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A Study on Collaborative Governance: Focusing on the Cultural Heritage Guardians (문화재지킴이 정책의 협력적 거버넌스 운영 체계 연구)

  • Jang, Youngki
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.54 no.1
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    • pp.184-205
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    • 2021
  • Governance is valued as a new concept and principle of social operation and public policy management, and its influence is gradually expanding. Among the various governance theories being put into practice and in case analysis studies, collaborative governance embracing various governance concepts has been found to increase interdependence and responsibility beyond participation and compromise, and create new public values by integrating and utilizing optimal social coordination forms. In the field of cultural assets, governance-related research is also being conducted for the efficiency, sustainability, and scalability of public policy enforcement. This study explored the government's role (promotion, arbitration, and condition creation) in collaborative governance, focusing on the "Cultural Heritage Guardians" to understand how collaborative governance operates in the cultural heritage sector. Regarding governance policies in the cultural asset sector, the cultural asset guardians highlighted the status, role, and characteristics of policies by examining their introduction, development, and implementation. The results of the analysis revealed that private-led, horizontal public-private cooperation, collaborative governance, policy introduction, solidarity, professionalism, resource/knowledge imbalance, cooperation precedence, etc., facilitate increased participation. The government has accordingly proposed measures to establish comprehensive legal stability centered on cooperation; strategic reorganization of dedicated organizations; strengthened, supportive intermediate organizations; and individual and multi-party consultative bodies.

Administrative Policies and Cases for Effective Utilization of Japan's State-Owned Property (일본의 국유지 유효활용을 위한 행정정책과 사례: 행정재산·공유지 및 민간참여 사례를 중심으로)

  • Jeon, Joon-Woo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.22 no.9
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    • pp.260-270
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    • 2022
  • With the revision of the 「State Property Act」, the conditions for using state-owned land have improved. The new government is also suggesting the necessity of using state-owned land to revitalize private investment and secure financial investment capacity. In line with these policy changes, this study examines Japan's policy on the utilization of state-owned land and effective use cases, and seeks to find policy implications from the perspective of managing and promoting the use of state-owned land. The direction of Japan's public land utilization policy is to induce optimal use of state-owned land through efficient management, and to increase the value of state property by promoting active use of state-owned land through linkage of state-owned and public land and private participation, etc. It appears that the policy is being pursued in the direction of suppressing the sale of state-owned land in the country. To promote the effective use of state-owned land, it is necessary to establish a clear policy direction first. In addition, the establishment of a transparent information disclosure system and the establishment of a strong control tower capable of coordinating interests between ministries are required. The starting point of policy establishment for efficient use of state-owned land is to change the perception that the actual owner of state-owned land is the people.

A Study on the Development of Feasibility Evaluation Model for Establishment of Public Libraries (공공도서관 설립 사전 타당성 평가모형 개발 연구)

  • Sin-Young, Kim;Hee-Yoon, Yoon
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.56 no.4
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    • pp.101-127
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    • 2022
  • Article 31(1) of the Libraries Act(Act No. 18547), which was completely revised on December 7, 2021, stipulates that "the head of a local government or the superintendent of a city/provincial office of education must formulate a plan for the establishment and operation of a public library in advance and obtain the pre-evaluation of the feasibility of establishing a public library from the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism." Through the preliminary feasibility evaluation at the construction stage of the public library, it is possible to adjust distribution to improve the adequacy of scale and resolve regional imbalances and gaps. In addition, it is expected to increase service satisfaction and operational enhancement by inducing faithful securing of core infrastructure (librarians, collection, facilities, systems, etc.) in terms of balanced regional development and public library construction. The purpose of this study is to develop and present the basic direction and feasibility evaluation model for establishment of public libraries. The proposed evaluation model is expected to secure the legal basis and institutional legitimacy of the pre-evaluation system for public library establishment and to prevent waste of tax due to poor construction and operation of public libraries.

On-site Investigation of Work Cease Rights Conducted by Employers to Ensure Worker Safety (근로자 안전을 확보하기 위해 실시하는 사업주에 의한 작업중지권 현장 실태조사)

  • Woo Sub Shim;Sang Beam Kim
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.806-814
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    • 2023
  • Purpose: According to the Occupational Safety and Health Act of the Ministry of Employment and Labor, in order to prevent industrial accidents, the right to stop work must be exercised in the event of an imminent danger. This study conducted a fact-finding survey on whether employers fulfilled the right to suspend work in the workplace when an imminent danger, such as a typhoon, was encountered. Method: For two days from August 9 to October, when the impact of Typhoon Khanun No. 6 was significant, it was confirmed by wire whether or not the work suspension was carried out at the workplace, and the subjects of the survey were 1,649 construction sites, 830 manufacturing sites, and 278 other industries, for a total of 2,757 sites. Result: As a result of the fact-finding survey, 56% (1,555 locations) on August 9th and 77% (2,142 locations) on August 10th carried out full or partial work suspension. In particular, on August 10, when the typhoon landed, 40% of all workplaces completely stopped work. Conclusion: Through this study, it was confirmed that the right to suspend work by employers is being used in actual workplaces. In the future, when there is an imminent danger, in addition to the right to suspend work, flexible and telecommuting, working hour adjustments, etc. must be actively used to ensure the safety of workers and protect their lives.

A Study on Pose Control for Inverted Pendulum System using PID Algorithm (PID 알고리즘을 이용한 역 진자 시스템의 자세 제어에 관한 연구)

  • Jin-Gu Kang
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.400-405
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    • 2023
  • Currently, inverted pendulums are being studied in many fields, including posture control of missiles, rockets, etc, and bipedal robots. In this study, the vertical posture control of the pendulum was studied by constructing a rotary inverted pendulum using a 256-pulse rotary encoder and a DC motor. In the case of nonlinear systems, complex algorithms and controllers are required, but a control method using the classic and relatively simple PID(Proportional Integral Derivation) algorithm was applied to the rotating inverted pendulum system, and a simple but desired method was studied. The rotating inverted pendulum system used in this study is a nonlinear and unstable system, and a PID controller using Microchip's dsPIC30F4013 embedded processor was designed and implemented in linear modeling. Usually, PID controllers are designed by combining one or two or more types, and have the advantage of having a simple structure compared to excellent control performance and that control gain adjustment is relatively easy compared to other controllers. In this study, the physical structure of the system was analyzed using mathematical methods and control for vertical balance of a rotating inverted pendulum was realized through modeling. In addition, the feasibility of controlling with a PID controller using a rotating inverted pendulum was verified through simulation and experiment.

Ultrastructure of Degenerating Axon Terminals in the Basal Forebrain Nuclei of the Rat following Prefrontal Decortication (이마앞겉질을 제거시킨 흰쥐 앞뇌의 바닥핵무리에서 변성축삭종말의 미세구조연구)

  • Ahn, Byung-June;Ko, Jeong-Sik;Ahn, E-Tay
    • Applied Microscopy
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.135-152
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    • 2005
  • Prefrontal cortex is a psychological and metaphysical cortex, which deals with feeling, memory, planning, attention, personality, etc. And it also integrates above-mentioned events with motor control and locomotor activities. Prefrontal cortex works as a highest CNS center, since the above mentioned functions are very important for one's successful life, and further more they are upgraded every moments through memory and learning. Many of these highest functions are supposed to be generated via forebrain basal nuclei (caudate nucleus, fundus striati nucleus, accumbens septi nucleus, septal nucleus, etc.). In this experiment, prefrontal efferent terminals within basal forebrain nuclei were ultrastructurally studied. Spraque Dawley rats, weighing $250{\sim}300g$ each, were anesthetized and their heads were fixed on the stereotaxic apparatus (experimental model, David Kopf Co.). Rats were incised their scalp, perforated a 3mm-wide hole on the right side of skull at the 11mm anterior point from the frontal O point (Ref. 13, Fig. 1), suctioned out the prefrontal cortex including cortex of the frontal pole, with suction instrument. Two days following the operations, small tissue blocks of basal forebrain nuclei were punched out, fixed in 1% glutaraldehyde-1% paraformaldehyde solution followed by 2% osmium tetroxide solutions. Ultrathin sections were stained with 1% borax-toluidin blue solution, and the stained sections were obserbed with an electron microscope. Degenerating axon terminals were found within all the basal forbrain nuclei. Numbers of degenerated terminals were largest in the caudate nucleus, next in order, in the fundus striati nucleus, in the accumbens septi nucleus, and the least in the septal nucleus. Only axospinous terminals were degenerated within the caudate nucleus and the fundus striati nucleus, and they showed the characters of striatal motor control system. Axodendritic and axospinous terminals were degenerated within the accumbens septi nucleus and the lateral septal nucleus, and they showed the characters of visceral limbic system. Prefrontal role in integrating the limbic system with the striatal system, en route basal forebrain nuclei, was discussed.

A Study on the Village Improvement Plan by Typological Analysis of Greenbelt-lifted Villages (개발제한구역 해제취락 유형분석을 통한 취락정비방안 연구)

  • Yoon, Jeong-Joong;Choi, Sang-Hee
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.77-87
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    • 2013
  • About 1,800 villages have released from Greenbelt since Greenbelt-reform-policy for readjustment of the area was promoted after 1997. Even though the government intended to attract planned development & improvement of these lifted villages through District Unit Plan and designating the lifted area as low-rise and low-density zoning considering the characteristics of the Greenbelt region, there are still many problems to be solved: a lack of funds, insufficient capability for self-improvement and unexecuted SOCs in long-term etc. It seems that these problems are caused by focusing on the lifting areas itself instead of researching deeply the condition and characteristics of the villages and searching proper direction/plans of improvement before lifting Greenbelt In addition, the existing plan of village improvement and management was not considering physical and spacial characteristics of the areas, social and economic situation of residents and relationship between the villages and surrounding cities, though these conditions are different among each villages, and the related regulations are applied uniformly across all the villages and those have been causing many civil appeals and environmental problems. In these respects, this study aims to consider the problems of the lifted villages using the existing researches on them and to make typology by characteristics-data of the villages and to establish improvement strategies of each types. In this study, the villages were classified into 5 types as a result of cluster analysis on 424 villages among all 1,800 through variables of locational potentiality : location, accessibility, size and form of village, condition of regulations etc. According to function of the villages, they were divided into 4 types: urban-type, rural-type, industrial-type and neighborhood-centered-type. This study also drew 4 improvement-strategy-types by combination of locational potentiality and village-function : type of improving life-environment, type of improving production-infra, type of inducing-planned-improvement and type of constructing center-of living-circle. Finally, this study suggested the directions of the each 4 types to desirable improvement and management which could be used to make and complement plans for village improvement.

Liability of Air Carrier and its Legislative Problems in China : Some proposals for its Amendments (중국 항공운송법의 현황 및 주요내용과 앞으로의 전망 : 항공운송인의 책임을 중심으로)

  • Li, Hua
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.147-176
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    • 2011
  • China is experiencing rapid economic development and the volume of air passengers and cargo transportation has increased significantly in recent years. To the contray, the regulations on liability of air carrier in china fall behind and are not sufficiently applicable in disputes. Their lack of sufficient protection for air passenger's interests became obstructive factor for further developments of Chinese air transportation industry. The legal system of air carrier's liability mainly consists of the contents as followed. The liability period, the scope of liability, amount of compensation for damage, limitation of liability, liability exemption of air carrier, jurisdiction, limitation of action, applicable law etc. Laws and rules concerning these issues are regulated in Civil Aviation Law and regulations published by Civil Aviation Administration of China. This article described the main contents of air carrier's liability and examined the legislative problems in their applications in real cases. In order to solve the legal problems on the air carrier's liability and disputes between wrongdoers and survivors etc, it is necessary and desirable for china to amend revelvant provisions. One of my proposals is to raise the amount of compensation limitation for damage. And I also would like to suggest that Civil Aviation Law should treat international and domestic transportation equally on the limitation of compensation for air carrier's liability. China has also acceded to the Montreal Convention of 1999 on July 31, 2005. This is an effort to make the law of air carriage unified worldwide through various international conventions to achieve conformity between rules of international air carriage and that of Chinese domestic aircarriage. Furthermore, there should be additional detailed implementation rules for air carrier to assume liability for the losses to passengers, baggage or cargoes caused by delays in the air transport. Significant clarifications are also needed for provisions concerning whether and how air carrier assume liability for moral damage caused by accident.

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Two Points for the Successful Representation of Performing Art Festivals:Artistic Characteristics and Festivity - in the Case of the 'Festival d'Avignon' (공연예술축제를 구성하는 '예술성'과 '축제성'의 특성 분석 - 아비뇽 페스티벌의 사례를 중심으로)

  • RYOO, Jeung-ah
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • no.22
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    • pp.253-285
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    • 2011
  • The number of "Performing Arts Festivals" is growing increasingly in South Korea. This trend is mainly held in large cities which are difficult to communicate closely among residents. South Korea, while the pace of city life and speed of development are very fast, increasing number of "Performing Arts Festivals" with communal characteristics is in the natural process of festival evolution in large cities. In the evolution of the contemporary festival, it is natural to see some increase of modern festival after the development of traditional and folk festivals. It is important that the "Performing Arts Festivals" express the two elements, artistic character and festivity, not only in distinctively but also in harmony. The "Performing Arts Festivals" should consider the process of the organization, human resources, networking systems of the human communication process, resource use, etc. For the success of the festival, we must obtain the complementary effects between two attributes:festival characteristics and artistic senses. Therefore, we chose the 'Festival d'Avignon' as the reference of the total representation of artistic characteristics and festivity. From the case of the Festival d'Avignon, we get the implications of the development of performing arts festival in South Korea. To explain the festival value and artistic significance of the Festival d'Avignon, we explained the spontaneity and openness to public participation, the relationship between spectators and works, the representation of memory and communicative image, etc. To explain the artistic attributes of the 'Festival d'Avignon', we explained the mission to reconcile the artistic and the popular, to promote the artistic know-how, understanding how to communicate with the public, to consider more artistic quality than commercial benefits. Essentially, this study shows the meaning and the vision to forecast the future as well as the recent proliferation in various fields of Performing Arts Festivals. This study may help to improve analytical precision of Performing Arts Festivals.

A study on the strategies to lower technologist occupational exposure according to the performance form in PET scan procedure (PET 검사실 종사자의 업무 행위 별 방사선피폭 조사에 따른 피폭선량 저감화를 위한 연구)

  • Ko, Hyun Soo;Kim, Ho Sung;Nam-Kung, Chang Kyeoung;Yoon, Soon Sang;Song, Jae Hyuk;Ryu, Jae Kwang;Jung, Woo Young;Chang, Jung Chan
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.17-29
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    • 2015
  • Purpose For nuclear medicine technologists, it is difficult to stay away from or to separate from radiation sources comparing with workers who are using radiation generating devices. Nuclear medicine technologists work is recognized as an optimized way when they are familiar with work practices. The aims of this study are to measure radiation exposure of technologists working in PET and to evaluate the occupational radiation dose after implementation of strategies to lower exposure. Materials and Methods We divided into four working types by QC for PET, injection, scan and etc. in PET scan procedure. In QC of PET, we compared the radiation exposure controlling next to $^{68}Ge$ cylinder phantom directly to controlling the table in console room remotely. In injection, we compared the radiation exposure guiding patient in waiting room before injection to after injection. In scan procedure of PET, we compared the radiation exposure moving the table using the control button located next to the patient to moving the table using the control button located in the far distance. PERSONAL ELECTRONIC DOSEMETER (PED), Tracerco$^{TM}$ was used for measuring exposed radiation doses. Results The average doses of exposed radiation were $0.27{\pm}0.04{\mu}Sv$ when controlling the table directly and $0.13{\pm}0.14{\mu}Sv$ when controlling the table remotely while performing QC. The average doses of exposed radiation were $0.97{\pm}0.36{\mu}Sv$ when guiding patient after injection and $0.62{\pm}0.17{\mu}Sv$ when guiding patient before injection. The average doses of exposed radiation were $1.33{\pm}0.54{\mu}Sv$ when using the control button located next to the patient and $0.94{\pm}0.50{\mu}Sv$ when using the control button located in far distance while acquiring image. As a result, there were statistically significant differences(P<0.05). Conclusion: From this study, we found that how much radiation doses technologists are exposed on average at each step of PET procedure while working in PET center and how we can reduce the occupational radiation dose after implementation of strategies to lower exposure. And if we make effort to seek any other methods to reduce technologist occupational radiation, we can minimize and optimize exposed radiation doses in department of nuclear medicine. Conclusion From this study, we found that how much radiation doses technologists are exposed on average at each step of PET procedure while working in PET center and how we can reduce the occupational radiation dose after implementation of strategies to lower exposure. And if we make effort to seek any other methods to reduce technologist occupational radiation, we can minimize and optimize exposed radiation doses in department of nuclear medicine.

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