• Title/Summary/Keyword: Emotion-Structure

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Exploration of Knowledge Hiding Research Trends Using Keyword Network Analysis (키워드 네트워크 분석을 활용한 지식은폐 연구동향 분석)

  • Joo, Jaehong;Song, Ji Hoon
    • Knowledge Management Research
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.217-242
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the research trends in the filed of individual knowledge hiding through keyword network analysis. As individuals intentionally hide their knowledge beyond not sharing their knowledge in organizations and the research on knowledge hiding steadily spreads, it is necessary to examine the research trends regarding knowledge hiding behaviors. For keyword network analyses, we collected 346 kinds of 578 keywords from 120 articles associated with knowledge hiding behaviors. We also transformed the keywords to 86 nodes and 667 links by data standardizing criteria and finally analyzed the keyword network among them. Moreover, this study scrutinized knowledge hiding trends by comparing the conceptual model for knowledge hiding based on literature review and the network structure based on keyword network analysis. As results, first, the network centrality degree, knowledge sharing, creativity, and performance was higher than others in Degree, Betweenness, Closeness centrality. Second, this study analyzed ego networks about psychological ownership and individual emotion theoretically associated with knowledge hiding and explored the relationship between variables through comparing with the conceptual model for knowledge hiding. Finally, the study suggested theoretical and practical implications and provided the limitations and suggestions for future research based on study findings.

Development and Validation of the Scale of Care Competence for Adolescent (청소년 돌봄역량 측정도구의 개발 및 타당화)

  • Lee, Jisun;Choi, Saeeun
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.111-132
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    • 2023
  • The objective of this research is to conceptualize care competences for adolescents and to develop a valid measurement tool based on this conceptualization. The primary aim is to establish a solid foundation for effective communication in teaching care competences within the domain of home economics education. To achieve this, a comprehensive review of relevant literature and previous studies was conducted, and consultations with experts were undertaken to assess content and criterion-related validity. Furthermore, exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were performed. The findings from these analyses resulted in a set of 34 items, which were categorized into five distinctive factors representing care competences in adolescents. These factors encompassed four items of care thinking, seven items of care emotion, six items of care behavior, seven items of self-care and ten items of community-care. Additionally, a reliability analysis was performed on the model, confirming the stability and consistency of the five factor structure and the 34 item scale, which assess care competences in adolescents.

Dance Characteristics of Nongsapul-inong-ag (농사풀이농악의 춤특성 - 갑비고차농악을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Ki-Hwa;Back, Hyun-Soon
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.111-122
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    • 2019
  • The advent of the Fourth Industrial Revolution provides new civilized convenience, while the humanistic ecological environment is at stake. Therefore, looking at our culture and arts ecological foundations is ultimately for the preparation of a rich life for the future. Therefore, establishing a desirable cultural ecosystem begins with an enduring tradition of traditional art.This study examined the dancing characteristics of gabbigochanong-ag, which maintains the nongsapul-inong-ag performance pattern. Two field studies and image analysis studies showed that gabbigochanong-ag maintained the characteristics of traditional nong-ag, which strengthened the solidarity and cooperation of village community members and shared community identity. gabbigochanong-ag encourages the participation of the members of the village community through mechanistic dance movements based on soundness, imitative dance movements with minimal movement, repetitive dance movements, and communicative dance movements, As a result of the change, the members of the group were attracted to each other. Although gabbigochanong-ag was not sophisticated or sophisticated, it had a dancing structure that could create aesthetics and marginal aesthetics of slowness from the swiftness and convenience of civilization and bring harmony among the members of the community with warm emotion.

Development and Validation of Indirect Trauma Scale of Social Disaster (사회적 재난으로 인한 간접외상 척도의 개발과 타당화 연구)

  • Yeun-Joo Hur ;Min-Kyu Rhee
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.381-407
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study was to develop scale for the measurement of indirect traumatization occurred by social disaster and test their validity. To achieve this purpose, this study conduct a research through the following procedure. First, to develop the inventory, various responses of indirect traumatization occurred by social disaster were gathered from Korean adults participated in open questionnaire. 41 items were made. Second, exploratory factor analysis were performed and 21 items were selected in this step. The Indirect Trauma Scale of Social Disaster(ITSSD) consisted of 4 factors, each with 4-to-8 items, respectively. Four factors include ① private coping responses ② symptom responses ③ distrust responses of world ④ moral emotion cause of social perpetrators. Appropriate levels of reliability were established for the ITSSD. Third, Indirect Trauma Scale of Social Disaster was validated by confirmatory factor analysis, and 21 items were fixed. To 300 participants differed from development step, confirmatory factor analysis was performed. 4 factors structure derived from the exploratory analysis was appropriate. And 4 factors indicated reasonable fit index such as TLI(.913), CFI (.924) and RMSEA(.077). In addition, ITSSD identified a significant positive correlation with Posttrauma Risk Checklist, Korean Depression Scale, State-Trait Anxiety Inventory-KYZ and negative with Acceptance-action Questionnaire-2. But that was unrelated to Forgiveness Trait Scale and Life Satisfaction Scale. Also the result showed that Women experienced high level of indirect trauma of social disaster than men.

Influence of Emotional Labour on Turnover Intention : Mediation Effect of Flourishing and Moderated Mediation Effect of Social Support (감정 노동이 이직 의도에 미치는 영향에 대한 행복감의 매개 효과와 사회적 지지의 조절된 매개 효과 : 면세점 판매사원 대상 연구)

  • Choi, Jung-woo;Jung, Sung-cheol
    • Journal of Venture Innovation
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.39-58
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    • 2022
  • On this study, we've analyzed Emotional labor's effect on turnover intention with mediation of flourishing and moderate of social support, targeting the 323 employees working in a downtown duty free store by using SPSS 22.0 and SPSS PROCESS MACRO(V. 2.16.3) to verify used study structure. From this study, a few main things can be summarized as follow. First, there is a positively relative relationship between emotional labor and turn over intention also negatively relative relationship between flourishing and social support after study. Secondly, It is founded out there is a mediation effect of flourishing between emotional labor and turn over intention. Thirdly, Flourishing works as mediator and social support is works as a moderator fact on flourishing. Fourthly, social support effect works better when emotional labor lever is higher. Based on this result, we provide some implications, advices and limitations for alleviating turn over coming from emotion labor level of duty free working clerks.

The Amplifying Aspects of SNS Comments: An Exploratory Study through the Sentiment Comparison between News Site Comments and SNS Comments (SNS 댓글의 정보 증폭 양상에 대한 연구: 뉴스 사이트 댓글과 SNS 댓글의 센티멘트 차원 비교를 통한 탐색적 분석)

  • Jinyoung Min
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.163-184
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    • 2020
  • The information on SNS, which is created by the forms of postings and comments, is being magnified and redistributed to news media expanding its impacts on real words. This amplifying effects of SNS comments have been increasingly discussed but there still lacks the answers for which dimensions of information is magnified, and what affects the direction and the degree of the amplification. This study, therefore, explores the detailed dimensions that are magnified by SNS comments and how SNS posting structure and social network characteristics affect them by using sentiment analysis. By analyzing 2,378 Facebook postings and news articles and their 26,312 SNS and 74,730 news site comments, this study shows that SNS comments magnify the sentiments of the posting articles they are attached to. In comparison to news site comments, SNS comments magnify the cognitive and social dimensions more than the news site comments. In the affective dimension, they tend to magnify only the positive emotion more than news site comments. Also, the findings reveal that whether the article in the posting is written by the posting owner affects the degree of amplification when the comments are remained positive or switched positive, while the opposite determines the amplification when comments remain negatively, suggesting that the user relationship in social network is the important factor that affects the direction and the degree of the information amplification in SNS.

Development of checklist questions to measure AI capabilities of elementary school students (초등학생의 AI 역량 측정을 위한 체크리스트 문항 개발)

  • Eun Chul Lee;YoungShin Pyun
    • Journal of Internet of Things and Convergence
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.7-12
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    • 2024
  • The development of artificial intelligence technology changes the social structure and educational environment, and the importance of artificial intelligence capabilities continues to increase. This study was conducted with the purpose of developing a checklist of questions to measure AI capabilities of elementary school students. To achieve the purpose of the study, a Delphi survey was used to analyze literature and develop questions. For literature analysis, two domestic studies, five international studies, and the Ministry of Education's curriculum report were collected through a search. The collected data was analyzed to construct core competency measurement elements. The core competency measurement elements consisted of understanding artificial intelligence (6 elements), artificial intelligence thinking (4 elements), artificial intelligence ethics (4 elements), and artificial intelligence social-emotion (3 elements). Considering the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of the constructed measurement elements, 19 questions were developed. The developed questions were verified through the first Delphi survey, and 7 questions were revised according to the revision opinions. The validity of 19 questions was verified through the second Delphi survey. The checklist items developed in this study are measured by teacher evaluation based on performance and behavioral observations rather than a self-report questionnaire. This has the implication that the measurement results of competency are raised to a reliable level.

Psychological Dynamics of Fears and Crooked Desires inherent in Characters of (<겨울왕국> 캐릭터에 나타난 두려움과 왜곡된 욕망의 정신역동)

  • Yang, Se-Hyeok
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.37
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    • pp.159-195
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    • 2014
  • An animation film, , is a work that declared a perfect revival of Disney. It is considered that the success was the result of its impressive theme song and characters working influentially. The main characters let audience experience empathy as well as catharsis by building the image of women making their own future without relying on men, and among the characters, Elsa is still popular even if one year has passed since its premiere in Korea. In the narrative genre, the character's degree of completion is regarded to be so important that it can even determine the work's success or failure. Accordingly, to analyze the personality structure among the major components of character rising, this study focuses on the psychodynamics of fear and desire which determines the directions of thought or behavior. Fear is the emotion attributed not to a real threat but to an ominous assumption about the future. Because fear that is originated from the memory of any deficit or suppression distorts our sound needs, escaping from fear means facing the reality. To verify the unique psychodynamics of the characters, the researcher analyzed the hierarchy of their attitudes, psychological dispositions, and psychic functions by using 'MBTI Personality Typology'. According to the results, (1) Elsa and Anna are in a conflicting relationship in terms of psychic functions. Although they are the combination that shows the highest possibility of conflict, the two sisters overcome it basically grounded on fellowship and family love. (2) Although Hans and Kristoff, too, are against each other in terms of psychic functions, the two male characters do not interact with each other in the work. (3) Hans is a person equipped with psychic functions that can complement both Elsa and Anna the most effectively, but he abuses it and turns into the most fatal opponent to them. (4) Olaf is a type of person combining Anna's attitudes with Elsa's psychological dispositions. And according to the results of analyzing the frequency of expressing fear and desire, (1) Elsa employs overwhelming fear and Anna and others characters use desire as the major drive of their behavior. (2) Fear is the underlying deficit internalized in every character and is attributed to 'the deficit of family love', and as a result, they all share the pain of 'loneliness and isolation'. It is thought that analyzing psychodynamics will help us understand the character's growth tale, that is, the narration that they distort their desire for the first motive to avoid fear and end up being ruled by it, and also, they realize the underlying reason for the distorted desire in the process of getting rid of their own fear and reach self-healing. Lastly, regarding character rising in the animation, it is expected that the directions and analysis results of this research will be referred to as a database in creating characters and setting up relations among them.

A Symbolic Characteristic of Mimetic Words in Published Cartoon: Focusing on Works of Heo, Young Man (허영만의 작품에서 나타난 효과태의 상징어적 특징과 활용)

  • O, Yul Seok;Yoon, Ki Heon
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.30
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    • pp.169-199
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    • 2013
  • In various directions of cartoon, vertical stroll direction is opposite to the page direction of existing published cartoon with the popularity of webtoon and established new genre. Lots of studies on published cartoon focus on the cut direction by page, but webtoon doesn't have any concept of page. The pivot of cartoon oriented people is changed from paper to computer monitor as times go by, characteristics of media are changed and media is gradually diversified. Like the strengthening of mobile caused by smart phone's popularity, tablet PC's propagation in public education, etc. cartoon is included to the environment of media which is rapidly changed. In this situation, one of cartoon's unchanged important identities can be the direction made by harmony between picture and text. This thesis analyzed symbolic characteristics and effective value of hyogwatae, mimetic words of cartoon, focusing on works of Heo, Young Man. Hyogwatae just delivers not only sound but also shape, feeling, status, etc. and has significant characteristics by invoking the imaginary structure of literature. Strengths of modern Korean, various linguistic expressions and syllabic systems, let people feel minute feeling of language and difference of emotion and remember the memory through the direct and indirect experiences, so it makes it nuance. Because of the characteristics, representative works of Heo, Young Man have commercialization and writer characteristics, have communicated with people for a long time and have plentiful knowledge of Korean cartoon. The characteristics of hyogwatae in Heo, Young Man's cartoon make a lot of effects for the expression and delivery of cartoon more than the general expectation. When conducting the study focusing on the symbolic process of language, uncertainty and vague standard of judgement caused by the wide factors of study on the direction of general cartoon could be endured. And, through the Heo, Young Man's deep analysis on hyogwatae's direction, readers enjoy the process while inferring actually and intellectually between pictures and sentences. In the process, the equipment stimulating imagination more than pictures, effects and dialogues is hyogwatae. It's reader's equipment of active participation and its strength is symbolic structure.

A Study on the Ambivalent Characteristic Displayed in Niki de Saint Phalle's Assemblages and Shooting Paintings by Looking Into Her Trauma (니키 드 생 팔의 트라우마를 통해 살펴본 아상블라주와 사격회화의 양면적 특성)

  • Yoo, Ka-Eun
    • The Journal of Art Theory & Practice
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    • no.6
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    • pp.77-99
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study is to show that the reason behind the ambivalent characteristic displayed in Niki de Saint Phalle's works is in her trauma and how such characteristic can be extracted from her works. During her creative years, Saint Phalle worked on various materials from different genres such as assemblages, shooting paintings, a series on Bride and Monster, 'Nana', 'Tarot Garden'and public sculptures. One commonality found among her various works is the ambivalent characteristic that contains contrasting elements simultaneously. Saint Phalle suffered a terrible psychological damage inflicted by her parents during her childhood. Specifically, she was sexually assaulted by her father and emotionally neglected by her mother, the trauma that affected her for the rest of her life. As a result, she came to develop extreme love- hate relationships with her parents and this became the main reason for the ambivalent characteristic displayed in her works. The love-hate relationship Saint Phalle developed can be identified through various researches done on the subject of the affect of sexual assault. It is common for incest victims to develop ambivalent feelings towards the perpetrator and Saint Phalle was no exception. Dissociation disorder and a snake well explain the trauma from her father. It is a generally accepted belief in the field of psychology that dissociation disorder commonly occurs to children who experience incest. And dissociation disorder is similar to the characteristic of ambivalence in the sense that a single entity contains more than two contrasting elements at the same time. In addition, the amputated doll objects used in her assemblages coincide with the expression of body detachment of people with dissociation disorder. These facts clearly indicate that the trauma from her father is showing through in her works. A snake is a subject matter that reflects the ambivalent tendency of Saint Phalle that resulted from her trauma. She remembers her father's rape as an image of a snake which is related to a phallic symbol in mythology or art reflecting her trauma. Moreover, she displays a similar pattern of ambivalent emotion like love and hate or fear towards a snake and her father. This is also confirmed by her portrayal of a snake as a monster or reversely as a creature with fundamental vitality in her works. The lack of affection from her mother can be explained by her mother's maternal deprivation. It appears that Saint Phalle's mother possessed all the causes for maternal deprivation such as maternal separation, personality disorder and inappropriate attitude towards child rearing. Especially, a study that shows mother's negative attitude towards child breeding tends to increase dissociation experience of children is another important evidence that supports Saint Phalle's dissociation tendency. These traces of Saint Phalle's trauma are clearly revealed in her assemblages and shooting paintings. The violent objects in her assemblages such as a hammer, razor, nail represent the rage and defensiveness towards her father. The objects such as fragments of broken plates of feminine patterns, pots and mirrors that her mother used symbolize the affection towards her mother. On the other hand, the destructed objects can be interpreted as her hate and resentment towards her mother. Shooting paintings contain her extreme fury and hate. Things such as acts of shooting and the image associated with blood after shooting are blunt expressions of her bursts of emotions. I have tried to define and classify the ambivalent characteristics shown in her assemblages and shooting paintings as hate, rage, violence, calm, love and pleasure according to the frame of Thanatos and Eros. Out of the six, hate, rage, violence and clam are associated with Thanatos while love and pleasure are associated with Eros and they correspondingly form an ambivalent structure. These ambivalent characteristics can be found in her assemblages and shooting paintings. The objects in her assemblages such as a razor, saw, hammer imply hate, rage, violence and the silence felt throughout her works represent calmness. And, as mentioned, the feminine objects can be seen as symbolizing love. In shooting paintings, hate, rage, violence can be found in the use of force and in the traces of watercolor after shooting, and a sense of pleasure in her feelings of catharsis after her shooting. Moreover, a shielded calmness can be found on the plywood all covered with plaster before the shooting. This study looked into the ambivalent characteristic of Saint Phalle's works by examining her trauma to find its correlation, and a meaning of this study can be found from the fact that it refocused the origin of Saint Phalle who is generally known as a feminist artist. Additionally, a meaning of the study can be found also from the fact that it examined the ambivalent characteristics of her works through a frame of Thanatos and Eros.

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