• Title/Summary/Keyword: Environmental Policy Assessment

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A Study of Useability of Ecosystem Service Assessment on Strategic Environmental Assessment (전략환경영향평가 시 생태계서비스 평가 결과의 활용가능성에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Yoon-Sun;Kim, Choong-Ki;Lee, Who-Seung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.115-126
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    • 2021
  • Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment (SEA) is a decision-making process taking into account the environmental impact, economic and social impact of policies, plans, and programs at the higher stage prior to the project plan for promoting sustainable development. In this study, we analyzed the process and criteria for selecting appropriate alternatives when establishing development plan in SEA. First, the criteria for estimating changes in ecosystem services following the implementation of development project of industrial complex were presented. Second, alternative evaluations were conducted through an analysis of ecosystem service scenarios to explore suitable alternatives in Anseong. As a result, the environmental quality of selected area as the existing project site deteriorated according to the implementation of the project, and the dimensional reduction technique confirmed that the change in ecosystem service factors in project area was the optimal location. In addition, the results of the scenario assessment to explore suitable alternatives in Anseong City showed that the existing site had large capacity in terms of water quality control services (scenario 1), scenario 2 in terms of preconditioning services, and scenario 3 in terms of water supply services. The guidance of Ecosystem service assessment is expected to be available in decision-making of large-scale strategies (e.g., SEA) and projects by presenting more quantitative criteria for determining the adequacy and location feasibility of development plans and policy plans. This is expected to require various support, including legislation and revision of related laws, believed to be supported by advanced research.

Improvement of Biotope-Area-Ratio-Indicator and Appraisal System Applicable to Environmental Impact Assessment Projects (환경영향평가 대상사업에 적용가능한 생태면적률 지표 평가체계 개선)

  • Lee, Gwan-Gyu;Lee, Sang-Hyuk;Kim, Gyung-Ho;Lee, Jung-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.113-125
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    • 2011
  • Since the government of Korea (Ministry of Environment, MOE) introduced the policy applying 'Biotope-Area-Ratio-Indicator (BARI)' to huge residential land developments which Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) should be performed, MOE has come to have the necessity to apply the indicator concretely at the stage of Prior Environment Review System (PERS) and EIA in various types of large scale land development projects. This study was conducted with the aim of supporting the application of BARI and related decision making in various other types of EIA projects as well as residential development projects through remodeling the system to apply the indicator of the past. Through the analysis of the problems in applying the past BARI and experimental appraisals to 11 types of EIA projects, the results and implications as follows were drawn. First, it's possible to extend the range of applications of BARI, which has been applied to only residential land development project, to all kinds of projects with area-typed land use pattern out of environmental impact assessment target projects. Second, it's also possible to set a target value into which regional characteristics and differences among locational properties are reflected. In addition, it's come to be able to differentially apply the target value of BARI according to the condition of the existing site. Third, it's improved to be able to suggest a macroscopic target value at the stage of PERS and to set detailed target values in each detailed land use at the stage of EIA. The key point underlies inducing methodology to determine target values to secure more permeable land coverage ratio for detailed land use patterns at the stage of EIA by making it possible to calculate BARI of the present land cover condition of the EIA target projects.

Cross-media Approaches to Risk Management of Environmental Pollution in Korea (한국에서의 환경오염에 의한 위해성관리의 종합적 접근방법)

  • Chong, Yong
    • Environmental Analysis Health and Toxicology
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    • v.4 no.1_2
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    • pp.55-65
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    • 1989
  • Nevertheless the serious environmental pollution in Korea has been discussed in concern with health effect, the significant effect are not determined easily. Toxicological method has been used to establish safe levels of exposure for environmental pollutants to have threshold health effect below which significant effects are unlikely to occur. However the conventional method cannot to establish safe levels of exposure for non-threshold pollutants have been used to express comprehensive pollution degree, not in detailed toxic effects. Acceptable exposure or risk levels are decides by policymakers who consider descriptions and estimates of risks together with social and economic benefits. This paper focuses on the concept development of risk assessment and describes some risks of environmental pollution based on the surveyed date in Korea. The current concepts of risk assessment in policy descisions can be explored and areas for possible improvement, given current scientific knowledge are identified. The experience of foreign countries can provide a realistic basis for evaluating the existing data of environmental pollutants. To improve the environmental quality, risk regulation should be managed as soon as possible in Korea.

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Landscape Management Strategies Based on Landscape Assessment of Riparian Buffer Zone in the Han River: Focused on Gyeongan Stream (경관평가 기반 수변구역의 경관관리 전략 - 경안천 수변구역을 대상으로 -)

  • Park, Chang Sug;Bae, Min-Ki
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.903-916
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    • 2012
  • We need to use aesthetic landscape assessment(ALA) as the means of riparian buffer zone(RBZ) management. This study verified the political validity of designation policy of RBZ and land purchase policy. The purpose of this study was to propose RBZ landscape management strategies through ALA of RBZ in Gyeongan Stream for the better attractive and healthy riparian landscapes. The natural type landscape units(LUs) covered 40.9% of the entire area and the cultivated land type LUs covered 20.58%. Landscape assessment consisted of landscape quality and landscape integration assessment. The criteria for assessing landscape quality(LQ) were naturalness, interest, uniqueness, and landscape function. LQ was ranked into five grades using a matrix. The landscape integration assessment consisted of an inner integration assessment in each LU and outer integration assessment among LUs. To review the propriety of designating the riparian area and the riparian ecological belt, differences in ecological appraisal and aesthetic valuation were reviewed through a t-test, Oneway ANOVA, and logistic analysis. The results of ALA, 29.15% of the entire area scored at grade 1 in LQ, while 31.95% scored at grade 5, indicating that grade 5 areas occupied a high share. Surveyed areas were divided into designated RBZ and undesignated RBZ. Results indicated that designated RBZ scored grade 1 in LQ took up 33.2% of the total, significantly higher than the 23.3% taken up by undesignated RBZ. When examined according to buffer distance, grade 1 areas within 50m took up 50.2% of the total area, lower than the 32.7% at buffer distances of 500m-1km. Results indicated a 1% statistically significant difference. Accordingly, analysis was undertaken for the expansion of designation of the riparian area and the selection of appropriate land for formation of a riparian ecological belt, and was designated at priority 1 and 2 for land purchase. This study can also contribute to the formation of a riverine eco-belt through discovery of design factors for upgrading the ecology, aesthetics, and landscape of the riparian area and application in determining land purchase priorities.

Survey on the Perception of Stakeholders on the EIA System in Korea (한국 환경영향평가 제도에 대한 이해관계자의 인식 조사)

  • Kim, Minkyung;Lee, Sangdon
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.49-60
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    • 2021
  • Environmental impact assessment (EIA) practitioners play a very pivotal role in establishing EIA policies, and when implementing EIA environmental conflicts can be prevented and resolved by sharing information with stakeholders and coordinating opinions. For this reason, grasping the perceptions of stakeholders including practitioners about the overall system, such as EIA policies and implementation, can be helpful in setting improvement directions and policy directions for EIA. However, there is an insufficient information on the perception and understanding of stakeholders about the EIA system and operation currently in effect in Korea. Therefore, this study diagnoses operational and procedural problems for the EIA system, which is a decision-making tool and a precautionary technique that can minimize adverse effects through the environmental information analysis method, and improvement points and systems of the EIA system in the future. We tried to find a complement of an online survey of 37 questions,responses from 95 responses from stakeholders of EIA were summarized. Stakeholders were aware of the problems of the operation of the current system and the preparation of the evaluation form, and this was reflected. Period and cost of preparation of EIS (49%), the introduction of a new method (26%) and the items of collecting opinions and conflict management (41%), which showed high negative response rates (dissatisfied and very dissatisfied), are considered to be areas that we need to supplement further in the future. As society develops rapidly, the system needs to be supplemented accordingly, and policy improvement efforts are needed for items with high negative responses as a result of the survey.

Assessment Method of Noise Exposed Population for Manufacture Type of Noise Map (소음지도제작방법에 따른 소음노출인구산정방법)

  • Park, In-Sun;Oh, Jong-Hwa;Park, Sang-Kyu
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 2007.11a
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    • pp.1129-1133
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    • 2007
  • Assessment of noise exposed population is a method for checking the degree of environmental noise and social influence in order to reduce the risks such as annoyance and disturbance that are generated by environmental noise. Also, this method suggests the preferential noise reduction policy and action plan by accurately assessing the area that noise causes harm to human health. Recently, a noise map, which can predict noise in comprehensive areas, is used for the assessment of noise exposed population, breaking from the methods using existing measures. In particular, countermeasure for the noise can be considered more effectively by using assessment methods of noise exposed population for specific noise levels, areas, and building types which are the main input factors in noise maps. In this study, Assessment methods of noise exposed population by using 2D noise map are compared with those by 3D noise map.

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Scoping for Marine Environmental Impact Assessment of Tidal Power Plant Construction (조력에너지 개발사업의 해양환경영향평가 스코핑 방안)

  • Kam, Min-Jae;Kim, Gui-Young;Jeon, Kyeong-Am;Yu, Jun;Lee, Dae-In;Eom, Ki-Hyuk
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.30-37
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    • 2012
  • This paper assessed environmental impact of tidal power plant construction in the western sea of Korea, and diagnosed problems of the related assessment. We also proposed key assessment items (scoping) and system improvement for environmental impact assessment (EIA). The establishment of a broad consensus of the appropriateness and a clear purpose for business is an important aspect of the aptness of using the waters, and the aggressive collecting of opinions of the stakeholder and institutions will have to be fulfilled. In addition, we presented the following scoping plan in order to minimize the negative effects of the marine ecosystem and the conflict between the people who work in the fishing industry which result due to the construction of the tidal power plants. (1) the change in seawater exchange rates and the aspect of erosion/sedimentation which result from the change in the velocity of running fluid, (2) the destruction of spawns/habitats of fish due to the damage of tidal flats, (3) fishery resources, impacts of fishing grounds, and the spread of suspended sediments, etc. will have to be applied to the key assessment items(scoping). In addition, every citizen will have work hard for an establishment of an active plan which achieves the harmony and balance of environmental preservation and for the policy to be applied through changing their consciousness of environmental preservation.

An Effectiveness Analysis of Climate Change Policy in South Korea (한국 기후변화정책의 효과분석)

  • Jeong, Dai-Yeun
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.585-600
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    • 2011
  • South Korean central government has launched the first comprehensive climate change policies in 1999, and they have been renewed every three year. The third policies ended in 2007. However, it is quite rare to analyze whether the climate change policies are effective against climate change. In this context, this paper aims at analyzing the effectiveness of climate change policy which was launched for seven years from 1999 to 2007 in South Korea. The effectiveness analysis of policy can be done in terms of the individual policy and/or all policies being synthesized as a comprehensive unit. Employing the latter methodology, this paper analyzed the effectiveness on the basis of economic growth as independent variable, greenhouse gas emission as dependent variable, and energy use and its process as intervening variable. Seven analytic indicators covering the three variables were selected on the basis of two points in time before and after climate change policy having been launched. The seven indicators were analyzed in terms of three aspects. They were the change in the state of each indicator, the effectiveness of climate change policy from 1999 to 2007, and the effectiveness process from 1999 to 2007. The effectiveness process was analyzed in terms of the relational context and its flow processing path. Economic growth was advanced remarkably with increase in the total consumption of energy. As a result, greenhouse gas emission increased. However, energy efficiency increased with significant decrease in energy intensity, carbon intensity, and energy elasticity. The expansion of new and renewable energy over total energy supply was not effective significantly on the decrease in greenhouse gas emission. The processing path of climate change policy being effective advanced toward increase in energy efficiency through energy intensity rather than toward sustainable development. Such a way of the effectiveness of climate change policy implies that most policies focused on adaptation rather than on mitigation.

An Analysis of Renewable Portfolio Standard Impact using DECADES Program (DECADES 프로그램을 활용한 신재생에너지 의무할당제 효과 분석)

  • 오영진;노재형;김발호;박종배
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers A
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    • v.53 no.5
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    • pp.275-284
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    • 2004
  • This paper analyzes the environmental impact and economic effect of introducing the Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) into Korean electricity market using the DECADES (Database and Methodologies for Comparative Assessment of Different Energy Source for Electricity Generation) model, a comparative assessment tool developed by IAEA. A bottom up approach is adopted for the evaluation of air pollutant emission and its impact of several RPS scenarios. The environmental damage costs of RPS scenarios are evaluated based on the Extern-E results and Thailand externality study carried by EGA T. The results of this study can be applied in determining or analyzing the national electricity policy and energy policy.

A Comparative Study on the Local Governments' Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations in Korea (지방자치단체 환경영향평가 조례 비교 연구)

  • Sung, Hyun-Chan;Min, Soo-Hyun
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.137-150
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    • 2003
  • This study aims to survey whether local governments have legislated laws and regulations on environment impact assessment system, to compare and analyze specific projects and their scale, assessment items, and procedures & discussion process, to identify issues and generate improvement plans, and to suggest a direction for future legislation to local governments that plan to legislate laws and regulations in the future. Major outcome of the study are as follows. First, terminologies used for environment impact assessment by local governments need to be unified. Also, laws and regulations need to be legislated soon. Second, in "urban development project" areas, a total of nine project areas including "quarrying of soil and stone, sand, gravel, and minerals" was essential common projects. A total of six project types were added or newly established compared to national systems. Among them, four project types were added within national-level project areas and two project types were not available under the national-level project areas and newly added due to the nature of local governments. Third, in terms of project scale, scale enhancement of "urban development project" was most common. Analysis showed that in case of clean natural environment such as Cheju Island, it is necessary to consider reinforcing project areas where development activities take place directly in forests or rivers such as "industrial base and complex development", "water resource development", and "development of tourism complex." Fourth, the discussion and review procedures of assessment reports were similar to those at government level. However, in case of Seoul city, it is required to write a "preparation plan" before drafting an assessment report. The city features partial introduction of scoping and screening, which allows to exempt discussion procedures if impact on environment is found to be minimal after drafting the assessment report. In case of national-level, it has a dual system that is split between Ministry of Construction and Transportation and Ministry of Environment. However, in case of environment impact assessment of local governments, it is a single system where city mayors and provincial governors are in charge of both project execution and environmental assessment. Therefore, the most important task is how to satisfy objectiveness and accountability.