• 제목/요약/키워드: Dyspepsia

검색결과 420건 처리시간 0.02초

소화불량에 따른 양도락 점수가 이동식 양도락기기 진단에 있어 소음인에 미치는 영향 (Influence of Dyspepsia Dependent Ryodoraku Score Upon 'Soeum Person' Diagnosed by Portable Ryodoraku Device)

  • 이지인;허근녕;송호섭
    • Journal of Acupuncture Research
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    • 제30권5호
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    • pp.77-86
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    • 2013
  • Objectives : The aim of the study was to investigate the characteristics of Ryodoraku score according to dyspepsia in diagnosed as Soeumin by 'portable Ryodoraku device'. Methods : Using Mann-Whitney U test, we divided 34 'Soeumin' patients into two group(normal and with chronic dyspepsia) and analyzed Ryodoraku score, especially in 'the spleen meridian' and 'the stomach meridian' which is belived to be related with dyspepsia. Soeumin subjects are classified by 'Sasang constitutional program' in portable Ryodoraku device. All of them complete the questionnaire regarding their Digestive conditions. 'short from leeds dyspepsia questionnaire(SF-LDQ)' made by rome III diagnostic is chosed as questionnaire. Results: 1. We found the RS measured from a group of people who has chronic dyspepsia was significantly greater than that from control group. 2. Regarding the effect of 'dyspepsia' in Ryodoraku, the mean score of the F6(stomach meridian) in the chronic dyspepsia group was significantly higher than that in the control group. 3. The mean score of the F6(stomach meridian RS) in the chronic dyspepsia group was not significantly higher than that in the control group. 4. In cases where people has chronic dyspepsia, the difference between RS measured in the right-side of a body and that in the left-side of a body was mostly greater than 40, whereas the case of difference that is less than 2 was rare. Conclusions : Portable Ryodoraku device might be used to classify enforce 'Sasang constitution', and also it might be used to analyze 'Ryodoraku data' based on characteristic clinical symptoms of four constitution diagnosis alone.

기능성 소화불량증 환자에 대한 한약복합제의 치료 효과: 무작위배정 표준치료제 위약 대조군 연구 (Effect of Herb Medicine Treatment for Functional Dyspepsia: A Randomized Placebo-Controlled and Compared Standard Treatment Trial)

  • 김연미;박양춘;조정효;강위창;손미원;홍권의
    • 대한한의학회지
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    • 제31권1호
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2010
  • Objective: Functional dyspepsia is a prevalent disease. It impedes subjective quality of life. The purpose of this study was to examine the equivalent effect of herb medicine treatment (DA-9701) for functional dyspepsia. Methods: In this randomized, single-blinded, placebo-controlled study, we compared a herb medicine (DA-9701) with standard treatment (mosapride) and placebo for the treatment of functional dyspepsia. 42 volunteers who satisfied the requirements were enrolled in study. Severity of dyspepsia was measured by Nepean Dyspepsia Index (NDI) and Functional Dyspepsia Quality of Life (FD-QOL) before and after treatments. Results: 1. In the DA-9701 group, total key symptoms score was significantly lower and improve rate of key symptoms was higher than in the mosapride and placebo groups, but there were no statistically significant differences between three groups. 2. In the DA-9701 and mosapride groups, "nausea" and "bad breath" were significantly lower compared with the placebo group. 3. In the DA-9701 group, NDI Quality of Life scores were significantly higher, but there were no [other] statistically significant differences between the three groups. 4. In the DA-9701 and mosapride groups, FD-QOL scores were higher compared with the placebo group, but there were no statistically significant differences between the three groups. Conclusion: Herb medicine treatment (DA-9701) is effective to improve the symptoms and quality of life in patients with functional dyspepsia.

The Effects of Interferential Current Therapy on Functional Dyspepsia

  • Koo, Ja Pung;Shin, Hee Joon;Kim, Nyeon Jun;Jeon, Hye Mi;Park, Joo Hyun;Yun, Young Dae;Lee, Joon Hee;Lim, Sang Wan;Um, Ki Mai;Kim, Ji Sung
    • 국제물리치료학회지
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    • 제4권1호
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    • pp.499-504
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    • 2013
  • This study aims to address the effect of interferential current therapy and thereby to provide basic resources to physical therapies for internal medicine by identifying symptoms for functional dyspepsia and serum gastrin level that shows gastric motility. Following results were obtained by performing interferential current therapy to 16 subjects composed of 8 for functional dyspepsia group and 8 for control group for 20 minutes a day, 3 days a week, for 6 weeks. In control group, serum gastrin level was significantly( p<.01), lowered after the therapy whereas there was no significant difference observed in all questions from questionnaire for symptoms of functional dyspepsia between before and after the therapy. In functional dyspepsia group, serum gastrin level was significantly(p<.01), lowered after the therapy and there was also significant(p<.01) reduction in every question from questionnaire for symptoms of functional dyspepsia between before and after the therapy. There was more significant decrease in serum gastrin level and reduction in questionnaire for symptoms of functional dyspepsia in the functional dyspepsia group compared to the control group(p<.01). This study confirms the interferential current therapy as an effective therapeutic method for internal diseases including functional dyspepsia since it not only improves the symptoms of functional dyspepsia but also allows the gastric motility close to normal.

급체 환자의 심박변이도 특성에 대한 임상적 연구 (Clinical Study for Characteristics of Heart Rate Variability in Acute Dyspepsia Patients)

  • 김원일
    • 대한한의진단학회지
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    • 제16권3호
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    • pp.49-58
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    • 2012
  • Objectives: This research was designed to study the characteristics of heart rate variability in acute dyspepsia patients compared with normal group. Methods: The testing of HRV was carried out at Oriental Medical Center of ${\bigcirc}{\bigcirc}$University with the participation of 94 acute dyspepsia patients and 85 control group people. We checked HRV of the 2 groups that were checked on the first visit day and compared HRV index between groups. Results: In the frequency domain analysis, HF, LF, VLF, LF/HF ratio, TP were significantly lower than control group on acute dyspepsia patient group. HF, LF, VLF, LF/HF ratio, TP were not significantly associated with age. Conclusions: According to this study, autonomic nerve system was more decreased on the acute dyspepsia patient group compared with the control group. Though further studies will be needed, the present finding provide us the possibility that stress is a major cause of the acute dyspepsia along with food factor.

한방병원에 입원한 기능성 소화불량을 동반한 염좌 환자에 대한 한방치료 1례 (A Case of a Sprained Inpatient with Functional Dyspepsia in a Korean Medical Hospital Treated with Korean Medicine Treatments)

  • 김태주;권민진;김나영;권오빈
    • 대한한방내과학회지
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    • 제44권5호
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    • pp.1025-1032
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    • 2023
  • Objectives: This study reports on the efficacy of using Korean medicine treatments for a functional dyspepsia patient. Methods: A 49-year-old female patient with functional dyspepsia was treated with herbal medicines and acupuncture for 33 days. The treatment effect was evaluated by measurements drawn from the Nepean Dyspepsia Index-Korean version score and Bristol Stool Scale results. Results: Following treatment, the patient showed a decrease in the Nepean Dyspepsia Index-Korean version score and an improvement in the Bristol Stool Scale. Conclusions: Korean medicine treatment improved the condition of a patient with functional dyspepsia. Further clinical research on patients with functional dyspepsia is needed.

범혈구감소증을 동반한 간경변 환자의 소화불량 증례 보고 (A Case Report of Dyspepsia in a Patient with Liver Cirrhosis and Pancytopenia)

  • 김은서;배인숙;신길조
    • 대한한방내과학회지
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    • 제38권5호
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    • pp.592-599
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    • 2017
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to report the improvement of dyspepsia in a patient with liver cirrhosis and pancytopenia following traditional Korean medical treatment. Methods: A patient who suffered from dyspepsia with liver cirrhosis and pancytopenia was treated with herbal medicine, acupuncture, cupping, and moxibustion. The effect of treatment was measured with a visual analogue scale (VAS). Results: After treatment, the symptoms of dyspepsia improved and VAS score decreased. Conclusions: Traditional Korean medicine (TKM) could be effective for treatment of dyspepsia in patients with liver cirrhosis.

소화불량증에서 호발하는 두통의 위장질환과의 상관성에 대한 임상연구 (A Clinical Study of Correlation Between Frequently Occurring Headache from Gastrointestinal Disorder and Dyspepsia)

  • 최영규;김재관;최서형
    • 대한한의진단학회지
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    • 제14권1호
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    • pp.36-43
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    • 2010
  • Objectives: Since we found patients with dyspepsia as their major symptom had high rate of headache, would like to find out a rational diagnosis ground by using EAV correlation between headache and gastrointestinal disorder Methods: We did survey and EAV inspection on 128 patients came by gastrointestinal disorder who quoted 4 and 5 degree for their headache symptoms) Results & Conclusion The results of this study were as follows: 1. From dyspepsia, we saw higher rate by order of epigastric discomfort, bloating, stomach trouble, bleching, etc. 2. By EAV analysis, found functional deterioration by order of stomach, nerval degeneration vessel, gall bladder/bile duct, liver. 3. By EAV analysis, functional deterioration of stomach, gall bladder/bile duct, liver represent dyspepsia and nerval degeneration vessel represent headache. We found the correlation between dyspepsia and headache by observation at a time.

계지반하생강탕 및 침구치료로 호전된 기능성 소화불량 환자의 치험 1례 (Clinical Case Report of Functional Dyspepsia with Gyejibanhasaenggang-tang, Acupuncture, and Moxibustion)

  • 김상진;이재홍;고석재;박재우
    • 대한한방내과학회지
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    • 제37권2호
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    • pp.406-411
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    • 2016
  • Objective: This case presents the effects of Gyejibanhasaenggang-tang, acupuncture, and moxibustion on functional dyspepsia.Method: A patient was treated with herbal medicine, acupuncture, and moxibustion. Functional dyspepsia-related quality of life (FD-QoL), the gastrointestinal symptom rating scale (GSRS), and the gastrointestinal scale (GIS) were assessed for evaluation.Results: Symptoms of functional dyspepsia improved after the 22 days of Gyejibanhasaenggang-tang treatment.Conclusion: This case suggests that the combination of Gyejibanhasaenggang-tang, acupuncture, and moxibustion could be effective in treating functional dyspepsia.

기능성 소화불량증에 대한 적외선 체열검사(DITI)의 임상 지표적 의의 연구 (Investigation on evaluation of functional dyspepsia by using Digital Infrared Thermal Images)

  • 정승환;임인환;엄은진;이범준;나병조
    • 대한한방체열의학회지
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    • 제6권1호
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    • pp.56-62
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    • 2008
  • Objective: To investigate the significance of temperature differences on two different acupuncture points between functional dyspepsia(FD) group and non-functional dyspepsia(non-FD) group respectively. Methods: We performed this research on 40 patients who came and took D.I.T.I in Kang-nam korean hospital kyung-hee university. We analyzed the averaged temperature of Zhongwon(CV12), Indang(HN1) and, also, investigated the significance of subtraction from Indang to Zhongwon temperature statistically. Results: The temperature differences from Indang to Zhongwon between functional dyspepsia group and non-functional dyspepsia group was significant, it meant that patients who have functional dyspepsia have more significant temperature difference from Indang(HN1) to Zhongwon(CV12). The direct comparisons of mean temperature between Indang and Zhongwon in the FD group and non-FD group were not significant. Conclusion: The study provide hypothesis on the temperature difference from Indang(HN1) to Zhongwon(CV12) and its association with functional dyspepsia. This study can provide a foundation for future studies on the evaluation of functional dyspepsia by using D.I.T.I.

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기능성 소화불량 환자에서 설태후박 및 흉늑각 측정의 진단적 가치 (Diagnostic Values of Tongue Coating Thickness and Sterno-costal Angle in Functional Dyspepsia)

  • 손지영;김진성
    • 대한한방내과학회지
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    • 제35권2호
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    • pp.157-174
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    • 2014
  • Objectives : The aims of this study were to evaluate the diagnostic values of tongue coating thickness and sterno-costal angle as the quantitative diagnostic indicators in functional dyspepsia. Methods : We surveyed 60 functional dyspepsia patients recruited by the clinical trial, 'Clinical Trial for Evaluation on Availability of tongue diagnosis system (CTS-1000) : a Pilot study'. The patients were classified into three groups according to Rome III criteria for functional dyspepsia, and categorized into five groups according to Instrument of pattern identification for functional dyspepsia. Nepean dyspepsia index-Korean version (NDI-K) score, tongue coating thickness (percentage of tongue coating by tongue diagnosis system (CTS-1000), and weight of tongue coating by microbalance), sterno-costal angle, duration of illness and body mass index (BMI) were investigated. Results : Among the 5 types by instrument of pattern identification for functional dyspepsia, a significant difference of percentage of tongue coating was found. Percentage of tongue coating and weight of tongue coating showed significant correlation with total NDI-K score. Sterno-costal angle showed strong positive correlation with BMI and also showed significant difference between the non-overweight (BMI<23, n=32) and overweight ($BMI{\geq}23$, n=28) groups. Conclusions : Tongue coating thickness showed its potential as a new quantitative diagnostic indicator of functional dyspepsia. Further studies on the sterno-costal angle are anticipated to evaluate its potential as a new quantitative diagnostic indicator.