• Title/Summary/Keyword: Ecosystem process

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Developing and Assessing a Learning Progression for the Ecosystem (생태계에 대한 학습발달과정의 개발과 평가)

  • Yeo, Chaeyeong;Lee, Hyonyong
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.29-43
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    • 2016
  • There have been much efforts to reconstruct the science curriculum focusing on Disciplinary Core Ideas(DCI) in many countries such as America and Europe, the most practical effort has been to design a curriculum with learning progressions(LPs). LPs describe stepwise how students can systematically move toward the understanding of more sophisticated ideas or scientific activities and explain in succession the process of understanding the ideas while the students learn. In this study, a LP for ecosystems has been developed, and the developed LP is then evaluated accordingly. The Ecosystem is one of the DCI of the life science in Next Generation Science Standards(NGSS). The development process of the LP was set at step 4(Development, Assessment, Analysis, and Amendment), and developed through an iterative process of sequences. As a result of analyzing the developed LP, an assessment based on the LP provides reliable information to identifying student ability. This study proposes the development process of the LP and its methodological aspects to use Core Achievement Standards, Ordered Multiple-Choice items and the Rasch model. In addition, using the empirically proven LP suggests a way of strengthening curriculum linked to educational content, teaching methods and assessment. Utilizing the proposed development process in this study will be to present the standard into the direction of becoming part of the curriculum. Currently, the state of domestic research for the LP is still lacking. This study determined the development process of the LP and the need to conduct future research on the LPs.

A Theoretical Study on the Coevolution Strategy of University Innovation Ecosystems (대학 혁신생태계의 공진화 전략에 대한 이론적 고찰)

  • Park, Sang-Kyu
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.12
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    • pp.268-277
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    • 2020
  • This study emphasizes that the survival strategy of universities should be a co-evolution strategy based on ecological thinking. Therefore, the purpose of the research is to present a theoretical framework for dividing the university innovation ecosystem into four stages and building a co-evolution strategy for each step, as universities play a prominent role in regional innovation ecosystems. Thus, our research method focused on literature research, and the theoretical framework for the university innovation ecosystem used Moore's Enterprise Ecosystem Model (1996). The university's ecological innovation strategy is divided into four stages of development, and a step-by-step co-evolution strategy is presented. Findings are summarized as follows. The pioneering stage involves the creation of values of the university-led innovation ecosystem. The expansion stage focuses on the establishment of critical mass. The authority stage covers maintaining authority and bargaining power. The renewal stage features continuous performance improvement. In particular, this theoretical model of the university-regional innovation ecosystem is meaningful in that it provides a theoretical basis for enhancing the effectiveness of government financial support projects, and for individual universities, it provides a framework for strategies suitable for their ecosystem building process.

Priority Determination of the Projects for Ecological Restoration of the Stream : Case Study for Han River Estuary (생태하천 복원사업 우선순위 선정에 대한 연구: 한강하구를 중심으로)

  • Seonuk Baek;Junhak Lee;Seungmin Lee;Haneul Lee;Hung Soo Kim;Soojun Kim
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.64-73
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    • 2023
  • Before 2022, there was a lot of confusion in the process of planning and implementing the projects for ecological restoration of the stream due to dualization the principal agent of stream management. Because the Ministry of Environment took charge of the project in 2022, securing the health of aquatic ecosystem of stream became an essential factor in the project. Therefore, in this study, the streams that require the project for ecological restoration was selected in Han River estuary, where it is essential to secure the health of the stream aquatic ecosystem as blackish water zone and Ramsar wetland are located. Physical, chemical, spatial/humanistic, health of aquatic ecosystems evaluation indexes were calculated based on the detailed facts and figures of the project for ecological restoration of the stream in the beginning. Ranking, re-scaling, z-score, and t-score normalization methods were applied to the calculated evaluation index, and the values were compared and analyzed. After that, the entropy weight method was applied to each evaluation index. Through this process, the streams(Mokgamcheon, Anyangcheon etc.) that require the project for ecological restoration were selected for the purpose of securing the health of the aquatic ecosystem in Han River estuary. The result of this study can be used as basic research data in the process of selecting the priority determination of the projects for ecological restoration of the stream.

Sustainable Road Construction Techniques with Special Emphasis on the Conservation and Restoration of Ecosystem in Japan (생태계의 보전·복원을 고려한 일본의 환경친화적 도로건설 기술 사례 연구)

  • Sung, Hyun-Chan;Moon, Da-Mi
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.74-84
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    • 2003
  • This study focuses on the technology to reduce destruction and damages of an ecosystem in the process of road construction. The authors investigated the ecological conservation activities and restoration technology which were applied to the construction of 2 bridges in Japan. The key results are as following : First, the most important thing in constructing eco-road was the linear design. Second, we need to adopt the environmental construction forms and materials to the design of structure. Finally, we have to use environment-friendly methods for the sake of the ecosystem at the real construction stage. Adopting those technologies has at least a few merits. First, we can achieve out goals : conservation and restoration in the local habitat. Second, we can save money instead of building a eco-bridge. There is a further advantage which makes it possible to develop environment-friendly technologies than before by drawing developers' attention.

The Spatiotemporal Impact of Urban Growth based on Landuse Pattern (도시성장에 따른 토지이용패턴의 시공간적 영향 평가)

  • Lee, Dong-Kun;Choe, Hye-Yeong;Oh, Kyushik
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.161-170
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    • 2009
  • As urban growth continues, the earth ecosystem is increasingly dependent on the patterns of urban growth. The impact intensity from urban growth is expected to change predictably with distance from the urban center. However we can't fully understand yet how urban development pattern affects urban ecosystem. In researches about urban ecosystem, it is important to relate the spatial pattern of urbanization to ecological processes. So we used gradient analysis with time data; 1980's, 1990's and 2000's. We attempted to quantify the urban spatiotemporal impacts in Daejeon-city and Cheonan-city, Korea, along a 75km long and 3km wide transect. Through the results, we found the impacts range of urbanization with urban development process of two cities. When the urban growth was concentrated on in both cities, the impacts intensity and range were much stronger and wider. As a result, in urban planning or green space planning, we have to consider suitable urban development forms with surrounding areas, and make legal clauses which limits landuse change. This quantifying the urban gradient is an important step in understanding urban ecology.

An Ecological Perspective on Policy Knowledget: Comparative Analysis of e-Government between Korea and U.S.A (정책지식의 생태학적 접근 - 한·미 전자정부정책 비교분석 -)

  • Han, Saeeok
    • Informatization Policy
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.18-42
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    • 2013
  • Policy-related knowledge refers to a body of knowledge that bureaucrats and policy makers use when making decisions. In this study we conceptualize policy knowledge as intellectual infrastructure which helps to maximize efficiency with the viewpoint of policy ecosystem. The policy knowledge ecosystem covers people and organizations that participate in the production, distribution, and consumption process of the policy-related knowledge plus interactions between participants. We build the conceptual policy ecosystem model of comparative analysis, and analyze characters of e-government policy between Korea and U.S.A. The results suggest theoretical and policy implications focusing on the relevant policy knowledge is crucial for the sustainable development and growth.

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A Study on Development Direction of Metaverse and Six Issues to Promote Metaverse (메타버스의 발전방향과 활성화를 위한 6대 이슈 연구)

  • Lee, Sangjun;Kim, Taesoon;Lee, Haekyung;Park, Sang-Hyun
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.41-59
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    • 2022
  • Metaverse which was not mentioned until recently due to the failure of 'Second Life' in the past is drawing attention again with the emergence and popularity of metaverse platforms such as 'Roblox' and 'Zeppetto'. On the other hand, there are concerns that past failures will still be repeated. In order to create and sustain the ecosystem surrounding the metaverse, it is important to diagnose and analyze the development process of the metaverse industry and market to define a clear concept that expresses the current metaverse boom. In this paper, the metaverse of the future is defined as "Metaverse 2.0: A virtual world that evolves into a 'Hyper world' through the convergence of hyper-connectivity, hyper-intelligence, and hyper-reality." And six issues that need to be resolved for the activation of the metaverse were analyzed. Based on the contents of this study, it is expected that the metaverse ecosystem will be formed and spread by establishing the roles of the public sector and the private sector.

Goal, Structure, and Recent Development of the GLOBEC Programme (GLOBEC 프로그램의 목적, 운영체계 및 최근의 동향에 대하여)

  • Kim, Su-Am
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.10-15
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    • 2000
  • Goals, research direction, and operational structure of the Global Ocean Ecosystem Dynamics (GLOBEC), which is co-sponsored by the Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR) and the Intergovemmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC), are described. Following the Joint Global Ocean Flux Study (JGOFS) activities on the lower trophic level in ecosystem during 1980s-90s, scientists have considered the responses of the mid and higher trophic levels to the environmental or climate change. The scientific steering committee of the GLOBEC published the implementation plan in 1999, and the IGBP will support the GLOBEC as one of its core projects for 10 years. The GLOBEC programme has four major components: the research foci, framework activities, regional programmes, and integrating activity. The core of GLOBEC research is the four research foci: retrospective analyses, process studies, predictive and modelling capabilities, and feedbacks. Currently, four regional programmes have been undergoing in the world ocean: Southern Ocean GLOBEC (SO-GLOBEC), Small Pelagic Fishes and Climate Changes (SPACC), Cod and Climate Change (CCC), and Climate Change and Carrying Capacity (CCCC). Also, national GLOBEC programmes were already established in 9 nations.

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Accessibility Analysis in Mapping Cultural Ecosystem Service of Namyangju-si (접근성 개념을 적용한 문화서비스 평가 -남양주시를 대상으로-)

  • Jun, Baysok;Kang, Wanmo;Lee, Jaehyuck;Kim, Sunghoon;Kim, Byeori;Kim, Ilkwon;Lee, Jooeun;Kwon, Hyuksoo
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.367-377
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    • 2018
  • A cultural ecosystem service(CES), which is non-material benefit that human gains from ecosystem, has been recently further recognized as gross national income increases. Previous researches proposed to quantify the value of CES, which still remains as a challenging issue today due to its social and cultural subjectivity. This study proposes new way of assessing CES which is called Cultural Service Opportunity Spectrum(CSOS). CSOS is accessibility based CES assessment methodology for regional scale and it is designed to be applicable for any regions in Korea for supporting decision making process. CSOS employed public spatial data which are road network and population density map. In addition, the results of 'Rapid Assessment of Natural Assets' implemented by National Institute of Ecology, Korea were used as a complementary data. CSOS was applied to Namyangju-si and the methodology resulted in revealing specific areas with great accessibility to 'Natural Assets' in the region. Based on the results, the advantages and limitations of the methodology were discussed with regard to weighting three main factors and in contrast to Scenic Quality model and Recreation model of InVEST which have been commonly used for assessing CES today due to its convenience today.

A Study on e-Healthcare Business Model: Focusing on Business Ecosystem Approach (e헬스케어 비즈니스모델에 관한 연구: 비즈니스생태계 접근 중심으로)

  • Kim, Youngsoo;Jung, Jai-Jin
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.167-185
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    • 2019
  • As most G-20 countries expect medical spending to grow rapidly over the next few decades, the burden of healthcare costs continues to grow globally due to an increase in the elderly population and chronic illnesses, and the ongoing quality improvement of health care services. However, under the rapidly changing technological environment of healthcare and IT convergence, the problem may become even bigger if not properly recognized and not properly prepared. In the context of the paradigm shift and the increasing problem of the medical field, complex responses in technical, institutional and business aspects are urgently needed. The key is to derive a business model that is appropriate for businesses that integrate IT in the medical field. With the arrival of the era of the 4th industrial revolution, new technologies such as Internet of Things have been applied to eHealthcare, and the need for new business models has emerged.In the e-healthcare of the Internet era, it became a traditional firm-based business model. However, due to the characteristics of dynamics and complexity of things Internet in the Internet of things, A business ecosystem-based approach is needed. In this paper, we present and analyze the major success factors of the ecosystem based on the 3 - layer structure of the e - healthcare business ecosystem as a result of research on e - healthcare business ecosystem based on emerging technology such as Internet of things. The three-layer business ecosystem was defined as (1) Infrastructure Layer, (2) Character Layer, and (3) Stakeholder Layer. As the key success factors for the eHealthCare business ecosystem, the following four factors are suggested: (1) introduction of the iHealthcare concept, (2) expansion of the business ecosystem, (3) business ecosystem change process innovation, and (4) business ecosystem leadership innovation.