• Title/Summary/Keyword: Embedded WEB

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A Study on Menu-Layout Preference of the Learner's Properties (아동의 특성에 따른 선호하는 메뉴 레이아웃에 관한 연구)

  • Min, Sun-Hee;Lee, Soo-Jung
    • The Journal of Korean Association of Computer Education
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.9-18
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study is to determine the differences in menu-layout preference for learners based on their demographics. The experiment was conducted in this manner: three class second grade and three class sixth grade elementary school students were separated by sex, grade, age and cognitive style such as field-dependent and field-independent. They were asked to choose which menu layouts they preferred or did not prefer out of 6 different types. The results of the research are as follows: First, there were no differences in sex, grade and cognitive style for preferences in the menu layout but there were meaningful differences with regard to age. Second grade students preferred map-type layout, but sixth grade students preferred the type having a main menu across the top with a sub menu in roll over. Second, there was a difference with regard to age as to what they do not prefer. Overall, the results of this study suggest that the menu layout for a learning web site on the internet needs to be different according to their age.

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Design of an Efficient FTL Algorithm for Flash Memory Accesses Using Sector-level Mapping (섹터 매핑 기법을 적용한 효율적인 FTL 알고리듬 설계)

  • Yoon, Tae-Hyun;Kim, Kwang-Soo;Hwang, Sun-Young
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.34 no.12B
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    • pp.1418-1425
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    • 2009
  • This paper proposes a novel FTL (Flash Translation Layer) algorithm based on sector-level mapping to reduce the number of total erase operations in flash memory accesses. The proposed algorithm can reduce the number of erase operations by utilizing the sector-level mapping table when writing data at flash memory. Sector-level mapping technique reduces flash memory access time and extendsthe life time of the flash memory. In the algorithm, wear-leveling is implemented by selecting victim blocks having the minimal number of erase operations, when empty spaces for write are not available. To evaluate the performance of the proposed FTL algorithm, experiments were performed on several applications, such as MP3 players, MPEG players, web browsers and document editors. The proposed algorithm reduces the number of erase operations by 72.4% and 61.9%, when compared with well-known BAST and FAST algorithms, respectively.

A Study on Converting the Theological Thesaurus to the Ontology by Using SKOS (SKOS를 이용한 신학 시소러스의 온톨로지로의 변환에 관한 연구)

  • Yoo, Yeong-Jun
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.43 no.3
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    • pp.143-163
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    • 2012
  • In order to convert a thesaurus described by a person to ontology, the first step is to translate the thesaurus to the ontology by using SKOS, which is suitable for conversion to ontology and was chose an international standard by W3C. SKOS is suitable for converting thesaurus or subject headings or classification system to ontology, but we need a web language to describe an ontology as RDF/XML. RDF/XML is so difficult to read and write that we can need RDFa embedded in HTML document or Turtle, which is more easily describable and readable. Along with description using SKOS, this research has experimentally constructed the ontology by using ontology construction program $Prot{\acute{e}}g{\acute{e}}$ 4.2. In addition to basic concept relationships of thesaurus like equivalent relationship, hierarchical relationships, association relationships transitive hierarchical relationships are included suggested by SKOS in this research.

A Study on the Assessment of Program Outcomes Based on Capstone Design Course (캡스톤디자인 교과목 기반의 프로그램 학습성과 평가 연구)

  • Lee, Hee-Won;Kim, Sung-Hwan;Park, Keun;Kim, Jung-Yup
    • Journal of Engineering Education Research
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.143-151
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    • 2010
  • This paper presents a case study on the assessment of program outcomes using the capstone design course based on 16-year management experience and improvements of the school of mechanical design and automation engineering in the seoul national university of science and technology. First, the program outcomes related with the capstone design course are introduced, and the assessment methods and items are described. Based on them, the assessment results in 2008 were obtained and a strategy to improve the results were built after analyzation. As for the strategy, we revealed the assessment items and good examples in an internet web site in advance. As a result, we were able to obtain about 3.3% improved assessment results in 2009. Finally, the validity, efficiency, internal stability, and sustainability of the assessment of the program outcomes using the capstone design course are addressed in terms of a notion of the course-embedded assessment.

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RFID-based Automatic Entity Information Management System for Smart Refrigerator (스마트 냉장고를 위한 RFID 기반 물품 정보 자동 관리 시스템)

  • Lee, Ju-Dong;Kim, Hyung-Suk;Kim, Tae-Hyoun;Suh, Hyo-Joong
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.43-54
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    • 2008
  • In this paper, we implement an automatic entity information management system for smart refrigerator using RFID technology in which objects containing electronic tags are automatically identified using radio wave. Unlike current "smart" refrigerators, the system presented in this paper implements smart tag information acquisition mechanism and real-time information management system to provide various information on entities in refrigerators to local and remote users. As the first step, this paper analyzes the requirements for smart refrigerator system based on the RFID and suggests design considerations. Based on the analysis, we propose and implement an efficient tag location tracking method based on antenna transfer method and an intelligent tag information management system based on embedded database and web server. We also provide a wide range of experimental results on the number of tags identified at a time and the tag recognition ratio according to the RFID antenna transfer speed and the angle between tag reader and tags.

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A Design of Miniaturized Built-in Penta-Band Chip Antenna for Mobile Handset (휴대 단말기 내장형 5중 대역 칩 안테나 설계)

  • Choi, Hyeng-Cheul;Kim, Hyung-Hoon;Park, Jong-Il;Kim, Hyeong-Dong
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.18 no.3 s.118
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    • pp.288-297
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    • 2007
  • The novel internal monopole chip antenna of penta-band operation for GSM850/GSM900/DCS/USPCS/WCDMA bands for mobile phones is proposed. This antenna occupies a small volume $8\times3.2\times20mm^3$ and is suitable to be embedded in a mobile phone as an internal antenna. The minimization of the proposed antenna was realized by using spiral line structure and meander line structure on FR-4 of dielectric$(\varepsilon_r=4.4)$. The designed antenna has the wide-band operation in the upper band by overlapping high order resonances. The measured bandwidth of this antenna (VSWR>3) is 150MHz$(1,030\sim1,180\;MHz)$ in the lower band operation and 650 MHz$(1,760\sim2,410\;MHz)$ in higher band operation. The measured radiation efficiency within bandwidth(VSWR 3:1) is over 50 %. The antenna has been designed by a commercial software HFSS.

A Study upon the Formation of Techno-surplus Society and Its Specificities (국내 기술잉여사회의 형성과 특수성 연구)

  • Lee, Kwang-Suk
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.66
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    • pp.184-210
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    • 2014
  • There have been technologically distorted naturalization and overzealous digital culture in the formation and development of digital society in Korea. While the suppressive aspects of the 'neo-'authoritarian control and regulation have been excessively centered on the Internet, the autonomous actions of online users from below, with regards to their roles in agenda-setting function, have been evolved as the political. This paper aims to investigate the specificities in the developmental mode of digital technology in Korean society since the mid-90s. In this paper, 'techno-surplus' depicts the state that the abnormal is embedded within a technological artifact beyond its receptive ability. 'Techno-surplus society' designates such an extreme case of specifying technological surplus. In fact, the term of 'techno-surplus society' can be used for a metaphor symbolizing our society, in which social distortion and abnormality caused by 'techno-surplus' have been quite frequently happening, in its comparison to a degree of normality in the institutional politics. This paper explores the local specificities of 'techno-surplus society', in which the regressive aspects have stand out as being more different from the technological developments in China, Japan and the U.S.

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IoT-enabled Solutions for Tour Photography Services

  • Jeong, Isu;Baek, Seungwoo;An, Eunsol;Kim, Yujin;Choi, Jiwoo;Yun, Jaeseok
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.127-135
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    • 2020
  • In this paper, we propose an IoT-enabled solution for tour photography services with small-size investment and resources in the travel and tourism industries, being able to impact on economic, social, and cultural values. An IoT-enabled camera is developed based on an open hardware and software platform complying with oneM2M, which can make traditional embedded systems oneM2M-compliant devices due to a middleware solution called TAS (thing adaptation software). IoT cameras deployed around photo zones in a tour site could be remotely controlled via an IoT gateway with a Web-based application on a smartphone. Users would perform a pan and tilt camera control if they want and then take and download a perfect photo picture (even though they are away from the tour site). We expect that the proposed solution will promote the deployment IoT-enabled technologies in tour and travel industries which are important parts of the tertiary sector.

Android based Reagent Cabinet Safety Management System (안드로이드 기반 시약장 안전 관리 시스템)

  • Choi, Hyungwook;Min, Gyeongbae;Lee, Jongwon;Jung, Hoekyung
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2017.05a
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    • pp.579-580
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    • 2017
  • Recently, as safety accidents by reagents increase in laboratories, systems are being developed to safely manage reagents. The existing system monitoring and manages the reagent through the web page, but the internal environment change of the reagent cabinet is considered or the remote monitoring and control function is insufficient. In order to solve this problem, this paper predicts the deterioration of the reagent loaded in the reagent cabinet. And we propose a system that can monitoring and control remotely. It predicts the deterioration of the reagent through the temperature attached to the inside of the reagent cabinet, the value measured by the humidity sensor and the validity period of the reagent, and sends a alert message to the manager. The manager monitoring and controls the reagent cabinet through the application. By predicting the deterioration of the reagents and remotely managing the reagents cabinet it is thought that safety accidents can be reduced.

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User Recognition based TV Programs Recommendation System in Smart Devices Environment (스마트 디바이스 환경에서 사용자 인식 기반의 TV 프로그램 추천 시스템)

  • Park, Soon-Hong;Kim, Yong-Ho
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.249-254
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    • 2013
  • The number of channels are increased into several hundreds of channels when coming out the digital broadcasting era. In this environment, viewers searching for programs will be very difficult to do. In addition, recent popularization of smart devices are receiving the services that they previously had not been given to. A TV program recommended a system that has been studied as a way to solve these problems. However, most studies have been studied in most web-based research results when applied to broadcast TV for TV program recommendations. In particular, the combination of the current members who watch TV are not considered. In this paper, the environment and TV viewers are considering a combination of the members of the TV program's recommended system proposal. In order to make a group deal successful, we employ the face recognition.