An Effectiveness Analysis of Climate Change Policy in South Korea

한국 기후변화정책의 효과분석

  • 정대연 (제주대학교 사회학과 교수)
  • Received : 2011.03.25
  • Accepted : 2011.06.19
  • Published : 2011.10.31


South Korean central government has launched the first comprehensive climate change policies in 1999, and they have been renewed every three year. The third policies ended in 2007. However, it is quite rare to analyze whether the climate change policies are effective against climate change. In this context, this paper aims at analyzing the effectiveness of climate change policy which was launched for seven years from 1999 to 2007 in South Korea. The effectiveness analysis of policy can be done in terms of the individual policy and/or all policies being synthesized as a comprehensive unit. Employing the latter methodology, this paper analyzed the effectiveness on the basis of economic growth as independent variable, greenhouse gas emission as dependent variable, and energy use and its process as intervening variable. Seven analytic indicators covering the three variables were selected on the basis of two points in time before and after climate change policy having been launched. The seven indicators were analyzed in terms of three aspects. They were the change in the state of each indicator, the effectiveness of climate change policy from 1999 to 2007, and the effectiveness process from 1999 to 2007. The effectiveness process was analyzed in terms of the relational context and its flow processing path. Economic growth was advanced remarkably with increase in the total consumption of energy. As a result, greenhouse gas emission increased. However, energy efficiency increased with significant decrease in energy intensity, carbon intensity, and energy elasticity. The expansion of new and renewable energy over total energy supply was not effective significantly on the decrease in greenhouse gas emission. The processing path of climate change policy being effective advanced toward increase in energy efficiency through energy intensity rather than toward sustainable development. Such a way of the effectiveness of climate change policy implies that most policies focused on adaptation rather than on mitigation.



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Cited by

  1. Ethical Issues of Climate Change vol.14, pp.None, 2011,