• Title/Summary/Keyword: Environmental effect

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Effects Of Environmental Factors And Individual Traits On Work Stress And Ethical Decision Making (간호사의 환경적 요소와 개인적 특성이 직무스트레스와 윤리적 의사결정에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Sang Mi L.;Shake ketefian
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.417-430
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    • 1993
  • 이 연구는 환경적 요소(간호사의 자율성, 조직의 표준화)와 개인의 특성(통제위, 나이, 경험. 간호역할개념, 도덕성), 직무 스트레스, 윤리적 의사결정 사이의 관계를 이론적 틀을 구성하여 테스트함으로써 그 인과관계를 탐구하였다. 본 연구를 위해 개발된 모형은 1) Katz와 Kahn의 조직에 대한 개방체계 이론(open systems theory of organization) ; 2) Kahn. Wolfe, Quinn, Snoek의 스트레스 이론 (theory of stress) : 3) Kohlberg의 도덕발달 이론(theory of moral develop-ment): 그리고 4) 여러 문헌고찰을 기초로 하였다. 본 연구의 모형은 2가지의 주요 종속변수(직무 스트레스, 윤리적 간호행위), 2가지 매개변수(간호 역할개념, 도덕성 발달정도) 그리고 여러 독립변수들(조직의 표준화, 자율성, 통제위, 교육, 나이, 경험 등)로 구성되었다. 간단히 말해, 간호사의 스트레스와 윤리적 간호행위 를 개인 자신과 환경이라는 두 요소의 결과로 간주한 것이다. 미국(2개주)의 여러 건강관리기관에 근무하는 224명의 정규 간호사를 대상으로 하였고. 가설 검증을 위하여 1) 변수간의 인과관계를 조사하기 위한 Linear Structural Relationships(LISREL)기법과 2) 나이, 경험, 교육이 변수간의 관계에 미치는 중간역할을 알아보기 위해 상관분석을 이용하였다. LISREL결과를 보면 제시된 모델이 각 내재 변수에 상당한 설명력을 가지면서 자료에 잘 맞는 것으로 나타났다. 이 연구에서 가장 뚜렷한 점으로 나타난 것은 개인의 특성보다 환경적 요소로서의 자율성이 직무스트레스와 윤리적 의사결정을 예견하는데 훨씬 중요한 변수로 부각되었다는 점이다. 또한 간호사의 전문적 역할개념과 봉사적 역할개념이 간호사의 윤리적 의사결정을 예견하는 가장 중요한 요소로 나타났다. 중간영향(moderation effect)을 보면, 젊고 경험이 적은 간호사일수록 나이가 많고 경험있는 간호사보다 환경적 요소(자율성)에 더 큰 영향을 받는다는 것을 암시하고 있다. 또한 4년제 대학 이상을 졸업한 간호사의 윤리 적 간호행 위 는 2, 3년제 를 졸업 한 간호사 보다 환경적 요소에 의해 덜 영향을 받는 것으로 나타났다. 한편 자율성의 부족은 2, 3년제 졸업 간호사보다 4년제 졸업 간호사에게 더 심한 스트레스가 되고 있음을 시사하였다. 이 연구의 결과로부터 적어도 다음과 같은 두 가지 실제적인 제언을 도출할 수 있다. 첫째, 이 연구는 환경적요소로서의 자율성이 다른 어떤 개인적인 요소보다 직무 스트레스를 예견하는 데 중요한 요소라는 것을 제시하였다. 이것은 간호행정가들에게, 간호사의 직무 스트레스를 감소시키기 위해선 “자율성”이 아주 중요히 다루어져야 한다는 것을 의미한다. 만일 간호사들의 직무스트레스가 그 개인의 복지에 큰 해가 되고 환자를 간호하는 데 직접적으로 관계된다면, 간호행정가는 그 조직의 직무체계를 다시 평가해서 일에 대한 새로운 설계가 필요한지를 파악해야 한다. 또한 이 연구는 직무를 다시 설계할 경우, 누구에게 먼저 촛점을 두고 시작해야 하는지를 밝혀주고 있다. 즉, 젊고 경험이 미숙한 간호사들에게 촛점을 두고 시작해야 하며, 작업환경의 가장 중요한 차원중의 하나인 사회적 지원(social support)을 조심스럽게 고려해 보아야 한다. 둘째, 간호사의 윤리적 간호행위를 높히기 위해 전문적 역할개념과 봉사적 역할개념이 재강조될 필요가 있다. 이 두 역할개념 들을 교육을 통하여 효과적으로 가르칠 필요가 있다고 본다. 이 두 개념들이 간호사의 바람직한 간호행 위에 영향을 미치는 가장 중요한 요소로 나타났기 때문이다. 또한, 본 연구결과에 따르면, 경험이 많을수록 일에 싫증을 느껴 바람직한 윤리적 간호행위가 감소되는 경향이 있었다. 따라서, 건강관리체제 (health care system) 안에서의 간호사의 역할이-전문직으로서의, 그리고 환자를 위한 옹호자로서의-학교와 임상에서 효과적으로 교육되어져야 한다고 본다. 간호사들의 역할에 대한 계속적인 교육이 학생은 물론 임상 간호사들에게도 실시되어져야 할 것이다. 미래연구의 방향을 제시해 보면 첫째로 연구의 일반화를 높히기 위해 더 많은 대상자를 포함시켜야 한다. 이는 여러 종류의 표본을 반드시 한번에 전부 포함시켜야 한다는 것을 의미하는 것이 아니고, 특정한 여러 표본들을 연속적으로 연구함으로서 이 목표를 성취할 수 있다고 생각한다. 둘째는 여러 construct들(윤리적 간호행위, 직무 스트레스, 간호 역할개념 등)에 대한 적절한 측정도구를 개발해야 한다. 측정도구를 개발하기 위해서는 풍부하고 세세한 통찰력을 제공하는 질적인 정보를 얻는 것이 선행되어야 한다. 셋째, 윤리적 간호행위와 직무 스트레스에 관한 연구를 증진시키기 위해 실험설계 및 종단적 연구(expel-imental, longitudinal design)가 시도될 필요가 있다. 마지막으로, 윤리적 간호행위와 직무 스트레스를 예견할 수 있는 이론적 탐구(theoretical exploration), 즉 이론정립을 위하여, 환경적 요소와 개인의 특성에 대한 자세한 정보를 제공해 줄 수 있는 질적 연구들이 요구된다.

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Effect of Soil Moisture and Weather (atmospheric) Conditions on the Fruiting of Sarcodon aspratus in Oak Stand (토양수분과 가상인자가 참나무림내 능이의 발생에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Sang-Hee;Kim, Je-Su;Kim, Hong-Eun;Koo, Chang-Duck;Park, Jae-In;Shin, Chang-Sop;Shin, Won-Sop
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.94 no.6
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    • pp.370-376
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    • 2005
  • Sarcodon aspratus is well known as a natural edible mushroom and a symbiotic mycorrhizal fungus with oaks. This study was conducted to clarify the effects of environmental conditions on the fruiting of S. aspratus on the hillslope of Wolak Mt., Jecheon city, Chungbuk, South Korea. Soil moisture and soil temperature in S. aspratus colony were measured hourly and compared with those in the non-colony soil. The mean soil moisture during the mushroom development was 14.3% in the colony soil and 16.4% in the non-colony soil. The S. aspratus colony soils showed 2.1% less soil moisture. The mean soil temperature was $16.8^{\circ}C$ in the colony soil and $16.5^{\circ}C$ in the non-colony soil. The S. asprauts colony soils showed slightly higher temperature. It is considered that more soil water was consumed and more energy was emitted during the mycelial elongation and the mushroom development. The development of S. aspratus seems similar to that of T. matsutake which is known to be considerably affected by soil moisture, daily maximum air temperature, daily minimum air temperature and daily minimum soil temperature. The season of S. aspratus development ranges from the end of August to the beginning of October. And Ellino phenomenon and its unusual change in the weather seems to affect primodia and fruiting body development. Especially if daily minimum soil temperature continues to become higher than $20^{\circ}C$, the damage of primodia and its fruiting body was frequently observed in the field plots during the last few years recently.

A Study on the Effect of Fluidizing Media on the N2O Production in Fluidized Bed Incineration of Sewage Sludge (하수슬러지 유동층 소각에서 유동매체가 N2O 발생에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Jong-Ju;Lee, Seung-Jae;Ryu, In-Soo;Jeon, Sang Goo;Park, Yeong-Sung;Moon, Seung-Hyun
    • Clean Technology
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.390-397
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    • 2014
  • This study was performed to investigate the effects of fluidizing media on $N_2O$ production in fluidized bed incineration of sewage sludge. The fluidized media were prepared in a form of 2 mm bead by mixing zeolite powders in our lab. Sand having 0.4 mm of the mean size showed 0.44 m/s of minimum fluidization velocity ($U_{mf}$), while the prepared zeolite media 0.5 m/s. When the ratio of fluidizing media height to the inside diameter of the incinerator (bed aspect ratio) increased from 1.4 to 3.1, it was found that $U_{mf}$ of the zeolite media was varied from 0.5 m/s to 0.7 m/s. Under the operation conditions in 1.79 of excess air ratio, $909^{\circ}C$ of bed temperature and ca. 1.65 m/s of superficial velocity, as the weight of fluidizing meadia was increased, $O_2$ concentration in the flue gas was slightly decreased, and $CO_2$ increased. Above 6 kg of fluidizing media weight (1.98 of bed aspect ratio), it was observed that $N_2O$ concentration was significantly reduced, which might result from the decomposition of $N_2O$ on the zeolite media rather than transformation of $N_2O$ to NOx. On the other hand, in a variation of the zeolite media mixing ratio to sand and bed temperature at a constant total bed height, significant difference was exhibited in $N_2O$ emission concentration according to the temperature. Considering the operation temperature in the incineration, the effective calcination temperature of the zeolite media was suggested to be around $900^{\circ}C$.


  • Harn, Chang-Yawl
    • Journal of Plant Biology
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.6-18
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    • 1960
  • The present experiments were designed in order to clarify the differences between the long and short styled plants and the transgressive gradition in the degree of dimorphism among the three heterostylous species of the Polygonus, P. japonica, F. esculentum, and P. senticosa, based on investigations regarding the floral structure, ecological and physiological traits, the results of which are summarized as follows: (1) P. japonica, although it exhibits typical dimorphism, has undergone so high a differentiation between long and short styled that its long styled individuals behave as if they were female; and short styled individuals as if male. In long-styled individuals, filament, anther, and pollen grains show signs of degeneration, most of the pollen being abortive. On the other hand, in short styled individuals, the filament, anther, and pollen grains have attained remarkable development; the pollen grians are large and fertile. In short-plant the fertilized flowers readily drop off in every stage of their embryo development. This species has completely lost the self-fertile property, which is characteristic of the non-dimorphic Polygonum genus. Although this specsei typically exhibits the physiological characteristics of the non-dimorphic Polygonum genus. Although this specisei typically exhibits the physiological characteristics of dimorphism in controlled pollination, the short-styled individuals bear no seed in nature, thus misleading taxonomists to idenfity the short-styled plant as male. 2) The morphological feature of the flower organ of P. senticosa obviously indicates definite dimorphism. Physiologically, however, no differentiation towards dimorphism was observed, the species still retaining, both in long and short-individuals, the self-fertile property common to the Polygonum genus. Elaborate examinations revealed that regardless of the modes of pollination, both fertiization and seed setting flourish, no differentiation betwen legitimate and illegitimate unions being recognizable. This sort of physiological property has not been observed in the investigations of other heterostylous plants. It is assumed that this species is differentiated structurally into dimorphism, but not yet physiologically. In nature, however, this plant would have more opportunities to be cross-pollinated, i.e., legitimately combined, than self-pollinated because of the development of two forms of flowers. 3) In terms of heterostylism, the F. esculentum just occupies the intermediate position between P. japonica and P. senticosa structurally, ecologically, and physiologically. Doescription of some of the physiological behavior of the plant will suffice to demonstrate the above facts. While P. japonica has completely lost its self-fertile property, P. senticosa still retains it wolly. In F. esculentum 2-6% of self-fertility is the result in illegitimate combination. There occur occasionally hereditary self fertile individuals among some of the F. or 20 min. irradiation plot, when they reach any stage of the same bacterial population. In addition to this increase of total population in the plots with the more dose of UV light irradiation, it seems that the more dose of UV light irradiation is the more shortened the generation time of Azotobacter. Therefore, it is clear that variation of reproductive rate must be, mere or less, due to the genetic effects induced by UV light irradiation. On the other hand, the lag phase or logarithmic growth phase in nonirradiated culture is shortened prominently, and this must be due to the difference in bacterial number of the original inoculm. The generation time of Azotobacter is shortened by exogeneous treatment of nuclei acid derivatives, and the degree is greater in case of DNA derivatives than RNA dervatives. W.H. Price reported that the rate of ribose nucleic acid to protein in Staphylococcus muscae is proportional to the generation time: that is the faster the cell can form ribose nucleic acid, the more rapid its growth. This explains the shortening of generation time by exogeneous RNA derivatives in this work reasonably. On the other hand, it is well known that the desoxyribose nuclic acid content per cell is constant and independent of the generation time. A.D. Laren and W.N. Takahashi reported that the infectious RNA from TMV is 6 times as sensitive to inactivation by UV as it is in the form of intact virus, and that inactivation of infectious TMV involves onlu a local change on RNA chain. But, the effect of exogeneous DNA in this work suggests that irradiated living cell which cotain DNA bring about some change on DNA moleculs as well as RNA molecules. And if the mutagenic effects of UV take into consideration, it is very reasonable. Therefore, it is clear that the variation of the generation time by UV irradiation is, more or less, due to the genetic effects. Therefore, it seems that the shortness of the average lifewpan of Azotobacter by UV irradiation is resulted not only from the influence of the environmental conditions, but also from the variation of genetic factor of the individual.

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  • Son, Jang-Ho;Choi, Byung-Hwan;Park, Soo-Won;Cho, Yeong-Cheol;Sung, Iel-Yong;Lee, Ji-Ho;Byun, Ki-Jung
    • Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.136-142
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    • 2009
  • Bone density in the recipient implant site seems to be an important factor for long term success of endosseous implants. Preoperative evaluation of bone density is very helpful to assist the clinician with the treatment planning of implant therapy. Accurate information on bone density will help the surgeon identify suitable implant sites, thereby improving the success rate of the procedure. Purpose; The aim of this study was to evaluate a correlation between bone density measured preoperatively with computerized tomography and histologically measured bone density by bone biopsy. Patients and methods; Twenty seven patients were selected. All the patients were in good health, with no systemic disorder and additional bone graft. Preoperatively the patients underwent CT scanning to evaluate Houmsfield Unit(HU). Each patients wore a surgical template for implant placement. During surgery 2mm in diameter and 6mm in length specimens were taken. Histomorphometric analysis was performed using digitalized image analysis software Axiovision 4.3. Also, the Resonance frequency analysis(RFA) and insertion torque values were recorded. Results; The highest histomorphometric values was found in the posterior mandible $32.3{\pm}3.8$, followed by $29.9{\pm}2.6$ for the posterior maxilla, $29.4{\pm}2.6$ for the anterior maxilla, $28.6{\pm}2.3$ for the anterior mandible(p=0.214). The hounsfield unit was $989.2{\pm}258.1$ in the posterior mandible, $845.0{\pm}241.5$ in the anterior maxilla, $744.5{\pm}92.6$ in the anterior mandible, $697.3{\pm}136.9$ in the posterior maxilla(p=0.045). This results may suggest that there are strong correlation between the histomorphometric values and hounsfield unit(r=0.760, p<0.05). The RF measurements were $81.9{\pm}2.4$ ISQ in the posterior mandible, $79.0{\pm}1.4$ ISQ in the anterior mandible, $78.3{\pm}4.6$ ISQ in the posterior maxilla, $76.5{\pm}5.0$ ISQ in the anterior maxilla(p=0.048). The insertion torque values was $43.2{\pm}4.2\;Ncm$ in the posterior mandible, $42.0{\pm}0.0\;Ncm$ in the anterior mandible, $41.3{\pm}4.1\;Ncm$ in the posterior maxilla, $40.8{\pm}3.8\;Ncm$ in the anterior maxilla(p=0.612). This results may suggest that there are statistical significance between the hounsfield unit and the insertion torque values(r=0.494, p<0.05), the histomorphometric values and the insertion torque values(r=0.689, p<0.05). But there was no correlation between histomorphometric values and ISQ. There was no statistical significance in age and gender effect on parameters. Conclusions; There was significant correlations between bone density and implant stability parameters. The bone density measurements using preoperative CT may help clinicians to predict primary stability before implant insertion, which is associated with implant survival rates.

A Study on the Dental Hygienists' Reactions to Noise When Occurred in Dental Clinic (치과병원에서 발생하는 소음에 대한 치과위생사의 반응)

  • Choi, Mi-Suk;Ji, Dong-Ha
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.453-459
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    • 2009
  • The purposes of this research were to evaluate the relationships of between characteristics of noise and annoyance of dental hygienist by noise in dental clinic. To investigate the dental clinic workers' reactions to noise when occurred in dental clinic, the noise level test in dental clinic and questionnaire were taken. As a result of noise evaluation, It shows that the range of noise level was 67.7~78.3dB(A) and frequency was very high (more than 4KHz). It's seem to be begins occurrence of stamina-loss, contraction of peripheral blood vessel, decrease of adrenocortical hormones. Most of respondents were affected by noise: 67% of respondents were nervous about noise and the rest of respondents were bearable. Analysis by NR-curve showed that it was exceed the noise permit level in working space. As a result of correlation - test, the more exposed dental hygienist to noise, the more felt the unpleasantness and fatigue. It's hard to sufficient explanation to patients about the dental treatment. So it's thoughts that insufficient explanation will negative impact on the patients' satisfaction and increase competitiveness in dental clinics. To remedy a unpleasantness and fatigue of noise in dental hygienist, it's considered that making an offer the ear protection and choosing the low noise-vib. equipment and using the masking effect. Therefore, It can be provide a pleasant working environment with dental hygienist and It will have a great advantage to dental clinics to improve their competitiveness.

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The Related Research with the Land Cover State and Temperature in the Outer Space of the Super-High-Rise Building (초고층 건축물 외부공간의 토지 피복 상태와 온도와의 관계 연구)

  • Han, Bong-Ho;Kim, Hong-Soon;Jung, Tae-Jun;Hong, Suk-Hwan
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.751-762
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    • 2010
  • In order to understand the influence that the plant cover condition of the high-rise building outer space causes to the temperature change, we selected 12 high-rise building constructed in Seoul City. The land cover type of the outside was classified into six type(outer road, paved surface, shrub/grassland, single-layer tree planting-site, multi-layer planting-site, and waterscape facilities) and the temperature was measured at the representative point for each type in order to analyze the land cover temperature differential for each type of the high-rise building outer space. The study area showing the temperature tendency to be similar based upon one way analysis of variance after selecting the central part of the outer road for a control and measuring a temperature in order to consider the neighboring environmental difference of the dozen building was classified into 4 groups. As to the one-way layout result of variance analysis with the land cover type of the classified group and outer space temperature, the single-layer tree planting-site, waterscape facilities, and multi-layer planting-site belonged mainly to the low temperature section. The shrub/grassland, paved surface, and outer road belonged to the high temperature region. The temperature difference between low temperature region and high temperature region is about $1.06{\sim}6.17^{\circ}C$. However, the temperature in the Outer Space of the Super-High-Rise Building was variously appeared by the influence such as the cramped of the created planting-site and waterscape facilities area, the increase of amount of solar radiation and the reduction of reflection amount of light due to building etc.. Thus, the composition all produced the area of the green quantity required for each space and water space in advance. It was determined that there were the minimum area displaying an effect and the necessity to it secures the green quantity.

Revisiting the cause of unemployment problem in Korea's labor market: The job seeker's interests-based topic analysis (취업준비생 토픽 분석을 통한 취업난 원인의 재탐색)

  • Kim, Jung-Su;Lee, Suk-Jun
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.85-116
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    • 2016
  • The present study aims to explore the causes of employment difficulty on the basis of job applicant's interest from P-E (person-environment) fit perspective. Our approach relied on a textual analytic method to reveal insights from their situational interests in a job search during the change of labor market. Thus, to investigate the type of major interests and psychological responses, user-generated texts in a social community were collected for analysis between January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2015 by crawling the online-community in regard to job seeking and sharing information and opinions. The results of topic analysis indicated user's primary interests were divided into four types: perception of vocation expectation, employment pre-preparation behaviors, perception of labor market, and job-seeking stress. Specially, job applicants put mainly concerns of monetary reward and a form of employment, rather than their work values or career exploration, thus youth job applicants expressed their psychological responses using contextualized language (e.g., slang, vulgarisms) for projecting their unstable state under uncertainty in response to environmental changes. Additionally, they have perceived activities in the restricted preparation (e.g., certification, English exam) as determinant factors for success in employment and suffered form job-seeking stress. On the basis of these findings, current unemployment matters are totally attributed to the absence of pursing the value of vocation and job in individuals, organizations, and society. Concretely, job seekers are preoccupied with occupational prestige in social aspect and have undecided vocational value. On the other hand, most companies have no perception of the importance of human resources and have overlooked the needs for proper work environment development in respect of stimulating individual motivation. The attempt in this study to reinterpret the effect of environment as for classifying job applicant's interests in reference to linguistic and psychological theories not only helps conduct a more comprehensive meaning for understanding social matters, but guides new directions for future research on job applicant's psychological factors (e.g., attitudes, motivation) using topic analysis.

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A Study on Rail Vibration and Its Reduction Plan in Central Daejeon Area (대전 도심지역의 철도진동의 영향과 대책)

  • Ryu, Myoung-Ik;Suh, Man-Cheol;Lee, Won-Kook
    • Journal of the Korean Geophysical Society
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    • v.3 no.4
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    • pp.269-280
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    • 2000
  • Rail vibration in city zone is becoming a serious environmental problem. In order to make a reduction plan for rail vibration, the research was conducted in which many experiments to measure actual rail vibration along the railroad through the central Deajeon area. A digital vibration level meter was used to measure rail vibration. Vibration levels of Z-axis were measured at every second for the duration of the train passing. The measuring station was placed at every 5m for the distance of 55m. A total of 353 different sets of vibration level were obtained. The signals were processed to get $L_{10}$ value and analyzed in terms of distance, train velocity, and number of trains. As a result, it has been found that rail vibration exceed the allowable vibraton limit of 60 dB, at the point of 25 m far from the railroad center, which is regulated by the las of vibration and noise. Train velocity was found to affect a little for vibration level within the zone. It was also found that a trench installed along a railroad could reduce vibration level up to approximately 10 percent. A model test was conducted to investigate the influence of the location and size of trench, on the transfer of vibration. A heavy steel ball was used to generate vibrations. On the basis obtained from this study, it could be concluded that the application of distance-attenuation and the installment of a trench along railroad could be applied as a reduction plan for rail vibration. Because limitions might exist to depend on the effect of distance attenuation, trenchs excavated along a railroad might be suggested as the most efficient solution to reduce railroad vibration.

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A Theoretical Review of Basin Storage Coefficient and Concentration Time Using the Nash Model (Nash 모형을 이용한 유역 저류상수 및 집중시간의 이론적 검토)

  • Yoo, Chul-Sang
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.235-246
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    • 2009
  • This study theoretically reviews the basin storage coefficient and concentration time using the Nash model, a simple unit hydrograph theory. First, the storage coefficient and concentration time of Nash instantaneous unit hydrograph (IUH) are derived based on their definitions, whose characteristics as well as their relationship are also reviewed. Additionally, several empirical equations of storage coefficient and concentration time commonly used in Korea are evaluated by comparing them with those for the Nash IUH. Major results of this study are summarized as follows. (1) The concentration time of Nash IUH is approximately linearly proportional to the number of linear reservoirs, but the storage coefficient non-linearly to the square root. That is, if increasing the number of linear reservoirs by four times, the concentration time becomes also increased by about four times, but the storage coefficient only about two times. This result has a special meaning to understand the effect of basin subdivision on the concentration time and storage coefficient. (2) The storage coefficient and concentration time of Nash IUH are not independent each other, so their independent estimation does not make any physical sense. As the concentration time among the two is more sensitive to the number of linear reservoirs, which should be estimated first, then the storage coefficient considering the concentration time estimated. (3) Empirical equations of concentration time can be divided into two groups, one following the linear channel theory and the other not, whose equation forms are also found to be very similar. This result indicates that the characteristic factors dominating the concentration time are very similar, indicating the possibility of its regionalization over a basin with consistent equation forms. (4) Those for storage coefficient like the Russell formulae are found to consider the physical characteristics of a basin, so their unreasonable applications could sufficiently be excluded.