• Title/Summary/Keyword: Dynamic-elastic Deformation

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An Evolution of Nonlinear Dynamic Response of an Unreinforced Masonry Structure (비보강 조적조의 비선형 동적 거동의 전개)

  • Kim, Nam-Hee
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.10 no.3 s.49
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    • pp.77-84
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    • 2006
  • Unlike homogeneous material structure, the behavior of masonry structure is not perfectly elastic even in the range of small deformations because it is a non-homogeneous and anisotropic composite structural material, consisting of masonry units, mortar, and grout. This paper proposes a simplified way of investigating the evolution of the deformation and damage of the structure subjected to a series of successive ground motions with varying shaking. Especially, the most simple but useful algorithm of Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT) has been adopted to investigate the evolution of the deformation and damage of the structure tested on the shaking table. Moreover, the development of a hi-linear curve for an equivalent SDOF system which is obtained by exploiting the frequency and stiffness relationship was discussed. Finally, some important findings related to inelastic properties of the URM are summarized.

Fractal Nature of Magnetic Colloidal Dispersion with Cobalt Iron Oxide and Metal Iron Particles

  • Yoon, Kwan Han;Lee, Young Sil
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.60 no.1
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    • pp.125-131
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    • 2022
  • The microstructure of highly aggregated colloidal dispersions was investigated by probing the rheological behavior of magnetic suspensions. The dynamic moduli as functions of frequency and strain amplitude are shown to closely resemble that of colloidal gels indicating the formation of network structure. The two types of characteristic critical strain amplitudes, γc and γy, were characterized in terms of the changing microstructure. The amplitude of γc indicates the transition from linear to nonlinear viscoelasticity and depends only on particle volume fraction not magnetic interactions. The study of scaling behavior suggests that it is related to the breakage of interfloc, i.e., floc-floc structure. However, yielding strain, γy, was found to be independent of particle volume fraction as well as magnetic interaction. It relates to extensive deformation resulting in yielding behavior. The scaling of elastic constant, Ge, implies that this yielding behavior and hence γy is due to the breakage of long-range interfloc interactions. Also, the deformation of flocs due to increase strain was indicated from the investigation of the fractal nature.

Studies on the characteristics of stone structures by shape reversal, geotechnical and dynamic structural engineerings (석조구조물의 효율적 유지관리를 위한 형상역공학적, 지반공학적 및 구조동역학적 특성연구 - 첨성대를 중심으로 -)

  • Shon, Bo-Woong;Kim, Seong-Beom
    • 한국지구물리탐사학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2004.08a
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    • pp.25-48
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    • 2004
  • Structures show the phehomena of deformation and lowering of function with time-lapse by artificial environments and changes of geotechnical conditions or accumulation of initial deformation elements. This study aims the structural assessment of cultural property, Chum-Sung-Dae, located in Kyeongju city, Korea. It was built about 1,300 years ago, and has undergone deformation and ground-subsidence with time-lapse. Non-destructive evaluation techniques were applied to the Chum-Sung-Dae, to protect it from survey Because of this reason, 3D precise laser scanning surveying system was applied to measure the exact size of Chum-Sung-Dae, displacement and declining angles. Geophysical exploration also was applied to study the subsurface distribution of geotechnical parameters or physical properties. Natural frequencies were measured from real and model of Chum-Sung-Dae to study the dynamic characteristics of vibration and/or earthquake load and stiffness of structures.

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Design and Characteristics of cryogenic ball valve (초저온 볼 밸브 설계 및 특성)

  • Kim, Dong-Soo;Kim, Myoung-Sub
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2007.05a
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    • pp.666-671
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    • 2007
  • To acquire the safety along with durability of mechanical machinery products, we should consider the structural mechanics such as stress, deformation and dynamic vibration characteristics and identify those important aspects in the stage of preliminary design engineering. This cryogenic ball valve is used to transfer the liquified natural gas which temperature is $-196^{\circ}C$, supplied pressure is $168kg/cm^2$. For the cryogenic ball valve, the assurance of structural integrity and operability are essential to meet not only normal, abnormal loading conditions but also functionality during a seismic event. In this thesis, analytical approach and results using finite element analysis and computational method are herein presented to evaluate the aspects of structural integrity along with operability of cryogenic ball valve. In this study, we designed the high pressure cryogenic ball valve that accomplishes zero leakage by elastic seal at normal temperature and metal seal at high temperature.

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Contact control of a probing manipulator contacting with plastically deformable objects (소성변형가능한 물체와 접촉하는 프로브 매니퓰레이터의 접촉제어)

  • 심재홍;조형석;김성권
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 1996.10b
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    • pp.221-224
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    • 1996
  • Since impact phenomenon is highly nonlinear, the analysis and control of the contact motion has been a challenging subject. Various researches have been carried out mostly for the contact of a rigid robotic manipulator with a stiff and elastic environment. This paper is motivated by a new contact task: the in-circuit test of a printed circuit board. In this process, high speed contact occurs between a rigid probing manipulator and a plastically deformable work environment. A new dynamic model of the impact controlled probing task has been proposed, considering contact with the plastically deformable object. Approaching velocity conditions to avoid an excess of the allowable penetration depth and control the generated impact force properly are derived from the proposed model. The results of the simulation studies are made for various probing conditions and show the validity of the proposed model.

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Acoustic Emmision Characteristics according to Failure Modes of Pipes with Local Wall Thinning (감육배관의 손상모드에 따른 음향방출 특성)

  • 안석환;남기우;김선진;김진환;김현수;박인덕
    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.66-72
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    • 2002
  • Fracture behaviors of pipes with local wall thinning are very important for the integrity of nuclear power plant. However, effects of local wall thinning on strength and fracture behaviors of piping system were not well studied. Acoustic emission(AE) has been widely used in various fields because of its extreme sensitivity, dynamic detection ability and location of growing defects. In this study, we investigated failure modes of locally wall thinned pipes and AE signals by bending test. From test results, we could be divided four types of failure modes of ovalization, crack initiation after ovalization, local buckling and crack initiation after local buckling. And fracture behaviors such as elastic region, yielding region, plastic deformation region and crack progress region could be evaluated by AE counts, accumulative counts and time-frequency analysis during bending test. The result of the frequency range is expected to be basic data that can inspect plants in real-time.

A structural study on mold EMBO equipment to minimize the influence on the bottom dead center displacement of precision high-speed press (정밀고속 PRESS 하사점 변위량에 영향을 최소화 하는 금형 EMBO 장치에 관한 구조 연구)

  • Kim, Seung-Soo
    • Design & Manufacturing
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.46-50
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    • 2016
  • Laminate products for motor core are developed with a structure in which the importance of quality level and clamping force is influenced by the recent performance and safety of the product. It has been confirmed that the accuracy of the mold is emphasized, and that the accuracy of the tightening force produced by the stacked product for the motor core is greatly influenced by the change in the bottom dead center displacement of the aged high speed press. The reason why setting the mold, and test the effect of bottom dead center of high speed press is to improve product pull force in embossing process at mold. We have applied the system to minimize the effect on the damping displacement under the dynamical degree of the equipment by applying the emboss complement device which can test the influence and complement in the process.

Matching of Physical Experiments and Multibody Dynamic Simulation for Large Deformation Problems

  • Yoo, Wan-Suk;Lee, Jeong-Han;Sohn, Jeong-Hyun;Park, Su-Jin;Oleg Dmitrochenko;Dmitri Pogorelov
    • Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.742-752
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    • 2004
  • Many papers have studied computer simulations of elastic bodies undergoing large deflections and large deformations. But there have not been many attempts to check the validity of the numerical formulations because the simulation results could not be matched without correct input data such as material properties and damping effects. In this paper, these values are obtained from real experiment with a high-speed camera and a data acquisition system. The simulation results with the absolute nodal coordinate formulation (ANCF) are compared with the results of real experiments. Two examples, a thin cantilevers beam and a thin plate, are studied to verify whether the simulation results are well matched to experimental results.

Effect of Hysteretic Models on the Inelastic Design Spectra (비탄성 설계 스펙트럼에 의한 이력 모델의 효과)

  • 한상환;오영훈;이리형
    • Proceedings of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute Conference
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    • 1999.10a
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    • pp.214-224
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    • 1999
  • The design response spectrum has been widely used in seismic design to estimate force and deformation demands of structures imposed by Earthquake Ground Motion (EQGM). Inelastic Design Response Spectra (IDRS) to specify design yielding strength in seismic codes are obtained by reducing the ordinates of Linear Elastic Design Response Spectrum (LEDRS) by strength reduction factor (R). Since a building is designed using reduced design spectrum (IDRS) rather than LEDRS in current seismic design procedures it allows structures behave inelastically during design level EQGM. Inelastic Response Spectra (IRS) depend not only on the characteristics of the expected ground motion at a given site, but also on the dynamic properties and nonlinear characteristics of a structure. However, it has not been explicitly investigated the effect of different hysteretic models on IRS. In this study, the effect of hysteretic models on IRS is investigated.

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Exact Static Element Stiffness Matrix of Nonsymmetric Thin-walled Elastic Curved Beams (비대칭 박벽 탄성 곡선보의 엄밀한 정적 요소강도행렬)

  • Yoon Hee-Taek;Kim Moon-Young;Kim Young-Ki
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2005.11a
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    • pp.1165-1170
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    • 2005
  • In order to perform the spatial buckling analysis of the curved beam element with nonsymmetric thin-walled cross section, exact static stiffness matrices are evaluated using equilibrium equations and force-deformation relations. Contrary to evaluation procedures of dynamic stiffness matrices, 14 displacement parameters are introduced when transforming the four order simultaneous differential equations to the first order differential equations and 2 displacement parameters among these displacements are integrated in advance. Thus non-homogeneous simultaneous differential equations are obtained with respect to the remaining 8 displacement parameters. For general solution of these equations, the method of undetermined parameters is applied and a generalized linear eigenvalue problem and a system of linear algebraic equations with complex matrices are solved with respect to 12 displacement parameters. Resultantly displacement functions are exactly derived and exact static stiffness matrices are determined using member force-displacement relations. The buckling loads are evaluated and compared with analytic solutions or results by ABAQUS's shell element.

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