• 제목/요약/키워드: Education program

검색결과 15,215건 처리시간 0.042초

중학생의 성교육 실태 및 프로그램 효과분석 (Condition and Effect of Sex Education Program for Korean Middle School Students)

  • 문인옥;윤영옥;김노을
    • 한국학교ㆍ지역보건교육학회지
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    • 제8권1호
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2007
  • Objectives: School must provide the proper sex education to students, thereby, the students for have right standards of sexuality and preventing from sexual crimes. This study conducted to identify the effectiveness and students' satisfaction level on Sex education program for middle school students prepared by the Ministry of Education and Human Resources. Methods: The sample size of the study was 644 students(458 female students and 186 male students) in middle school. A self reporting type of questionnaire survey was conducted from May 2 through May 27, 2005. Collected data were processed using SPSSwin 12.0; The data were analysed through t-test, stepwise multiple regression analysis. Results: Lectures and audiovisual materials were mostly used for sex education for students. Many students were satisfied with the program of physical and sexual organ development, pregnancy, contraceptive methods and sexual abuse. Many students wanted to study more on courtship, love, and marriage. The programs which the students did not understand well were sexually transmitted diseases, pregnancy and mass media and sex. Forty six percentage of the students reported that they were satisfied with the education program. Thirty three percentage of the students said that they were not satisfied with the program. The students who had earlier menstruation experience and the students whose academic achievement were higher were more satisfied with sex education program (P<.05). The students who were satisfied with the sex education CD prepared by the ministry of education were more satisfied with sex education program. (P<.001). When the CDs were appropriately used, the students were more satisfied with the education program (P<.05). The sound and pictures in the CD did not much affect the students. Audiovisual programs were more effective than lectures.

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초등학교 고학년 안전보건교육 프로그램 개발과 효과검증 (Development and effect of elementary school upper-grade safety health education program)

  • 정현민;이효철
    • 한국응급구조학회지
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    • 제17권3호
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    • pp.149-168
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    • 2013
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to develop a safety health education program for the upper graders of elementary school children and to evaluate the program. Methods: The study was designed for learner centered safety education and heath education based on a theory of lifelong education. After a model development of the program was set up, five major units were selected after five stages of program planning, design, acting, evaluation and feedback: school safety, traffic safety, home safety, life safety, and first-aid. Twenty things were selected as what to teach, and a lesson plan of 12 sessions was mapped out by arranging what to teach. The subjects in this study were 114 elementary school students who were in five different sixth-grade classes. Each class received education for five days, in four sessions each, according to the program. Results: The learners showed improvement in safety consciousness, safety knowledge, self-efficacy and safety behavior after they received education according to the safety health education program, and they expressed a lot of satisfaction with the program. Conclusion: It is important to develop the lifelong education for safety health education for the elementary school children.

가정복지서비스 프로그램개발을 위한 기초연구 (A Preliminary Study on Development of Family Welfare Service Program)

  • 김양희
    • 가정과삶의질연구
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    • 제15권3호
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    • pp.163-180
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of this study were to identify the differences between the demand for education program and the demand for counseling program of family welfare and to analyze the relation between demographic characteristics and the demand for family welfare service program For these purposes, total sample of 909 women those residing in Seoul, Inchon, Taejun, Taegu, Pusan, Kwangju, Chungju, Junju and Choonchun, were selected. Statistics were frequencies, means, percentile, cross-tabulation, t-test and Anova. The results were as follows. First, in family welfare service program on children and adolescents, the improvement in family living, consumption, retirement planning, health management, protection of environment and resource, volunteering and the advance of living culture, the demand for education program were higher than the demand for cunseling program. In particular, demands for both education program and counseling program on children and adolescents were the highest. Second, age, residence and income had very significant effects on the demands for both education program and counseling program. By understanding these differences in the demand for education program and counseling program of family welfare, practitioners and educators may be able to develop family welfare service program to solve family problems.

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New In-service Education Program on Science Experiments to Develop Professionality of Science Teachers

  • Han, Jae-young;Sim, Jae-Ho;Ryu, Sung-Chul;Ihm, Hyuk;Choi, Jung-Hoon;Shin, Young-Joon;Son, Jeong-Woo;Hong, Jun-Euy;Hwang, Book-Kee
    • 한국과학교육학회지
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    • 제28권7호
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    • pp.768-778
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    • 2008
  • The most important factor in students' growth and development is the teacher. Therefore in-service science teacher education to develop the professionality is important as well as the selection of new excellence teachers. Our research is on the development and application of new education program on science experiments where in-service teachers become the lecturers in the program and provide information that is bound to the context of real lessons. This program is consisted of following 10 steps of work, which was implemented in 5 months: sharing the philosophy of the program, selecting science experiments, first application of the experiments, discussion on the first application, learning how to edit the movie clips of the lesson, second application of the experiments, in depth discussion on the second application, developing the experiment package, giving lecture to other science teachers, and evaluating the program. We describe the process of the program developed and implemented in detail to suggest a model of science teacher education program on science experiments and discuss educational implications. This program is characterized by the emphasis of the context closely linked to the real lessons, the problem solving in a real situation, and the collaboration of teachers, professors and science education researcher in a teacher education.

초등학생의 생명존중교육을 위한 삶의 의미발견 CD 프로그램 개발 및 효과 (Development and Evaluation of a Finding Meaning in Life CD Program for Life-esteemed Education of Older School-age Children)

  • 강경아;김신정;송미경
    • 한국간호교육학회지
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    • 제17권3호
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    • pp.487-500
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    • 2011
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to develop a finding meaning in life CD program about life-esteemed education and to identify the effect of the program. Methods: The life-esteemed education philosophy and the concepts of logotherapy were applied as a theoretical framework for this program. This program was developed through the process of planning, designing, developing, and evaluating with a content validity test. To identify the effect of the program, one experimental group design was applied to 54 students. Data were collected before the program started and one week and five weeks after the program finished. Results: The program was developed based on the students' needs and evaluation of the CD's content and consists of five periods: Dinosaur Park of Promise, Hill of Fragrance, Garden of Love, Forest of Acceptance, and My Lake. Each post-test score of knowledge, attitude, and practice on meaning of life was significantly higher than pretest scores. Conclusion: This program can be effective for life-esteemed education in elementary school students. Moreover, it is encouraged that the program will be utilized in more life-esteemed education for elementary school students.

연찬방식을 통한 대안적 환경가치교육방안 (A Alternative Environmental Value Education Program through GENSANGGAI in JAPAN)

  • 김태경
    • 한국환경교육학회지:환경교육
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    • 제12권1호
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    • pp.322-334
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    • 1999
  • In environmental value education, the difference between Ecological and Economic view-point about environmentmust should be considered. Usually, although the differences are unavoidable, because our lifes are inclined to Economic life. But this propensity have become great obstacles to Environmental value education by diluting the fundamental reasons which the nature should be preserved. Furthermore we can't say that environmental problems are not solved just by economic approach, owing to its limits of solving by incentives. So we can say that it is very important to have equalized view-points in the relations of economics and ecology for balanced environmental value education. This study is to alternative environmental value education program, to have equalized view-points in the relations of economics and ecology through the small community located in Japan. The exact name of that program is GENSANGGAI. They have persued to attain a spiritual state of complete absence of ego through this program, and this spiritual state can be important environmental value educaton goal, which make the student to see the evironment with equalized view-points in the interdependence between economics and ecology. we can say that this program can be a kind affective (sentimentally perceived) environmental education program. It can be good environmental education program in affective domain. we can say that equalized view-points is to attain a spiritual state of complete absence of ego. This program is some similar to Kohlberg's latter term theory and Open educationin theory in substantial aspect, he persued Just Community Approach through Kibbutz in Israel. From the basis of his theory, if the GENSANGGAI program, which means harmony between socialization and development of moral stage, individualism and communism.

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제주도의 지역 환경 자원을 활용한 초등학교 고학년용 체험교육 프로그램 개발 (The Development of Experience Education Program for Elementary Upper Grades using Local Environmental Resources of Jeju Island)

  • 강경희
    • 한국환경교육학회지:환경교육
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    • 제22권3호
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    • pp.72-82
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study was to develope experience-education program for elementary students which use environmental resources and learning sources of Jeju island. This study designed developing framework of environmental education program for using local resources and developed experience-education program on the basis of it. Especially this program consisted of direct experience, indirect experience, and local community learning. This program consisted of five activities -'Jeju's water', 'Mecca of wind power', 'Rushing jellyfish', 'Ramsar wetland', and 'Searching the fossil'. Each activity themes was to use environmental resources of Jeju island. And this program had relationship with science, social studies, and ethics in the curriculum. The result of this study will serve to activate environmental education program for using local resources if we solve program's problem through application process.

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중학교 과학과 기후변화 교육 프로그램 개발과 적용 (Development and Application of Climate Change Education Program in Middle School Science)

  • 우정애;남영숙
    • 한국과학교육학회지
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    • 제32권5호
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    • pp.938-953
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    • 2012
  • 이 연구의 목적은 중학생들의 기후변화에 대한 이해 증진과 미래의 기후변화에 대한 예측을 통해 기후변화에 대응하고 실천할 수 있는 능력을 길러 주기 위한 중학교 과학과 기후변화 교육 프로그램을 개발하고 적용하여 그 효과를 분석하는 것이다. 이 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 중학교 과학과 교과시간을 위한 기후변화 교육 프로그램이 개발되었다. 중학교 과학과 기후변화 교육 프로그램은 8개의 주제가 기후변화의 현상과 원인, 영향 및 대응방안 등의 교육내용을 중심으로 중학교 교과 교육과정에 활용될 수 있도록 개발되었으며, 기후변화가 가지는 지구시스템 과학 교육의 특성과 지속가능 발전 교육의 통합적인 특성을 반영하도록 개발하였다. 둘째, 개발된 중학교 과학과 기후변화 교육 프로그램을 적용하여 효과를 분석하였다. 효과를 분석해 본 결과, 중학교 과학과 기후변화 교육프로그램은 학생들의 기후변화에 대한 지식 이해 수준 및 기후변화에 대한 인식 및 태도, 실천의지의 향상에 기여했음을 보여주었다.

성교육프로그램이 여중생의 성 지식과 성 태도에 미치는 효과 (Effect of the Sexual Knowledge and Sexual Attitude of the Middle School Women Students through Sexua l Education Program)

  • 정금희;김신정;양순옥
    • Child Health Nursing Research
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    • 제9권4호
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    • pp.420-431
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    • 2003
  • Purpose: This study aims at not only suggesting some ideas useful in planning and doing the sexual education in the middle schools in the near future putting into test the sexual education program which has been developed by researchers in accordance with the national education courses but also improve sexual health of the adolecents through taking right sexual knowledge and sound sexual attitude. Method: Non-equivalent control group pretest-posttest design was used. The number of experimental group students was 37 and the number of controll group students was 37. A total of 74 first grade 'H'middle school girls at H district in KangWon-Do were selected for a convenience sampling method and have been taught the sexual education program during 6weeks, 12times. Result: The findings of the study are as follows: After the sexual education program, the sexual knowledge of experimental group show to be significantly different from that they had before(t=-5.861, p=.000). So, this finding indicating that the adolescent sexual education program helps the ado have and expand the correct sexual knowledge accordingly. In order to look into any change of the sexaul attitudes of experimental group after the sexual education program, there were not significant difference(t=-1.083, p=.286). But some items were significant. It is discovered that the adolescence come to have more affirmative and sound sexual attitude after sexual education program. Conclusion: As the findings of the study indicate, it may be concluded as follows: Since the sexual education program can affirmative influence on the sexual knowledge and sexual attitudes of the adolescence, it is recommendable to perform the sexual education program suitable for every stage of growth and development should be developed, qualified teachers and the educational materials should be reinforced and added enough and institutional device should be made to execute the sexual education program systematically.

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영양교육 프로그램이 서울 지역 노인의 체력, 영양상태, 건강관련 삶의 질에 미치는 영향 (The Effect of Nutrition Education Program in Physical Health, Nutritional Status and Health-Related Quality of Life of the Elderly in Seoul)

  • 최윤정;김찬;박유신
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • 제40권3호
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    • pp.270-280
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    • 2007
  • This study was performed to investigate the effects oi nutrition education program in physical health, nutritional status and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of the Elderly in Seoul. Nutrition education program was consisted of healthy eating, prevention and diet therapy of obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and osteoporosis. Seventy eight free-living elderly people (13 male, 65 female), aged ${\geq}60 $ years participated in this program. Before and after nutrition education program, we surveyed the general characteristics, physical health, general health, nutrition status, and health-related quality of life to the subjects. All the subjects were divided into program completers (N=47) and noncompleters (N=31). All the data were analyzed by student t-test, chi-square test, paired t-test, and marginal homogeneity test using SPSS 9.0 version at p<0.05. After nutrition education program, physical activity and ADL maintained, however IADL improved in program noncompleters. In eating habits, 'slow eating' significantly improved in program completers in program completers. Nutrition knowledge and recognition scores were significantly increased in both groups, and accuracy score was significantly increased in program completers. However, nutrient-intakes of %RDA were not significantly changed in both groups, and it seemed to be more influenced by other factors such as 'family income' or 'family type' than by the nutrition education program. In HRQoL, social functioning was improved after nutrition education program in both groups (p<0.05). The nutrition education program has more effects on the program completers than on the noncompleters, and it is also needed social supports for the Elderly to fulfill their nutrient requirements.