• Title/Summary/Keyword: Emotion-Structure

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Musical Instrumental Playing Activity using Blues Music Structure for the Improvement of Self-Efficacy in Female Middle School Students who have Depressive Tendencies (우울성향 여중생의 블루스 음악형식을 활용한 자기효능감 증진 연주활동)

  • Koo, Sae Rom
    • Journal of Music and Human Behavior
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.1-17
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    • 2007
  • Huge growth in developmental level, new accomplishment, and The period of adolescents is not only the transition stage but also improvement of academic level. In this level of stage, adolescents have difficulties in development, so they show psychological abnormality such as stress and depression. They could develop mental disorder such as depression or anxiety if they do not overcome the abnormality. According to the situation of the insufficiency of the decent program for adolescents' mental health in the current society, we are strongly requested to develop the psycho-therapeutic program for them. Therefore, in this study, we examined the effect of the musical activities as blues music structure on the improvement of the Self-Efficacy in the female middle school students who have depressive tendencies as well as what they experienced through the activities. The 3 participants were selected out of 70 students in the first year at the "D" middle school in Seoul by being tested with Child Depression Inventory(CDI) and Self-Efficacy Scale(SES). The musical activities were built with 3 steps. Of which, the first one was the introduction to each other, the formation of rapport, and induction of their interests to the musical activities through blues. The second one was letting participants learn the blues music structure by practice and play assigned music(including improvisation) during later 5 sessions with different difficulties at each session. The third one was giving them opportunities to play a music out of the acquired ones during the session or creative music by their own, which results in maximizing musical activities and an acquired experience. As a result, first of all, the scores of CDI test of 3 participants in 10 time sessions showed slight changes, suggesting the negative correlation between CDI and SES even though changes were not big differences. Secondly, the scores of SES test of 3 subjects in 10 time sessions were all changed and especially preference for tasking was significant. Thirdly, the scores of SES for musical playing test of 3 participants in 10 time sessions were all changed and especially preference for musical tasking was significant shown. Finally, according to answers of 3 participants in 10 time sessions for the after questionnaire on musical activities, participants experienced affirmative self-confidence and positive emotion. Taken together, it was suggested that musical activities using blues music structure could be promising therapeutic intervention method.

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From Trauma To growth: Posttraumatic Growth Clock (외상 후 병리에서 성장으로: 외상 후 성장 시계)

  • Lee, Hong-Seock
    • Korean Journal of Cognitive Science
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.501-539
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    • 2016
  • The human mind is a self-evolving system that develops along a multidimensional hierarchical pathway in response to traumatic stimulus. In absence of trauma, a mind integrated in conflict-free state is called monistic. When the monistic mind responses to a traumatic stimulus, a response polarity forms toward stimulus polarity within the mind, turning it into a bipartite structure. Dialectical interaction between the two opposites, originating from their incompatibility, creates a new third polarity in the upper dimension. Thereby, the mind turns into a trinity structure. When the interaction among the three polarities becomes optimized, the plasticity of the mind gets maximized into the "far-from-equilibrium state," and the function of three polarities is synchronized. Through this recalibration, the mind returns back to its monistic structure. If the mind with the recurred monistic structure responds to another traumatic stimulus, this cycle of hierarchical transformation repeats itself in this cyclical and fractal growth process through synchronization of basic trinity system. Applying this concept to the process of post-traumatic growth (PTG), this paper explores how the mind transforms traumatic experiences into PTG and proposes a 'PTG Clock' that shows a fundamental sequence in the development of the human mind. The PTG Clock consists of seven hierarchical phases, and each of the first six phases has two opposite sub-phases: shocked/numbed, feared/intrusive, paranoid/avoidant, obsessional/explosive, dependent/depressive, and meaningless/searching for meaning. The seventh, the synchronization phase, completes one cycle of the mind's transformation, realizing a grand trinity system, where the mind synchronizes its biological, social, and existential dimensions. At that point, the mind becomes more susceptible to not only the stimulus of its own traumatic experience but also the pain of others. Thereby, the PTG Clock sets out on a journey to another cycle of transformation in higher dimensions. The validity of this transformational process for the PTG Clock will be examined by comparing it to Horowitz's theory of stress response syndrome.

The Effects of Virtual Reality Advertisement on Consumer's Intention to Purchase: Focused on Rational and Emotional Responses (가상현실(Virtual Reality) 광고가 소비자 구매의도에 미치는 영향: 이성적인 반응과 감성적인 반응의 통합)

  • Cha, Jae-Yol;Im, Kun-Shin
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.101-124
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    • 2009
  • According to Wikipedia, virtual reality (VR) is defined as a technology that allows a user to interact with a computer-simulated environment. Due to a rapid growth in information technology (IT), the cost of virtual reality has been decreasing while the utility of virtual reality advertisements has dramatically increased. Nevertheless, only a few studies have investigated the effects of virtual reality advertisement on consumer behaviors. Therefore, the objective of this study is to empirically examine the effects of virtual reality advertisement. Compared to traditional online advertisements, virtual reality advertisement enables consumers to experience products realistically over the Internet by providing high media richness, interactivity, and telepresence (Suh and Lee, 2005). Advertisements with high media richness facilitate consumers' understanding of advertised products by providing them with a large amount and a high variety of information on the products. Interactivity also provides consumers with a high level of control over the computer-simulated environment in terms of their abilities to adjust the information according to their individual interests and concerns and to be active rather than passive in their engagement with the information (Pimentel and Teixera, 1994). Through high media richness and interactivity, virtual reality advertisements can generate compelling feelings of "telepresence" (Suh and Lee, 2005). Telepresence is a sense of being there in an environment by means of a communication medium (Steuer, 1992). Virtual reality advertisements enable consumers to create a perceptual illusion of being present and highly engaged in a simulated environment, while they are in reality physically present in another place (Biocca, 1997). Based on the characteristics of virtual reality advertisements, a research model has been proposed to explain consumer responses to the virtual reality advertisements. The proposed model includes two dimensions of consumer responses. One dimension is consumers' rational response, which is based on the Information Processing Theory. Based on the Information Processing Theory, product knowledge and perceived risk are selected as antecedents of intention to purchase. The other dimension is emotional response of consumers, which is based on the Attitude-Structure Theory. Based on the Attitude-Structure Theory, arousal, flow, and positive affect are selected as antecedents of intention to purchase. Because it has been criticized to have investigated only one of the two dimensions of consumer response in prior studies, our research model has been built so as to incorporate both dimensions. Based on the Attitude-Structure Theory, we hypothesized the path of consumers' emotional responses to a virtual reality advertisement: (H1) Arousal by the virtual reality advertisement increases flow; (H2) Flow increases positive affect; and (H3) Positive affect increases intension to purchase. In addition, we hypothesized the path of consumers' rational responses to the virtual reality advertisement based on the Information Processing Theory: (H4) Increased product knowledge through the virtual reality advertisement decreases perceived risk; and (H5) Perceived risk decreases intension to purchase. Based on literature of flow, we additionally hypothesized the relationship between flow and product knowledge: (H6) Flow increases product knowledge. To test the hypotheses, we conducted a free simulation experiment [Fromkin and Streufert, 1976] with 300 people. Subjects were asked to use the virtual reality advertisement of a cellular phone on the Internet and then answer questions about the variables. To check whether subjects fully experienced the virtual reality advertisement, they were asked to answer a quiz about the virtual reality advertisement itself. Responses of 26 subjects were dropped because of their incomplete answers. Responses of 274 subjects were used to test the hypotheses. It was found that all of six hypotheses are accepted. In addition, we found that consumers' emotional response has stronger impact on their intention to purchase than their rational response does. This study sheds much light into practical implications for both IS researchers and managers. First of all, while most of previous research has analyzed only one of the customers' rational and emotional responses, we theoretically incorporated and empirically examined both of the two sides. Second, we empirically showed that mediators such as arousal, flow, positive affect, product knowledge, and perceived risk play an important role between virtual reality advertisement and customer's intention to purchase. In addition, the findings of this study can provide a basis of practical strategies for managers. It was found that consumers' emotional response is stronger than their rational response. This result indicates that advertisements using virtual reality should focus on the emotional side, and that virtual reality can be served as an appropriate advertisement tool for fancy products that require their online advertisements to give an impetus to customers' emotion. Finally, even if this study examined the effects of virtual reality advertisement of cellular phone, its findings could be applied to other products that are suited for virtual experience. However, this research has some limitations. We were unable to control different kinds of consumers and different attributes of products on consumers' intention to purchase. It is, therefore, deemed important for future research to control the consumer and product types for more reliable results. In addition to the consumer and product attributes, other variables could affect consumers' intention to purchase. Thus, the future research needs to find ways t control other variables.

A Study on the Black Box Design using Collective Intelligence Analysis (집단지성 분석법을 활용한 블랙박스 디자인 개발 연구)

  • Lee, Hee young;Hong, Jeong Pyo;Cho, Kwang Soo
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.101-112
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    • 2018
  • This study was carried out to enhance the competitiveness of blackbox design for domestic and international companies, based on the explosive growth of the blackbox market due to development of blackbox design for vehicle accident prevention and post-treatment. In the past, the blackbox market has produced products indiscriminately to meet the ever-increasing demand of consumers. Therefore, we thought a new design method was necessary to effectively investigate the needs of rapidly changing consumers. In this study, we aimed to identify the best-selling blackbox to understand the design flow, and the optimum area for a blackbox, considering the uniqueness of associated vehicle. Based on discussion with blackbox design experts, we studied the direction of design and the problems with blackbox use, which were reflected in blackbox development. Through this research, two types of design - leading blackbox (A type) and mass production blackbox (B type) - were proposed for compatibility of the blackbox with the car. The leading type of blackbox was positioned so that it was wrapped with the room mirror hinge before the screw was fastened, in order to achieve an integrated design. Therefore, we designed an integrated form and resolved the placement problem of an adhesive blackbox. To blend, the mass production blackbox implemented material and surface processing in the same way with the car, and adopted the slide structure to automatically turn off the main body power when removing the SDcard, reflecting consumer needs. This study considers evolving consumer needs through a case study and collective intelligence and deals with implementation of the whole design process during mass production. In this study, we aimed to strengthen the competitiveness of the blackbox design based on design method and its realization.

A Study on the Landscape Characteristics of 16 Sceneries of Hahoe Village, Represented in "Hahoe 16 Sceneries" and "Picture Describing Hahwae Village" ("화회십육경(河回十六景)"과 "하외낙강상하일대도(河隈洛江上下一帶圖)"를 통해 본 하회16경의 경관상)

  • Rho, Jae-Hyun;Lee, Hyun-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.48-58
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    • 2013
  • The results of this research to study forms, structure, changes, symbolic meanings of 16 Hahoe sceneries through analyses of "Hahwaesipyukgyeong" and "Hahwaenakgangsanghaildaedo" are as belows. The coherence of headword is not discovered in 16 Hahoe sceneries, but based on various variables and sense dependence, endemicity with original natural scenes, human's life and phenomena of riverside village are spread in 3km viewing areas within 200m from Gyeonamjeongsa(謙巖精舍) and Okyeonjeongsa(玉淵精舍). As the viewing points of Gyeonam and Okyeonjeongsa are symmetrically facing and separately independent, while viewing angles do not intersect at Wonjijeongsa (遠志精舍) and Binyeonjeongsa(賓淵精舍) because of Buyongdae(芙蓉臺), and crating each independent viewing area, we can see 16 Hahoe sceneries are perfect views by supplementing Gyeonam and Okyeon Jeongsa, as well as points of views from Wonji and Binyeonjeongsa. Meanwhile, as the view point of 16 Hahoe sceneries, Gyeomam, Okyeon, Binyeon, and Wonji Jeongsa are clearly described, and 12 natural sceneries, which are Hwasan(花山), Ipam(立巖), Maam(馬巖), Jando(棧道), Bangi(盤磯), Hoengju(橫舟), and Honggyo(虹橋), among landscape elements of 16 Hahoe sceneries that can be expressed on canvas in the Haoedo are realistically described, there is high possibility that Haoedo is the 'Mental Stroll about Nature(臥遊) of 16 Hahoe sceneries. The belted forest surrounding the village in the painting is assumed to be an erosion control forest, and considering row-expressed trees, the south belted forest may be a different broad-leaved forest from current Mansongjeong(萬松亭) pine forest. In 16 Hahoe sceneries, there is Neo-confucianism tendency, which connects the nature and human life, and moreover prioritize human life than the nature. Especially as seen in the 'Choljae(拙齋)', the pen name of 16 Hahoe sceneries' author park, the 16 Hahoe scenery poet suggests 'Beauty of Jolbak(拙撲美)' based on the simple life that upright classical scholars pursued as the basic emotion. The thinking system shown in the poet is interpreted as Neo-confucianism category including one's sense and emotion depended on natural features or phenomena. Ultimately, 16 Hahoe sceneries are landscape that reflects moral world views of Confucianism scholars who wanted to express ideal thoughts based on natural features and phenomena in reality at Jeongsa in Buyongdae and Hahoe Village.

A study an actual proof analysis for design management strategy of minor enterprise (중소기업의 디자인 경영 전략을 위한 실증 분석연구)

  • 홍성수;박재연
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.65-81
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    • 2004
  • With the arrival of the 21th century, the management environments such as the knowledge system, information system, and technology system surrounding small and medium enterprises are being rapidly changed. These rapidly changing the environment of enterprises like the above can be thought rather profitable for the elastic and resiling medium enterprises than large enterprises. Additionally, these environments are recognized as the management circumstances which provide with the change by which medium enterprises equipped with the trustworthy creativity in the 21th century are able to become the main player of the industrial development. The position and role of medium enterprises in the national economical system are very important. The execution of the local autonomy system and the policy to activate the local economy will generally enlarge the power of medium enterprises which are based on the concerned local society more ant more. But, by the standpoint of designer, it is pointed out that there is the problem that the effective application means or the availability of the industrial design was not sufficiently recognized or understood by the manager in enterprises. Notwithstanding the above problem, a lot of domestic small and medium enterprises became to apply the industrial design as the means for improving the competitiveness of their own products in the relatively short time powered by the governmental policy, and moreover both of the concerned partners(the manager and industrial designer) had the opportunity to newly recognize the industrial design and evaluate the availability or problem of the industrial design in the actual aspect. This event means very important change. With the understanding on the above situation, the purpose of this study is to recognize whether the design is strategically applied in the management level of domestic small and medium enterprises, whether the strategical establishment of the design management is performed without any problem, whether the field designer and CEO are well recognizing the design management and what their recognition level is in order to seek the new solution for plenty of problems. Therefore, the actual proof analysis was performed for the field designer and management CEO of small and medium enterprises with the questionnaire survey and direct interview method to understand the actuality of small and medium enterprises.

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Comparative Evaluation of Neighborhood Parks in Korea and China based on the Place Attachment Model (장소애착 모델에 근거한 한국·중국 근린공원의 비교평가)

  • Yang, Lei;Lee, Shiyoung
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.45 no.3
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    • pp.21-29
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    • 2017
  • In this study of visitor place attachment to parks, Scannel and Gilford considered the dimensions of place attachment, and proposed the theoretical framework of PPP(Place, Person, Process) that should be systematically studied from the perspective of person, place and psychological processes. According to Scannel's theoretical basis, this paper puts forward the hypothesis of a structure model of place attachment. In the model, the five independent variables of people, places, cognition, emotion, and behavior have influenced the dependent variable of place attachment. The questionnaire was conducted on 18 neighborhood parks in Kunming, China, and the residents of the 5 neighborhood parks in Daejeon, South Korea. A total of 1,645 valid samples of the questionnaire survey were collected. Through confirmatory factor analysis(CFA) results of the inspection of the various elements, it was shown that the reliabilities of 6 latent variables, such as people, places, cognition, affection, behavior and place attachment, which were composed with the observed variables(30 observed variables in Daejeon, 19 observed variables in Kunming), were all above 0.7 and the data were fit for this study. The hypothesis test results found that the physical environment of the neighborhood parks such as a comfortable environment, pleasant road and convenient facilities would increase the rate of visitors coming back. From the park management perspective, to increase the amount of visitors to the park, the park should increase visibility, provide more organized, varied activities and meetings, or special exhibitions according to the particular characteristics of the individual park, to increase awareness of the park. From the park visitors' psychological perspective, visitors are seeking to enjoy the park facilities and environment not only to bring physical relaxation, but also to bring about a psychological cure. With the commonality of attachment structure between the two countries, to improve the place attachment of neighborhood park visitors, collecting regularly visitor feedback will facilitate the sustainable development of neighborhood park attachment.

A Scenery Word of Pine Tree Extracted in Choi Myoung Hee's Novel 『Honbul』 (최명희의 소설 『혼불』에서 추출한 소나무의 경관언어)

  • Rho, Jae-Hyun;Kim, Hwa-Ok;Park, Yool-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.61-72
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    • 2014
  • Throughout analyzing and construing the words, contexts, and expressive languages used for depicting the pine tree in the novel "Honbul" written by Choi, Myung-Hee the symbolism of the pine and folksy languages used for scenery can be condensed as written below: First, it is explicit that the scenery-words for illustrating the pine tree in "Honbul" are emerged through diverse means methods and expressions. Namely, the reference forms of the pine tree and the expressive means of utilizing words portrays the use of the pine are various and subdivided. Second, the scenery-words found in vocabularies and the contexts of "Honbul" imply various symbolic representation. They not only perform to describe inherent image and symbolism of the pine, but they work for reifying the image of "Honbul" in the narrative structure in "Honbul" as being intrinsic scenery-word. Third, the scenery-words used for expressing aesthetics emerge as synesthetic expressions through the linear beauty and the texture of the pine as well as through five-senses. Forth, on the basis of the inherent symbolism and the image of the pine, the landscape of the background described in "Honbul" deems as a symbolic backdrop. As with then narrative structure of the novel, the pine tree performs as a mediation of the heaven and the earth, god and man, as well as the sacred and the secular. Fifth, scenery-words used for depicting the pine tree are a symbol that represents the spirit and emotion of the character in the novel. Moreover, it is a tool for pursuing the personification of the nature, the deification of the object, and the cosmos of the space. It is also utilized as a device that definitize the ideational image applied to express the landscape of the background of the novel. As mentioned above, the expressions, vocabularies and textures about pine tree represented from "Honbul" are expected to be the beginning of understanding the landscape-images and landscape-languages of pine in not only the setting for this novels, Namwon but also the entire districts of Korea.

Analysis of popular artistry of film industry on the trend of filming of Webtoon (Focusing on "Along with the Gods(2017)") (웹툰의 영화화 트렌드에 대한 영화산업의 대중예술성 분석연구 (영화 "신과 함께(2017)"를 중심으로))

  • Lee, Tae-Hoon
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.391-398
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    • 2018
  • Analyzing the shortcomings and shortcomings of the film based on the Webtoon and the artistry as a popular artwork at the time when the filming of the webtoon is becoming the main trend of the Korean film, it is an analysis of the present state of the Korean film industry, Will be an indicator for. The present generation of young people who do not have the experience and knowledge of popular arts and culture that handed down a small number of high-quality arts by reflecting current literary, art, history, and popular consciousness are concentrating only on instinctive emotion, It is regrettable that it is consistently followed by follow-up and follow-up unconditionally. In this study, we will examine the methodology of the ideal webtoon filmization process by analyzing the structure and industry analysis of Webtoons, and analyzing the weaknesses in the transition process to the movie format. The essence of communicating with audiences will be unchanged even in the rapid change of media and technology. In the setting and expression of its essence, it is based on the humanistic authenticity mentioned above, the avant garde internal necessity of the artist seeking ideal, And the reflection of the original character of high-class culture that creates newness can be considered as a proposition that can include artistry in popular culture.

A study of using physical body in Contemporary Painting (현대회화에서 신체성의 활용에 관한 연구)

  • Park Ki-Woong
    • Journal of Science of Art and Design
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    • v.6
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    • pp.140-202
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    • 2004
  • Body means 1)the whole structure and substance of a man, animal, or plant 2) the trunk or torso of a man or animal 3) part of garment that covers the trunk 4) the fresh or material substance, as opposed to the spirit. Human body could be distinguished as fresh and spirit. Body has the meaning of physicality. Physical means the bodily and constitution, but in the meaning of constitution there is the content of spirituality. Physicality means the appearing or arising of trace or image or nuance of body. The paintings which are using bodies are 1) directly draw bodies 2) twisting or transformation or nuance of the body and highly upgrade the physical emotion or fantastic bodily nuance 3) directly rubbing artist's body on the surface of painting with pigments to elect tactile specification. These physical art have appeared broadly by various artists, mainly with the social aspects of sex, drug, psycho sexual issues. In case of Joel peter Whitkin, the reason of strong physicality in the art is from the mind of the rejection and resistance of real world which is targeting top, perfect and beauty. Further explanation, being the world which is separated top and under, men and women, beauty and ugly; further in the situation, the hierarchy, terror and pressure began and many difficult problems has derived. The contents of attacking feminists's art works are very obscene to reveal female and male's phallus strongly. Sometime, it is strongly related in the political issues. The physical paintings have strong meanings in the action by hands and feet. It supports that it could reveal the humanity with smell, breath, and traces of bodies. In the bodies, the origin of life begins which gives human life by blood lines and water. Sometime, the physical paintings are made by the blood and urine to stick the physicality for special nuance. The physical paintings are made by the image of penis and clitoris which are related in the image of urinating, ejaculation and sometime is symbolized as pens and candles to drop liquid. The selected painters who are related in physical painting are Jackson Pollock, Andrea Serano, Eve Klein, Francis Bacon, Francesco Clemente, Lichard Long, Jakes & Dinos Chapman, Anselm Kiefer, Kiki Smith and Park, Ki Woong. Francis Bacon's style is destructive in representing human shapes which give us special message about the unbearable activity of men politician, high brain, wealthy and religious people. Francesco Clemente's method is to use throat, ear hole, mouse, clitoris, belly nostrils and every holes of body to transmute human physical body. Lichard Long uses directly his body in drawing the surface of painting by using liquid of mud Jakes & Dinos Chapman destroys or transforms the bodies of human. It sometime appears wrong location of the bodies that the penis and vulva is in between human faces or nose of women, Anselm Kiefer uses human hair for representing the human decaying martyrs, and indirectly using straw, he gives special ritual action to repent the Nazi's fault. From 2002 to 2003, Park KI Woong used women womb images to intermingle the smoke shape of <9.11 terror, 2001> in New York to reveal the painful situation of the time(*).

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