• Title/Summary/Keyword: Education program

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The Impact of Family Functioning on Self-Differentiation in College Student (가족기능이 대학생의 자기분화에 미치는 영향)

  • ji-yeon Kang;Ri-a Lee;Won-Sun Lim
    • Industry Promotion Research
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.269-276
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    • 2024
  • This study aims to identify healthy family functions that can help university students, who are in the transitional phase from late adolescence to adulthood, establish self-differentiation, which is a critical developmental task for them. The research examines whether family function mediates the relationship between family function and self-differentiation, and aims to provide foundational data for the development of programs to support stable self-differentiation in university students and policies to enhance family function. To achieve this, a self-report online survey was conducted with 204 university students enrolled in a university located in Northern Gyeonggi Province. The SPSS 25.0 program was used for data analysis, including calculating internal consistency, conducting frequency analysis to understand the general characteristics of the study subjects, descriptive statistics to determine the level of research variables, independent sample t-tests, ANOVA, and post-hoc tests to identify differences in research variables according to the characteristics of the study subjects, and using the SPSS Process Macro to test mediation effects. The results showed a significant positive correlation between family function and self-differentiation, indicating that family function significantly influences the establishment of self-differentiation. These findings suggest that family function plays a crucial role in the development of self-differentiation and provide foundational data for practical support in education aimed at fostering healthy families.

The Effect of Robot-Used Play through Appreciation of Picture Books on Children's Sequential Thinking (그림책 감상을 통한 로봇 활용 놀이가 유아의 순서적 사고에 미치는 영향)

  • An Ji Su;Nam Ki Won
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.357-365
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of children's robot-based play on sequential thinking through appreciation of picture books. For this purpose, 15 children aged 5 years old in each kindergarten located in Seoul were selected and J kindergarten (experimental group) supported <Picture book appreciation robot play> and C kindergarten (comparison group) supported <Picture book appreciation free play>. In order to examine the difference in play experience between the two groups, the score data before and after play support was collected using the sequential thinking test tool, and the collected data were analyzed using SPSS 28.0 program to perform ANCOVA (Covariance Analysis). As a result, the experimental group that experienced robot-based play through picture book appreciation showed significant improvement in the total score of sequential thinking and the sub-areas of dynamics, behavior, and intention compared to the control group.The results of this study are valuable as a play study to discover the value of robots as a creative play medium led by young children and to promote sequential thinking ability, which is emphasized as the capacity of future society.

A Study on the Effect of Personality Types of College Students on Information Use Behavior and Satisfaction for University Libraries: Focusing on Cultural Learning (대학생의 성격유형이 대학도서관 정보이용행태와 만족도에 미치는 영향 연구: 교양학습을 중심으로)

  • Tae Hee Lee;Woo Kwon Chang
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.205-247
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate how information use behavior and satisfaction appear by personality type for liberal arts learning among college students, and to propose a customized information service plan that can help college students study in university libraries. To this end, a survey was conducted on 169 university students enrolled in C University. The analysis consisted of demographic characteristics, MBTI personality type, information use behavior, satisfaction, and university library service perception survey. Frequency analysis, cross-analysis, multinomial logistic regression, one-way ANOVA, and hierarchical regression analysis were performed on the collected data using the SPSS 29 statistical program. As a result of the study, first, significant results were found in 'preferred information sources', 'information source consideration factors', and 'information collection patterns' according to personality type. Second, there were statistically significant differences in satisfaction according to personality type in 'system utilization ability', 'data selection ability', and 'the degree of recognition of the usefulness of learning activities'. Third, in the relationship between preferred information sources and satisfaction based on personality types and information use behaviors, there appears to be an inverse relationship when the content includes various topics with a lack of academic depth or expertise. However, the preference for 'social media' is positively correlated with 'satisfaction with search results,' as it provides diverse perspectives and viewpoints in liberal education

The effects of adolescents' perceived family strength and social support on their adaptation to school life (청소년이 지각하는 가족건강성과 사회적지지가 학교생활적응에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim Tae Ryang;Jeong Yeong Mi
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.241-248
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this study sought to examine the mediating effect of social support in the relationship between adolescents' family strength and school life adjustment. For this purpose, a survey was conducted from May 2023 to June 2023 on youth attending middle and high schools in Daegu and Gyeongbuk, and statistical analysis was performed on the data of 768 people without missing data using SPSS 21.0 program. The results of this study were as follows. First, the family strength perceived by adolescents was found to have a significant positive effect on school life adaptation. Second, the family strength perceived by adolescents was found to have a significant positive effect on social support. Third, social support was found to have a positive and significant effect on school life adaptation. Fourth, social support showed a partial mediating effect in the relationship between adolescents' perceived family strength and school life adjustment. These research results have implications in that they provide empirical evidence to help adolescents adapt well to school life based on healthy family relationships. In addition, we hope that this will serve as a practical basis for the use of parent education programs and family counseling programs that help adolescents adapt well to school life by eliciting social support through positive family functions at home.

Factors of unmet dental care needs due to the time, economic, and physical constraints among older people (노인의 시간적, 경제적, 물리적 제약으로 인한 미충족 치과의료 요인)

  • Min-Young Kim;Ji-Hyoung Han
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.405-413
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    • 2024
  • Objectives: We aim to identify factors associated with unmet dental care needs in older adults and explore the impact of time, economic and physical constraints on each. Methods: The analysis was based on the 2023 Community Health Survey. Statistical analyses were conducted using chi-square test and multinomial logistic regression for 65,952 people aged 65 years and older. Results: First, we looked whether subjects experienced unmet dental care needs and found that 8.4% did. Second, according to the type of unmet dental care needs, 54.1% of the time, economic, and physical constraints were economic constraints. Analyzing each of the time, economic, and physical constraints, we found that time constraints were associated with younger age. For economic constraints, lower education level and health security type of recipients in medical aid program were more likely to experience unmet dental care needs. In terms of physical constraints, those living in rural areas were more than three times more likely to experience unmet dental care needs than those living in urban areas. Conclusions: The results showed that time constraints were related to age, economic constraints were related to household income level, and physical constraints were related to residential area.

The Effects of Clinical Practice Stress and Resilience on Professional Self-Concept in Nursing Students (간호대학생의 임상실습 스트레스와 극복력이 전문직 자아개념에 미치는 영향)

  • Ji-Young Seo;Bo-Mi Kim;Hyun-Jeong Jin
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Integrative Medicine
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.225-239
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    • 2024
  • Purpose : Professional self-concept of nurse is a critical factor that strengthens confidence and a sense of professionalism in practice, significantly influencing nurses' intention to stay in their jobs or leave. Establishing a strong professional self-concept during nursing education is essential for shaping a positive professional identity and role. Therefore, this study aimed to examine the level of clinical practice stress, resilience and professional self-concept among third-year nursing students who have completed their first clinical practice, as well as to analyze the relationships among these variables and identify factors influencing professional self-concept. Methods : The study was conducted with 237 third-year nursing students from two nursing departments in H and S cities, all of whom consented to participate in the survey. A structured online questionnaire was used to assess the students' clinical practice stress, resilience, and professional self-concept. Data collection was carried out over a period of approximately three months, from September to November 2023. Data analysis was performed using SPSS 26.0, applying descriptive statistics, independent t-tests, ANOVA, scheffe's test, pearson correlation, and hierarchical regression analysis. Results : Professional self-concept showed a negative correlation with clinical practice stress (r=-0.38, p<.001) and a positive correlation with resilience (r=0.52, p<.001), both of which were statistically significant. The significant predictors of professional self-concept were clinical practice stress (𝛽=-0.45, p=.010), resilience (𝛽=0.36, p<.001), admission motivation*score (𝛽=-0.19, p=.010), major satisfaction*moderate (𝛽=-0.18, p=.004), relationships with friends*moderate (𝛽=-0.13, p=.013), and academic achievement*grade B (𝛽=-0.13, p= .013). These factors explained 45.00 % of the variance in professional self-concept, with clinical practice stress serving as a key predictor. Conclusion : A professional self-concept enhancement program, tailored to individual characteristics, should be developed and implemented from the freshman year to improve nursing students' resilience. This would help reduce clinical practice stress during the clinical performance training phase and establish a positive professional self-concept among nursing students.

The Effects of Cordycepin on Mitochondrial Turnover in Cultured Mouse Skeletal Muscle Cells (코디세핀이 골격근 배양세포에서 미토콘드리아 전환에 미치는 효과)

  • Jing-Ao Qin;Neha Kaushik;Yong-Bok Choi;Jeong-Sun Ju
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.34 no.12
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    • pp.860-869
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    • 2024
  • Cordycepin has been reported to exhibit diverse pharmaceutical effects, including anti-tumor, anti-inflammatory, anti-angiogenesis, and antiaging. However, the effects of cordycepin on mitochondrial turnover in skeletal muscle cells have not yet been elucidated. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine the effects of cordycepin on mitochondrial biogenesis, dynamics, and degradation (mitophagy) in cultured skeletal muscle cells. C2C12 cells were treated with 100 μM cordycepin for 24 hr and autophagy/mitophagy flux was determined using an in vitro LC3-II turnover assay. Mitochondrial dynamics-related proteins and mitochondrial biogenesis markers were analyzed via western blot. The data were analyzed with t-test or one-way ANOVA (p<0.05) using the SPSS 22 program. Cordycepin (100 μM) significantly increased autophagy (-200%) and mitophagy flux -150%), mitochondrial dynamics, which are mitochondrial fusion (MFN1 -130%, Opa1 -250%) and fission (Drp1 -97%, Fis1 -130%), and mitochondrial biogenesis (PGC-1α -55%, SDH -58%, COX-IV -70%) in C2C12 cells. Increased mitophagy by cordycepin treatment appears to be regulated via AMPK activation (-67%), ULK1 (-40%), and the PINK1-Parkin signaling pathway (-67 and -72%, respectively). The present study has shown that cordycepin promotes all 3 mitochondrial turnover processes in C2C12 cells. In addition, when autophagy/mitophagy (degradation) was inhibited, mitochondrial biogenesis (synthesis) was abolished. It is suggested that cordycepin influences mitochondrial homeostasis by regulating mitophagy activation in cultured skeletal muscle cells.

Herbicidal Phytotoxicity under Adverse Environments and Countermeasures (불량환경하(不良環境下)에서의 제초제(除草劑) 약해(藥害)와 경감기술(輕減技術))

  • Kwon, Y.W.;Hwang, H.S.;Kang, B.H.
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.210-233
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    • 1993
  • The herbicide has become indispensable as much as nitrogen fertilizer in Korean agriculture from 1970 onwards. It is estimated that in 1991 more than 40 herbicides were registered for rice crop and treated to an area 1.41 times the rice acreage ; more than 30 herbicides were registered for field crops and treated to 89% of the crop area ; the treatment acreage of 3 non-selective foliar-applied herbicides reached 2,555 thousand hectares. During the last 25 years herbicides have benefited the Korean farmers substantially in labor, cost and time of farming. Any herbicide which causes crop injury in ordinary uses is not allowed to register in most country. Herbicides, however, can cause crop injury more or less when they are misused, abused or used under adverse environments. The herbicide use more than 100% of crop acreage means an increased probability of which herbicides are used wrong or under adverse situation. This is true as evidenced by that about 25% of farmers have experienced the herbicide caused crop injury more than once during last 10 years on authors' nationwide surveys in 1992 and 1993 ; one-half of the injury incidences were with crop yield loss greater than 10%. Crop injury caused by herbicide had not occurred to a serious extent in the 1960s when the herbicides fewer than 5 were used by farmers to the field less than 12% of total acreage. Farmers ascribed about 53% of the herbicidal injury incidences at their fields to their misuses such as overdose, careless or improper application, off-time application or wrong choice of the herbicide, etc. While 47% of the incidences were mainly due to adverse natural conditions. Such misuses can be reduced to a minimum through enhanced education/extension services for right uses and, although undesirable, increased farmers' experiences of phytotoxicity. The most difficult primary problem arises from lack of countermeasures for farmers to cope with various adverse environmental conditions. At present almost all the herbicides have"Do not use!" instructions on label to avoid crop injury under adverse environments. These "Do not use!" situations Include sandy, highly percolating, or infertile soils, cool water gushing paddy, poorly draining paddy, terraced paddy, too wet or dry soils, days of abnormally cool or high air temperature, etc. Meanwhile, the cultivated lands are under poor conditions : the average organic matter content ranges 2.5 to 2.8% in paddy soil and 2.0 to 2.6% in upland soil ; the canon exchange capacity ranges 8 to 12 m.e. ; approximately 43% of paddy and 56% of upland are of sandy to sandy gravel soil ; only 42% of paddy and 16% of upland fields are on flat land. The present situation would mean that about 40 to 50% of soil applied herbicides are used on the field where the label instructs "Do not use!". Yet no positive effort has been made for 25 years long by government or companies to develop countermeasures. It is a really sophisticated social problem. In the 1960s and 1970s a subside program to incoporate hillside red clayish soil into sandy paddy as well as campaign for increased application of compost to the field had been operating. Yet majority of the sandy soils remains sandy and the program and campaign had been stopped. With regard to this sandy soil problem the authors have developed a method of "split application of a herbicide onto sandy soil field". A model case study has been carried out with success and is introduced with key procedure in this paper. Climate is variable in its nature. Among the climatic components sudden fall or rise in temperature is hardly avoidable for a crop plant. Our spring air temperature fluctuates so much ; for example, the daily mean air temperature of Inchon city varied from 6.31 to $16.81^{\circ}C$ on April 20, early seeding time of crops, within${\times}$2Sd range of 30 year records. Seeding early in season means an increased liability to phytotoxicity, and this will be more evident in direct water-seeding of rice. About 20% of farmers depend on the cold underground-water pumped for rice irrigation. If the well is deep over 70m, the fresh water may be about $10^{\circ}C$ cold. The water should be warmed to about $20^{\circ}C$ before irrigation. This is not so practiced well by farmers. In addition to the forementioned adverse conditions there exist many other aspects to be amended. Among them the worst for liquid spray type herbicides is almost total lacking in proper knowledge of nozzle types and concern with even spray by the administrative, rural extension officers, company and farmers. Even not available in the market are the nozzles and sprayers appropriate for herbicides spray. Most people perceive all the pesticide sprayers same and concern much with the speed and easiness of spray, not with correct spray. There exist many points to be improved to minimize herbicidal phytotoxicity in Korea and many ways to achieve the goal. First of all it is suggested that 1) the present evaluation of a new herbicide at standard and double doses in registration trials is to be an evaluation for standard, double and triple doses to exploit the response slope in making decision for approval and recommendation of different dose for different situation on label, 2) the government is to recognize the facts and nature of the present problem to correct the present misperceptions and to develop an appropriate national program for improvement of soil conditions, spray equipment, extention manpower and services, 3) the researchers are to enhance researches on the countermeasures and 4) the herbicide makers/dealers are to correct their misperceptions and policy for sales, to develop database on the detailed use conditions of consumer one by one and to serve the consumers with direct counsel based on the database.

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Lower Limbs Muscle Comparative Research for Verification Effect of Rehabilitation Training Program of Total Hip Arthroplasty (재활운동 프로그램에 참가한 엉덩인공관절 수술자의 하지근력 변화에 대한 비교연구)

  • Jin, Young-Wan
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.543-548
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the differences in kinetics between 6 months of rehabilitation training and 12 months of rehabilitation training after total hip arthroplasty. 10 unilateral THA participants performed kinetic tests. Three dimensional kinematics and hip flexors and abductors electromyography (EMG) were collected during each trial. T-test was used for statistical analysis (p<0.05). There was no significant difference in EMG data between the two groups, but the mean comparison EMG data was higher in the 12 months rehabilitation training group than the 6 months rehabilitation training group. The moment value was found with motion-dependent interaction analyzing method which was used by Feltner and Dapena. There was no significant difference between moment values of the two groups. There was no significant difference between ground reaction forces of the two groups; however, there were some differences shown in Fz (vertical reaction force) between the two groups ($892{\pm}104\;N$, $820{\pm}87\;N$). The first peak impact force was about 9% lower in the 12 months group compared to the 6 months group. The second peak active force was nearly equal between the two groups. More research is necessary to determine exactly what constitutes optimal rehabilitation training biomechanics for patients with total hip arthroplasty.

A study on knowledge, self-efficacy and compliance in Reumatic arthritis Patients (류마티스 관절염 환자의 지식, 자기효능감 및 치료이행과의 관계연구)

  • Kim, Soon-Bong
    • Journal of muscle and joint health
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.238-252
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    • 1998
  • Reumatic arthritis is a disease with joint pain being one of the key symptoms. The patient suffers from the pain, stiff sensation and edema due to the inflammation taking Place In one or more joints. Accompanying these problems are fatigue, unusual exhaustion, fever, tachycardia and weakness. Inaddition, joints are often deformed and muscles shrink along with the progress of edema, coupled with depression and psychological instability resulting from the loss of the mobile function and limitations on the daily life. Some patients become fed up with the long and hard flight with the disease and just give up, which aggravates the symptoms. Others come to the hospital only when the conditions have become serious. We need to prevent these and guide the patients in the right direction. Against this backdrop, this study aims to look into the relations between the knowledge on the part of the patients together with their feeling of self-efficacy and the compliance. The results are expected to help the patients improve their life, In addition to providing useful materials for setting up appropriate plan for nursing intervention. The study was conducted by distributing questionnaire to 88 patients selected from the out-patient department of a university hospital in Inchon, from April 6 to 27, 1998. The following tools were used the yardstick of self-efficacy, developed in 1997 by the Society for the Health of Rheumatism Patients, was used for measuring the levels of knowledge and the feeling of self-efficacy. The degree of compliance was measured by the data collected from documents in addition to the results of the analysis of the interviews with the patients. The reliability of the tools was confirmed. In the analysis, the general characteristics were expressed in figures and percentages. The levels of knowledge, feeling of self-efficacy, and compliance were expressed in the average values and standard deviations. The relations among the variables following the general characteristics were analysed by the t-test and one-way ANOVA. The Pearson correction coefficient was used for the analysis of factors. Multiple-loop analysis was used to identify the variables affecting the compliance. The following are the results of this study. 1. Among the 88 patients, 18 were men and the remaining 70 were women, with a ratio 1 : 3.87. Regarding the age groups, 23 were between 50 and 59 years old, with those between 50 and 69 accounting for 51.1% of the total. High school graduates or higher amounted to 58%. Religious patients was 67% or 59 persons. Fifty nine percent were unemployed, and 58.3% (49 persons) had two children or fewer. The period of suffering from rheumatism varied between 2 months and IS years, with 70% less than years. 2. The average figure In relation to the of knowledge was 17.63 points over 30 or 58. 76%, which means a medium level. 3. The average figure of the feeling of self-efficacy was 60.06 points. 4. The level of compliance was 3.26, which was above average. 5. The relation between the feeling of self-efficacy and compliance showed an "r" value of 0.37, which was significant. It means that the higher the feeling, the greater the compliance points. 6. The analysis of the knowledge level revealed that the difference is found only between the college graduates and junior-high graduates or lower. 7. The feeling of self-efficacy varied along with the age and education level. 8. The general characteristics of patients as discussed above did not show significant difference with the compliance. 9. Regarding the elements influencing the compliance, the number of children, period of suffering, income, age, feering of self-efficacy, knowledge, and compliance had 54% of significance. In conclusion, rheumatism victims can lead a better life if they are appropriately educated, based on efficient training program from the early days of the disease ; if they become able to manage themselves thanks to the training ; and if they are helped by a program focusing on the increase of the feeling of self-efficacy aimed at changing patient's behavior.

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