• Title/Summary/Keyword: Energy Saving Plan

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A Study on the Lighting Plan Characteristics of Office Buildings (오피스 건물의 실내 조명 유형 및 계획특성에 관한 연구)

  • Yi, Yon-Soo;Ha, Mi-Kyoung
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.47-54
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    • 2013
  • For the office work environmental design, the importance of the design management is increased to improve operation efficiency as well as the aesthetic environmental implementation of the function today. Lighting is a required element ineffective operation environment. It has become more important for the aesthetic, economic, and practical reasons, to consider the luminous environment and the lighting of visual tasks separately. When the brightness is insufficient, productivity deteriorates, and the layout of the lighting located by mistake causes the fatigue of eyes. Productivity rises to office in a large number of studies so as satisfaction is low in general in the dark office, and to be bright. Therefore the purpose of this research is to suggest the right direction of lighting design of office building area. 11newly renovated office buildings are selected for this luminous environment research. We could conclusions as following through this research. First, it was planned brighter than the recommended lighting level in the most space. It shows that the accurate lighting design criteria is needed in order to achieve proper lighting environment. Second, the application of the LED lighting fixtures is continuously increased in the recent office lighting environment. It is explained that it is applied for reasons of the electrical energy reduction and the maintenance efficiency with the long life time. Third, the consideration of the lighting plan for the difference of working types is not enough. with various communication configuration through an independent plan, and the effective lighting plan that appropriateness preparation design and energy saving area vailable must be applied. Fourth, the lighting environment of the lobby needs a specialized lighting plan as are presentative space of the building.

A Study on the Implementation Issues for Demand-side Management of Energy Suppliers (에너지공급자 수요관리 개선방안 연구)

  • Kim, Hyeong-Jung;Son, Hag-Sig
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.59 no.9
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    • pp.1566-1574
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    • 2010
  • This paper presents an in-depth review for current status for demand-side management (DSM) investment of energy supplier and an useful prospect on the introduction of Energy Efficiency Resource Standards (EERS). According to the Article 9 of Rational Energy Utilization Act, Energy suppliers-Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO), Korea Gas Corporation (KOGAS) and Korea District Heat Corporation (KDHC) prescribed by Presidential Decree-must establish and implement annual demand-side management investment plan to improve energy efficiency in production, transformation, transportation, storage and usage of corresponding energy and to reduce demand and green house gas emissions. In this paper, we examine the DSM programs of energy suppliers and the results of DSM investment in 2009, then we propose a reasonable solution for the development of DSM investment. Furthermore, in order to compare our situation, the case studies were conducted on EERS issues in England, Italy, France and U.S, such as establishing the energy saving target, selecting the target energy supplier, and penalty and incentive mechanisms. Throughout the case studies, this paper suggests the directions to the DSM investment planning of energy suppliers and the major issues to prepare EERS in Korea.

The Wave Power Generator on Small Ship for Charging Engine Start-Up Battery (엔진 시동용 소형선 탑재형 파력 발전 시스템)

  • Kisoo, Ryu;Sungjin, Kang;Byeongseok, Yu
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.59 no.6
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    • pp.439-446
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    • 2022
  • Efforts to reduce carbon dioxide(CO2) emissions are being carried out due to climate environmental problems. Eco-friendly ships are also being developed, and various energy saving measures have been developed and applied. In ships, researches have been conducted in various fields such as electric propulsion system and energy saving devices. In addition, the development of ships using various renewable energy, such as kite using wind power and wind power generation, has been carried out. This paper proposes a plan to use renewable energy for ships by applying wave generators to small ships. In 2016, 130 small domestic ships drifted by sea due to discharge of starting storage batteries, and discharge cases accounted for the largest portion of the causes of domestic ship accidents. This is due to the excessive use of storage batteries for starting the main engine by departing in a weak storage battery state for small ships. Accordingly, two type wave power generators - opened flow wave power generator and enclosed vibrator type wave power generator - are developed for charging a starting storage battery when the ships are stationary at sea or port. Opened flow wave power generator utilizes the flow of fluid in the ship by using wave induced ship motion. Enclosed vibrator type wave power generator utilizes the pendulum kinetic energy located in a ship due to wave induced ship motion.

An Analysis of the Self-reliance Rate by Element according to the Implementation of Zero Energy Certification System in School Facilities (학교시설 제로에너지인증제 시행에 따른 요소별 자립률 분석)

  • Meang, Joon-Ho;Kim, Sung-Joon;Lee, Seung-Min;Ko, Hyun-Su
    • The Journal of Sustainable Design and Educational Environment Research
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.19-28
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    • 2021
  • The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport (MOLIT) is implementing a zero-energy building (ZEB) certification to save energy for the building section and to accelerate the achievement of national greenhouse gases reduction goals in accordance with a new climate regime. In 2014, the MOLIT announced a plan for early activation of the ZEB, and in January 2016, the "Green Buildings Construction Support Act" was revised and established. In addition, the plan was established to gradually spread zero-energy buildings from the public sector in 2020 to the private sector by 2025. Therefore, this study analyzed the self-sufficiency rate of each energy factor according to the implementation of the zero energy building certification of school facilities that belong to the public sector and are included in the mandatory zero energy buildings from 2020.

Energy Saving Effect and Economy Feasibility of Office Building with regard to Geometries and Orientations

  • Koh, Jae-Yoon;Zhai, John
    • International Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.15-24
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    • 2009
  • The energy usage and the economical feasibility of the typical two story office building in the three urban locations of South Korea are evaluated as the eight orientations. The smallest energy consume is shown at the true south. The ranges of the low energy consume are 3l50and135180. There are obvious advantages of passive solar designs such as using a fully glazed facade at the true south in the building. The General Low voltage plan is the effective way for the office building when does not required the high voltage electricity. The energy cost of KEPCO is compared to that of XCEL ENERGY. The portion of the customer charge of XCEL ENERGY is about 10% but it is about 50% of the total tariff of KEPCO. The effective way to save the energy cost is by reducing the operating energy of XCEL ENERGY plane but the most effective way is reduce the contracting energy of KEPCO plane.

Evaluating Performance of Energy Conservation Measures on Energy-Efficient Remodeling at Deteriorated High School Buildings (노후 고등학교 건물의 에너지효율화 리모델링을 위한 요소기술의 성능 평가)

  • Lhee, Sang Choon;Choi, Young Joon;Choi, Yool
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.97-102
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    • 2013
  • Many countries over the world have acknowledged the global warming problem by greenhouse gas emission and tried to solve the problem. The Korean government has also taken many actions such as The Act on Low Carbon, Green Growth and on Promoting Green Building in that architectural building section takes 1/4 of national greenhouse gas emission. Under the situation that buildings constructed 15 years ago when insulation standards were reinforced take about 74%, The Plan on Vitalizing Green Remodeling, finally established on July 2013, will induce energy-efficient remodeling of deteriorated buildings. Using the energy simulation by the Visual DOE 4.0 program, this paper proposed the ways of energy-efficient remodeling of deteriorated high school buildings by measuring energy saving performance of factors that were drawn from the previous study. The factors considered are insulation, window's SHGC, south louver, system efficiency, and indoor setting temperature. Among them, all factors except SHGC proved contribution to reducing energy use at deteriorated high school buildings, compared with the baseline energy consumption.

A Study on Peak Power Reduction using Regenerative Energy in Railway Systems through DC Subsystem Interconnection

  • Jung, Seungmin;Lee, Hansang;Kim, Kisuk;Jung, Hosung;Kim, Hyungchul;Jang, Gilsoo
    • Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology
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    • v.8 no.5
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    • pp.1070-1077
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    • 2013
  • Owing to the consistent increase in energy efficiency issues, studies for improving regenerative energy utilization have been receiving attention in the Urban DC railway systems, where currently, the utilization of regenerative energy is low due to the lack of a specific plan for using this energy. The regenerative energy in railway systems has a low efficiency problem which results in the increase of the catenary voltage and a possibility to create problems to the electrical devices connected to the system. This paper deals with the power integration of large urban railway subsystems to improve regenerative energy utilization where the railway subsystems are integrated with other railway subsystems to improve the energy efficiency. Through the case studies, to find the realistic effect of integrated operation, the Seoul Metro subsystems, namely Line 5 and Line 7, has been applied. Also, evaluation for the electricity cost saving has been performed by using KEPCO electricity cost table.

Evaluation and Analysis of Building Energy Rating System Accroding to Insulation Performance of Building Envelope in Regional and Building Form of Apartment House (지역 및 주동형태별 공동주택 외피 단열 성능에 따른 건물에너지효율등급 평가 및 분석)

  • Kim, Min-Kyu;Park, Hyu-Soon;Song, Kyoo-Dong
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.49-54
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    • 2013
  • In field of apartment housing currently, insulation technology is the most effective way because it is common to improve the thermal performance, therefore, it is contributed to energy saving as several regional insulation standards and legal mandate method. In addition, by applying of building energy efficiency rating certification system, it has inspired voluntary energy conservation commitment for the building owner or facility manager by making a plan to evaluate and verify building energy performance. However, these circumstances are not enough to acquire a grade 2 of higher information. Therefore, in this study, we analyzed the impact of building energy efficiency rating and confirmed reduction ratio compared to the standard housing on the basis of recent our nation building law when we had changed the shape of windows and wall insulation performance and shapes of housing.

Development Guidelines of Environmental planning Indicators for Environmentally friendly Urban and Architectural Planning (친환경적 도시건축계획을 위한 환경계획지표개발의 방향)

  • Chang, Dong-Min
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.5-12
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    • 2001
  • Through the harmony of natural and artificial systems a city is composed of, the ecology-oriented urban planning seeks for qualitative improvements of a city on which our life is based. To enhance the ecology-oriented urban planning, the followings are suggested by a comparative analysis of Korea with Germany regarding the development process, the instruments, and the establishment of indicators for the planning. Firstly, though our national land development plan is closely connected with B-plan, it has little to do with the natural environment. Moreover, the natural environment plan of the Ministry of Environment is almost impossible to carry out in terms of urban construction work. For this reason, the instrument for dealing with the development and environment plan systems together as well as the completion of the current plan system is needed for the ecologically acceptable urban development in the long term. Secondly, in order to realize what is mentioned above in the concrete it seems to be desirable for the system and the instrument to be devised at the extent of B-plan. The regulations of the plan should have strong legal binding force and practicality as well. The element of ecology-oriented urban planning are (1) degree of independence and appropriate density, (2) conservation of natural elements such as soil, water, animals and plants etc., (3) energy saving in land use, (4) activation of B-plan and inducement of active participation of residents. Thirdly, it will be useful to develop various kinds of indicators for the environment plan provided in advance so that the ecology-oriented urban developments may be under control. It also should be taken into consideration that the indicators are supposed to be comprehensive, representative, and practical enough to make the most of at the early stage of drawing up a plan. The kinds of indicators which can be used in the ecology-oriented urban development include (1) soil, (2) water, (3) vegetation and plants, (4) animals, (5) climate, and (6) transportation.

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Best Practices Research Use of Solar Energy For Low Carbon Green City (저탄소 녹색도시를 위한 태양에너지 이용 선진사례 조사)

  • Kim, Ji-Su;Lee, Eung-Jik;Lee, Chung-Sik
    • 한국태양에너지학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2009.04a
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    • pp.37-42
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    • 2009
  • We are in search for many method at 21th century thinking about the environment internationally. One is among them low carbon green city. Consequently this dissertation put a system solar energy key point of low carbon green city and purpose of low carbon green city Besides system and technique about the solar energy best practices try to do the investigation analysis. It's important of low carbon green city's environmental friendly system such as solar heat system, solar power generation, ecological greening, All these systems are connected each other and organize low carbon green city. A solar energy system uses pure energy of the situation directly most among the environmental friendly system. Energy saving and environment-friendly city in the world must do not a choice. However, recognition conversion and infrastructure of the Korea still has not come true. But South Korea and the international best practices is not the same system. But plan to solar city, the concept of green city in Cheongju, Deagu local government. And many meetings are in progress.

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