• Title/Summary/Keyword: Emergency response training

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Development of Disaster Safety Program for Small-sized Workplaces and Its Introduction to Occupational Safety&Health Act: Focusing on Fire, Explosion and Chemical Spill (소규모 사업장 재난안전 프로그램 개발 및 산업안전보건법에의 도입방안: 화재, 폭발, 약품 누출을 중심으로)

  • Ko, Seung-cheol;Eum, Tae-Soo;Song, Chang-Geun
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.11 no.7
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    • pp.84-90
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    • 2021
  • 98.8% of accidents occurring in domestic companies are concentrated in small-sized workplaces with fewer than 50 employees. Therefore, this study developed a disaster safety program that can be implemented by small and medium-sized enterprises by comparing and analyzing the safety management system actively used with the laws and regulations related to industrial safety and facilities. The disaster and safety program included the scope of application, organizational structure, risk assessment, emergency response system, education and training, safety equipment provision and program evaluation, and detailed preparation methods and procedures for each item. In addition, items to be aware of when operating a disaster safety program and operational strategies were presented. After that, it was proposed to introduce the research results into the Occupational Safety and Health Act.

A Delphi Study for Development of Disaster Nursing Education Contents in Community Health Nursing (지역사회간호학 재난간호교육 콘텐츠 개발을 위한 델파이 조사)

  • Kim, Chunmi;Han, Song Yi;Chin, Young Ran
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.555-565
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: This study was conducted to develop the contents of disaster nursing education in community health nursing at universities. Methods: To validate contents, the Delphi method was used. We categorized two domains(indirect disaster management and direct disaster management) and developed 48 draft items. This study applied two round surveys and 23 experts participated in this study. The content validity was calculated using content validity ratio and coefficient of variation. Results: Indirect disaster management domain was composed of three categories including 12 items: 1) Understanding of the disaster, 2) disaster management system, and 3) response by disaster stage and recovery. Direct disaster management domain was composed of nine categories including 30 items: 1) Ethical considerations, 2) communication in disasters, 3) nursing activity by disaster stage, 4) emergency nursing in disasters, 5) patient severity classification in disasters, 6) disaster nursing for vulnerable groups, 7) disaster nursing for victims, 8) psychosocial nursing and health in disasters, and 9) cases of disaster nursing in communities. Conclusion: This Delphi study identified the contents of disaster nursing education curriculum, and confirmed the validity for disaster education program in community health nursing. Based on the results, it will be helpful for training the disaster nursing and improving the competency on disaster nursing of the nursing students.

Nuclear Power Plant Severe Accident Diagnosis Using Deep Learning Approach (딥러닝 활용 원전 중대사고 진단)

  • Sung-yeop, Kim;Yun Young, Choi;Soo-Yong, Park;Okyu, Kwon;Hyeong Ki, Shin
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.95-103
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    • 2022
  • Quick and accurate understanding of the situation in a severe accident is essential for conducting the appropriate accident management and response using the accident diagnosis information. This study employed deep learning technology to diagnose severe accidents through the major safety parameters transferred from a nuclear power plant (NPP) to AtomCARE. After selecting the major accident scenarios to consider, a learning database was established for particular scenarios affiliated with major scenarios by performing a large number of severe accident analyses using MAAP5 code. The severe accident diagnosis technology, which classifies detailed accident scenarios using the major safety parameters from NPPs, was developed by training it with the established database . Verification and validation were conducted by blind test and principal component analysis. The technology developed in this study is expected to be extended and applied to all severe accident scenarios and be utilized as a base technology for quick and accurate severe accident diagnosis.

A survey on the perception of the role of public health doctors of Korean medicine due to regional health care gaps (지역 의료공백에 따른 공중보건한의사의 역할 관련 인식 조사)

  • Eunyoung Choi;Hyein Jeong;Harin Kwon;Soobo Shim;Hyelim Lee;Kyeong Han Kim
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine
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    • v.45 no.3
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    • pp.168-180
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    • 2024
  • Objectives: This study aims to understand the current state of regional healthcare services and explore the role of public health doctors of Korean medicine (PHDKMs) in addressing healthcare disparities. Methods: An online survey was conducted among 951 PHDKMs registered with the Korean Public Health Korean Medicine Doctors Association from July 15 to July 19, 2024. A total of 266 responses were collected, and after removing 2 insincere responses, 264 responses were used for analysis. The survey included questions on the provision of healthcare services and the role of PHDKMs in local healthcare crisis. Results: Out of 264 responses, 85 community health centers and branches (32.2%) lacked public health doctors (PHDs). The traveling clinics were the most common alternative in these cases. Centers without PHDs received 46 complaints (54.1%) about healthcare gaps, while centers with PHDs received 70 complaints (39.1%), showing statistically significant differences. The most common complaints involved consultation and management of chronic elderly diseases. PHDKMs reported being capable of providing musculoskeletal and internal medicine treatments, but identified a need for improvement in emergency response, basic and inflammatory treatments, consultation and management of chronic elderly diseases, administration of medications, and vaccinations. They expressed a high willingness and perceived capability to perform minor medical tasks. Conclusion: The decline in PHDs is adversely affecting regional healthcare. PHDKMs can help address these gaps through expanded roles and additional training. Policymakers should consider better integrating PHDKMs into the public healthcare system to ensure continuous and comprehensive healthcare services in underserved areas.

A Study on Strengthening Consequence Management System Against CBRN Threats (CBRN 위협에 대비한 사후관리체계 강화방안)

  • Kwon, Hyuckshin;Kwak, Minsu;Kim, Kwanheon
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.429-435
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    • 2020
  • North Korea declared itself complete with nuclear force after its sixth nuclear test in 2017. Despite efforts at home and abroad to denuclearize the Korean Peninsula, the prospects for the denuclearization are not bright. Along with political and diplomatic efforts to deter NK's WMD threats, the government is required to strengthen its consequence management capabilities against 'catastrophic situations' expected in case of emergency. Accordingly, this study was conducted to present measures to strengthen follow-up management against CBRN threats. The research model was partially supplemented and utilized by the THIRA process adopted and utilized by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security among national-level disaster management plan development models. Korea's consequence management (CM) system encompasses risk and crisis management on disaster condition. The system has been carried out in the form of a civil, government and military integrated defense operations for the purpose of curbing the spread or use of CBRNs, responding to threats, and minimizing expected damages. The preventive stage call for the incorporation of CBRN concept and CM procedures into the national management system, supplementing the integrated alarm systems, preparation of evacuation facilities, and establishment of the integrated training systems. In the preparation phase, readjustment of relevant laws and manuals, maintenance of government organizations, developing performance procedures, establishing the on-site support systems, and regular training are essential. In the response phase, normal operations of the medical support system for first aid and relief, installation and operation of facilities for decontamination, and development of regional damage assessment and control guidelines are important. In the recovery phase, development of stabilization evaluation criteria and procedures, securing and operation of resources needed for damage recovery, and strengthening of regional damage recovery capabilities linked to local defense forces, reserve forces and civil defense committees are required.

Analysis of the Operation of Fire Observers in the Domestic Manufacturing Industry - Focusing on the Revised Occupational Safety and Health Act (국내 제조업 화재감시자 운영 실태 분석 - 개정 산업안전보건법 중심)

  • Kyung Min Kim;Yongyoon Suh;Jong Bin Lee;Seong Rok Chang
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.77-84
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    • 2023
  • Welding and cutting, which are representative tasks in handling firearms at industrial sites, are the basis for production and maintenance processes across all industries. They are also essential in the root industry. Specifically, they are widely used in the manufacturing industry, including equipment industries such as shipbuilding, automobiles, and chemicals, and subsequent maintenance work and general facility repair. However, such hot work carries a high fire risk owing to sparks scattering and inadequate management, resulting in a high occurrence of accidents. In response, the government and relevant organizations have recently revised the Occupational Safety and Health Act to prevent accidents during hot work. These revisions impose more stringent regulations than before, which are expected to help prevent actual fire accidents. However, whether the fire observer system, which is the core element of the revision, would be practically applied and maintained is unclear. Therefore, this study compared the fire observer system in the revised Occupational Safety and Health Act with those in the laws and systems of developed countries, conducted interviews with safety and health experts to assess the suitability of the new system for fire observer operations, and improvement plans were derived accordingly. Therefore, the laws and systems of developed countries grant more authority to fire observers compared with those of Korea. Moreover, professional training in handling emergency is required. Interviews with safety and health experts revealed that regardless of company size, the same operating standards were applied, and standards for deploying fire observers in various locations were unclear. Furthermore, there was a lack of professional education and training, and the role and authority of fire observers were limited. These findings revealed a problem in this sector. The results of this study are expected to serve as basic data for establishing a practical system for placing fire observers and supplementing laws, guidelines, and systems for preventing fire accidents.

The Role and Focus Areas of Medical Technologists in the Field of Diagnostic Tests in the COVID-19 Era (COVID-19 시대 임상병리사의 역할 및 영역)

  • Yang, Byoung Seon;Choi, Se Mook;Bae, Hyung Joon;Kim, Yoon Sik;Lim, Yong;Kang, Hee Jung;Bae, Do Hee;Choi, Byoung Ho;Lee, Jae Suk;Park, Ji Ae
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Laboratory Science
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    • v.54 no.1
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    • pp.49-60
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    • 2022
  • This study attempted to provide the basic data for developing a system to identify the role of medical technologists and ensure an efficient response for quick and accurate diagnostic tests in the COVID-19 era. The research method involved using focus group interviews for a survey and analysis of 15 medical institutions. Eleven sample collection institutions, 10.4 medical technologists, 2.1 minutes of collection time, 5.4 hours of test time, 9,670 tests, 6.2 member test workforce size, and 7 screening center operating institutions were surveyed. The results of the focus group interview analysis revealed that there were no standardized guidelines covering working hours, area, and environment to protect sample collectors and testers in relation to the COVID-19 tests. Also, legal protection measures were insufficient in the event of accidental infections and there were no personnel regulations related to COVID-19. In addition, the professional training of sample collectors and molecular diagnostic testers was required for reliable COVID-19 testing. In conclusion, it is necessary to provide professional education through special test short-term training institutions to cope with emergency infectious diseases such as COVID-19. Legal systems should be put in place to protect the workforce and ensure stability.

A Study on the Management System of Bioterrorism by the Phases of Crisis Management (위기관리단계별 생물테러 관리체계에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Chang-Ho;Lee, Kwang-Lyeol
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.13
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    • pp.113-144
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    • 2007
  • The entire world has lived in terror threatened by new-terrorism since the 9.11 terror. Having appeared since 9.11, new-terrorism is new kind of terror targeting victims at random. Bioterrorism is one good example. Since bioterrorism happens secretly, it's hard to identify. The case becomes even harder to detect if it takes the form of a new epidemic. This study set out to apply the four phases of crisis management regarding outbreak and measures of SARS, the latest new epidemic, and to prepare against bioterrorism taking the form of a new epidemic, It also shows the efforts to study what to prepare and what kind of actions to take in case of bioterrorism by applying the four phases. There results demonstrate that the preventive measures against bioterrorism include arranging terror-related laws and identifying and monitoring expected pathogenic organs. In the preparation phases, they should integrate the related agencies, prepare for the standard operating procedures(SOP), execute integrated training sessions among the related agencies, and secure the necessary resources such as vaccine, cures, and exploration devices. In the response phases, they need to set up a rapid diagnosis system, quarantine and then cure the patients, and pursue cooperation from the media and promotions and further an international cooperation system to take appropriate measures. And the final recovery phases should involve offering emergency support by checking the situations and engaging in activities to prevent another terror attack by providing counseling, exchanging information, and analyzing and evaluating the causes.

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A Study on the Application of Reaction Time and Detailed Security Response (신체반응시간과 근접경호 대응논리 적용에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Choong-Soo
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.15
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    • pp.303-316
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    • 2008
  • One of important protecting skill is securing the minimum safe distance from potential hazard to protect protectee in the emergency situation, that is basic thing for the detailed security in relation to the walking formation and the distance between protectee and crowed. This thesis is to provide the idea on the scientific countermeasure in the gun attack situation, by presenting logic on the reaction time and it's moving distance, on the safe distance between protectee and crowed. Handball goal keeper's reaction time of 0.33seconds is applied, because handball goal keeper's reaction style is very similar to security agent's reaction style. And 4m/sec of record is applied, that is average speed of 'go and return type run of 40m' to calculate it's moving distance. Several researches show that reaction time could be improved by continuing training, similarly security agents could improve their reaction time, providing better reaction skill. The important thing is that it make big difference in the protecting result, although the shortening of reaction time is too slight. Securing safe distance between protectee and crowed and the distance between protectee and security agent could provide effective reaction environment with 'natural protective wall effect' by security agent

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A Study on Ways to Improve Safety Management through Analysis of Fire Cases in Multiple-user Buildings (다중이용업소의 화재사례 분석을 통한 안전관리 개선방안 연구)

  • Lee, Jae Wook
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.191-201
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    • 2022
  • In this study, we are going to derive problems for fire and safety management in multiple-user Buildings and suggest improvement measures to prevent recurrence through analysis of legal operation status for safety management of multiple-user Buildings and case studies of large-scale fires in multiple-user Buildings. For this study, first, the current state of the industry and fire occurrence status were investigated through theoretical considerations of the multi-use industry, and then the previous research on the multi-use industry was analyzed. and by analyzing the legal and institutional status of multiple-user Buildings, problems were derived through cases such as the Jecheon fire in Chungcheongbuk-do, the Inhyeon-dong fire in Incheon, and the Songpa-gu fire in Seoul. As a result, first, the necessity of strengthening the initial fire response capability. Second, thorough maintenance and management of emergency exits. Third, the need for rational regulation of upholstery. Fourth, reinforcement of fire safety education and training. Fifth, strengthening of installation standards for firefighting and safety facilities. Sixth, we derive the result that it is necessary to raise awareness about safety management, compare and analyze it with legal and institutional contents, and suggest solutions accordingly. When looking at the causes of fires in multi-use buildings, building owners, business owners, and employees think that there is no possibility of a fire occurring in their business premises, so there is a lack of awareness. It is necessary to raise awareness through education and publicity of firefighters and related administrative agencies.