• Title/Summary/Keyword: Drilling Technique

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Drilling Techniques for Geothermal Well and Environmental Impacts (지열정 굴착기법과 환경영향)

  • Jeoung, Jae-Hyeung;Jang, Yong-Jin
    • 한국신재생에너지학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2007.11a
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    • pp.533-537
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    • 2007
  • 국토가 좁고 천연자원이 부족한 우라나라에서 전기생산의 대부분을 원자력 발전에 의존하고, 화력발전을 많이 활용하는 것은 당연한 일이다. 그러나, 각종 신기술의 개발과 함께 신에너지원에 대한 가능성이 증대되고 있어 이에 대한 연구와 투자도 소홀히 할 수 없는 상황에 있다. 신에너지원으로 거론되는 여러 가지 대안 가운데 비교적 국내기술로 접근하기 쉬운 부분이 지열을 활용한 분야이다. 일본, 필리핀, 인도네시아와 같은 화산국은 물론이고 우리나라와 같이 활화산이 없는 나라에서도 대심도에서는 지열자원이 고르게 분포해 있을 것으로 추정되어 개발된 지열활용기술은 그 수요처가 상당히 넓다고 할 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 지열활용을 위하여 필수적으로 사용되는 지열정 굴착기법과 건설에 따라 우려되는 환경영향을 정리하였다. 지열활용에 사용되는 지열정의 종류를 파악하고, 그에 따른 굴착기술을 소개하였으며, 저비용 고효율 굴착을 위한 요소기술들을 정리하였다. 그리고, 국외의 자료를 통하여 지열발전 프로젝트에서 우려되는 환경영향을 조사하여 국내의 상황과 비교하여 고찰하였다.

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서울지하철 3,4호선 Tunnel 굴착과 진동대책 조사연구(1)

  • Heo, Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Professional Engineers Association
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.3-15
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    • 1982
  • The study on prevention measures for vibration and excavation of tunnel for the #3, #4, Seoul Subway. In the Seoul subway tunnel blasting, the drilling pattern and prevention method to seismic vibration are as follows as well as for adaptions of NATM, the supportings of roof and wall holes are arranged with control blasting. 1. The blasting is executed basically using the low velocity explosive such as slurry, Nitrate ammonium explosive, and F-I and F-II explosive for control blasting substituting of existing dynamite. 2. The cut holes are arranged with burn cut pattern and also must be arranged with M/S electrical delay caps substituting of ordinary do]ay caps. 3. Jack leg drills are used in Five Job sites and a jumbo drill in one job site. 4. In performance of safety work and in maintenance of building safety. The drilling length for blasting will not exceed 1.20 meter for round so that the vibration value shall carry below 0.3cm/sec. The harmonizing of better powder, better drilling machine and better technique is only the way of improving tunnelling efficiency and less vibration will help the dereasing of accidence.

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On-Line Monitoring of Abrasive Water Jet Drilling of Refractory Ceramics Using Acoustic Emission Sensing Technique (Abrasive Waterjet 세라믹 Drilling가공시 Acoustic Emission 신호를 이용한 On-Line Monitoring에 대한 연구)

  • Kwak, Hyo-Sung;Rodovan Kovacevic
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.48-57
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    • 1998
  • Abrasive waterjet(AWJ)은 가공시 열에 의한 가공경화가 없기 때문에 유리, 세라믹, 타이타늄및 금속복합재료와 같은 난삭재의 가공기술로 사용이 증가되었다. Acoustic emission(AE)신호에 의한 AWJ 세라믹 drilling가공시 On-Line Monitoring의 가능성이 고찰되었다. 기계 적인 물성이 서로 상이한 3종류의 세라믹이 본 연구에서 사용되었으며, AE신호는 AWJ drilling의 깊이를 monitoring하는데 유용함을 알 수 있었고 또한 세라믹의 material removal mechanisms을 규명하였다.

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Localized Electro-chemical Micro Drilling Using Ultra Short Pulses (초단펄스 전해 국부화를 이용한 미세구멍 가공)

  • 안세현;류시형;최덕기;주종남
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.20 no.8
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    • pp.213-220
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    • 2003
  • By the localization of electro-chemical dissolution region, we succeeded in a few micrometer size hole drilling on stainless steel with the radial machining gap of about 1 ${\mu}{\textrm}{m}$. Tens of nanosecond duration voltage pulses were applied between WC micro-shaft and stainless steel in the 0.1 M $H_2SO_4$ solution. Pt balance electrode was used to drill the high aspect ratio micro-hole without generation of Cr oxide layer on the machined surface. The effects of applied voltage, pulse duration, and pulse period on localization distance were investigated according to machining time. We suggested the taper reduction technique especially brought up on blind-hole machining. High quality micro-holes with 8 ${\mu}m$ diameter with 20 ${\mu}m$ depth and 12 ${\mu}m$ diameter with 100 ${\mu}m$ depth were drilled on 304 stainless steel foil. The various hole shapes were also produced including stepped holes and taper free holes.

A Study on the Micro Tool Fabrication Technology employing ELID(Electrolytic In-process Dressing) Technique (전해 연속 드레싱을 이용한 마이크로 공구 제작 기술)

  • 최재영;이현우;최헌종;이석우;정해도
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 2002.05a
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    • pp.508-511
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    • 2002
  • With increasing the needs for micro and precision parts, micro machining technology using micro tools has been studied to fabricate a small part with high density such as electronics, optics, communications, and medicine industry more than before. Though these micro tools have developed rapidly, it is difficult to apply them to micro fabrication technologies, because of the inherent manufacturing. In this study, micro tools(wc) to produce micro structures and parts were manufactured by cylindrical grinding machine employing ELID(Electrolytic In-process Dressing) technique and good dimensional accuracy was achieved. Furthermore we researched the characteristics of machining on the micro drilling using micro drills and manufactured micro tools. Finally it is confirmed that manufactured micro tools can be used for micro machining.

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Study on drilling of CFRP/Ti6Al4V stack with modified twist drills using acoustic emission technique

  • Prabukarthi, A.;Senthilkumar, M.;Krishnaraj, V.
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.573-588
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    • 2016
  • Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic (CFRP) and Titanium Alloy (Ti6Al4V) stack, extensively used in aerospace structural components are assembled by fasteners and the holes are made using drilling process. Drilling of stack in one shot is a complicated process due to dissimilarity in the material properties. It is vital to have optimal machining condition and tool geometry for better hole quality and tool life. In this study the tool wear and hole quality were analysed by experimental analysis using three modified twist drills and online tool condition monitoring using Acoustics Emission (AE) sensor. Helix angle and point angle influence tool performance and cutting force. It was found that a tool geometry (TG1) with high helix angle of $35^{\circ}$ with low point angle $130^{\circ}$ results in reduction in thrust force of 150-500 N range but the TG2 also perform almost similar to TG1, but when compared with the AErms voltage generated during drilling it was found that progressive rise in voltage in TG1 is less with respect to TG2 which can be attributed to tool life. In process wear monitoring was done using crest factor as monitoring index. AErms voltage were measured and correlated with the performance of the drills.

An Estimation Technique of Rock Mass Classes for a Tunnel Design (터널 설계를 위한 암반등급 산정 기법에 관한 연구)

  • 유광호
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.319-326
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    • 2003
  • In site investigation for tunnel designs, nowadays, geophysical exploration such as seismic exploration and electric resistivity exploration as well as drilling logging is frequently carried out. A method which can systematically make the utmost use of all available data obtained from investigation, therefore, is strongly required for the optimal evaluation of ground conditions in terms of rock mass class, etc. Many researchers have proposed using qualitative data to cope with the lack of quantitative data. In this study, an evaluation technique of rock mass classes in undrilled region was proposed based upon multiple indicator kriging method which is a geostatistical technique. It was shown that two types of data with different degree of uncertainty, for example, drilling logging data and geophysical exploration data, could be simultaneously utilized in evaluating rock mass classes for a real tunnel design.


  • Moon, Eun-Soo;Lim, Heun-Song;Cho, In-Ho
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.433-453
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    • 1999
  • There are a lot of elements affecting the success of implant prosthesis. The quality of surgical procedure is considered as one of the key factors. To avoid the excess heat generation is an important element of successful osseointegration and it can be achieved by using a gentle surgical technique with a sharp instrument in bone drilling. This study was performed to measure and analyze comparatively the heat transmitted to sur-rounding bone at a distance of 0.5mm from the periphery of the drill hole in each drilling stage. The results were as follows. In standard system, the temperature of surrounding bone tissue ranged from $29.2^{\circ}C\;to\;48.3^{\circ}C$ with irrigation and from $34.6^{\circ}C\;to\;84.3^{\circ}C$ without irrigation. And in wide system, the temperature of surrounding bone tissue ranged from $29.5^{\circ}C\;to\;52.5^{\circ}C$ with irrigation and from $34.8^{\circ}C\;to\;87.8^{\circ}C$ without irrigation. And the temperature ranges exceeded the threshold without irrigation, while showing less than the threshold by the cooling effect of irrigation. In comparing standard system with wide system, although there was no significant difference, ${\phi}4.3mm$ pilot and ${\phi}4.3mm$ twist drill of wide system showed high value and wide system showed slightly high elevation of temperature in all depth in fixture installation. In the finite element analysis, the calculated value by the Fourier's cooling law were applied to the bone drilling surface. And through analysis using different irrigation temperatures at $28^{\circ}C,\;15^{\circ}C\;and\;5^{\circ}C$, and according to the time. The result was that the cooling water at least below $15^{\circ}C$ was required to maintain the temperature of surrounding bone less than threshold in bone drilling, the cooling water below $5^{\circ}C$ was required to gain more sufficient cooling effect, and cooling over 5 seconds was needed after bone drilling for sufficient effect.

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The Effect of Osteotome Technique on Primary Implant Stability according to Bone Quality (임플란트 일차 안정성에 있어서 골질에 따른 osteotome 술식의 효과)

  • Baek, Seung-Jae;Lee, Jae-Kwan;Park, Chan-Jin
    • Journal of Periodontal and Implant Science
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.777-788
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    • 2005
  • The primary stability of implants is an important factor to predict the osseointegration. Recently, the resonance frequency analysis has been used to measure the primary stability. It is an objective method to monitor the stability of implants during healing phase. This study is to validate the differences in the effect of the osteotome method according to the bone quality as well the thickness of cortical bone. Two hundred seventy implants of 3.75mm in diameter(Neoplant, Neobiotech, Korea) were placed in 135 bovine ribs. The bone quality is classified into 3 classes according to the number of bone marrow spaces which implants would be placed, and then classified into 9 subclasses after the ribs were trimmed. Two implants were placed in 15 specimens of each class. The conclusion were as follows: 1. In case of less dense cancellous bone, the oseotome method is more effective in primary stability rather than the drilling method(p <0.05). 2. If there was cortical bone, it is more advantagous to get stronger primary stability. 3. If cancellous bone is more dense or if cortical bone exists, there is no statistical significance between drilling and osteotome method(p <0.05).

3D Simulation of Dental Implant Surgery Using Surgical Guide Stents (식립 보조도구를 이용한 3D 치아 임플란트 시술 시뮬레이션)

  • Park, Hyung-Wook;Kim, Myong-Soo;Park, Hyung-Jun
    • Korean Journal of Computational Design and Engineering
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.216-226
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    • 2011
  • Surgeon dentists usually rely on their experiential judgments from patients' oral plaster casts and medical images to determine the positional and directional information of implant fixtures and to perform drilling tasks during dental implant surgical operations. This approach, however, may cause some errors and deteriorate the quality of dental implants. Computer-aided methods have been introduced as supportive tools to alleviate the shortcomings of the conventional approach. In this paper, we present an approach of 3D dental implant simulation which can provide the realistic and immersive experience of dental implant information. The dental implant information is primarily composed of several kinds of 3D mesh models obtained as follows. Firstly, we construct 3D mesh models of jawbones, teeth and nerve curves from the patient's dental images using software $Mimics^{TM}$. Secondly, we construct 3D mesh models of gingival regions from the patient's oral impression using a reverse engineering technique. Thirdly, we select suitable types of implant fixtures from fixture database and determine the positions and directions of the fixtures by using the 3D mesh models and the dental images with software $Simplant^{TM}$. Fourthly, from the geometric and/or directional information of the jawbones, the gingival regions, the teeth and the fixtures, we construct the 3D models of surgical guide stents which are crucial to perform the drilling operations with ease and accuracy. In the application phase, the dental implant information is combined with the tangible interface device to accomplish 3D dental implant simulation. The user can see and touch the 3D models related with dental implant surgery. Furthermore, the user can experience drilling paths to make holes where fixtures are implanted. A preliminary user study shows that the presented approach can be used to provide dental students with good educational contents. With future work, we expect that it can be utilized for clinical studies of dental implant surgery.