• Title/Summary/Keyword: ECM

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Development of Modified Effective Crack Model to Take into Account for variation of Poisson's ratio and Low-Temperature Properties of Asphalt Concrete (포아슨 비의 변화를 고려한 수정 ECM 모델 개발 및 아스팔트 콘크리트의 저온 특성 연구)

  • Keon, Seung-Zun;Doh, Young-Soo;Kim, Kwang-Woo
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.3 no.1 s.7
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    • pp.185-197
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    • 2001
  • This paper dealt with modification of effective crack length model (ECM) by adding Poisson's ratio term to evaluate fracture toughness of asphalt concrete which varies its material property by temperature. The original ECM model was developed for solid materials, such as cement concrete, and Poisson's ratio of materials was not considered. However, since asphalt concrete is sensitive to temperature variation and changes its Poisson's ratio by temperature, it should be taken into consideration to know exact fracture property under various temperatures. Four binders, including 3 polymer-modified asphalt (PMA) binders, were used to make a dense-grade asphalt mixture and 3-point bending test was peformed on notched beam at low temperatures, from -5oC to 35oC. Elastic modulus, flexural strength and fracture toughness were obtained from the test. The results showed that, since Poisson's ratio was considered, the more accurate test values could be obtained using modified ECM equation than original ECM. PMA mixture showed higher stiffness and fracture toughness than normal asphalt mixture under very low temperatures.

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Endothelial Cell Seeding Onto the Extracellular Matrix of Fibroblasts for the Developement of Small Diameter Polyurethane Vessel (소구경 폴리우레탄 인공혈관의 개발을 위한 세포외기질위의 혈관내피세포 배양)

  • 박동국;이윤신
    • Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 1995
  • A variety of experiments of endothelial cell seeding onto artificial vessels have been performed. To improve endothelialization, one or two components of the extracellular matrix (ECM) have been used as an underlying matrix. In this study, the whole ECM excreted from fibroblasts was used as an underlying matrix. Fetal human fibroblasts were cultured on a polyurethane (PU) sheet. After a conflu; ence was attained, the cytoskeleton and the nuclei of the fibroblast were destroyed using Triton-X. Mitomycin, or irradiation. Omental microvascular endothelial cells from adult human were seeded onto various substrates. After 12 days in culture, the cells were counted. It was observed that the ECM treated by irradiation had the highest cell number. In addition, the cells on this substrate exhibited the most typical endothelial cell morphology. For preliminary animal experiments the PU vessels (inner diameter, 1.5mm) coated with ECM were implanted in the infrarena] abdominal aorta of rat. After the vessels had been implanted for 5 weeks, it was found that the surface of the PU vessels was completely covered with endothelia] cells. In conclusion, we can state that the fibroblast-derived whole ECM makes a better underlying substrate for the endothelialization of small diameter artificial vessels.

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A Development Study on an Engine Control Module of an Electronic Marine Diesel Engine (전자식 선박디젤엔진의 엔진제어기 개발/연구)

  • Sim, Han-Sub;Lee, Min-Kwang;Lee, Kang-Yoon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Process Engineers
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.134-140
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    • 2015
  • A control program of an engine control module (ECM) was developed, and its control performance was verified on a 750Ps marine diesel engine. The control method was designed for an engine rotational speed control system. For ECM hardware, the commercial rapid control prototype (RCP) ECM was used. The programming tool for control algorithm development was the MatLab/Simulink. The main control algorithm assembled many control models as engine cranking, run, and stall. Each model has sub-models to input/output control signals. The target engine speed was input signal from a speed control lever, and control output signal of the ECM was sent to the unit-injectors for fuel injection. The engine test was performed under various conditions of engine rotational speeds and dynamometer loads. The test results show that the control function of the ECM is suitable for electrical marine diesel engines.

Physiological Function of Endothelial Cells Cultured on Polyurethsne Coated by ECM (인조혈관재료 표면에 도포된 혈관내피세포의 생리적 변화에 관한 연구)

  • 이윤신;김용배
    • Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.255-262
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    • 1996
  • Antithrombogenic surFace is one of the most important things to the artificial vascular prostheses. This problem will be solved if the surface of prosthesis is covered with endothelial cells. The attachment and the growth of endothelial cells onto vascular prosthesis are very difficult. So many studies have been concentrated on the attachement of endothelial cell. But no good performance of the in uiwo experiments has been shown until now. In this study, we used the whole extracellular matrix (ECM) excreted from fibroblasts as an underlying matrix, and the endothelial cells were seeded to obtain the long term patency of vascular graft(i.e., for the patent 8 week implanted wafts in the animal model of rat). In order to study the antithrombogenic functions of cultured endothelial cells, prostaglandin(PGF 1 a) synthesis and platelet adhesion were assayed. The concentration of PGF a of stimulated group was sisnificantly higher than that of control group(21.97 $\pm$ 3.45 vs 4.93 $\pm$0.71 pg/1000 cells). The platelet adhesion of the polyurethane sheet covered with endothelial cells was lower than that of polyurethane sheet or sheet covered with ECM(1.04$\pm$0.28, 2.87$\pm$0.77, 2.89$\pm$0.70, % radioactivities, respectively). Endothelial cells grew well on polyurethane coated with ECM, synthesized the prostacyclin and functioned well as antithrombogenic. Therefore the endothelialization onto the ECM excreted from fibroblasts may be a good method for the vfudig prosthesis.

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Flutter Analysis of F-16 Aircraft Using Test Modal Data (시험 모달 데이터를 이용한 F-16 항공기의 플러터 해석)

  • 변관화;전승문
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.76-82
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    • 2006
  • Flutter analyses are performed for the KF-16D aircraft with brand new ALQ-X ECM pod. A flutter analysis method using test modal data is proposed and validated using published F-16 modal data and flutter analysis results. Ground vibration test is performed for KF-16D stands on its landing gears. Attained modal data are transformed to free-free condition of KF-16D aircraft with ALQ-X pod and ALQ-119 pod, respectively. As the results of comparison of flutter analyses, ALQ-X is cleared to be operated in the flight envelope authorized for existing ECM pods.

Force-mediated proinvasive matrix remodeling driven by tumor-associated mesenchymal stem-like cells in glioblastoma

  • Lim, Eun-Jung;Suh, Yongjoon;Kim, Seungmo;Kang, Seok-Gu;Lee, Su-Jae
    • BMB Reports
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    • v.51 no.4
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    • pp.182-187
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    • 2018
  • In carcinoma, cancer-associated fibroblasts participate in force-mediated extracellular matrix (ECM) remodeling, consequently leading to invasion of cancer cells. Likewise, the ECM remodeling actively occurs in glioblastoma (GBM) and the consequent microenvironmental stiffness is strongly linked to migration behavior of GBM cells. However, in GBM the stromal cells responsible for force-mediated ECM remodeling remain unidentified. We show that tumor-associated mesenchymal stem-like cells (tMSLCs) provide a proinvasive matrix condition in GBM by force-mediated ECM remodeling. Importantly, CCL2-mediated Janus kinase 1 (JAK1) activation increased phosphorylation of myosin light chain 2 in tMSLCs and led to collagen assembly and actomyosin contractility. Collectively, our findings implicate tMSLCs as stromal cells providing force-mediated proinvasive ECM remodeling in the GBM microenvironment, and reminiscent of fibroblasts in carcinoma.

A Study on the Expression of Genes Related to Extracellular Substrates of Flavonoids (플라보노이드의 세포외 기질 관련 유전자 발현에 관한 연구)

  • Jae-Eun Lee;Seyeon Park
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.40 no.5
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    • pp.1010-1021
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    • 2023
  • In this study, we would like to confirm the collagen recovery effect through cell experiments of the flavonoid apigenin and baicalein and propose results that can support the collagen recovery effect through comparative transcriptome analysis. As a result of the study, it was confirmed that apigenin and baicalein were effective in recovering type I collagen damaged by UV in the HS68 cell line, and that both substances resulted in changes in the expression of ECM-related genes. Not only did it show a common mechanism for regulating the ECM, but it also showed the results of changing different categories of genes, making it possible to predict that it would have various effects on cells.

TRANS FORM / Product Briefs

  • Korea Database Promotion Center
    • Digital Contents
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    • no.12 s.127
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    • pp.170-172
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    • 2003
  • 미네소타 에덴프레리에 소재한 스텔런트(www.stellent.com)는 최근 유니버셜 콘텐츠 매니지먼트 7.0을 발표했다. 이 제품은 하나의 공통 제품 아키텍처 내에서 문서 관리, WCM(웹 콘텐츠관리), 협업, 레코드 관리, DAM(디지털자산관리)을 통합하는 유일한 ECM(기업콘텐츠관리) 솔루션이다. 본질적으로 다른 기술들을 통합시킨 ECM 시스템을 활용한 최신 업그레이드 제품과 달리 이번에 내놓은 ECM 시스템 7.0 버전은 공 통 GUI(Graphical User Interface)와 공 통API(Application Programming Interface)를 통해 단일 서버에서 모든 애플리케이션 모듈을 지원한다는 게 회사측 설명이다.

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A Phase-Based Approach to ECM across CP in Korean

  • Kim, Youngsun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Language and Information Conference
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    • 2002.02a
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    • pp.205-216
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    • 2002
  • ECM across a CP in Korean poses difficulties from the standpoint of the locality of A-movement/agreement. A phase-based analysis is developed which requires two steps: (i) in the embedded CP, VP/VP containing its VP-internal subject first moves to Spec-CP, which renders the subject accessible to the matrix v, in accordance with Chomsky's Phase Impenetrability Condition; (ii) ECM takes place in a local relation between the matrix v and the embedded subject. It is shown that the otherwise puzzling fact that ECM across a CP, but not Passivization across a CP, is affected by the type of the embedded verb in Korean is accounted for in a principled way, based on the assumption that CP and CP, but not TP and VP, are phases.

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Biomimetic Electrospun Fibers for Tissue Engineering Applications

  • Sin, Heung-Su
    • Proceedings of the Materials Research Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2011.10a
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    • pp.2.2-2.2
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    • 2011
  • The central strategy in tissue engineering involves a biomaterial scaffold as a delivery carrier of cells and a depot to deliver bioactive molecules. The ability of scaffolds to control cellular response to direct particular repair and regeneration processes is essential to obtain functional tissue engineering constructs. Therefore, many efforts have been made to understand local interactions of cells with their extracellular matrix (ECM) microenvironment and exploit these interactions for designing an ideal scaffold mimicking the chemical, physiological, and structural features of native ECM. ECM is composed of a number of biomacromolecules including proteins, glycosaminoglycans, and proteoglycans, which are assembled together to form complex 3-dimensional network. Electrospinning is a process to generate highly porous 3-dimensional fibrous structure with nano to micro scaled-diameter, which can closely mimic the structure of ECM. In this presentation, our approaches to develop biomimetic electrospun fibers for modulation of cell function will be discussed.

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