• 제목/요약/키워드: Ecological modeling

검색결과 236건 처리시간 0.038초

Model development in freshwater ecology with a case study using evolutionary computation

  • Kim, Dong-Kyun;Jeong, Kwang-Seuk;McKay, Robert Ian (Bob);Chon, Tae-Soo;Kim, Hyun-Woo;Joo, Gea-Jae
    • Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • 제33권4호
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    • pp.275-288
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    • 2010
  • Ecological modeling faces some unique problems in dealing with complex environment-organism relationships, making it one of the toughest domains that might be encountered by a modeler. Newer technologies and ecosystem modeling paradigms have recently been proposed, all as part of a broader effort to reduce the uncertainty in models arising from qualitative and quantitative imperfections in the ecological data. In this paper, evolutionary computation modeling approaches are introduced and proposed as useful modeling tools for ecosystems. The results of our case study support the applicability of an algal predictive model constructed via genetic programming. In conclusion, we propose that evolutionary computation may constitute a powerful tool for the modeling of highly complex objects, such as river ecosystems.

'먹이 그물과 먹이 피라미드' 모형 구성에서 나타난 초등학생의 추론 유형 (Elementary Student's Reasoning Patterns Represented in Constructing Models of 'Food Web and Food Pyramid')

  • 한문현;김희백
    • 한국초등과학교육학회지:초등과학교육
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    • 제31권1호
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    • pp.71-83
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study was to explore ecological concepts, epistemological reasoning and reasoning processes through constructing 'food web and food pyramid' in ecology. We conducted classes which involved a 'food web and food pyramid' for $6^{th}$ grade students. Each class is constructed of small groups to do modeling and epistemological reasoning through communication. The researcher had videotaped and recorded each class and have made transcription about classes. We analysed patterns of 'food web and food pyramid models' and reasoning processes according to scientific epistemology using transcription data and student outputs. As a result, students represented phenomenon-based reasoning, relation-based reasoning and model-based reasoning in scientific epistemology from their modeling. Students usually did relation-based reasoning and model-based reasoning in food web which explains ecological phenonenon, while they usually did model-based reasoning in food pyramid which expects ecological phenomenon. Student's reasoning can be limited when they have misconception of scientific knowledge and are limited by fragmentary knowledge. This represents that students has to do relation-based reasoning and model-based reasoning is beneficial in their ecological model. It also suggests that students need to define correct-conception related to ecological modeling(food web, food pyramid).

해양 생태모델링 고찰 (A Brief Introduction to Marine Ecosystem Modeling)

  • 김해철;조양기
    • 한국해양학회지:바다
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    • 제18권1호
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    • pp.21-31
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    • 2013
  • 생태모델은 생태계 구성 요소간의 관계를 수치적으로 표현하여 생태계 내에 존재하는 다양한 요인들의 시간에 따른 내재적 변동과 외부 조건의 변화에 따른 반응을 예측하는데 유용한 도구다. 해양 생태모델은 학제간 공동 연구결과를 토대로, 보다 체계적이고 종합적인 접근 방법을 통해, 최근 수 십 년 동안 많은 발전을 이룩하였다. 이 글은 해양 생태모델의 이론적 배경을 살피고, 모델 수립 시 고려해야 할 사항 및 최근 동향에 대하여 소개한다.

Residual spatial autocorrelation in macroecological and biogeographical modeling: a review

  • Gaspard, Guetchine;Kim, Daehyun;Chun, Yongwan
    • Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • 제43권2호
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    • pp.191-201
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    • 2019
  • Macroecologists and biogeographers continue to predict the distribution of species across space based on the relationship between biotic processes and environmental variables. This approach uses data related to, for example, species abundance or presence/absence, climate, geomorphology, and soils. Researchers have acknowledged in their statistical analyses the importance of accounting for the effects of spatial autocorrelation (SAC), which indicates a degree of dependence between pairs of nearby observations. It has been agreed that residual spatial autocorrelation (rSAC) can have a substantial impact on modeling processes and inferences. However, more attention should be paid to the sources of rSAC and the degree to which rSAC becomes problematic. Here, we review previous studies to identify diverse factors that potentially induce the presence of rSAC in macroecological and biogeographical models. Furthermore, an emphasis is put on the quantification of rSAC by seeking to unveil the magnitude to which the presence of SAC in model residuals becomes detrimental to the modeling process. It turned out that five categories of factors can drive the presence of SAC in model residuals: ecological data and processes, scale and distance, missing variables, sampling design, and assumptions and methodological approaches. Additionally, we noted that more explicit and elaborated discussion of rSAC should be presented in species distribution modeling. Future investigations involving the quantification of rSAC are recommended in order to understand when rSAC can have an adverse effect on the modeling process.

국가 물환경관리정책 지원을 위한 수질모델링 기술의 발전방향 (Future Development Direction of Water Quality Modeling Technology to Support National Water Environment Management Policy)

  • 정세웅;김성진;박형석;서동일
    • 한국물환경학회지
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    • 제36권6호
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    • pp.621-635
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    • 2020
  • Water quality models are scientific tools that simulate and interpret the relationship between physical, chemical and biological reactions to external pollutant loads in water systems. They are actively used as a key technology in environmental water management. With recent advances in computational power, water quality modeling technology has evolved into a coupled three-dimensional modeling of hydrodynamics, water quality, and ecological inputs. However, there is uncertainty in the simulated results due to the increasing model complexity, knowledge gaps in simulating complex aquatic ecosystem, and the distrust of stakeholders due to nontransparent modeling processes. These issues have become difficult obstacles for the practical use of water quality models in the water management decision process. The objectives of this paper were to review the theoretical background, needs, and development status of water quality modeling technology. Additionally, we present the potential future directions of water quality modeling technology as a scientific tool for national environmental water management. The main development directions can be summarized as follows: quantification of parameter sensitivities and model uncertainty, acquisition and use of high frequency and high resolution data based on IoT sensor technology, conjunctive use of mechanistic models and data-driven models, and securing transparency in the water quality modeling process. These advances in the field of water quality modeling warrant joint research with modeling experts, statisticians, and ecologists, combined with active communication between policy makers and stakeholders.


  • Lee, Ju-Young;Hopkins, James
    • Water Engineering Research
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    • 제7권1호
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    • pp.9-20
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    • 2006
  • The watersheds are functional geographical areas that integrate a variety of environmental and ecological processes and human impacts on landscapes. Geographical assessments using GIS recognize the relationship between interdependence of resources and ecological/environmental components in watersheds. They are useful methodology for viable long term natural resource management. This paper performs through the using hydrological analyses, landscape ecological analyses, remote sensing, and GIS. Indicators are items or measures that represent key components of the small watersheds, and they are developed to be evaluated. Some indicators are described that they represent watershed condition and trend as well as focus on physical, biological and chemical properties of small watershed. Also, ecological functions such as stability, resilience, and sensitivity are inferred from them. The model implemented in GIS allows to reflect the ecological and hydrological functioning of watershed. Methodology from image analysis, landscape ecological analysis, spatial interpolation, and numerical process modeling are integrated within GIS to provide assessment for eco-logical/environmental condition. Results are described from the small watershed of Gwynns Falls in Baltimore County and Baltimore City, Maryland, an area of about 66.5 square miles. The small watershed within Gwynns Falls watershed are subject to a number of land-use. But it is predominantly urban, with significantly lesser amounts of forest and agriculture. The increasing urbanization is ass-coiated with ecological/environmental impacts and citizen conflicts.

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비선형 시계열 하천생태모형 개발과정 중 시간지연단계와 입력변수, 모형 예측성 간 관계평가 (Relationship among Degree of Time-delay, Input Variables, and Model Predictability in the Development Process of Non-linear Ecological Model in a River Ecosystem)

  • 정광석;김동균;윤주덕;라긍환;김현우;주기재
    • 생태와환경
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    • 제43권1호
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    • pp.161-167
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    • 2010
  • In this study, we implemented an experimental approach of ecological model development in order to emphasize the importance of input variable selection with respect to time-delayed arrangement between input and output variables. Time-series modeling requires relevant input variable selection for the prediction of a specific output variable (e.g. density of a species). Inadequate variable utility for input often causes increase of model construction time and low efficiency of developed model when applied to real world representation. Therefore, for future prediction, researchers have to decide number of time-delay (e.g. months, weeks or days; t-n) to predict a certain phenomenon at current time t. We prepared a total of 3,900 equation models produced by Time-Series Optimized Genetic Programming (TSOGP) algorithm, for the prediction of monthly averaged density of a potamic phytoplankton species Stephanodiscus hantzschii, considering future prediction from 0- (no future prediction) to 12-months ahead (interval by 1 month; 300 equations per each month-delay). From the investigation of model structure, input variable selectivity was obviously affected by the time-delay arrangement, and the model predictability was related with the type of input variables. From the results, we can conclude that, although Machine Learning (ML) algorithms which have popularly been used in Ecological Informatics (EI) provide high performance in future prediction of ecological entities, the efficiency of models would be lowered unless relevant input variables are selectively used.