• Title/Summary/Keyword: Drainage Network

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Verification of Water Environment Network Representative at the Baekcheon Junction of the Nakdong River (낙동강 백천 합류부 지점의 물환경측정망 대표성 검증)

  • Ahn, Jung Min;Im, Teo Hyo;Kim, Sung Min;Kim, Shin;Kim, Gyeong Hoon;Kwon, Heon Gak;Shin, Dongseok;Yang, Deuk Seok
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.371-381
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    • 2018
  • Multifunctional weirs constructed through the Four Major Rivers Restoration Project are operated as management water levels. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of water level in the main stem on the tributary water level according to multifunctional weir operation, because the operation of multifunctional weirs for water level management influences the drainage of tributaries. In this study, water level pressure gauges were installed and spatial and temporal water quality was observed. The LOcally Weighted Scatterplot Smoothing (LOWESS) technique was applied to the Nakdong River and the Baekcheon Junction, both upstream of the Gangjeong-Goryeong weir, in order to analyze water quality trends. When considering the overall analysis and observations, it was found that the water quality forecasting point located at the Baekcheon estuary point should be transferred to the Dosung Bridge, which is located upstream of the Sunwon Bridge.

Development of flood inundation area GIS database for Samsung-1 drainage sector, Seoul, Korea (서울 삼성 1분구에 대한 침수면적 GIS 데이터베이스 구축)

  • Oh, Minkwan;Lee, Dongryul;Kwon, Hyunhan;Kim, Dongkyun
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.49 no.12
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    • pp.981-993
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    • 2016
  • This study explains the GIS database of flood inundation area developed for Samsung-1 Drainage Sector, Seoul, Korea. The XP-SWMM dual drainage model was developed for the study area, and the time series observed at the watershed outlet was used to obtain the watershed time of concentration and to calibrate the XP-SWMM model. The rainfall scenario was developed by dividing the 40 minute watershed time of concentration into two 20-minute time steps and then applying the gradually increasing 5 mm/hr interval rainfall intensity to each of the time step up to 200 mm/hr, which is the probable maximum precipitation of the study area. The developed rainfall scenarios was used as the input of the XP-SWMM model to obtain the database of the flood inundation area. The analysis on the developed GIS database revealed that: (1) For the same increment of the rainfall, the increase of the flooded area can be different, and this was caused by topographic characteristics and spatial formation of pipe network of the study area; (2) For the same flooded area, the spatial extent can be significantly different depending on the temporal distribution of rainfall; and (3) For the same amount of the design rainfall, the flood inundation area and the extent can be significantly different depending on the temporal distribution of rainfall.

Evaluation of High-Resolution QPE data for Urban Runoff Analysis (고해상도 QPE 자료의 도시유출해석 적용성 평가)

  • Choi, Sumin;Yoon, Seongsim;Lee, Byongju;Choi, Youngjean
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.48 no.9
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    • pp.719-728
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    • 2015
  • In this study, urban runoff analyses were performed using high resolution Quantitative Precipitation Estimation (QPE), and variation of rainfall and runoff were analyzed to evaluate QPE data for urban runoff analysis. The five drainage districts (Seocho3, 4, 5, Yeoksam and Nonhyun) around Gangnam station were chosen as study area, the area is $7.4km^2$. Rainfall data from KMA AWS (34 stations), SKP AWS (156 stations) and Gwanduk radar were used for QPEs in Seoul area. Four types of QPE(QPE1: KMA AWS, QPE2: KMA+ SKP AWS, QPE3: Gwangduk radar, QPE4: QPE2+QPE3) of 6 events in July 2013 were generated by using Krigging and conditional merging. The temporal and spatial resolution of QPEs are 10 minutes and 250 m, respectively. The complex pipe network were treated as 773 manholes, 772 sub-drainage districts and 1,059 pipelines for urban runoff analysis as input data. QPE2 and QPE4 show spatial variation of rainfall by sub-drainage districts as 1.9 times bigger than QPE1. The peak runoff of QPE2 and QPE4 also show spatial variation as 6 times bigger than Gangnam and Seocho AWS. Thus, the spatial variation of rainfall and runoff could exist in small area such as this study area, and using high-resolution rainfall data is desirable for accurate urban runoff analysis.

Numerical Simulation of Local Atmospheric Circulations in the Valley of Gwangneung KoFlux Sites (광릉 KoFlux 관측지 계곡에서의 국지순환 수치모의)

  • Lee, Seung-Jae;Kim, Joon;Kang, Minseok;Malla-Thakuri, Bindu
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.246-260
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    • 2014
  • A 90-m horizontal-resolution numerical model was configured to study the micrometeorological features of local winds in the valley of Gwangneung KoFlux (Korea Flux network) Sites (GDK: Gwangneung Deciduous forest site in Korea, GCK: Gwangneung Coniferous forest site in Korea) during summer days. The U. S. Geological Survey (USGS) Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) data were employed for high-resolution model terrain height. Model performance was evaluated by comparing observed and simulated near-surface temperature and winds. Detailed qualitative analysis of the model-simulated wind field was carried out for two selected cases which are a clear day (Case I) and a cloudy day (Case II). Observed winds exhibited that GDK and GCK, as well as Case I and Case II, had differences in timing, duration and strength of daytime and nighttime wind direction and speeds. The model simulation results strongly supported the existence of the drainage flow in the valley of the KoFlux tower sites. Overall, the simulated model fields realistically presented the diurnal cycle of local winds in and around the valley, including the morning drainage-upslope transition and the evening reversal of upslope wind. Also, they indicated the complexity of local winds interactions by presenting that daytime westerly winds in the valley were not always pure mountain winds and were often coupled with larger-scale wind systems, such as synoptic-scale winds or mesoscale sea breezes blowing from the west coast of the peninsula.

Development of Artificial Neural Network Techniques for Landslide Susceptibility Analysis (산사태 취약성 분석 연구를 위한 인공신경망 기법 개발)

  • Chang, Buhm-Soo;Park, Hyuck-Jin;Lee, Saro;Juhyung Ryu;Park, Jaewon;Lee, Moung-Jin
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2002.10a
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    • pp.499-506
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study is to develop landslide susceptibility analysis techniques using artificial neural networks and to apply the newly developed techniques for assessment of landslide susceptibility to the study area of Yongin in Korea. Landslide locations were identified in the study area from interpretation of aerial Photographs and field survey data, and a spatial database of the topography, soil type and timber cover were constructed. The landslide-related factors such as topographic slope, topographic curvature, soil texture, soil drainage, soil effective thickness, timber age, and timber diameter were extracted from the spatial database. Using those factors, landslide susceptibility and weights of each factor were analyzed by two artificial neural network methods. In the first method, the landslide susceptibility index was calculated by the back propagation method, which is a type of artificial neural network method. Then, the susceptibility map was made with a GIS program. The results of the landslide susceptibility analysis were verified using landslide location data. The verification results show satisfactory agreement between the susceptibility index and existing landslide location data. In the second method, weights of each factor were determinated. The weights, relative importance of each factor, were calculated using importance-free characteristics method of artificial neural networks.

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  • Gangodagamage, Chandana;Flugel, Wolfgang;Turrel, Dr.Hagh
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.82-84
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    • 2003
  • Watershed boundaries and flow paths within the watershed are the most important factors required in watershed analysis. Most often the derivation of watershed boundaries and stream network and flow paths is based on topographical maps but spatial variation of flow direction is not clearly understandable using this method. Water resources projects currently use 1: 50, 000-scale ground survey or aerial photography-based topographical maps to derive watershed boundary and stream network. In basins, where these maps are not available or not accessible it creates a real barrier to watershed geo-spatial analysis. Such situations require the use of global datasets, like GTOPO30. Global data sets like ETOPO5, GTOPO30 are the only data sets, which can be used to derive basin boundaries and stream network and other terrain variations like slope aspects and flow direction and flow accumulation of the watershed in the absence of topographic maps. Approximately 1-km grid-based GTOPO 30 data sets can derive better outputs for larger basins, but they fail in flat areas like the Karkheh basin in Iran and the Amudarya in Uzbekistan. A new window in geo-spatial hydrology has opened after the launching of the space-borne satellite stereo pair of the Terra ASTER sensor. ASTER data sets are available at very low cost for most areas of the world and global coverage is expected within the next four years. The DEM generated from ASTER data has a reasonably good accuracy, which can be used effectively for hydrology application, even in small basins. This paper demonstrates the use of stereo pairs in the generation of ASTER DEMs, the application of ASTER DEM for watershed boundary delineation, sub-watershed delineation and explores the possibility of understanding the drainage flow paths in irrigation command areas. All the ASTER derived products were compared with GTOPO and 1:50,000-based topographic map products and this comparison showed that ASTER stereo pairs can derive very good data sets for all the basins with good spatial variation, which are equal in quality to 1:50,000 scale maps-based products.

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The inference about the cause of death of Korean Fir in Mt. Halla through the analysis of spatial dying pattern - Proposing the possibility of excess soil moisture by climate changes - (한라산 구상나무 공간적 고사패턴 분석을 통한 고사원인 추정 - 기후변화에 따른 토양수분 과다 가능성 제안 -)

  • Ahn, Ung San;Kim, Dae Sin;Yun, Young Seok;Ko, Suk Hyung;Kim, Kwon Su;Cho, In Sook
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.1-28
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    • 2019
  • This study analyzed the density and mortality rate of Korean fir at 9 sites where individuals of Korean firs were marked into the live and dead trees with coordinates on orthorectified aerial images by digital photogrammetric system. As a result of the analysis, Korean fir in each site showed considerable heterogeneity in density and mortality rate depending on the location within site. This make it possible to assume that death of Korean fir can occur by specific factors that vary depending on the location. Based on the analyzed densities and mortality rates of Korea fir, we investigated the correlation between topographic factors such as altitude, terrain slope, drainage network, solar radiation, aspect and the death of Korean fir. The density of Korean fir increases with altitude, and the mortality rate also increases. A negative correlation is found between the terrain slope and the mortality rate, and the mortality rate is higher in the gentle slope where the drainage network is less developed. In addition, it is recognized that depending on the aspect, the mortality rate varies greatly, and the mean solar radiation is higher in live Korean fir-dominant area than in dead Korean fir-dominant area. Overall, the mortality rate of Korean fir in Mt. Halla area is relatively higher in areas with relatively low terrain slope and low solar radiation. Considering the results of previous studies that the terrain slope has a strong negative correlation with soil moisture and the relationship between solar radiation and evaporation, these results lead us to infer that excess soil moisture is the cause of Korean fir mortality. These inferences are supported by a series of climate change phenomena such as precipitation increase, evaporation decrease, and reduced sunshine duration in the Korean peninsula including Jeju Island, increase in mortality rate along with increased precipitation according to the elevation of Mt. Halla and the vegetation change in the mountain. It is expected that the spatial patterns in the density and mortality rate of Korean fir, which are controlled by topography such as altitude, slope, aspect, solar radiation, drainage network, can be used as spatial variables in future numerical modeling studies on the death or decline of Korean fir. In addition, the method of forest distribution survey using the orthorectified aerial images can be widely used as a numerical monitoring technique in long - term vegetation change research.

A Comprehensive Study on Flood Mitigation Strategies of Low-Impact Development in Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul (서울 영등포구의 저영향개발에 대한 홍수 완화 전략에 관한 포괄적인 연구)

  • Maharani, Zaki;Kim, Jaekyoung;Lim, Justin Heejoon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.52 no.5
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    • pp.83-95
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    • 2024
  • This study evaluates the effectiveness of different Low-Impact Development (LID) scenarios in mitigating urban flooding in Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, using the Storm Water Management Model (SWMM). Two key areas, an industrial zone, and a mixed residential-commercial zone, were chosen to explore how different LID implementations impact runoff. The study considers six types of LIDs, including green roofs and rain barrels for building-based scenarios; and permeable pavements, infiltration trenches, vegetative swales, and rain gardens for open space-based scenarios. The drainage network map and historical rainfall data from previous flooding events were applied in SWMM for simulation modeling using different LID scenarios: building-based, open space-based, and combined LID methods. Results show that the combined LID approach is the most effective method, reducing runoff by 26.8% and 21.1% and lowering peak runoff volumes by 7.5% and 12.6% for Block I and Block II, respectively. These scenarios demonstrate that Scenario II has a more significant impact compared to Scenario I, despite the amount of coverage area. In general, building-based LID measures alone show the least reduction in both surface runoff and peak runoff volumes. The proposed approach offers a robust solution that can shape a resilient and livable urban future.

Physical Geography of Munkyung (문경의 자연지리)

  • Bak, Byeong-Su;Son, Myoung-Won
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.15-30
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    • 1998
  • Physical geography is the discipline which deals with the relationship between man and natural environment. Therefore, it should be studied as the organized unity. In this paper I recognize the drainage basin as a framework outlining physical geography, describe the difference of inhabitant's life style due to the difference of natural environment in the drainage basin, and consider the meaning of drainage basin as a unit of life(and unit of regional geography). Munkyung is divided into three regions(intermontane basin region, middle mountainous region, marginal hilly region of the great basin) owing to the topographic characteristics. Subdivision in these regions is related closely to drainage network distribution, specially in intermontane basin region. And small regions have developed with the confluence point of $3{\sim}4$ order streams as the central figure. Intermontane basin region is the valley floor of Sinbuk-Soya-Kauun-Nongam stream located in the limestone region which is exposed according to Munkyung fault at its northern part. Small streams are affected strongly by the influence of the NNE-SSE or WNW-ESE tectolineament. Thus Kaeripryungro(鷄立嶺路), Saejaegil(새재길), Ewharyungro(伊火嶺路) and so on are constructed through the tectolineament. In the valley floors of small streams which flow into the intermontane basin, there are large floodplains. Floodplain in Sinbuk, Joryung, and Yangsan stream is used to paddy field or orchard, and in Nongam stream is used to paddy field or vegetable field. Hills are distributed largely in the periphery of intermontane basin. Limestone hills in Kauun and Masung basin are not continuous to the present low and flat floodplain, and most of those are used to forest land and field. On the other side. granite hills in Koyori are continuous to be used to the present floodplain, and they are used to residential area and field. In the middle mountainous region are there hilly mountains constructed in the geology of Palaeozoic Pyeongan System in northern area and Chosun System's Limestone Series in southern area, and banded gneiss and schist among Sobaeksan Gneiss Complex. In Palaeozoic Pyeongan System region are there relatively rugged mountains and ingrown meanders developed along tectolineaments. Chosun System's Limestone Series region builds up a geomorphic surface, develops various karst landforms. Mountainous area is used to field. On the other hand, especially in case of Hogye, valley bottom is wide, long, and discontinuous to slope, is used to paddy field dominantly. And schist region in Youngnam Block of Pre-Cambrian is rugged mountainous. Marginal hilly region of the great basin is hilly zone located in the margin of erosional basin(Bonghwa-Youngju-Yechon-Hamchang-Sangju). This region is lower geomorphic surface which is consisted of hills of $50{\sim}100$m height. Hills are used to field or orchard, and dissected gentle depression is used to paddy field.

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A Study on Prediction of Inundation Area considering Road Network in Urban Area (도시지역 도로 네트워크를 활용한 침수지역 예측에 관한 연구)

  • Son, Ah Long;Kim, Byunghyun;Han, Kun Yeon
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.307-318
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    • 2015
  • In this study, the efficiency of two-dimensional inundation analysis using road network was demonstrated in order to reduce the simulation time of numerical model in urban area. For this objective, three simulation conditions were set up: Case 1 considered only inundation within road zone, while Case 2 and 3 considered inundation within road and building zone together. Accordingly, Case 1 used grids generated based on road network, while Case 2 and 3 used uniform and non-uniform grids for whole study area, respectively. Three simulation conditions were applied to Samsung drainage where flood damage occurred due to storm event on Sep. 21, 2010. The efficiency of suggested method in this study was verified by comparison the accuracy and simulation time of Case 1 and those of Case 2 and 3. The results presented that the simulation time was fast in the order of Case 1, 2 and 3, and the fit of inundation area between each case was more than 85% within road zone. Additionally, inundation area of building zone estimated from inundation rating index gave a similar agreement under each case. As a result, it is helpful for study on real-time inundation forecast warning to use a proposed method based on road network and inundation rating index for building zone.