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  • 제목/요약/키워드: Environmental Policy Assessment

검색결과 548건 처리시간 0.023초

Analysis on Socio-cultural Aspect of Willingness to Pay for Air Quality (PM10, PM2.5) Improvement in Seoul (서울지역 미세먼지 문제 개선을 위한 사회문화적 지불의사액 추정)

  • Kim, Jaewan;Jung, Taeyong;Lee, Taedong;Lee, Dong Kun
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • 제28권2호
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    • pp.101-112
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    • 2019
  • Over the last few years, air pollution (PM10, PM2.5) in the Seoul metropolitan area (SMA) has emerged as one of the most concerned and threatening environmental issues among the residents. It brings about various harmful effects on human health, as well as ecosystem and industrial activities. Governments and individuals pay various costs to mitigate the level of air pollutants. This study aims to empirically find the willingness to pays (WTP) among the parents from different socio-cultural groups - international and domestic groups to mitigate air pollution (PM10, PM2.5) in their residential area. Contingent Valuation Methods (CVM) is used with employing single-bounded dichotomous choice technique to elicit the respondent's WTP. Using tobit (censored regression) and probit models, the monthly mean WTP of the pooled sample for green electricity which contributes to improve air quality in the region was estimated as 3,993 KRW (3.58 USD). However, the mean WTP between the international group and domestic group through a sub-sample analysis shows broad distinction as 3,325KRW (2.98 USD) and 4,449 KRW (3.98 USD) respectively. This is because that socio-cultural characteristics of each group such as socio-economic status, personal experience, trust in institutions and worldview are differently associated with the WTP. Based on the results, the society needs to raise awareness of lay people to find a strong linkage between the current PM issue and green electricity. Also, it needs to improve trust in the government's pollution abatement policy to mobilize more assertive participation of the people from different socio-cultural background.

Changes of Ecosystem Services in Agricultural Area According to Urban Development Scenario - For the Namyangju Wangsuk District 1, the 3rd Phase New Town - (도시개발 시나리오에 따른 농업지역의 생태계서비스 변화 분석 - 3기 신도시 남양주 왕숙1지구를 대상으로 -)

  • Kim, Sukyoung;Choi, Jaeyeon;Park, Chan;Song, Wonkyong;Kim, Suryeon
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • 제30권2호
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    • pp.117-131
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    • 2021
  • Urban development is continuously being carried out to stabilize housing supply. The importance of ecosystem services assessments considering the various urban spatial structures is emerging as land use change in the wake of urban development has impact on the provision of ecosystem services. However, few studies are available as to the effects of land use transition in agricultural land due to urban development on ecosystem services. The purpose of this study is to examine the applicability of decision-making in the urban planning process by analyzing the impact of land use change on ecosystem services due to urban development. Therefore, the scenario was set on before and after the city development, targeting Namyangju Wangsuk Zone 1 and InVEST model was used to compare and analyze changes in value of ecosystem services. Analysis results of ecosystem services before the urban development, it turned out that habitat quality and water yield increased overtime but carbon storage and crop production decreased. Analysis results of ecosystem services after the urban development indicated that all items in ecosystem services by scenario decreased more than in 2018. Among the scenarios of urban development, compact city had the lowest value of water resource supply but had the highest value in terms of habitat quality, carbon storage amount, and crop production. The study results demonstrate that the compact city has positive effects on ecosystem services and is expected to be used as the basic data for supporting policy decision-making in the establishment of future urban development and management plans.

Risk Assessment of As, Cd, Cu and Pb in Different Rice Varieties Grown on the Contaminated Paddy Soil (중금속 오염 논토양에서 재배된 벼 품종간 위해성평가 비교)

  • Kim, Won-Il;Kim, Jin-Kyoung;Yoo, Ji-Hyock;Paik, Min-Kyoung;Park, Sang-Won;Kwon, Oh-Kyung;Hong, Moo-Ki;Yang, Jay-E;Kim, Jeong-Gyu
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • 제42권1호
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    • pp.53-57
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    • 2009
  • Heavy metal pollution may be one of the most serious challenges confront crop production and human health. Therefore, the selection of heavy metal tolerance cultivars which adapted to the contaminated fields will introduced a suitable solution for management this critical environmental risk. The objectives of this research is to assess human health risk using geochemical analyses and exposure assessment of heavy metals in rice cultivars. Risk for inhabitants in the closed mine area was comparatively assessed for As, Cd, Cu and Pb in 10 rice varieties as a major exposure pathway. The average daily dose (ADD) of each heavy metal was estimated by analyzing the exposure pathways to rice and soil. For the non-carcinogenic risk characterization, Hazard Quotient (HQ) and Hazard Index (HI) were calculated using toxicity indices provided by US-EPA IRIS. The different rice varieties revealed a wide range of HI values from 23.6 to 34.3, indicating that all rice varieties have a high potential toxic risk. The DA rice variety showed the lowest HI value while the TB rice variety the highest. The probabilities of cancer risk for As via rice consumption were varied with rice varieties ranging from 2.0E-03 to 3.5E-03 which exceeded the regulatory acceptable risk of 1 in 10,000 set by US-EPA. The DA rice variety also showed the lowest value while the TB rice variety gave the highest value. Our results indicate that risk assessment can be contribute to screen the pollution safe rice cultivars in paddy fields affected by the mining activity.

Development of Korean Green Business/IT Strategies Based on Priority Analysis (한국의 그린 비즈니스/IT 실태분석을 통한 추진전략 우선순위 도출에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jae-Kyeong;Choi, Ju-Choel;Choi, Il-Young
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • 제20권3호
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    • pp.191-204
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    • 2010
  • Recently, the CO2 emission and energy consumption have become critical global issues to decide the future of nations. Especially, the spread of IT products and the increased use of internet and web applications result in the energy consumption and CO2 emission of IT industry though information technologies drive global economic growth. EU, the United States, Japan and other developed countries are using IT related environmental regulations such as WEEE(Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment), RoHS(Restriction of the use of Certain Hazardous Substance), REACH(Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of CHemicals) and EuP(Energy using Product), and have established systematic green business/IT strategies to enhance the competitiveness of IT industry. For example, the Japan government proposed the "Green IT initiative" for being compatible with economic growth and environmental protection. Not only energy saving technologies but energy saving systems have been developed for accomplishing sustainable development. Korea's CO2 emission and energy consumption continuously have grown at comparatively high rates. They are related to its industrial structure depending on high energy-consuming industries such as iron and steel Industry, automotive industry, shipbuilding industry, semiconductor industry, and so on. In particular, export proportion of IT manufacturing is quite high in Korea. For example, the global market share of the semiconductor such as DRAM was about 80% in 2008. Accordingly, Korea needs to establish a systematic strategy to respond to the global environmental regulations and to maintain competitiveness in the IT industry. However, green competitiveness of Korea ranked 11th among 15 major countries and R&D budget for green technology is not large enough to develop energy-saving technologies for infrastructure and value chain of low-carbon society though that grows at high rates. Moreover, there are no concrete action plans in Korea. This research aims to deduce the priorities of the Korean green business/IT strategies to use multi attribute weighted average method. We selected a panel of 19 experts who work at the green business related firms such as HP, IBM, Fujitsu and so on, and selected six assessment indices such as the urgency of the technology development, the technology gap between Korea and the developed countries, the effect of import substitution, the spillover effect of technology, the market growth, and the export potential of the package or stand-alone products by existing literature review. We submitted questionnaires at approximately weekly intervals to them for priorities of the green business/IT strategies. The strategies broadly classify as follows. The first strategy which consists of the green business/IT policy and standardization, process and performance management and IT industry and legislative alignment relates to government's role in the green economy. The second strategy relates to IT to support environment sustainability such as the travel and ways of working management, printer output and recycling, intelligent building, printer rationalization and collaboration and connectivity. The last strategy relates to green IT systems, services and usage such as the data center consolidation and energy management, hardware recycle decommission, server and storage virtualization, device power management, and service supplier management. All the questionnaires were assessed via a five-point Likert scale ranging from "very little" to "very large." Our findings show that the IT to support environment sustainability is prior to the other strategies. In detail, the green business /IT policy and standardization is the most important in the government's role. The strategies of intelligent building and the travel and ways of working management are prior to the others for supporting environment sustainability. Finally, the strategies for the data center consolidation and energy management and server and storage virtualization have the huge influence for green IT systems, services and usage This research results the following implications. The amount of energy consumption and CO2 emissions of IT equipment including electrical business equipment will need to be clearly indicated in order to manage the effect of green business/IT strategy. And it is necessary to develop tools that measure the performance of green business/IT by each step. Additionally, intelligent building could grow up in energy-saving, growth of low carbon and related industries together. It is necessary to expand the affect of virtualization though adjusting and controlling the relationship between the management teams.

Analysis of Linkage between Official Development Assistance (ODA) of Forestry Sector and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in South Korea (국내 임업분야 공적개발원조(ODA)사업과 지속가능발전목표(SDGs)와의 연관성 분석)

  • Kim, Nahui;Moon, Jooyeon;Song, Cholho;Heo, Seongbong;Son, Yowhan;Lee, Woo-Kyun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • 제107권1호
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    • pp.96-107
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    • 2018
  • This study analyzed the linkage between the Forestry sector Official Development Assistance (ODA) Project in South Korea and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of United Nations (UN), Suggested direction of ODA project focusing on the implementation of the SDGs. Forestry sector ODA project data in South Korea have collected from Economic Development Cooperation Fund (EDCF) statistical inquiry system developed by The Export-Import Bank of Korea. According to the analysis result, Forestry sector ODA project in South Korea have been actively implemented in the fields of forestry development, forestry policy and administration. In both fields, Korea Forest Service and Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) carried out the most projects. The Forestry sector ODA project data in South Korea are classified technical development, capacity building, construction of infrastructure and afforestation based on their objectives and contents. SDGs emphasizes the importance of national implementation assessment and this study analyze linkage between ODA activity content in each classification item and 2016 Korea Forest Service Performance Management Plan indicator. Analyzed the 2016 Korea Forest Service Performance Management Plan indicator and SDGs target and SDGs indicator were identified. finally, SDGs goals were recognized. In conclusion, Forestry sector ODA project in South Korea are associated with the SDGs Goal 1 (No Poverty), Goal 2 (Zero Hunger), Goal 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation), Goal 13 (Climate Action), Goal 15 (Life on Land) and Goal 17 (Partnership for The Goals). Therefore, With the launch of the SDGs, This study analyzed the linkage among the Forestry sector ODA Project in South Korea, the 2016 Korea Forest Service Performance Management Plan and the SDGs. it presented the limitations of Forestry sector ODA Project in South Korea and made proposals for the implementation of the SDGs.

Detection and Assessment of Forest Cover Change in Gangwon Province, Inter-Korean, Based on Gaussian Probability Density Function (가우시안 확률밀도 함수기반 강원도 남·북한 지역의 산림면적 변화탐지 및 평가)

  • Lee, Sujong;Park, Eunbeen;Song, Cholho;Lim, Chul-Hee;Cha, Sungeun;Lee, Sle-gee;Lee, Woo-Kyun
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • 제35권5_1호
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    • pp.649-663
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    • 2019
  • The 2018 United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) report announced that deforestation in North Korea is the most extreme situation and in terms of climate change, this deforestation is a global scale issue. To respond deforestation, various study and projects are conducted based on remote sensing, but access to public data in North Korea is limited, and objectivity is difficult to be guaranteed. In this study, the forest detection based on density estimation in statistic using Landsat imagery was conducted in Gangwon province which is the only administrative district divided into South and North. The forest spatial data of South Korea was used as data for the labeling of forest and Non-forest in the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), and a threshold (0.6658) for forest detection was set by Gaussian Probability Density Function (PDF) estimation by category. The results show that the forest area decreased until the 2000s in both Korea, but the area increased in 2010s. It is also confirmed that the reduction of forest area on the local scale is the same as the policy direction of urbanization and industrialization at that time. The Kappa value for validation was strong agreement (0.8) and moderate agreement (0.6), respectively. The detection based on the Gaussian PDF estimation is considered a method for complementing the statistical limitations of the existing detection method using satellite imagery. This study can be used as basic data for deforestation in North Korea and Based on the detection results, it is necessary to protect and restore forest resources.

Development of a Climate Change Vulnerability Index on the Health Care Sector (기후변화 건강 취약성 평가지표 개발)

  • Shin, Hosung;Lee, Suehyung
    • Journal of Environmental Policy
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    • 제13권1호
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    • pp.69-93
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    • 2014
  • The aim of this research was to develop a climate change vulnerability index at the district level (Si, Gun, Gu) with respect to the health care sector in Korea. The climate change vulnerability index was esimated based on the four major causes of climate-related illnesses : vector, flood, heat waves, and air pollution/allergies. The vulnerability assessment framework consists of six layers, all of which are based on the IPCC vulnerability concepts (exposure, sensitivity, and adaptive capacity) and the pathway of direct and indirect impacts of climate change modulators on health. We collected proxy variables based on the conceptual framework of climate change vulnerability. Data were standardized using the min-max normalization method. We applied the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) weight and aggregated the variables using the non-compensatory multi-criteria approach. To verify the index, sensitivity analysis was conducted by using another aggregation method (geometric transformation method, which was applied to the index of multiple deprivation in the UK) and weight, calculated by the Budget Allocation method. The results showed that it would be possible to identify the vulnerable areas by applying the developed climate change vulnerability assessment index. The climate change vulnerability index could then be used as a valuable tool in setting climate change adaptation policies in the health care sector.

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Management Strategy of Indoor Hazardous Chemicals (실내.외 통합 모델링 및 인체 위해성 평가를 통한 실내 유해화학물질의 관리 전략)

  • Shin, Yong-Seung;Lim, Hye-Sook
    • Journal of Environmental Policy
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    • 제7권2호
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    • pp.67-90
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study is to develop indoor air quality management strategies regarding indoor air pollutants while considering various factors affecting indoor pollutants concentration. The Integrated Indoor Air Quality model(IIAQ) developed by Seoul National University is used for this study. The IIAQ model is a tool that can provide an integrated view to indoor environmental pollution by simulating suggested scenarios. The results of the modeling are used to assess health risk. The concentrations that are used for the risk characterization are weighted concentrations based on the period of time in each place and existing Indoor Air Quality(IAQ) standards. The estimated concentration of toluene and formaldehyde for 10 years through the IIAQ model was 207.3 ug/m3 and 36.4 ug/m3 in indoors, and 55.9 ug/m3 and 8.62 ug/m3 in outdoors. These concentrations are lower than the existing IAQ standards. The estimated carcinogenic risk of formaldehyde is up to 1.05E-03 for the adult male group and exceeds 1E-06 for all receptor groups. This value means that cancer could affect one person out of 1000. The estimated non-carcinogenic risk of toluene was lower than 1, which means that there was no serious non- carcinogenic risk. The result of modeling shows that using low emitting indoor sources is the most effective strategy for both formaldehyde and toluene. This risk assessment suggests that the total exposure levels of existing IAQ standards may cause serious carcinogenic risk. In order to avoid uncontrolled risk, it is suggested that the current IAQ standards should be adjusted by taking into account the total amount of exposure from all exposure pathways from indoor and outdoor sources.

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A Study on Establishing a Standardized Process for the Development and Management of Food Safety Health Indicators in Korea (우리나라 식품안전보건지표의 개발 및 운용과정 정립에 대한 연구)

  • Byun, Garam;Choi, Giehae;Lee, Jong-Tae
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • 제30권3호
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    • pp.217-226
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    • 2015
  • This study was conducted to establish a standardized process for developing food safety health indicators. With this aim, we proposed a standardized process, accessed the validity of the suggested process by performing simulations, and provided a method to utilize the indicators. Developing process for domestic environmental health indicators was benchmarked to propose a standardized process for developing food safety health indicators, and DPSEEA framework was applied to the development of indicators. The suggested standardized process consists of an exploitation stage and a management stage. In the exploitation stage, a total of 6 procedures (initial indicators suggestion, candidate indicators selection, data availability assessment, feasibility assessment, pilot study, and final indicator selection) are conducted, and the indicators are routinely calculated and officially announced in the management stage. The exploitation stage is operated by an interaction between a task force team who manages the overall process, and an advisory committee (minimum of 4 in academia, 2 in research, 4 in specialists of Ministry of Food and Drug Safety) who reviews and performs evaluations on the indicators. The standardized process was simulated with 45 initial indicators, and total of 4 indicators (17 detailed indicators) were selected: 'Proportion of domestic fruit/vegetable receiving 'acceptable' in the evaluation of pesticide/herbicide residues', 'Food-borne disease outbreaks', 'Food-borne legal infectious disease incidence', 'Salmonellosis incidence'. Synthetic food safety health index was derived by calculating percent difference with the data from 2010 to 2012. Results showed that when comparing the year 2010 to 2011, and 2011 to 2012, the overall food safety status improved by 10.37% and 9.87%, respectively. In addition, the contribution of indicators to the overall food safety status can be determined by looking into the individual indicators, and the synthetic index may be illustrated to enhance the ease of interpretation to the public and policy makers. In overall, food health safety indicators can be useful in many ways and therefore, attention should be drawn to conduct further studies and establish related legislations.

Analysis of PM2.5 Concentration and Contribution Characteristics in South Korea according to Seasonal Weather Patternsin East Asia: Focusing on the Intensive Measurement Periodsin 2015 (동아시아 지역의 계절별 기상패턴에 따른 우리나라 PM2.5 농도 및 기여도 특성 분석: 2015년 집중측정 기간을 중심으로)

  • Nam, Ki-Pyo;Lee, Dae-Gyun;Jang, Lim-Seok
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • 제28권3호
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    • pp.183-200
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    • 2019
  • In this study, the characteristics of seasonal PM2.5 behavior in South Korea and other Northeast Asian regions were analyzed by using the PM2.5 ground measurement data, weather data, WRF and CMAQ models. Analysis of seasonal PM2.5 behavior in Northeast Asia showed that PM2.5 concentration at 6 IMS sites in South Korea was increased by long-distance transport and atmospheric congestion, or decreased by clean air inflow due to seasonal weather characteristics. As a result of analysis by applying BFM to air quality model, the contribution from foreign countries dominantly influenced the PM2.5 concentrations of Baengnyeongdo due to the low self-emission and geographical location. In the case of urban areas with high self-emissions such as Seoul and Ulsan, the PM2.5 contribution from overseas was relatively low compared to other regions, but the standard deviation of the season was relatively high. This study is expected to improve the understanding of the air pollutant phenomenon by analyzing the characteristics of PM2.5 behavior in Northeast Asia according to the seasonal weather condition change. At the same time, this study can be used to establish the air quality policy in the future, knowing that the contribution of PM2.5 concentration to the domestic and overseas can be different depending on the regional emission characteristics.