• Title/Summary/Keyword: Emotion-Structure

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A Study of the method about Improving engineer by YeGamChang creating mechanism (예술창조 매커니즘을 통한 창조적 공학인의 육성 방안 연구 -교육 사례를 중심으로-)

  • Kwon, Yong Rang;Lee, Kyung Hwan;Kim, Su Jeong
    • The Journal of Korean Institute for Practical Engineering Education
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.11-17
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    • 2011
  • As a rapid rate of social change and competitive, paradigm of industry environment manufacturing products and services is shifted. Engineers design, develop, manufacture the products and services are strongly asked competency of different new creative practices. This means while industrial structure has been shifted from mass production to various allied production and social engineering based production, qualifications of engineers are required to individual creative competency as alternatives. In order to improve the competency, engineer become the creative people have ability to develop the professional knowledge competency and expand the competency to convergence the new product and services with sensing the life and social structure shift, human engineering, psychology, and emotion. For the competency, we develop the training program "improving convergence, creativity through Art." we intend that the program should be composed of creative engineering mechanism combined creative arts mechanism. It has been operated to the engineers for 17 weeks. we will discuss the program result and research direction and utilization in depth.

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The Experiences of Nursing Student's Introductory Clinical Practice (간호대학생의 임상입문실습 경험)

  • Kim, Hyun-Ju;Song, Hoo-Seung
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.74-84
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    • 2020
  • This study was conducted to discover the meaning and the essential structure of the experiences of nursing students' introductory clinical practice. The participants were eight nursing students who had carried out the introductory clinical practice at a hospital. The data was collected from July 15 2019 to July 31, 2019 through focus group discussions and in-depth individual interviews using non-structured questionnaires. The data was analyzed by Colaizzi's phenomenological analysis methodology. The introductory clinical practice experienced by nursing students was categorized as followed: 'Feel worried and concern about expectations at the same time', 'Hospital experience as reality', 'Becoming accustomed to complexed emotion's, 'The first step of becoming a nurse', and 'Preparation for the future'. The five categories were expanded in the same context according to time. The essential structure of the clinical introductory practice experiences of the nursing students revealed by the study is that they begin to practice feeling worried and concerned about expectations, and concern about experience and adaption to various situations, emotions and preparation for the future. Based on the results obtained from this study, it is necessary to develop a realistic and effective education program before starting clinical practice.

The Experience of Parents Whose Child is Dying with Cancer (암 환아 부모의 경험에 대한 질적 연구)

  • ;;Ida Martinson
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.491-505
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    • 1992
  • The purpose of this research was to understand the structure of the lived experience of parents of a child terminally ill with cancer The research question was “What is the structure of the experience of parents of a child terminally ill with cancer\ulcorner” The sample consisted of 17 parents of children admitted to the cancer units of two university hospitals in Seoul. The unstructured interviews were carried out from October 10, 1991 through January 10, 1992. They were audio-recorded and analysed using Van Kaam's method. Parents ascribed the cause of the cancer to the mother's emotional imbalance during pregnancy, the mother's stress, failure to observe religious rites, food, the parent's sin, misfortune and pollution. The theme clusters were tension, fear and depression experienced during pregnancy, stress that children suffer from abusive parents, failure to observe religious activites, bad luck, and sins committed during a previous life. When the child suffered a recurrence of cancer, the parents experienced negative emotions, nervousness, sorrow. depression and death. The theme clusters were feelings of despair, helplessness, regret, guilt, insecurity, emptyness and apathy. The long struggle with cancer resulted in the loss of economic security, loss of psychological and physical well being, and social withdrawal. The theme clusters were the economic burden of medical cost, giving up treatment, debt, limited medical insurance coverage and blood transfusion. The loss of psychological well being included stress, lack of support systems, inability to carry out responsibilities, lack of trust of the medical ten family breakdown, inappropriate expression of emotion and not disclosing the diagnosis to the child. Physically the parents suffered fatigue, insomnia, loss of appetite, loss of weight, dizzness, headache, psychosomatic symptoms, and increased consumption of liquor and cigarettes. Social withdrawal was manifested by taking time off from work to look after the child, decrease of outside social activities and feelings of isolation. Influences on family life were spousal conflicts, negative response of siblings, separation of the family members and economic hardship. The theme clusters were blaming a spouse for the cause of the illness and disagreements, maladjustment, lonliness, hostility and depression of siblings. The high price of medical care over the long period was a major factor influencing the life of the family. Positive experiences during the child's long illness were the strengthening of support systems and religious beliefs and financial help from social organizations. The support of one's spouse primarily helped to overcome the stress of the long illness. In addition, support was received from parents of other children with cancer and from nurses and religious leaders. The nurse, by providing empathetic support, should be a person with whom parents can express their feelings and share their experiences.

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Analysis of types of conscious and relationship in animation - Focusing on TV series (애니메이션 속 자아유형과 관계분석 - TV장편 <천원돌파 그렌라간>을 중심으로)

  • Park, Sung-Won
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.45
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    • pp.1-25
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    • 2016
  • This study aims to study the relationship and narrative structure through types of conscious shown through characters of animation. Regardless of professional knowledge, animation viewers are able to decide sympathy cognitively during watching. There are previous studies examining elements regarding the sympathy felt by viewers, "how much sympathy one feels about the story" conveyed by character is one of the most significant element. "Sympathizing" is reacting to the emotion of character, which does not concentrate on visual phenomenon revealing from appearance and mise en scene, but from "conscious" establishing relationship from behavior and practice. In other words, it starts from in-depth insight regarding the types of conscious and relationship between characters. Therefore, this thesis aims to analyze the types of conscious of main character Simon of Japanese animation which was aired in Korea in 27 episodes, and analyze how it conducted meaning structuralization of relationship with surrounding characters in the growth process of every episode. When analyzing the animation, the study concentrated on analyzing the conscious formation process of character, completeness of relationship and structure rather than the plot or power of delivery of direction, to insist that animation should not only convey humor or fun but secure the in-dept self discernment.

Graphic system analysis on the Chil Sung Hwa(seven stars picture) (칠성화(七星畵)의 그래픽체계 분석)

  • 나윤화
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.11
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    • pp.22-29
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    • 1995
  • I have to find standpoint of sight moulding of Chi I Sung Hwa(seven stars picture) analysis of graphic systems of a symbol sight native to our nation. And I will comprehend emotion of folkways by simple and graphic lines and colors in mathematical Grid of which ancestor had expressed in gauge moulding consciousness. This papers aim is to make a contribution to lead by on part of communication design. About structural analysis of pictorial graphic side. I) Mathematical thought of the Orient and space constitution are first basically the Orient expressed number notion of mathematics of unlimitedness and notion of zero so called space and empty second can analigize a diagonal expansion method by development of symmetry notion to basic the dual principle of the negative and positive by degrees development expressed space division method by direction notion. 2) About the proportion analysis it based the golden section globularity and in modern layout it takes vision center of position, after appointing the brow of sacred image of Chil Sung Hwa as center point of proportion and applied to the point proportion and so analigized the posibility of established. Rule in union of each elements and rule of forms about picture image. 3) Mathematical structure analysis to search a unified principle at the balanced arrangement and rule of forms it analigized the standard the rule of forms. it analigized the standard the rule of forms to body module of basic movement of protagonist and follower above basic forms of grid that is the basis of design system.

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An Exploratory Study on the Continuity of Consumer Empathy Response -Can Consumer Empathy Response expand on a Self-empathetic basis?- (소비자 공감반응의 연속성에 관한 연구 -소비자 공감반응은 자기 공감적으로 확장할 수 있는가?-)

  • Ock, Jung-Wo
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.75-91
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the application of in-depth interviews in terms of exploration on the basis of the theoretical basis of various aspects of consumer empathy, and the question of whether the consumer can expand to the process of self empathy. Most studies related to consumer empathy divide the responsive dimension of consumer empathy into rational and emotional dimension based on empathy theory, and look at the empathic response perceived by consumers to the stimulus presented from the current point of view. In this study, however, we want to go one step further and confirm that the consumers themselves can ultimately go to the self-empathy stage by forming a creative street of reproduction and redevelopment. As a result of exploratory research through in-depth interviews, it was indirectly confirmed that consumer's empathetic response to specific marketing stimulus exists at the level of creative and self-empathetic as well as the emphasis of previous studies. Based on these findings, this study confirmed that consumer empathetic responses could go beyond a single dimension to form a multidimensional structure and move toward an expanded structure of empathic self-creation. This suggests that consumers' empathic responses should be grasped in terms of continuity of empathic responses rather than explained in a specific dimension. Although this study is meaningful as an early research of exploratory nature, it is necessary to supplement various content validity and refine the research method through subsequent studies. This study is expected to expand the understanding that consumer's empathy can be extended to other people's empathy and to be self-empathy.

Concept of Information Architecture on Digital TV based on User Thought (사고 유형에 기초한 디지털 TV 채널 정보구조의 구상)

  • Hyun, Hye-Jung;Ko, Il-Ju
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.15 no.9
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    • pp.77-85
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    • 2010
  • As various convergency products have been actively developed, the study on user interface has been conducted a lot, and for more specific direction, users' experience-oriented user interface from user-oriented studies is recently developed. Such a tendency aiming to focus on product development to express users' emotion, the next step in the user-oriented development had difficulties in an objective approach, so the data based on previous users' experiences were presented as the basic data to establish user interface design process with grounds and design direction, and therefore it is available to show more specific and objective grounds. From this perspective, such psychological variables showing users' experiences like age and job are studied through surveys of users at the development of products, and products according to the variables are released. On the other hand, the products considering psychological difference distinguishing users' experiences as the cultural cap are not progressed yet. Despite the understanding of cultural difference, its decisive grounds are hard to distinguish like age, and job. Therefore, the cognitive concept about how to design menu information structure according to accident types that can be considered regarding user interface design among theoretical backgrounds about cultural difference. As the category according to the range of things among accident types, it is divided into analytical type and relational type to conduct a test on similarity and relations about the representative digital TV's menu information of the convergency product. As the result, analytical type and relational type showed difference and this study aims to use menu information concept considering this difference as explanatory variables of the users' experience-oriented development.

A Study on Yijing and the Landscape Characteristics through the Analysis of Poems in Changdeokgung's Rear Garden (창덕궁 후원의 시문분석에 의한 의경(意境)과 경관 특성)

  • Son, Yong-Hoon;Ham, Kwang-Min
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.124-133
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is to interpret the landscape characteristics of Changdeokgung's rear garden with the idea of Yijing(意境) the way to have a sense of an imaginative object. A term of Jing(境) in Yi-jing means a boundary of man's consciousness. On the boundary of consciousness for an imaginative object, there is a situation of man's emotion to be called Qingjing(情境) to meet an object, and beyond Qingjing, there is Yijing, a consciousness of the idea and the truth. The Structure of the Yijing is an analytical framework in this study. It is clarified that the idea of Yijing and landscape characteristics of changdeokgung's rear garden to analyze works of kings and related historical documents. In result, there were three kings named Injo, Sukjeong and Jeongjo who played big roles to develop the rear garden. First, Injo had built physical structure of the rear garden, the second Sukjong enjoyed Qingjing with composing the poems of Sangrimshipkyoung(上林十景), Jeongjo clearly had made a boundary of idea of Yijing broaden. It is an effective way to interpret imaginative characteristics of our traditional landscape through the concept of Yijing the useful way to understand and systemize a subject of idealistic consciousness.

An Analytic Study on Latin Rhythm of K-POP (K-POP의 라틴 리듬 차용 분석 연구)

  • Lee, Yoon-Sang;Chung, Jae-Youn
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.45-52
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    • 2019
  • This study focuses on analyzing rhythms revealed in music songs of Korean third-generation idol girl groups. The development of genre and development of rhythm continues and the rhythm of Third World music is strong worldwide. The development of genres and rhythms continues and the rhythms of the Third World music are winning big popularity world wide. In the past, Third World rhythms were used only in countries where rhythm originated and neighboring countries, and the rhythms between countries were combined to occur in various conersence composite forms. In the past, the Third World rhythms were used only in rhythm-oriented countries and neighboring countries, and the rhythms between countries were combined in various and composite forms The changes in the global music market and the structure of the Korean pop music market show the same pattern in the local pop music genre. This study analyzes the phenomenon in which the Dembow rhythm and the tresillo rhythm, one of the rhythms of the Third World music, are concentrated in third-generation idol music, and notes that a certain number of combinations appear in rhythms and melodies. Moreover, this study identifies and compares the origin, the structure and the application cases of the Dembow rhythm and the tresillo rhythm by analyzing 12 songs of Korean third-generation idol girl groups. A game, as a sort of media like a movie, may be subjected to an ambivalent evaluation in accordance with the quality of each content. In this regard, it is necessary to have an active discussion about which game has desirable contents. Emotion which is an influential factor on interaction among players in game design needs to be approached from a social perspective. Also, based on social emotions associated with players, a significant relationship between emotional vocabularies and game emotions should be understood in comparison with social emotions within the game. based on social emotions regarding players As a result, social emotions within the game exhibited differences from the meaning of the terms. It is supposed that this result was caused by the ethical standards and differences in the real world. Accordingly, for qualitative enhancement of games, it is required to utilize the contents of this study, since emotions within the game are based on social emotions regarding players.

Instructional Effects of Elementary Science Classes Using Metaverse and Perceptions of Students: 'Structure and Function of Plants' Unit in Sixth Grade (메타버스를 활용한 초등 과학 수업의 효과 및 학생들의 인식 - 6학년 '식물의 구조와 기능' 단원을 중심으로 -)

  • Wang, Taejoe;Lim, Heejun
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.42 no.4
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    • pp.591-604
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    • 2023
  • This study investigated the impact of elementary science classes using metaverse on the academic achievement, positive experience in science, and digital literacy of elementary school students. In addition, we examined their perceptions. The respondents were derived from two classes in the sixth grade at an elementary school in Gyeonggi-do, who were selected designated as the experimental (n=29 students) and comparative (n=29) groups, respectively. Across five lessons under the "Plant Structure and Function" unit, the experimental group conducted science classes using the metaverse, whereas the comparative group conducted general textbook-based classes. To investigate instructional effects, the study performed ANCOVA using the pre-test score as a covariate, a survey on the perception of students about science classes using metaverse, and conducted interviews with a number of subjects. The result demonstrated that science classes using metaverse exerted no significant effect on scientific academic achievement and digital literacy. However, the study observed a statistically significant effect on science learning emotion which is a sub-element of positive experiences in science. The students were positively aware of science classes using metaverse in terms of interesting and diverse activities, and free expression of inquiry results and perceived the instability of smart devices and network connections as regrettable. Finally, the study posed the implications of the use of metaverse in science classes.