• Title/Summary/Keyword: Distribution strategies

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A comprehensive review of microplastics: Sources, pathways, and implications (미세 플라스틱의 종합적 고찰: 근원, 경로 및 시사점)

  • Yano, K.A.V.;Reyes, N.J.D.G.;Geronimo, F.K.F.;Jeon, M.S.;Kim, Y.;Kim, L.H.
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.153-160
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    • 2020
  • Most studies defined microplastic (MP) as plastic particles less than 5 mm. The ubiquity of MP is raising awareness due to its potential risk to humans and the environment. MP can cause harmful effects to humans and living organisms. This paper review aimed to provide a better understanding of the sources, pathways, and impacts of MP in the environment. MP can be classified as primary and secondary in nature. Moreover, microplastic can also be classified as based on its physical and chemical characteristics. Stormwater and wastewater are important pathways of introducing MP in large water bodies. As compared to stormwater, the concentrations of MP in wastewater were relatively lower since wastewater treatment processes can contribute to the removal of MP. In terms of polymer distribution, wastewater contains a wider array of polymer varieties than stormwater runoff. The most common types of polymer found in wastewater and stormwater runoff were polypropylene (PP), polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polystyrene (PS), polyethylene (PE) and polyethylene terephthalate (PET). The continuous discharge and the increasing number of MP in the environment can pose greater hazards and harmful effects on humans and other living organisms. Despite the growing number of publications in relation to MP, further studies are needed to define concrete regulations and management strategies for mitigating the detrimental effects of MP in the environment.

An Efficient Buffer Page Replacement Strategy for System Software on Flash Memory (플래시 메모리상에서 시스템 소프트웨어의 효율적인 버퍼 페이지 교체 기법)

  • Park, Jong-Min;Park, Dong-Joo
    • Journal of KIISE:Databases
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.133-140
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    • 2007
  • Flash memory has penetrated our life in various forms. For example, flash memory is important storage component of ubiquitous computing or mobile products such as cell phone, MP3 player, PDA, and portable storage kits. Behind of the wide acceptance as memory is many advantages of flash memory: for instances, low power consumption, nonvolatile, stability and portability. In addition to mentioned strengths, the recent development of gigabyte range capacity flash memory makes a careful prediction that the flash memory might replace some of storage area dominated by hard disks. In order to have overwriting function, one block must be erased before overwriting is performed. This difference results in the cost of reading, writing and erasing in flash memory[1][5][6]. Since this difference has not been considered in traditional buffer replacement technologies adopted in system software such as OS and DBMS, a new buffer replacement strategy becomes necessary. In this paper, a new buffer replacement strategy, reflecting difference I/O cost and applicable to flash memory, suggest and compares with other buffer replacement strategies using workloads as Zipfian distribution and real data.

Building a TDM Impact Analysis System for the Introduction of Short-term Congestion Management Program in Seoul (교통수요관리 방안의 단기적 효과 분석모형의 구축)

  • 황기연;김익기;엄진기
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.173-185
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    • 1999
  • The purpose of this study is to develope a forecasting model to implement short-term Congestion Management Program (CMP) based on TDM strategies in Seoul. The CMP is composed of three elements: 1) setting a goal of short-term traffic management. 2) developing a model to forecast the impacts of TDM alternatives, and 3) finding TDM measures to achieve the goal To Predict the impacts of TDM alternatives, a model called SECOMM (SEoul COngestion Management Model) is developed. The model assumes that trip generation and distribution are not changing in a short term, and that only mode split and traffic assignment are affected by TDM. The model includes the parameter values calibrated by a discrete mode choice model, and roadway and transit networks with 1,020 zones. As a TDM measure implement, it affects mode choice behavior first and then the speeds of roadway network. The chanced speed again affects the mode choice behavior and the roadway speeds. These steps continue until the network is equilibrated. The study recommends that CMP be introduced in Seoul, and that road way conditions be monitored regularly to secure the prediction accuracy of SECOMM. Also, TDM should be the major Policy tools in removing short-term congestion problems in a big city.

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Relationships Between Using Rate of Information Media on Diversion by Traffic Condition (소통상황에 따른 정보매체별 우회이용률 분석)

  • Choe, Yun-Hyeok;Choe, Gi-Ju;Go, Han-Geom
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.39-49
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    • 2010
  • Although many studies have been carried out on the pattern of behavior of drivers which result from the provision of traffic information, there have been few detailed studies on the composition of message, method for message expression, timing of provision, point of provision, media for provision, changes by traffic condition, etc. This study was intended to provide an insight into the changes in the characteristics related to the provision of information by analyzing how the patterns of information utilization change depending on the traffic condition and reclassifying such patterns according to the characteristics of media. Unlike the existing studies, this study adopted the traffic condition, using rate of information media, and the correlation coefficient label as the basis for information media classification, and categorized them into passive utilization media, active utilization media, and past experience in order to ensure the statistical reasonability. The categorized using rate of information media and traffic condition was found to have a positive(+) correlation with the travel speed in the case of passive utilization media during both consecutive holidays(Korea's traditional Thanksgiving day) and weekends, but had a negative(-) correlation with the positive utilization media and past experience. The rate of decision to take a detour based on the past experience was high at the condition of congestion or slow during both consecutive holidays and weekends, but the rate of decision to take a detour through passive utilization media was high in a smooth traffic. In other words, if the traffic condition worsens, using rate of passive utilization media would be low while the diversion rate would be high which uses the active utilization media and past experience. Therefore, it should be established to suit the traffic condition and media characteristics for strategies of traffic distribution through drivers' diversion behavior on weekends and consecutive holidays.

The Relationship between Offline Trust and Online Transaction in Internet Banking (인터넷 뱅킹에서 오프라인 신뢰와 온라인 거래의 관계)

  • Lee, Woong-Kyu
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.29-47
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    • 2007
  • Owing to the rapid growth of using the Internet, not only click-and-mortar companies but also brick-and-mortar ones have been expanding their distribution channels into online, Moreover, since online channels are more attractive than offline ones in control and maintenance, switching customers into online ones is emerged as one of very important managerial issues in a view of reduction of cost as well as expansion of services. However, the switched customers should be faced by uncertainties which could not have been experienced in offline. Specifically, in online channels, buyers and sellers are separated temporally and spacially and there are always so many kinds of threat for security as well as not enough systems and conventions for them yet. Therefore, trust has been considered as one of the most critical mechanisms for resolution of such uncertainties in online transactions. However, it is not easy to build and maintain the relationships in online since most of them are virtual and indirect generally. Therefore, in order to switch offline customers into online ones, it is very important to make strategies based on identification of the relationship between online transaction and offline trust which has been built in offline business. Generally offline trust, which has been built independent of online, could not include trust for online-dependent activities such as payment security during or after transactions, while most of online trust include it. Therefore, a customer with high offline trust does not always perceive high security and assure safe transactions. Accordingly, while online trust, where technical capabilities for online security is one of main bases, includes control trust implicitly or explicitly, offline trust does not. However. in spite of such clear discrimination and independence between offline trust and perceived security, there can be the significant dependency between these two beliefs. The customers with high offline trust believe that the company would do some activities for online security for customers' safe transactions since it has been believed of doing well for customers' trust. Theoretically, users' perception of security is interpreted as a kind of control trus, which is trust for company's technical control capacities in order to resolve technical uncertainties in online. Therefore, the relationship between two beliefs can be considered as transference from offline trust to another type trust. that is, control trust. The objective of this study is to analyze the effect of offline trust on online transaction uses mediated by perceived security. For this purpose, we suggest a research model based on technology acceptance model (TAM). Reuse intention is adopted as a dependent variable and TAM is modified by adding perceived risk (PR) as well as two beliefs of using Internet banking, perceived usefulness (PU) and perceived ease of use (PEOU). Moreover, perceive security (PS) is adopted as an external variable for PR and PU, while offline trust (OT) is an antecedent of PS. For an empirical test, sampling from 108 visitors to the banks in Daegu, Korea, we analyze our model by partial least square (PLS) approach. In result, our model is shown to explain 51.4% of the variance in reuse intention and all hypothesis are supported statistically. A theoretical implication of this study is to identify a role of PS between offline trust and reuse intention of using online transaction services. According to our result, PS can be considered as a mediation variable for bridging between two different concepts: trust that explains social aspects of customers and companies, and TAM that explains customers' reuse intention.

The Analysis of Food Safety Incidents from 1998 to 2008 in Korea (1998 - 2008 발생한 식품안전관련 사건.사고 분석)

  • Bahk, Gyung-Jin
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.162-168
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    • 2009
  • This study was conducted the analysis of food safety incidents between January 1998 and October 2008 using media reports. Total number of food safety incident was 569 through the study period. The average of food safety incident per year and month was 51.7and 4.9, respectively. The top 10 food types involved in the lists of food safety incidents were as follows; marine products, meat and meat products, confectionaries, beverages, special nutritional food, teas, noodles, soy and bean paste sauces, and milk and milk products etc. The top 10 single foods also were as follows; ready-to eats, meat, confectionary, health support foods, steeping tea, infant formula, meat products, ginseng products, foods for body weight control etc. Of the total 569 incidents, 247 (43.4%) were related with chemical hazards involving pesticide, food additives etc, biological hazards were 126 (22.1 %), and physical hazards were 97 (17.0%) incidents. In analysis stage in the food chain at which breakdown in food safety occurred, primary production were the most common stage with 364 (64%) incidents, and incidents at the manufacture handling and distribution stages were with 151 (26.5%), and 44 (7.7%), respectively. The results of this study can be used as a better data for risk analysis or food safety strategies.

Effects of Ocean Outfall for Elimination of the Anoxic Layer in Youngsan River Estuary (영산강 하구언에서 저 산소 층의 제거를 위한 해양방류구의 효과)

  • Kwon, Seok-Jae;Cho, Yang-Ki;Seo, Uk-Won
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.259-268
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    • 2005
  • There has been a growing interest in the elimination of anoxic layer in the Youngsan River Estuarybecause the anoxic water mass caused mainly by the inflow of fresh water from the sea wall might cause the mass reduction of benthos during summer. An ocean outfall system to discharge treated wastewater into sea water may be used as one of the effective and economical ways to eliminate the anoxic layer. The suitable ocean outfall design is generally proposed for the prediction of the buoyant jet behavior in the near field. The parameters including CTD and current data are taken into account f3r more reliable buoyant jet behavior calculation. One of the numerical models, CORMIX 1, approved by EPA is used herein for the prediction of the trajectorial variation of the cross-sectional salinity and DO concentration distribution on the calculated buoyant jet boundary according to the tidal periods. On the basis of the results, it is suggested that the single port outfall is a useful system to eliminate the anoxic layer. Proper strategies are also proposed for achieving desirable ambient conditions.

Study on analysis of the Corporate requirements and CPND Value chain for e-book Market Activation (전자책 시장 활성화를 위한 기업 요구사항과 CPND 가치사슬 분석)

  • Na, Yun-Bin;Yu, Jong-Sun;Lee, Seoung-Ha
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.163-171
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    • 2016
  • This study derived the policy implications and market strategies by analysis the e-book companies requirements & the CPND value chain structure, in order to revitalize the e-book market in Korea. Specifically, we examined the prospect of e-book market in Korea, current situations of production and distribution, awareness of service utilization and requirements for support policy with targets of 30 companies. As a research, the most needed item for e-book companies is 'PR and marketing support to enter and open the markets'(27%), which is the highest. 'Financial support such as labor costs and business expenses', 'support for retraining personnel to develop the expertise in respective fields' are followed and they account for 22%. Currently, the most effective support item is the external support program(35%) and funding power(30%) is followed. Unlike a paper book market, e-book is turned into a platform business in terms of the value chain. Based on these research content, e-book market activation and corporate competitive strategy was derived as follows : 1)literacy reinforcement about SNS marketing and e-pub3 authoring tool. 2)statistical DB construction of retail sales channels. 3)diversification of the billing system. 4)The quality of the e-book content certification.

High School Students' Understanding of Astronomical Concepts Using the Role-playing and Discussion in Small Groups (소집단 역할놀이와 토의를 통한 고등학생들의 천문개념 이해)

  • Jung, Nam-Sik;Woo, Jong-Ok;Jeong, Jin-Woo
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.61-76
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    • 1996
  • The purpose of this study was to apply the instructional strategies for conceptual change prescribed by Posner et al(1982) to the astronomic content domain taught in the elementary and middle school and to analyze the characteristics of students' knowledge revealed in the test before, during and after the instruction. Also, it was to investigate the intercorrelation of cognitive levels, spatial ability and science achievement. The major findings of this study are as follows: 1. Students had a great variety of misconceptions related to the motion of the moon before the instruction, that is, the phases, the names of phases and the cause of changing phases by the moon's orbit about the earth, the moon's appearance and location at the given time, the relative positions of earth, moon and sun during a lunar eclipse, the cause that a full moon is not at the line of node once a month. In the analysis of students' responses concerning the cause of changing phases of the moon and a lunar eclipse, the results indicate that the great majority of students had rote learning rather than meaningful learning in the middle school. 2. Students' reponses during the instruction concerning the changing phases of the moon and the predictive knowledge about the motions of the earth and the moon were analyzed. 1) According to the results of the test given before and after experiment, after discussion, achievement score of the whole of subjects and groups in both preformal and formal cognitive levels appeared to increase linearly. 2) There was no statistically significant differences of achievement scores before and after experiment, after discussion between preformal group and formal group in cognitive levels. 3. Distribution of achievement scores according to the whole of subjects and groups in preformal and formal cognitive levels shows that there was a statistically significant difference between pretest and posttest. 4. Types of conceptual changes concerning the cause of changing phases of the moon that occurred from pretest to posttest were classified as accommodation, incomplete accommodation, assimilation, no change and no model. Six of the seven students starting instruction with alternative frameworks didn't sustain those alternative models throughout instruction. Five of these six students accommodated completely and the last one partially. Seventy-nine percentage of students taking instruction with fragmental models assimilated correct propositions at the end of the instruction. These results suggest that conceptual change model prescribed by Posner et al(1982) has promised the meaningful learning to students taking with fragmental models, especially in cases where students with misconception enter instruction. 5. High correlation between achievement score of simple-recall items and that of written items in pretest and posttest indicates that the higher students got the score in simple-recall items the better they also performed in written items. However, there was no statistically significant differences among cognitive levels, spatial ability and science achievement in the whole of subjects and groups according to the cognitive levels.

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Nocturnal Sleep Fragmentation in Narcoleptics and Its Clinical Implications (기면병(嗜眠炳)의 야간(夜間) 수면분절(睡眠分節) 및 임상적(臨床的) 의미(意味))

  • Park, Doo-Heum;Sohn, Chang-Ho;Jeong, Do-Un
    • Sleep Medicine and Psychophysiology
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.47-55
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    • 1996
  • Narcolepsy is characterized by sleep attack with excessive daytime sleepiness(EDS), cataplexy, sleep paralysis, and hypnagogic hallucination. Paradoxically, narcoleptics tend to complain of frequent arousals and shallow sleep during the night time despite their excessive sleepiness. However, nocturnal sleep fragmentation in narcoleptics is relatively ignored in treatment strategies, compared with sleep attack/EDS and cataplexy. In our paper, we attempted to investigate further on the poor nocturnal sleep in narcoleptics and to discuss possible treatment interventions. Out of consecutively seen patients at Seoul National University Sleep Disorders Clinic and Division of Sleep Studies, we recruited 57 patients, clinically assessed as having sleep attack and/or EDS. Nocturnal polysomnography and multiple sleep latency test(MSLT) were done in each of the subjects. We selected 19 subjects finally diagnosed as narcolepsy(mean age $26.0{\pm}18.3$ years, 16 men and 3 women) for this study, depending on the nocturnal polysomnographic and MSLT findings as well as clinical history and symptomatology. Any subject co-morbid with other hypersomnic sleep disorders such as sleep apnea or periodic limb movements during sleep was excluded. Sleep staging was done using Rechtschaffen and Kales criteria. Sleep parameters were calculated using PSDENT program(Stanford Sleep Clinic, version 1.2) and were compared with the age-matched normal values provided in the program. In narcoleptics, compared with the normal controls, total wake time was found to be significantly increased with significantly decreased sleep efficiency(p<.01, p<.05, respectively), despite no difference of sleep period time and total sleep time between the two groups. Stage 2 sleep%(p<.05), slow wave sleep%(p<.05), and REM sleep%(p<.01) were found to be significantly decreased in narcoleptics compared with normal controls, accompanied by the significant increase of stage 1 sleep%(p<.01). Age showed negative correlation with slow wave sleep%(p<.05). The findings in the present study indicate significant fragmentation of nocturnal sleep in narcoleptics. Reduction of REM sleep% and the total number of REM sleep periods suggests the disturbance of nocturnal REM sleep distribution in narcoleptics. No significant correlations between nocturnal polysomnographic and MSLT variables in narcoleptics suggest that nocturnal sleep disturbance in narcoleptics may be dealt with, in itself, in diagnosing and managing narcolepsy. With the objective demonstration of qualitative and quantitative characteristics of nocturnal and daytime sleep in narcoleptics, we suggest that more attention be paid to the nocturnal sleep fragmentation in narcoleptics and that appropriate treatment interventions such as active drug therapy and/or circadian rhythm-oriented sleep hygiene education be applied as needed.

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