• Title/Summary/Keyword: Digital resources

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Plans for Improving Functions of Conservation Science at the National Museum of Korea (국립중앙박물관 보존과학 기능 발전 방안연구)

  • Chung, Yongjae;Jeong, Seonhye;Lee, Nara;Moon, Hyeyoung
    • Conservation Science in Museum
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    • v.19
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    • pp.99-116
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    • 2018
  • As a leading institution for conservation science in Korea, the National Museum of Korea (NMK) has conducted diverse efforts in this field through conservation treatment, analysis, research, and other relevant affairs over the past four decades. However, conservation science at the NMK has been facing difficulties due to insufficient human resources for handling its extensive collection, decrepit equipment, an expanding number of requests for support from other institutions, and increasing calls for enhancing its functions. In view of these challenges, this study diagnosed the current situation and examined the functions required in order to suggest plans for the development of conservation science at the NMK. In this regard, it reviewed current activities at the museum and conducted case studies of overseas institutions to propose five functions to be enhanced or introduced at the NMK. First, the NMK should refine the existing functions of conservation treatment and enhance its support for conservation science. In addition, it is recommended to introduce and develop advanced analysis and diagnosis involving valuations, conservation environment management to counter climate change, and content-based digital conservation/restoration. The functional enhancements and introduction of the new functions as described above would help the NMK develop into a leading center for conservation science in Asia.

Decision Making Support System for Water Supply Facilities Planning using Geographic Information System (GIS를 이용한 상수도(上水道) 계획(計劃) 의사결정(意思決定) 지원(支援)시스템 연구(硏究))

  • Ha, Sung-Ryung;Kim, Ju-Hwan
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.3 no.2 s.6
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    • pp.101-113
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    • 1995
  • In pipeline planning, the systematic and reasonal management of topographical and spatial data are needed in order to omprove the availibilities for data analysis and the effective combinations of spatial informations. According to that fact, DBMS (Database Management System) and DSS(Decision making Support System) have to be developed for the planning of water supply system Also, the economic selection for harmonious delivery of water to target area, since the alternatives of pre-designed pipeline are influenced by hydraulic stability and geographic characteristics. In this study, GIS technique for water supply planning and management which stores graphic features and attributes as digital data sets is considered and engineering application programs are integrated for effective planning of water supply system. Decision making support system based on analyzing technical, Social and economical aspects is developed for the extension of water supply facilities and pipeline configurations. Especially, Hydraulic, land-use and economic influences are considered as important factors for the purpose of developing the system. Hydraulic analysis program(SAPID) for pipeline flow which is already developed in Water Resources Research Institute and economic analysis program(ECOVEL) are integrated with GIS for resonable decision making. Every possible aspects in pipeline planning for water supply is reviewed and the applicabilities of developed system into the field are evaluated.

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Branding a Place through Cultural Heritage: The Case Study of in Yunnan, China (문화유산 자원을 활용한 장소브랜딩: 중국 운남의 <인상리장>을 사례로)

  • Song, Jung Eun;Lee, Byung-min
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.189-208
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    • 2016
  • This research aims to discuss the impact of on regional development as a place brand and glocal heritage. Based on understanding of the changes and influences of local heritages in the globalization era as a key component of place branding, this study explores how is used to develop a place branding strategy for Lijiang. The research methods are both a literature review and a field research related to Lijiang and its culture. Also, the resources from news, internet, and YouTube are used to analyze the impact of . The performance has been attracting tourists from both Chineses and foreigners and contributed to increase the economic profits of local tourism industry as one of the representative identities of Lijiang. Also, in the process of preservation and recreation of cultural heritages of Lijiang such as , the participation of local residents and on-going interactions between the residents and global tourists highly influence on a transition from place marketing to place branding. By applying local cultural heritages to place branding strategies, the regional values of Lijiang strengthen its place identity from a place of preserving a minority's heritage to that of flourishing cultural exchanges and hybridization from the world.

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Urban Nonpoint Source Pollution Assessment Using A Geographical Information System (GIS를 이용한 도심지 Nonpoint Source 오염 물질의 평가연구)

  • ;Stephen J. Ventura;Paul M. Harris;Peter G. Thum;Jeffrey Prey
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.39-53
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    • 1993
  • A geographical information systems(GIS) was a useful aid in the assessment of urban nonpoint source pollution and the development of a pollution control strategy. The GIS was used for data integration and display, and to provide data for a nonpoint source model. An empirical nonpoint source loading model driven by land use was used to estimate pollutant loadings of priority pollutant. Pollutant loadings were estimated at fine spatial resolution and aggregated to storm sewer drainage basins(sewershedsl. Eleven sewersheds were generated from digital versions of sewer maps. The pollutant loadings of individual land use polygons, derived as the unit of analysis from street blocks, were aggregated to get total pollutant loading within each sewershed. Based on the model output, a critical sewershed was located. Pollutant loadings at major sewer junctions within the critical sewershed were estimated to develop a mi t igat ion strategy. Two approaches based on the installat ion of wet ponds were investigated -- a regional approach using one large wet pond at the major sewer outfall and a multi-site approach using a number of smaller sites for each major sewer junction. Cost analysis showed that the regional approach would be more cost effective, though it would provide less pollution control.

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Perspectives on the Use of Elementary Mathematics Textbooks by the Pre-service Teachers (예비교사의 초등수학교과서 활용에 대한 관점)

  • Park, Mangoo
    • Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.461-482
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the elementary pre-service teachers' perspectives on the use of the elementary mathematics textbooks by observing mathematics classes at the schools and to present suggestions on the use of textbooks in the mathematics classes. For this study, let 54 pre-service elementary school teachers observe a total of 54 classes (1,299 students) in the first through sixth grades at 15 areas in Seoul city. With the observations of the mathematics classes, the researcher analyzed the pre-service elementary teachers' perspectives on the use of resources including mathematics textbooks in the elementary mathematics classes. As a result of the study, the pre-service teachers recognized that mathematics textbooks are the main material for mathematics classes, but they think that they need to reconstruct the contents of the textbooks for effective teaching and learning mathematics. In addition, various additional materials need to be used in order to help students learn mathematics more effectively, including by differentiated materials. Also, instruments used in the classes were mainly consisted of TV and PPT data. Pre-service teachers were not much satisfied with the contents of the elementary mathematics textbooks. However, they did not feel the need for development of digital textbooks. The researcher suggested a long term research on how to use study materials such as textbooks within the overall mechanism of teaching and learning processes. Also, practical teacher education programs that include applications of textbooks at schools are necessary in order to improve the quality of mathematics teaching and learning.

Accelerated Convolution Image Processing by Using Look-Up Table and Overlap Region Buffering Method (Loop-Up Table과 필터 중첩영역 버퍼링 기법을 이용한 컨벌루션 영상처리 고속화)

  • Kim, Hyun-Woo;Kim, Min-Young
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SC
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    • v.49 no.4
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    • pp.17-22
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    • 2012
  • Convolution filtering methods have been widely applied to various digital signal processing fields for image blurring, sharpening, edge detection, and noise reduction, etc. According to their application purpose, the filter mask size or shape and the mask value are selected in advance, and the designed filter is applied to input image for the convolution processing. In this paper, we proposed an image processing acceleration method for the convolution processing by using two-dimensional Look-up table (LUT) and overlap-region buffering technique. First, based on the fixed convolution mask value, the multiplication operation between 8 or 10 bit pixel values of the input image and the filter mask values is performed a priori, and the results memorized in LUT are referred during the convolution process. Second, based on symmetric structural characteristics of the convolution filters, inherent duplicated operation region is analysed, and the saved operation results in one step before in the predefined memory buffer is recalled and reused in current operation step. Through this buffering, unnecessary repeated filter operation on the same regions is minimized in sequential manner. As the proposed algorithms minimize the computational amount needed for the convolution operation, they work well under the operation environments utilizing embedded systems with limited computational resources or the environments of utilizing general personnel computers. A series of experiments under various situations verifies the effectiveness and usefulness of the proposed methods.

The Study on Curriculum of the Departments Related to Make-up in Korean Colleges

  • Kim, Eun-Sil
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.113-133
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is to establish academic identity as well as produce human resources that industries need by grasping curriculum of the departments related beauty focusing on Korean colleges (junior colleges and four year course colleges), analyzing examples of advanced countries and suggesting their developmental direction. For the research method, the reference period of curriculum in Korean colleges was from Jul. 05th, 2011 to Aug. 05th, 2011. the investigation method is as follow: first, the curriculum of the departments related to beauty which were registered in the web sites were investigated. Second, the documents were received by fax and Email from each department after calling it. Third, questions and answers were done in reference to majors on the phones. these methods are intended for 65 junior colleges and 16 four year course colleges (total 81 ones). It clarified that lifelong education centers and the graduate courses were ruled out. the statistical analysis about data which were investigated like this were done by the frequency analysis. The results which examined the major subjects of Make-up focusing on Korea and foreign countries are as follow: First, the result which examined the major and theory subjects of Make-up has found that there are the human body theory, the equipment theory, the marketing theory are the management theory in Korean junior colleges and physiology/chemical, management, marketing and equipment product were treated in four year course colleges of Korea. As for foreign colleges, the subjects related to history and culture are mainly treated as the theory courses and their purpose is to cultivate basic knowledge of the fields which are mainly connected to Make-up including plays, movies, TV and studios. Second, the result which examined practice subjects of Make-up major has found that practice subjects of the total ones are of great importance in junior colleges. And it could be found that the Make-up field is of little importance as it is not independent and exists with the hair and skin fields in one department in the four year course colleges. Especially, in the foreign countries, the more detailed and professional subjects including classes which treat digital media, studio technologies, production, wigs and the special effects were treated by the field class system and these characteristics implies that Korean curriculum should be changed in the future. Based on this analytical results of investigation, this researcher tried to propose the developmental direction of Korean curriculum in the future.

A Study on the Implementation of PC Interface for Packet Terminal of ISDN (ISDN 패킷 단말기용 PC 접속기 구현에 관한 연구)

  • 조병록;박병철
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.16 no.12
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    • pp.1336-1347
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    • 1991
  • In this paper, The PC interface for packet terminal of ISDN is designed and implemented in order to build packet communication networks which share computer resources and exchange informations between computer in the ISDN environment. The PC interface for packet terminal of ISDN constitutes S interface handler part which controls functions of ISDN layer1 and layer 2, constitutes packet handler part which controls services of X.25 protocol in the packet level.Where, The function of ISDN layer1 provides rules of electrical and mechanical characteristics, services for ISDN layer 2. The function of ISDN layer 2 provides function of LAPD procedure, services for X.25 The X.25 specifies interface between DCE and DTE for terminals operrating in the packet mode. The S interface handler part is orfanized by Am 79C30 ICs manufactured by Advanecd Micro Devices. ISDN packet handler part is organiged by AmZ8038 for FIFO for the purpose of D channel. The common signal procedure for D channel is controlled by Intel's 8086 microprocessor. The S interface handler part is based on ISDN layer1,2 is controlled by mail box in order to communicate between layers. The ISDN packet handler part is based on module in the X.25 lebel. The communication between S interface handler part and ISDN packet handler part is organized by interface controller.

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Study on the Realization of Tourism Culture Welfare by Using Confucius Heritage - Based on Confucian Buildings - (유교유산을 활용한 관광문화복지 구현에 대한 연구 - 유교건물을 중심으로 -)

  • Oh, Seung-ha;Jo, Won-seob
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.90-99
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    • 2016
  • The present study investigates the realization of tourism culture welfare by using Confucian heritage. From June 13 to November 7, 2014, site surveys and interviews were conducted for hyanggo (hyanggo: Confucian temple and school to teach students in Joseon Dynasty period), seowon (seowon: a memorial hall for Confucianist services to honor distinguished scholars and statesmen) and nujung (nujung: outdoor pavilion or gazebo) located in Youngwol -gun. Questionnaire pertaining to site survey and in-depth interviews for the building owners and managers was used to collect necessary data and scientific investigation was performed for analysis. As a result, the historical background was found to be culturally valuable asset for both region's tourism and culture welfare. Secondly, hyanggyo and seowon were found to exhibit traditional Confucius cultural form, while nujung exhibited a rare architectural trait. Hence it seems necessary to develop a different social tourism resource specialized for nujung. Thirdly, the rendering of Confucius heritages to tourism culture welfare resources thus far seems to be insufficient; hence, development and operation of marketing programs will be necessary. The implications of the present study require succession and modern reinterpretation of Confucian heritages for further development into digital tourism that will encompass Confucian culture and today's culture. Furthermore, studies of the tourism culture welfare policies that will promote the co-existence with the region will be needed.

A Design of Wireless Sensor Node Using Embedded System (임베디드 시스템을 활용한 무선 센서 노드설계)

  • Cha, Jin-Man;Lee, Young-Ra;Park, Yeon-Sik
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.623-628
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    • 2009
  • The emergence of compact and low-power wireless communication sensors and actuators in the technology supporting the ongoing miniaturization of processing and storage allows for entirely the new kinds of embedded systems. These systems are distributed and deployed in environments where they may have been designed into a particular control method, and are often very dynamic. Collection of devices can communicate to achieve a higher level of coordinated behavior. Wireless sensor nodes deposited in various places provide light, temperature, and activity measurements. Wireless sensor nodes attached to circuits or appliances sense the current or control the usage. Together they form a dynamic and multi-hop routing network connecting each node to more powerful networks and processing resources. Wireless sensor networks are a specific-application and therefore they have to involve both software and hardware. They also use protocols that relate to both applications and the wireless network. Wireless sensor networks are consumer devices supporting multimedia applications such as personal digital assistants, network computers, and mobile communication devices. Wireless sensor networks are becoming an important part of industrial and military applications. The characteristics of modem embedded systems are the capable of communicating adapting the different operating environments. In this paper, We designed and implemented sensor network system which shows through host PC sensing temperature and humidity data transmitted for wireless sensor nodes composed wireless temperature and humidity sensor and designs sensor nodes using embedded system with the intention of studying USN.