi;Hwang In-Chun
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.288-296
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    • 2004
  • This study was conducted from March to October 2003 to investigate the distribution status and environmental index of naturalized plants at 14 sites at rivers penetrating the downtown area of Gwangju Metropolitan City. The flora consisted of 309 taxa, 76 families, 211 genera, 273 species, 35 varieties and one form, while the naturalized plants consisted of 46 taxa, 14 families, 36 genera, 44 species and two varieties. The dominant species of Gwangju-cheon were nine taxa. Panicum dichotomiflorum, Rumex crispus, Chenopodium album, Trifolium repens, Veronica persica, Ambrosia artemisiifolia var. elatior, Aster pilosus, Bidens frondosa and Taraxacum offici-nale. The dominant species of Hwangryong River were five taxa: Rumex crispus, Trifolium repens, Oenothera odorata, Ambrosia artemisiifolia var. elatior and Erigeron canadensis. At Yeongsan River appeared 16 dominant species: Patspalum distichum, Ckenopodium ficifolium, Lepidium apetalum, Erigeron annuus and Xanthium strumarium in addition to the same dominant species of Gwangju-cheon and Hwangryong River The Urbanization Index (UI) was 17.2% and the Naturalized Index (NI) was 14.9% at urban rivers of Gwangju. The naturalized plants consisted of 16 taxa, which originated in both Europe and North America. Based upon the UI and NI, the urban rivers and their riversides must be considered a major corridor for the invasion of naturalized plants.

Distribution Characteristics of Alien Plants by Wetland Types in the Ecologically Outstanding Wetlands of South Korea (국내 생태우수습지의 유형별 외래식물상 현황 및 특성)

  • Chu, Yeounsu;Cho, Kwang-Jin;Kim, Mijeong;Lee, Changsu;Yoon, Jungdo;Lim, Jeoncheol
    • Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.145-159
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    • 2020
  • Wetlands are vulnerable to biological invasion by alien species, because they function as sinks that accumulate excess water, sediments, nutrients, and other contaminants from the surrounding watersheds by disturbance. In this study, to understand the status and characteristics of the alien plants based on the type of wetlands, we classified 24 ecologically outstanding wetlands and analyzed the status of alien flora. A total of 130 alien plants were found in the wetlands, accounting for 11% of the total plant species. Among them, the Asteraceae species was the most diverse, with 40 species. Erigeron annuus and Oenothera ordorata had the highest frequency of occurrence. The species richness of alien plants in the riverine and lacustrine wetlands (average: 30 species) was higher than that in the mountainous palustrine wetlands (average: 10 species). The same results were found in the naturalization index, urbanization index, and ratio of annuals and biennials, which indicate the degree of artificial interference. In the cluster analysis, the riverine and lacustrine wetlands were combined, and only the mountainous palustrine wetlands were separated. The number of alien plants is remarkably low in the mountainous palustrine wetlands, and it is considered to be the influence of Erigeron strigosus, Symphytum officinale, and Bilderdykia convolvulus, not found in the other types of wetlands. In particular, invasive alien plants such as Aster pilosus, Ambrosia trifida, Sicyos angulatus, Ambrosia artemisiifolia var. elatior were found intensively in the riverine wetlands. Therefore, it is considered that a methodical management is urgently required considering the dispersal of alien plants in the riverine and lacustrine wetlands with high artificial interference.

The Vegetation Characteristics of Palustrine Wetland by Land-use in Rural Areas (농촌지역 소택지의 토지이용별 식생특성)

  • Son, Jin-Kwan;Kim, Mi-Heui;Kang, Banghun
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.699-713
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    • 2012
  • Palustrine wetland is often used for development work and green area creation. However, the ecological characteristic of vegetation is not frequently considered in planning. Therefore, this study was conducted to investigate vegetation characteristic according to land-use of palustrine wetland and to provide basic materials in assessment of palustrine wetland and restoration and creation of wetland. Survey sites were caterogized into paddy, field, and mountain. Each category had two sites, so total 6 survey sites were investigated for vegetation. As a result, with a range of 61~92 species, total 216 taxa were confirmed, consisting of 71 families, 168 generic, 187 species, 2 variety 1 forma 1 subforma. Mountain received a high score in the evaluation score range of floristic regional indicator plants, and it was found that there were 10 families and 28 species of naturalized plant. Mountain showed low appearance, and fiddy and field showed relatively high appearance. Naturalized plants with slightly high vegetation cover ratio are Erigeron annuus, Amorpha fruticosa, Dactylis glomerata, Festuca arundinacea, Eragrostis curvula, Trifolium repens, Erigeron Canadensis, Ambrosia trifida, Oenothera odorata, Bidens frondosa, etc. Such naturalized plants should be removed to prevent terrestrialization of wetland and its harmful damages. Long-term monitoring and proper management of naturalized plants are expected to improve palustrine wetland into high quality biotope of rural area in the future.

The Flora of Mt. Bakdal in Chungcheongbuk-do, Korea (충청북도 박달산 일대의 식물상)

  • Yoo, Ju;Jin, Yeon-Hee;Jang, Hye-Won;Cho, Heung-Won;Lee, Dong-Woo;Yoon, Hee-Bin;Lee, Chul-Hee
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.169-182
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study is carried out accurately to grasp the vascular plants in Mt. Bakdal (825 m of sea level), Goesan-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do. In the results of survey from October, 2000 to August, 2001, the vascular plant species in Mt. Bakdal were summarized as 458 taxa; 91 families, 275 genera, 391 species, 62 varieties and 5 forms. The rare plants designated by Korea Forestry Service were six species; Lilium distichum, Iris uniflora var. carisina, Hylomecon hylomeconoides, Viola albida, Scopolia japonicus and Scrophularia koraiensis. And the endemic plants were seventeen species; Melandryum seoulense, Aconitum pseudo-laeve var. erectum, Hylomecon hylomeconoides, Spiraea prunifolia for. simpliciflora, Rubus hongnoensis, Gleditsia japonica var. koraiensis, Lespedeza ${\times}$ tomentella, Vicia venosa var. cuspidata, Vicia venosissima, Tilia taquetii, Ajuga spectabilis, Paulownia coreana, Scrophularia koraiensis, Weigela subsessilis, Lonicera subsessilis, Cirsium setidens and Saussurea seoulensis. The sixteen species were recorded in the surveyed sites as the naturalized plants; Rumex acetocella, Rumex crispus, Fallopia dumetora, Chenopodium glaucum, Amaranthus retroflexus, Robinia pseudo-acacia, Amorpha fruticosa, Trifolium repens, Abutilon avicennae, Hibiscus trionum, Oenothera odorata, Oenothera lamarckiana, Erigeron annuus, Erigeron canadensis, Bidens frondosa and Carduus crispus.

Plant Resources of Ssanggok Valley in Sokrisan National Park, Korea (속리산국립공원 내 쌍곡계곡 일대의 자원식물상)

  • Jeong, Tae-Young;Park, Chel-Ha;Lee, Kyung-Soo;Yun, Hee-Bin;Lee, Gwi-Yong;Ahn, Chan-Ki;You, Ju-Han
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.13-25
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    • 2009
  • This study was carried out to investigate the flora of Ssanggok valley, Chilsung-myeon, Geosan-gun and Chungcheongbuk-do, and the survey of period was from March, 2006 to June, 2007. The results of surveying the flora were recorded as 401 taxa; 88 families, 242 genera, 342 species, 52 varieties and 7 forma. The korean endemic plants were 8 taxa; Cephalotaxus harringtonia, Salix purpurea var. japonica, Asarum maculatum, Clematis trichotoma, Zanthoxylum schinifolium var. inermis, Lonicera subsessilis, Weigela subsessilis and Saussurea seoulensis. The endangered plant designate by the ministry of environment was Berchemia berchemiaefolia. The rare plants designated by Korea forest service were 7 taxa; Crypsinus hastatus, Asarum maculatum, Paeonia japonica, Berchemia berchemiaefolia, Viola albida, Rhododendron micranthum and Lilium distichum. In future, we will discuss a concrete conservation plan and propagation method about rare plants for conservation. The plant resources were 220 taxa of ornamental plant, 239 taxa of edible plant, 281 taxa of medicinal plant and 206 taxa of others. The naturalized plants were 13 taxa; Dactylis glmerata, Rumex crispus, Chenopodium glaucum, Robinia pseudo-acacia, Trifolium pratense, Trifolium repens, Oenothera lamarckiana, Aster subulatus, Erechtites hieracifolia, Erigeron annuus, Erigeron canadensis, Helianthus tuberosus and Taraxacum officinale. The naturalized index and Urbanized index were about 3.24% and 4.53%.

The Vascular Plants in Mt. Geotdae, Cheongju-si, Chungcheongbuk-do (충청북도 청주시 것대산 일대에 분포하는 관속식물상)

  • Jeoung, Tae-Young;Park, Cheol-Ha;Yun, Hee-Bin;Lee, Gwi-Yong;Ahn, Chan-Ki;Lee, Kyung-Soo;Kim, Kyung-Tae;Lee, Woo-Sung;You, Ju-Han
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.451-460
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    • 2007
  • This study was carried out to construct the data base for biodiversity conservation, and offer the raw data for obtaining the genetic resources. The vascular plants were summarized as 306 taxa; 79 families, 199 genera, 266 species, 35 varieties and 5 forma. The Korean endemic plants were 7 taxa; Salix caprea, S. purpurea var. japonica, Deuitzia coreana, Akebia quinata var. plyphylla, Spiraea prunifolia for. simpiciflora, Lonicera subsessilis and Weigela subsessilis. The naturalized plants were 16 taxa; Dactylis glomerata, Rumex acetocella, R. crispus, Phytolacca esculenta, Tlaspi arvense, Robinia pseudo-acacia, Trifolium repens, Ailanthus altissima, Oenothera lamarckiana, Veronica persica, Ambrosia artemisiifolia var. elatior, Erigeron annuus, Erigeron canadensis, Bidens frondosa, Taraxacum officinale and Sonchus asper. The specific plants by floristic region were 26 taxa; Chloranthus japonica, Populus davidiana, and so forth.