• Title/Summary/Keyword: Earth-volume

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Design of an Elliptical Orbit for High-Resolution Optical Observation at a Very Low Altitude over the Korean Peninsula

  • Dongwoo Kim;Taejin Chung
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.35-44
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    • 2023
  • Surveillance and reconnaissance intelligence in the space domain will become increasingly important in future battlefield environments. Moreover, to assimilate the military provocations and trends of hostile countries, imagery intelligence of the highest possible resolution is required. There are many methods for improving the resolution of optical satellites when observing the ground, such as designing satellite optical systems with a larger diameter and lowering the operating altitude. In this paper, we propose a method for improving ground observation resolution by using an optical system for a previously designed low orbit satellite and lowering the operating altitude of the satellite. When the altitude of a satellite is reduced in a circular orbit, a large amount of thrust fuel is required to maintain altitude because the satellite's altitude can decrease rapidly due to atmospheric drag. However, by using the critical inclination, which can fix the position of the perigee in an elliptical orbit to the observation area, the operating altitude of the satellite can be reduced using less fuel compared to a circular orbit. This method makes it possible to obtain a similar observational resolution of a medium-sized satellite with the same weight and volume as a small satellite. In addition, this method has the advantage of reducing development and launch costs to that of a small-sized satellite. As a result, we designed an elliptical orbit. The perigee of the orbit is 300 km, the apogee is 8,366.52 km, and the critical inclination is 116.56°. This orbit remains at its lowest altitude to the Korean peninsula constantly with much less orbit maintenance fuel compared to the 300 km circular orbit.

Effect of Decay Rate Coefficients with Sulfur Denitrification due to Salt in Seafood Wastewater (수산물 가공폐수내 염분이 황 탈질 반응속도 상수에 미치는 영향)

  • Jo, You-Na;Choi, Yong-Bum;Han, Dong-Joon;Kwon, Jae-Hyouk
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.8
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    • pp.367-377
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    • 2017
  • This study examined the effects of the salinity of seafood wastewater on the sulfur denitrification process. An examination of the denitrification efficiency showed that the optimal EBCT was 1hr at an influent T-N concentration of 20mg/L or lower and 2-3hr at an T-N concentration of 30mg/L. An examination of the denitrification efficiency according to the nitrogen load showed that the legal effluent water quality criterion was satisfied when the influent load was maintained within $0.496kg/m^3/day$. On the other hand, the reactor volume increased when this was applied to the site. Therefore, the influent load should be within $0.372kg/m^3/day$ considering the denitrification and economic efficiency. At a load of $0.248{\sim}0.628kg/m^3{\cdot}day$, the k value was $0.0890{\sim}0.5032hr^{-1}$. The batch experimental results according to the $Cl^-$ concentration showed that at an influent nitrogen concentration of 30.0mg/L, the effect of the denitrification efficiency was not large below the salinity of $7,000mgCl^-/L$, but inhibition occurred above $9,000mgCl^-/L$. Calculations of the reaction rate constant according to the $Cl^-$ concentration showed that the reaction rate constant was $0.1049{\sim}0.2324hr^{-1}$ at a raw wastewater concentration of ${\sim}5,000mgCl^-/L$. In contrast, the k value was $0.1588hr^{-1}$ at $7,000mgCl^-/L$ and $0.1049hr^{-1}$ at $9,000mgCl^-/L$.

GMI Microwave Sea Surface Temperature Validation and Environmental Factors in the Seas around Korean Peninsula (한반도 주변해 GMI 마이크로파 해수면온도 검증과 환경적 요인)

  • Kim, Hee-Young;Park, Kyung-Ae;Kwak, Byeong-Dae;Joo, Hui-Tae;Lee, Joon-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.43 no.5
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    • pp.604-617
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    • 2022
  • Sea surface temperature (SST) is a key variable that can be used to understand ocean-atmosphere phenomena and predict climate change. Satellite microwave remote sensing enables the measurement of SST despite the presence of clouds and precipitation in the sensor path. Therefore, considering the high utilization of microwave SST, it is necessary to continuously verify its accuracy and analyze its error characteristics. In this study, the validation of the microwave global precision measurement (GPM)/GPM microwave imager (GMI) SST around the Northwest Pacific and Korean Peninsula was conducted using surface drifter temperature data for approximately eight years from March 2014 to December 2021. The GMI SST showed a bias of 0.09K and an average root mean square error of 0.97K compared to the actual SST, which was slightly higher than that observed in previous studies. In addition, the error characteristics of the GMI SST were related to environmental factors, such as latitude, distance from the coast, sea wind, and water vapor volume. Errors tended to increase in areas close to coastal areas within 300 km of land and in high-latitude areas. In addition, relatively high errors were found in the range of weak wind speeds (<6 m s-1) during the day and strong wind speeds (>10 m s-1) at night. Atmospheric water vapor contributed to high SST differences in very low ranges of <30 mm and in very high ranges of >60 mm. These errors are consistent with those observed in previous studies, in which GMI data were less accurate at low SST and were estimated to be due to differences in land and ocean radiation, wind-induced changes in sea surface roughness, and absorption of water vapor into the microwave atmosphere. These results suggest that the characteristics of the GMI SST differences should be clarified for more extensive use of microwave satellite SST calculations in the seas around the Korean Peninsula, including a part of the Northwest Pacific.

Improvement of Oxygen Isotope Analysis in Seawater samples with Stable Isotope Mass Spectrometer (질량분석기를 이용한 해수 중 산소안정동위원소 분석법의 개선)

  • Park, Mi-Kyung;Kang, Dong-Jin;Kim, Kyung-Ryul
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.348-353
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    • 2008
  • Oxygen isotope has not been used actively in water mass studies because of difficulties on the analysis though it has advantages as a water mass tracer. The most popular method to analysis the oxygen isotope ratio in water samples is equilibration method: isotopic equilibrium of water with $CO_2$ at constant temperature. The precision of oxygen isotope analysis using commercial automatic $H_2O/CO_2$ equilibrator is ${\pm}0.1%o$. This value is not sufficient for studies in open ocean. The object of this study is to improve the analytical precision enough to apply open ocean studies by modification of the instrument. When sample gas is transferred by the pressure difference, the fractionation which is preferential transportation of light isotope can be occurred since the long transportation path between the equilibrator and mass spectrometer. And the The biggest source of error during the analysis is long distance and large volume of the pathway of sample gas between. Therefore, liquid nitrogen trap and high vacuum system are introduced to the system. The precisions of 14 time analysis of same seawater sample are ${\pm}0.081%o$ and ${\pm}0.021%o$ by built-in system and by modified system in this study, respectively.

The Development of Insecticidal Soaps and Organic Control of Aphid (CODEX 유기농업허용 살충비누 제조와 진딧물 방제연구)

  • Lee, Tae-Geun;Yoon, Sung-Hee;Park, Dong-Yun
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.87-99
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    • 2002
  • The development of insecticidal soaps made by various fatty acids and organic control for insect by using of insecticidal soap(fatty acid salts) were employed. And the results were as follows: 1. To determine the input volume of potassium hydroxide for saponification of fatty acids, there were compared to individual acid value of fatty acids. in case of coconut fatty acids for saponification was 266.3 mg of potassium hydroxide(266 g/1kg of fatty acid) was calculated. 2. To make the 25% soap content by coconut fatty acids, there was required for the 266g of potassium hydroxide and 3,459 liter of soft water. Then the liquor of soap was 4,644 liter. 3. The progress of insecticidal soap made by fatty acids was accomplished indirect heating and stirring reactor (1)to make the volume of potassium hydroxide solution and warming up(90$^{\circ}$) (2)input volume of individual fatty acid (3)more than 30 min stirring reaction (4)cooling progress. 4. Insecticidal value of insecticidal soap was observed more than 92% the dilution of 50 dilution solution in consecutive 5 days of 2 treatments of the 25% soap made by coconut fatty acids on the red pepper. And insecticidal value of insecticidal soap was observed more than 94% the 100 dilution solution in consecutive 5 days of 3 treatments of the 25% soap made by coconut fatty acids on red pepper and cabbage. 5. The treatment of two times of 25% soap made by coconut fatty acids at the 50 dilution solution and 100 dilution solution in spider mite on red bean has 100% insecticidal value. 6. There was no observation phytotoxic sypmtons on red pepper in field, except for 25% soap made by carprylic acid. 7. Over the two times over 0.1% in addition of isopropyl alcohol was to improvement the insecticidal effect, but there was no effect in addition of diatomaceous earth.

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Improvement in facies discrimination using multiple seismic attributes for permeability modelling of the Athabasca Oil Sands, Canada (캐나다 Athabasca 오일샌드의 투수도 모델링을 위한 다양한 탄성파 속성들을 이용한 상 구분 향상)

  • Kashihara, Koji;Tsuji, Takashi
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.80-87
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    • 2010
  • This study was conducted to develop a reservoir modelling workflow to reproduce the heterogeneous distribution of effective permeability that impacts on the performance of SAGD (Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage), the in-situ bitumen recovery technique in the Athabasca Oil Sands. Lithologic facies distribution is the main cause of the heterogeneity in bitumen reservoirs in the study area. The target formation consists of sand with mudstone facies in a fluvial-to-estuary channel system, where the mudstone interrupts fluid flow and reduces effective permeability. In this study, the lithologic facies is classified into three classes having different characteristics of effective permeability, depending on the shapes of mudstones. The reservoir modelling workflow of this study consists of two main modules; facies modelling and permeability modelling. The facies modelling provides an identification of the three lithologic facies, using a stochastic approach, which mainly control the effective permeability. The permeability modelling populates mudstone volume fraction first, then transforms it into effective permeability. A series of flow simulations applied to mini-models of the lithologic facies obtains the transformation functions of the mudstone volume fraction into the effective permeability. Seismic data contribute to the facies modelling via providing prior probability of facies, which is incorporated in the facies models by geostatistical techniques. In particular, this study employs a probabilistic neural network utilising multiple seismic attributes in facies prediction that improves the prior probability of facies. The result of using the improved prior probability in facies modelling is compared to the conventional method using a single seismic attribute to demonstrate the improvement in the facies discrimination. Using P-wave velocity in combination with density in the multiple seismic attributes is the essence of the improved facies discrimination. This paper also discusses sand matrix porosity that makes P-wave velocity differ between the different facies in the study area, where the sand matrix porosity is uniquely evaluated using log-derived porosity, P-wave velocity and photographically-predicted mudstone volume.

Hydrogen and Ethanol Gas Sensing Properties of Mesoporous P-Type CuO

  • Choi, Yun-Hyuk;Han, Hyun-Soo;Shin, Sun;Shin, Seong-Sik;Hong, Kug-Sun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 2012.08a
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    • pp.222-222
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    • 2012
  • Metal oxide gas sensors based on semiconductor type have attracted a great deal of attention due to their low cost, flexible production and simple usability. However, most works have been focused on n-type oxides, while the characteristics of p-type oxide gas sensors have been barely studied. An investigation on p-type oxides is very important in that the use of them makes possible the novel sensors such as p-n diode and tandem devices. Monoclinic cupric oxide (CuO) is p-type semiconductor with narrow band gap (~1.2 eV). This is composed of abundant, nontoxic elements on earth, and thus low-cost, environment-friendly devices can be realized. However, gas sensing properties of neat CuO were rarely explored and the mechanism still remains unclear. In this work, the neat CuO layers with highly ordered mesoporous structures were prepared by a template-free, one-pot solution-based method using novel ink solutions, formulated with copper formate tetrahydrate, hexylamine and ethyl cellulose. The shear viscosity of the formulated solutions was 5.79 Pa s at a shear rate of 1 s-1. The solutions were coated on SiO2/Si substrates by spin-coating (ink) and calcined for 1 h at the temperature of $200{\sim}600^{\circ}C$ in air. The surface and cross-sectional morphologies of the formed CuO layers were observed by a focused ion beam scanning electron microscopy (FIB-SEM) and porosity was determined by image analysis using simple computer-programming. XRD analysis showed phase evolutions of the layers, depending on the calcination temperature, and thermal decompositions of the neat precursor and the formulated ink were investigated by TGA and DSC. As a result, the formation of the porous structures was attributed to the vaporization of ethyl cellulose contained in the solutions. Mesoporous CuO, formed with the ink solution, consisted of grains and pores with nano-meter size. All of them were strongly dependent on calcination temperature. Sensing properties toward H2 and C2H5OH gases were examined as a function of operating temperature. High and fast responses toward H2 and C2H5OH gases were discussed in terms of crystallinity, nonstoichiometry and morphological factors such as porosity, grain size and surface-to-volume ratio. To our knowledge, the responses toward H2 and C2H5OH gases of these CuO gas sensors are comparable to previously reported values.

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Physical Properties of Rocks at the Gagok Skarn Deposit (가곡 스카른광상 암석의 물리적 특성)

  • Shin, Seungwook;Park, Samgyu;Kim, Hyoung-Rae
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.180-189
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    • 2013
  • Geophysical exploration is widely used to develop strategic mineral resources in the world because of its efficient method in detecting mineralized zones in the metallic ore deposit. It is important to understand the physical properties of the stratum so that geophysical data can be more accurately interpreted. This paper is to comprehend physical properties of the rock at the Gagok mine, a typical skarn deposit in Korea. Thus, laboratory tests were conducted on specimens of ore and host rocks which were collected from rock outcrops and drill cores at the Gagok mine. Using the measurement system of rock physical property, we investigated the density, magnetic susceptibility, resistivity, and spectral induced polarization. According to the results, all physical properties of specimens had wide differences depending on contents of ore minerals, which are formed by skarnization. Especially, using the chargeability and time constant from the calculated spectral induced polarization data by the Cole-Cole inversion, we could estimate the volume contents as well as the grain size of the sulfide minerals. Therefore, the spectral induced polarization technique may be considered a useful method when exploring metallic ore deposit with sulfide minerals.

The Principles of Fractal Geometry and Its Applications for Pulp & Paper Industry (펄프·제지 산업에서의 프랙탈 기하 원리 및 그 응용)

  • Ko, Young Chan;Park, Jong-Moon;Shin, Soo-Jung
    • Journal of Korea Technical Association of The Pulp and Paper Industry
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    • v.47 no.4
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    • pp.177-186
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    • 2015
  • Until Mandelbrot introduced the concept of fractal geometry and fractal dimension in early 1970s, it has been generally considered that the geometry of nature should be too complex and irregular to describe analytically or mathematically. Here fractal dimension indicates a non-integer number such as 0.5, 1.5, or 2.5 instead of only integers used in the traditional Euclidean geometry, i.e., 0 for point, 1 for line, 2 for area, and 3 for volume. Since his pioneering work on fractal geometry, the geometry of nature has been found fractal. Mandelbrot introduced the concept of fractal geometry. For example, fractal geometry has been found in mountains, coastlines, clouds, lightning, earthquakes, turbulence, trees and plants. Even human organs are found to be fractal. This suggests that the fractal geometry should be the law for Nature rather than the exception. Fractal geometry has a hierarchical structure consisting of the elements having the same shape, but the different sizes from the largest to the smallest. Thus, fractal geometry can be characterized by the similarity and hierarchical structure. A process requires driving energy to proceed. Otherwise, the process would stop. A hierarchical structure is considered ideal to generate such driving force. This explains why natural process or phenomena such as lightning, thunderstorm, earth quakes, and turbulence has fractal geometry. It would not be surprising to find that even the human organs such as the brain, the lung, and the circulatory system have fractal geometry. Until now, a normal frequency distribution (or Gaussian frequency distribution) has been commonly used to describe frequencies of an object. However, a log-normal frequency distribution has been most frequently found in natural phenomena and chemical processes such as corrosion and coagulation. It can be mathematically shown that if an object has a log-normal frequency distribution, it has fractal geometry. In other words, these two go hand in hand. Lastly, applying fractal principles is discussed, focusing on pulp and paper industry. The principles should be applicable to characterizing surface roughness, particle size distributions, and formation. They should be also applicable to wet-end chemistry for ideal mixing, felt and fabric design for papermaking process, dewatering, drying, creping, and post-converting such as laminating, embossing, and printing.

Change Monitoring in Ecological Restoration Area of Open-Pit Mine Using Drone Photogrammetry (드론사진측량을 이용한 노천광산 생태복원지역의 변화 모니터링)

  • Lee, Dong Gook;Yu, Young Geol;Ru, Ji Ho;Lee, Hyun Jik
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.97-104
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    • 2016
  • In this study, analyze and monitor the change of the ecological restoration area inside the open-pit mine in Gangwon-do. and to analyze and monitor the change of ecological restoration area. analyzed the distribution of vegetation using high-resolution orthophoto of various periods and analyzed terrain change using DSM/DEM in study area. Therefore, orthophoto and 포인트 클라우드 were collected from 2014 aerial laser surveying and 2015 fixed-wing drone photogrammetry. In addition, orhtophoto and 포인트 클라우드 were produced by using rotary-wing drone photogrammety in 2016, and change of ecological restoration area was analyzed using this. As a result, it's possible to perform change monitoring of the open-pit mine ecological restoration area. using nEGI and VARI, about 10-30% of the area ratio of the result of extracting vegetation distribution area is distributed, and the comparison DSM and DEM cross section and restoration plan line, the cross section made by using the drone were similar, and the earth-volume analysis was possible.