• Title/Summary/Keyword: Digital terrain analysis

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Classification of Forest Vertical Structure Using Machine Learning Analysis (머신러닝 기법을 이용한 산림의 층위구조 분류)

  • Kwon, Soo-Kyung;Lee, Yong-Suk;Kim, Dae-Seong;Jung, Hyung-Sup
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.229-239
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    • 2019
  • All vegetation colonies have layered structure. This layer is called 'forest vertical structure.' Nowadays it is considered as an important indicator to estimate forest's vital condition, diversity and environmental effect of forest. So forest vertical structure should be surveyed. However, vertical structure is a kind of inner structure, so forest surveys are generally conducted through field surveys, a traditional forest inventory method which costs plenty of time and budget. Therefore, in this study, we propose a useful method to classify the vertical structure of forests using remote sensing aerial photographs and machine learning capable of mass data mining in order to reduce time and budget for forest vertical structure investigation. We classified it as SVM (Support Vector Machine) using RGB airborne photos and LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) DSM (Digital Surface Model) DTM (Digital Terrain Model). Accuracy based on pixel count is 66.22% when compared to field survey results. It is concluded that classification accuracy of layer classification is relatively high for single-layer and multi-layer classification, but it was concluded that it is difficult in multi-layer classification. The results of this study are expected to further develop the field of machine learning research on vegetation structure by collecting various vegetation data and image data in the future.

Accuracy Evaluation of Earthwork Volume Calculation According to Terrain Model Generation Method (지형모델 구축 방법에 따른 토공물량 산정의 정확도 평가)

  • Park, Joon Kyu;Jung, Kap Yong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.47-54
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    • 2021
  • Calculation of quantity at construction sites is a factor that has a great influence on construction costs, and it is important to calculate accurate values. In this study, topographic model was created by using drone photogrammetry and drone LiDAR to estimate earthwork volume. ortho image and DSM (Digital Surface Model) were constructed for the study area by drone photogrammetry, and DEM (Digital Elevation Model) of the target area was established using drone LiDAR. And through accuracy evaluation, accuracy of each method are 0.034m, 0.35m in horizontal direction, 0.054m, 0.25m in vertical direction. Through the research, the usability of drone photogrammetry and drone LiDAR for constructing geospatial information was presented. As a result of calculating the volume of the study site, the UAV photogrammetry showed a difference of 1528.1㎥ from the GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) survey performance, and the 3D Laser Scanner showed difference of 160.28㎥. The difference in the volume of earthwork is due to the difference in the topographic model, and the efficiency of volume calculation by drone LiDAR could be suggested. In the future, if additional research is conducted using GNSS surveying and drone LiDAR to establish topographic model in the forest area and evaluate its usability, the efficiency of terrain model construction using drone LiDAR can be suggested.

Study on the Building of Digital Terrain Model Using Satellite Remotely Sensed Data and Its Applications (위성 원격탐사 데이타를 이용한 지형표고모델 산출 알고리즘 구축 및 응용)

  • 최윤수
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.141-151
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    • 1995
  • In generating DTM as basic data to GIS, the use of existing map is difficult to aquire current data and the method using airphotos needs cost for stereoplotting and ground control surveying. So, the method of DTM generation by satellite imagery is promising because satellite is able to observe wide area at once. In this study the program for SPOT bundle adjustment and image matching based on Coarse to Fine method is developed and various image enhancement algorithm is used for more accurate DTM generation and also evaluation of accuracy was carried out. Further more, orthophoto, a bird's eye-view, contour map producing, net-work analysis and terrain analysis were performed for GIS applications using generated DTM in this study. Generated DTM using SPOT stereo imagery is useful for GIS applications such as automated mapping, facility management, national geographic information system. Moreover developed automatic DTM generation pro-gram is studied, tested and verified more to be applicable to all the area.

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A Study on the Application Technique and 3D Geospatial Information Generation for Optimum Route Decision (최적노선결정을 위한 3차원 지형공간정보생성 및 적용기법연구)

  • Yeon Sangho
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2003.05a
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    • pp.321-325
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    • 2003
  • The technology for the multi-dimensional terrain perspective view can be used as an important factors in planning and designing for the various construction projects. In this study, the stereo image perspective view has been generated for the multi-dimension analysis by combining useful digital map and remotely sensed satellite images. In the course of experimenting with the multi-dimensional topography generated by the combination of the front-projected image by the precise GCP and DEM from the contour line, the technology has been developed to offer the multi-dimensional access to the potential construction sites from the nearby main roads. This stereo image bird's eye view has made it possible to make multi-dimensional analysis on the terrain, which provides real time virtual access to the designated construction sites and will be a versatile application for development planning and construction projects.

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Coverage Analysis of VHF Aviation Communication Network for Initial UAM Operations Considering Real Terrain Environments (실제 지형 환경을 고려한 초기 UAM 운용을 위한 VHF 항공통신 커버리지 분석)

  • Seul-Ae Gwon;Seung-Kyu Han;Young-Ho Jung
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.102-108
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    • 2024
  • In the initial stages of urban air mobility (UAM) operations, compliance with existing visual flight rules and instrument flight regulations for conventional human-crewed aircraft is crucial. Additionally, voice communication between the on board pilot and relevant UAM stakeholders, including vertiports, is essential. Consequently, very high frequency (VHF) aviation voice communication must be consistently provided throughout all phases of UAM operations. This paper presents the results of the VHF communication coverage analysis for the initial UAM demonstration areas, encompassing the Hangang River and Incheon Ara-Canal corridors, as well as potential vertiport candidate locations. By considering the influence of terrain and buildings through the utilization of a digital surface model (DSM), communication quality prediction results are obtained for the analysis areas. The three-dimensional coverage analysis results indicate that stable coverage can be achieved within altitude corridors ranging from 300 m to 600 m. However, there are shaded areas in the low-altitude vertiport regions due to the impact of high-rise buildings. Therefore, additional research to ensure stable coverage around vertiports in the lower altitude areas is required.

A Study on the Selection of Optimum Location Using GIS Technique: The Case of Optimum Defense Area between Seoul and Dongducheon (GIS 기법을 이용한 최적입지 선정 연구 - 서울-동두천간의 최적방어지역 선정 -)

  • Kim, Doo-Il;Lee, Hyung-Ho;Han, Uk
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.137-147
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    • 1993
  • Terrain is on of the most important factors in the selection of defense areas. The objective of the study is selection optimum defense area between Seoul and Dongducheon using GIS technique. The contents of the study are: (1) to select the defense area by pure terrain factors, (2) to select the defense area with focusing on the avenues of approach, and (3) to compare the above two kinds of area. The study area is located in the northeastern part of Seoul metropolitan area. It is part of Choogaryung Rift Valley which is running from Seoul to Wonsan. Six factors are considered for the selection: tactical distance, direction, elevation, slope, aspect and the distance from main roads. The defense score of each area is calculated by the multiplication of scores of each factors. The optimum defense area I consists of high-mountain areas such as Mt. Dobong, Mt. Wan-gbang, etc. The optimum defense area II consists of high-mountain areas along the three main roads selected. An east-west line of optimum defense area from Kuksabong in the east to Mt. Bulkuk in the west through Chookseok pass is identified from the spatial pattern of the area II. The line is also a dividing line between the northern and the southern watersheds.

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A Study on the Coast Topography using Real-Time Kinematics GPS and Echo Sounder

  • Park, Woon-Yong;Kim, Jin-Soo;Kim, Cheon-Yeong
    • International Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology Speciallssue:Selected Papers
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.22-29
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    • 2003
  • This research aims at investigation of accuracy potential of RTK(Real-Time Kinematic) GPS in combination with Echo Sounder(E/S) for the coastal mapping. Apart from this purpose, the accuracy of ambiguity resolution with the OTF(On The Fly) method was tested with respect to the initialization time. The result shows that the accuracy is better than 1cm with 5-minute initialization in the distance of 10km baseline. The seaside topography was measured by the RTK GPS only, on the other hand the seafloor topography was surveyed in combination of RTK GPS and E/S. Comparing to the volume of seaside measured by RTK GPS and digital topographical map, the difference of only 2% was achieved. This indicates that the coastal mapping. As a result, it has been revealed that every possible noise in surveying could be corrected and the accuracy could be improved. The accuracy of GPS data acquired in real time was as good as that acquired by post processing. It is expected that it will be useful for the analysis of coastal geographic characteristics because DTM(Digital Terrain Model) can be also constructed for the harbor reclamation, the dredging, and the variation of soil movement in a river.

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A Study on the Coast Topography using Real-Time Kinematics GPS and Echo Sounder

    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.17 no.3 s.52
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    • pp.13-20
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    • 2003
  • This research aims at investigation of accuracy potential of RTK(Real-Time Kinematic) GPS in combination with Echo Sounder(E/S) for the coastal mapping. Apart from this purpose, the accuracy of ambiguity resolution with the OTF(On The Fly) method was tested with respect to the initialization time. The result shows that the accuracy is better than 1cm with 5-minute initialization in the distance of 10km baseline. The seaside topography was measured by the RTK GPS only, on the other hand the seafloor topography was surveyed in combination of RTK GPS and E/S. Comparing to the volume of seaside measured by RTK GPS and digital topographical map, the difference of only $2\%$ was achieved. This indicates that the coastal mapping. As a result, it has been revealed that every possible noise in surveying could be corrected and the accuracy could be improved. The accuracy of GPS data acquired in real time was as good as that acquired by post processing. It is expected that it will be useful for the analysis of coastal geographic characteristics because DTM(Digital Terrain Model) can be also constructed for the harbor reclamation, the dredging, and the variation of soil movement in a river.

Automated Water Surface Extraction in Satellite Images Using a Comprehensive Water Database Collection and Water Index Analysis

  • Anisa Nur Utami;Taejung Kim
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.425-440
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    • 2023
  • Monitoring water surface has become one of the most prominent areas of research in addressing environmental challenges.Accurate and automated detection of watersurface in remote sensing imagesis crucial for disaster prevention, urban planning, and water resource management, particularly for a country where water plays a vital role in human life. However, achieving precise detection poses challenges. Previous studies have explored different approaches,such as analyzing water indexes, like normalized difference water index (NDWI) derived from satellite imagery's visible or infrared bands and using k-means clustering analysis to identify land cover patterns and segment regions based on similar attributes. Nonetheless, challenges persist, notably distinguishing between waterspectralsignatures and cloud shadow or terrain shadow. In thisstudy, our objective is to enhance the precision of water surface detection by constructing a comprehensive water database (DB) using existing digital and land cover maps. This database serves as an initial assumption for automated water index analysis. We utilized 1:5,000 and 1:25,000 digital maps of Korea to extract water surface, specifically rivers, lakes, and reservoirs. Additionally, the 1:50,000 and 1:5,000 land cover maps of Korea aided in the extraction process. Our research demonstrates the effectiveness of utilizing a water DB product as our first approach for efficient water surface extraction from satellite images, complemented by our second and third approachesinvolving NDWI analysis and k-means analysis. The image segmentation and binary mask methods were employed for image analysis during the water extraction process. To evaluate the accuracy of our approach, we conducted two assessments using reference and ground truth data that we made during this research. Visual interpretation involved comparing our results with the global surface water (GSW) mask 60 m resolution, revealing significant improvements in quality and resolution. Additionally, accuracy assessment measures, including an overall accuracy of 90% and kappa values exceeding 0.8, further support the efficacy of our methodology. In conclusion, thisstudy'sresults demonstrate enhanced extraction quality and resolution. Through comprehensive assessment, our approach proves effective in achieving high accuracy in delineating watersurfaces from satellite images.

Applications of LiDAR in Cadastral Surveying (지적측량에 라이다 측량기술의 활용방안)

  • Kang, Joon-Mook;Min, Kwan-Sik;Wie, Gwang-Jae;Kim, Jae-Myoung
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography Conference
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    • 2007.04a
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    • pp.443-446
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    • 2007
  • The major purpose of the present study is to gauge the general applicability of cadastral surveying and LiDAR surveying. LiDAR survey is the method which obtains Geospatial information of the terrain. We will get a most topographic models at Digital Elevation Model(DEM) using LiDAR survey data. Also, we will consider both the surface parcel partition and volume parcel as a part of Geospatial relationship model. This study will focus on enhancing the efficiency and analysis of continual cadastral map and LiDAR DEM. I would like to close by proposing that LiDAR surveying will contribute in cadastral surveying.

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