• Title/Summary/Keyword: Environmental friendly control

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Konjac Glucomannan Derived Carbon Aerogels for Multifunctional Applications

  • Lian, Jie;Li, Jiwei;Wang, Liang;Cheng, Ru;Tian, Xiuquan;Li, Xue;Zhou, Jian;Duan, Tao;Zhu, Wenkun
    • Nano
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    • v.13 no.10
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    • pp.1850113.1-1850113.11
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    • 2018
  • Environmental and energy issues have always been a hot topic of global research. Oil leakage has caused great damage to the environment, affecting a wide area and it is difficult to clean up. In most cases, carbon-based adsorbents are typically utilized to remove oil spills because of their economic benefits and high adsorbent efficiency. At the same time, its excellent material properties can also be used for the preparation of supercapacitors. In this paper, the carbon aerogels were prepared by the one-step method. The prepared materials endowed a 3D network structure with a huge number of micropores and mesoporous, and the material is light-weight, stable, hydrophobic and has affinity for oil (17.02 g/g) to the KGM carbon aerogel. Through the physicchemical characterization, the KGM carbon aerogel shows specific surface area is $689m^2/g$, high water contact angle ($136.64^{\circ}$) and excellent reusability (more than 15 cycle times). In addition, we also discussed the electrochemical properties of the material and obtained the specific electrical capacity of 139 F/g under the condition of 1 A/g.

Development and Field Assessment of DO Control System in an Aeration Tank for Automation of Sewage Treatment Plant

  • Jung, In-Chul;Kim, Dae-Yong;Junq, Byung-Gil
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.603-608
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    • 2009
  • Activated sludge sewage treatment processes are difficult to be controlled because of their complex and nonlinear behaviour, however, the control of the dissolved oxygen level in the reactors plays an important role in the operation of the facility. For this reason, this study is designed to present a system which accurately measures DO, MLSS, pH and ORP in the aeration tank to alleviate situations above and provide the automatization of a sewage treatment plant (STP) using new DO control system. The automatic control systems must be guaranteed the accuracy. Therefore, the proposed automatic DO control system in this study could be commercial applications in the aeration tanks by means of operating cost analysis and user-friendly for operation and maintenance. We could get accurate data from the lab tank which has water quality checker because there was no vortex and air bubble during the measurement process. Improvement of confidence in the lab tank enabled effective and automatic operation of sewage treatment plants so that operation costs and manpower could be saved. If this result is put in place in every sewage treatment plant nationwide for practical purposes, it is estimated to cost 18.5 million dollars in installing the lab tank and to save 9.8 million dollars in management cost a year, except for cost saved by automation.

Comparison of Environmental-Friendly and Chemical Spray Calendar for Controlling Diseases and Insect Pests of Strawberry during Nursery Seasons (딸기 육묘기 병해충 관리를 위한 친환경과 화학적 방제력 비교)

  • Nam, Myeong Hyeon;Kim, Hyun Sook;Kim, Tae Il;Lee, Eun Mo
    • Research in Plant Disease
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.273-279
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    • 2015
  • Major diseases and insect pests in nursery season of strawberry were anthracnose, powdery mildew, Fusarium wilt, two-spotted spider mite, and aphids. Environmental-friendly and chemical application schedules can improve diseases and insect pests control with relatively fewer organic and chemical materials inputs compared with spray programs when it's occurred. Field experiments were performed in 2012 to 2013 according to calendar-based spray programs with environmental-friendly spray calendar (EFSC) and conventional chemical spray calendar (CSC) for controlling diseases and insect pests of strawberry plants cv, Seolhyang during the two nursery seasons. EFSC did reduce the incidence of diseases and insect pests as compared to the non-treated control. Incidence of anthracnose and powdery mildew by EFSC and CSC was similar in 2012 and 2013 seasons. In addition, occurrence of two-spotted spider mite in EFSC in 2013 was similar to those of CSC and was shown highly in early and mid-June both 2012 and 2013 seasons. Occurrence of aphid in EFSC was shown highly in early and mid-June both 2012 and 2013 seasons. These results suggest that EFSC program may be effective for controlling strawberry diseases and insect pests by using environmental-friendly organic materials.

Management of Greenhouse Whitefly, $Trialeurodes$ $Vaporariorum$ (Homoptera : Aleyrodidae) with Zoophytophagous Predator $Nesidiocoris$ $tenuis$ (Heteroptera : Miridae) and EFAM in Tomato Production without Pesticides (무농약 토마토재배에서 친환경자재와 담배장님노린재를 이용한 온실가루이 방제)

  • Kim, Do-Ik;Ko, Sug-Ju;Choi, Duck-Soo;Kang, Beom-Ryong;Kim, Seon-Gon;Choi, Kyeong-Ju;Kim, Sang-Soo;Hwang, In-Cheon
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.49-58
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    • 2012
  • Greenhouse whitefly, $Trialeurodes$ $Vaporariorum$, is the most important insect pest in environmental friendly tomato production. Natural enemies, $Nesidiocoris$ $tenuis$ and environmental friendly agricultural materials (EFAM) are major control agents in Korea. The aim of the present work is to evaluate release time of $N.$ $tenuis$ in controlling of $T.$ $vaporariorum$ and to select environmental friendly agricultural materials (EFAM) to suppress both $T.$ $vaporariorum$ and $N.$ $tenuis$ which if the density were high causing necrotic rings. Six EFAM selected to control of $Trialeurodes$ $Vaporariorum$ in three times spray with seven days intervals. Three EFAM showed high mortality 67.7-70.5% in spray after release plot but low in release after spray plot. It should be careful to spray with $N.$ $tenuis$. When $N.$ $tenuis$ were early release at 7 days after transplanting which before occurring and establishment of greenhouse whitefly, it could suppress the density. Extracts of bead tree + matrin, matrin 1, Chrysanthemum showed high mortality on $T.$ $vaporariorum$ adults and $N.$ $tenuis$. The results suggested that this three EFAM could be control agents of the damage of necrotic rings from $N.$ $tenuis$.

Treatment Level of Neem Product for the Control of Bemisia tabaci in the Environmental Friendly Agriculture of Eggplant (가지 담배가루이 방제를 위한 Neem제 처리농도 설정)

  • Kim, Ju;Choi, In-Young;Kim, Ju-Hee;Lee, Jang-Ho;Cheong, Seong-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.435-444
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    • 2014
  • This experiment was carried out to develop an environmental friendly agriculture material (EFAM) using neem extract i.e. azadirachtin (0.5%), especially against Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) in eggplant. Neem product was found to be very effective against both nymph and adult of B. tabaci. Yield and economic value of eggplant treated with neem extract were higher than other EFAMs used. Effect of different concentration of Neem product was also investigated on population density of B. tabaci. The growth and yield of eggplants were highest in plants treated with 500 times concentrated solution of neem product. Economic analysis showed that the income increased by 13,545 thousand won/10a from the plots treated with 500 times concentrated solution of neem product over control. The results suggested that 500 times concentrated solution of EFAM (azadirachtin 0.5%) could be a good controlling agent of B. tabaci in eggplants.

Effects of By-Product Fertilizing of the Unfermented Soybean (Cheongguk-jang) on Chemical Properties of Soil and Growth of Lettuce (미 발효된 청국장 콩의 시비가 토양의 이화학적 성질 변화와 상추의 생육에 미치는 영향)

  • Hong, Joo-Hwa;Chang, Ki-Woon;Kang, Young-Mo;Jo, Chon-Hwi;Han, Ki-Pil;Lee, Jong-Jin
    • Journal of the Korea Organic Resources Recycling Association
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.132-140
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    • 2006
  • This investigation into unfermented soybeans, which were left from the soybeans used to make cheongguk-jang, was conducted to find out its availability of the application to the environmental-friendly fertilizers. The test of cultivating lettuce, using 1/5000a Wagner pot, was carried out inside the affiliated farm glasshouse, belonged to University of Chung-Nam National. The results showed that in the category of leaf length, the control and cheongguk-jang soybeans treatment plot had similar outcomes and in the category of the extract of the cheongguk-jang soybeans, it increased by about 26~33%. And in the categories of width and number of leaves it showed that the extract treatment increased by about 9~20%, in compared to the control. Finally, in the category of fresh weight, the results showed that cheongguk-jang soybean and the extract of the cheongguk-jang soybean effectively increased by about 9~27%, and that pig manure compost treatment plot with the extract of the cheongguk-jang soybean also significantly increased by about 26%, compared to the control. Accordingly, the unfermented soybean left in the production of cheongguk-jang and the extract of the cheongguk-jang soybean are considerably appeared to be valuable environmental-friendly fertilizers.

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Effects of Outdoor Activities Utilizing Regional Science Education Resource Map (RSM) in Busan (부산 지역 과학 교육 자원 지도를 활용한 체험학습의 환경교육적 효과)

  • You, Sun-Mi;Kim, Sun-Young
    • Hwankyungkyoyuk
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.44-55
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    • 2011
  • This study examined the effects of RSM (Regional Science education resource Map), developed and provided by Busan metropolitan city Office of Education, at high schools in Busan. Two group of students, who were in the same level of achievement as well as other environmental conditions, participated in this study. Twenty nine of students as an experimental group experienced outdoor activities utilizing RSM, while thirty of students as a control group did not participate in any outdoor activities. The results indicated that compared to the control group of students, the experimental group of students represented a significant improvement in students' environmental attitudes, local ecological interest and eco-friendly behavior. The teachers who guided outdoor activities utilizing RSM suggested that RSM needs to be further subdivided by seasons as well as local districts. They also suggested that RSM needs to be linked with a school curriculum.

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Screening of Plant Extracts and Identification of their Insecticidal Metabolites against Myzus persicae (복숭아혹진딧물 방제용 식물추출물 탐색 및 살충성분 구명)

  • Yang, Si young;Lim, Da jung;Kim, Yeo Hee;Kim, In Seon
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.125-134
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    • 2018
  • BACKGROUND: Green peach aphid (Myzus persicae) is an insect pest that significantly affects crop production. A number of pesticides have been used for aphid control, but their concerns on insect resistance and food safety have required alternative methods for pest management. In an effort to find for an alternative approach to aphid control, we screened plants extracts and examined their potentiality as insecticidal bio-resources. METHODS AND RESULTS: Two hundred and ninety eight plant extracts were examined for insecticidal activity against the aphid, and the best candidate among them was chosen for further study. The extracts from Cinnamomum camphora was determined to be the best candidate exhibiting insecticidal activity more than 60% at a level of $1,000{\mu}g/mL$. GC/MS analyses detected camphor, borneol, 4-terpineol, ${\alpha}$-terpineol and caryophyllene oxide as major compositions from the extracts obtained by hydrodistillation. Caryophyllene oxide exhibited the highest insecticidal activity with a $LC_{50}$ value of $237{\mu}g/mL$. Camphor lowered significantly the $LC_{50}$ value of caryophyllene oxide and increased largely its concentration in aphid, suggesting that camphor played a role in enhancing the insecticidal activity of caryophyllene oxide. CONCLUSION: This study suggested that camphor and caryophyllene oxide may be used as an insecticidal bio-resource for insect control against green peach aphid.

Biological Characteristics of the Ginseng Stem Fungus Gnat (Phytosciara procera) and Its Environmental-friendly Control Using Modified Topping of Ginseng Peduncles

  • Lee, Seung-Hwan;Shin, Jung-Sup;Hong, Tae-Gyun;Ahn, Young-Joon;Cho, Dae-Hui
    • Journal of Ginseng Research
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.23-29
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    • 2010
  • This study examined the biological characteristics of the insect and examined potential cultural controls using peduncle topping methods. Ginseng stem fungus gnat eggs hatched after 5 days; ecdysis lasted 3-4 weeks, and after 5 days pupation, adults emerged. Adults deposited eggs 1-2 days after emerging, and the entire life cycle lasted 32-40 days. The fungus gnats laid eggs $327\times220{\mu}m$ in size on cut planes of stems, but not on intact stem parts that had not been topped or wounded. Analyses of major weather data for the experimental areas and weather data for the past 30 years acquired from the Korea Meteorological Administration revealed that fungus gnat dispersion was prevalent under highly humid conditions and in areas with thick and frequent fogging. Among the topping times examined, fungus gnat damage to ginseng was lowest when topping occurred in late May. Among the five different topping methods evaluated on experimental ginseng farms, the cumulative fungus gnat damage to ginseng was low (0.8%) under partial peduncle topping (removal of peduncle with lateral fruit remaining) and removal of only flower buds (0.6%), with fungus gnat control effects of 82% and 86%, respectively, compared to conventional topping (removal of peduncle about 5 cm above its base). No fungus gnat damage to ginseng was observed under the no-topping treatment. These results suggest that partial topping of peduncles, while letting lateral fruits remain, is a potentially environmentally friendly method of controlling the ginseng stem fungus gnat.

The Usage Status of Environment-friendly Materials for Vegetable Cultivated under Protected Houses in the Southern Part of Korea (남부지역 시설채소 재배 농가의 친환경농자재 사용실태)

  • Lee, Mi-Gyung;Hwang, Jae-Moon;Lee, Su-Rae
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.93-103
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    • 2006
  • This study was undertaken to survey the usage of environment-friendly materials for 8 vegetable crops including cucumber, tomato, strawberry, eggplant hot pepper, lettuce, perilla leaves, and Welsh onion, cultivated under protected houses. Total of 78 environment-friendly growers in the Southern part of Korea were surveyed from 2003 to 2004. The number of materials used for a crop based on the effectiveness claimed by farmers was $21{\sim}87$ for pest control, $0{\sim}9$ for fertilizing, $2{\sim}41$ for growth promotion and $10{\sim}37$ for soil improvement. It is needed to clarify the ingredients and effectiveness of those environment-friendly materials reaching 323 items, on a science-basis in the future.