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A Study on Collaborative Governance: Focusing on the Cultural Heritage Guardians  

Jang, Youngki (Cultural Heritage Administration, Cultural Heritage Education Team)
Publication Information
Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science / v.54, no.1, 2021 , pp. 184-205 More about this Journal
Governance is valued as a new concept and principle of social operation and public policy management, and its influence is gradually expanding. Among the various governance theories being put into practice and in case analysis studies, collaborative governance embracing various governance concepts has been found to increase interdependence and responsibility beyond participation and compromise, and create new public values by integrating and utilizing optimal social coordination forms. In the field of cultural assets, governance-related research is also being conducted for the efficiency, sustainability, and scalability of public policy enforcement. This study explored the government's role (promotion, arbitration, and condition creation) in collaborative governance, focusing on the "Cultural Heritage Guardians" to understand how collaborative governance operates in the cultural heritage sector. Regarding governance policies in the cultural asset sector, the cultural asset guardians highlighted the status, role, and characteristics of policies by examining their introduction, development, and implementation. The results of the analysis revealed that private-led, horizontal public-private cooperation, collaborative governance, policy introduction, solidarity, professionalism, resource/knowledge imbalance, cooperation precedence, etc., facilitate increased participation. The government has accordingly proposed measures to establish comprehensive legal stability centered on cooperation; strategic reorganization of dedicated organizations; strengthened, supportive intermediate organizations; and individual and multi-party consultative bodies.
cultural heritage policy; collaborative governance; cultural heritage guardians; the Ansell & Gash model; cooperative structure; operational process;
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  • Reference
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