• Title/Summary/Keyword: Digital resources

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A Study on Space Design and Space Uses of Community Based Small Public Libraries - Focused on the Cases of Ann Arbor District Library in the United States - (소규모 지역 공공도서관의 공간 구성과 이용 특성 연구 - 미국 앤아버 공공도서관 브랜치의 사례조사를 중심으로 -)

  • Moon, Eun-Mi
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.217-225
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    • 2010
  • Today's public libraries in communities are on the processes of changes to integrate information and communication technology into traditional library system in order to support current users' demands for the new digital era. The purpose of this study is to examine the changing characters on space design and space uses of community based public libraries by conducting case studies of three branch libraries which were built after 2004 in Ann Arbor, Michigan in the United States. As the conclusion of this research, the findings of the case studies are utilized as basic data for planning and design guidelines for public libraries as community resources. The study summarizes the characteristics of space design and space uses in public libraries as follow; first, the floor plans of small-scale public libraries are open visually as well as spatially. The space organization of the libraries is arranged by potential noise levels, as placing noisy spaces near the entrance halls and quiet spaces at the back. Main book shelves are located in the middle of the library buildings, while seats are arranged along the window sides. By placing various kinds of furniture in open reading areas, library users can select different types of seats and tables for their comforts. Second. the survey of observation also finds that a large number of users often use library computers and personal computers to connect the internet at the libraries. These personal computer users who are new user group in community based libraries preferred to sit in casual study areas and individual tables with one or two seats only. Third, the libraries, in addition, develop and provide various programs and events for people in communities. Especially, the programs for children, the elderly and new comers from the abroad are well prepared, thus provide opportunities for them to visit the libraries in regular bases. The survey finds that family entertainment and leisure activities are the important parts of the program as well as renting music CD and movie DVD are also important reasons for people to come. Thus, the libraries prepare high quality children's space and CD shelves near the entrance hall.

Edge Detection System for Noisy Video Sequences Using Partial Reconfiguration (부분 재구성을 이용한 노이즈 영상의 경계선 검출 시스템)

  • Yoon, Il-Jung;Joung, Hee-Won;Kim, Seung-Jong;Min, Byong-Seok;Lee, Joo-Heung
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.21-31
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    • 2017
  • In this paper, the Zynq system-on-chip (SoC) platform is used to design an adaptive noise reduction and edge-detection system using partial reconfiguration. Filters are implemented in a partially reconfigurable (PR) region to provide high computational complexity in real-time, 1080p video processing. In addition, partial reconfiguration enables better utilization of hardware resources in the embedded system from autonomous replacement of filters in the same PR region. The proposed edge-detection system performs adaptive noise reduction if the noise density level in the incoming video sequences exceeds a given threshold value. Results of implementation show that the proposed system improves the accuracy of edge-detection results (14~20 times in Pratt's Figure of Merit) through self-reconfiguration of filter bitstreams triggered by noise density level in the video sequences. In addition, the ZyCAP controller implemented in this paper enables about 2.1 times faster reconfiguration when compared to a PCAP controller.

Soccer Video Highlight Building Algorithm using Structural Characteristics of Broadcasted Sports Video (스포츠 중계 방송의 구조적 특성을 이용한 축구동영상 하이라이트 생성 알고리즘)

  • 김재홍;낭종호;하명환;정병희;김경수
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.30 no.7_8
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    • pp.727-743
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    • 2003
  • This paper proposes an automatic highlight building algorithm for soccer video by using the structural characteristics of broadcasted sports video that an interesting (or important) event (such as goal or foul) in sports video has a continuous replay shot surrounded by gradual shot change effect like wipe. This shot editing rule is used in this paper to analyze the structure of broadcated soccer video and extracts shot involving the important events to build a highlight. It first uses the spatial-temporal image of video to detect wipe transition effects and zoom out/in shot changes. They are used to detect the replay shot. However, using spatial-temporal image alone to detect the wipe transition effect requires too much computational resources and need to change algorithm if the wipe pattern is changed. For solving these problems, a two-pass detection algorithm and a pixel sub-sampling technique are proposed in this paper. Furthermore, to detect the zoom out/in shot change and replay shots more precisely, the green-area-ratio and the motion energy are also computed in the proposed scheme. Finally, highlight shots composed of event and player shot are extracted by using these pre-detected replay shot and zoom out/in shot change point. Proposed algorithm will be useful for web services or broadcasting services requiring abstracted soccer video.

An Exploration for Direction of the Curriculum Development through the Analysis of Media Information Literacy Competencies and Contents (미디어정보 리터러시 역량과 교육내용 분석을 통한 교육과정 개발 방향 탐구)

  • Park, Juhyeon
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.119-144
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to obtain basic information and implications for developing media information literacy curriculum by comparing and analyzing UNESCO's media and information literacy competencies and AASL's key competencies with the 2015 Revised Curriculum and the Library and Information Life curriculum. As a result of the analysis, First, UNESCO's MIL and AASL's key competencies in media information literacy were related to the competencies of the 2015 Revised Curriculum. Second, UNESCO's MIL included more aspects of the composition and competencies of information literacy than media literacy. For this reason, it could be said that media information literacy more appropriately reflects the content pursued by media literacy education than media literacy. Third, UNESCO's MIL included more training content for media literacy than information literacy. Fourth, the contents of media literacy were found to be insufficient in the Library and Information Life curriculum compared to the education contents of library and information literacy. Fifth, the competency standards related to media information literacy and Libraries and Information Life did not present cultural sensitivity competency. Based on the results of the study, It is necessary to develop a media information literacy curriculum that fuses the contents of media literacy beyond the information literacy that use library resources.

The Study on Cooperative Roles between K-Pop and Applied Music (K-Pop과 실용음악의 상호보완적 역할에 관한 연구)

  • Ryu, Eun-Joo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.412-425
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    • 2017
  • The success of K-Pop music industry continues as there is a new light shedding on the new Korean wave. There is a continuous discussion about the sustainability of the idol's dance music because of its limit in the uniform genre. As a solution to improve the quality of K-pop music, researchers said to supplement it through the change of educational system in the applied music. However, research into how much the education of applied music is contributing to the continuous success of the K-Pop music industry and how each industry is affecting each other was inadequate. Therefore, this study will understand the association between the K-Pop and the applied music, and look into ways that can act as a mutual supplementation for both fields. Subjects of analysis included performing artists, composers, arrangers, lyricists, and singers for songs within the top 100 of the digital total ranking for the past three years in the Gaon chart which is the official music chart for Korea. Then, the study apprehended how many of those subject had relations with the applied music and their activity frequency. As a result, there were a considerable number of K-Pop performers, at 41.74%, who also majored in the applied music. To continue to tendency of Korean wave and develop the Korean popular music, this study will explore roles each industry should cooperate in the future. There were the formation of social atmosphere for increase of consumer's needs to diverse K-pop music and change of education for training its human resources that K-pop industry demand.

A Study on Environmental research Trends by Information and Communications Technologies using Text-mining Technology (텍스트 마이닝 기법을 이용한 환경 분야의 ICT 활용 연구 동향 분석)

  • Park, Boyoung;Oh, Kwan-Young;Lee, Jung-Ho;Yoon, Jung-Ho;Lee, Seung Kuk;Lee, Moung-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.189-199
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    • 2017
  • Thisstudy quantitatively analyzed the research trendsin the use ofICT ofthe environmental field using the text mining technique. To that end, the study collected 359 papers published in the past two decades(1996-2015)from the National Digital Science Library (NDSL) using 38 environment-related keywords and 16 ICT-related keywords. It processed the natural languages of the environment and ICT fields in the papers and reorganized the classification system into the unit of corpus. It conducted the text mining analysis techniques of frequency analysis, keyword analysis and the association rule analysis of keywords, based on the above-mentioned keywords of the classification system. As a result, the frequency of the keywords of 'general environment' and 'climate' accounted for 77 % of the total proportion and the keywords of 'public convergence service' and 'industrial convergence service' in the ICT field took up approximately 30 % of the total proportion. According to the time series analysis, the researches using ICT in the environmental field rapidly increased over the past 5 years (2011-2015) and the number of such researches more than doubled compared to the past (1996-2010). Based on the environmental field with generated association rules among the keywords, it was identified that the keyword 'general environment' was using 16 ICT-based technologies and 'climate' was using 14 ICT-based technologies.

A SoC Design Synthesis System for High Performance Vehicles (고성능 차량용 SoC 설계 합성 시스템)

  • Chang, Jeong-Uk;Lin, Chi-Ho
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.181-187
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    • 2020
  • In this paper, we proposed a register allocation algorithm and resource allocation algorithm in the high level synthesis process for the SoC design synthesis system of high performance vehicles We have analyzed to the operator characteristics and structure of datapath in the most important high-level synthesis. We also introduced the concept of virtual operator for the scheduling of multi-cycle operations. Thus, we demonstrated the complexity to implement a multi-cycle operation of the operator, regardless of the type of operation that can be applied for commonly use in the resources allocation algorithm. The algorithm assigns the functional operators so that the number of connecting signal lines which are repeatedly used between the operators would be minimum. This algorithm provides regional graphs with priority depending on connected structure when the registers are allocated. The registers with connecting structure are allocated to the maximum cluster which is generated by the minimum cluster partition algorithm. Also, it minimize the connecting structure by removing the duplicate inputs for the multiplexor in connecting structure and arranging the inputs for the multiplexor which is connected to the operators. In order to evaluate the scheduling performance of the described algorithm, we demonstrate the utility of the proposed algorithm by executing scheduling on the fifth digital wave filter, a standard bench mark model.

On-Land Seismic Survey of Korea (한국의 육상 탄성파탐사)

  • Kwon, Byung-Doo
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.39 no.4 s.179
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    • pp.441-450
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    • 2006
  • The on-land seismic survey in Korea was begun in mid-1960s. Kim et al.(1967) of Korea Geological Survey reported on the result of gravity and seismic reflection surveys conducted in the Pohang area for the period of 1963-64 to assess its possibility of oil entrapment. Hyun and Kim (1966) carried out a refraction survey on the tunnel wall. Since then, the KGS geophysicists had conducted seismic surveys on Kyungsang sedimentary basin as a main project for several years. In 1970s, on-land seismic surveys had been conducted for various purposes such as site investigation for the nuclear power plants and industrial complex, exploration for ground water, mineral resources and underground tunnel. The first reflection survey with CMP acquisition was attempted in 1978 by using a digital recording system. But most of on-land seismic surveys had employed the refraction method until 1980s. In 1990s, high resolution reflection and various borehole seismic surveys such as tomography, uphole, downhole, cross-hole methods have been attempted by universities and engineering companies. The applications of on-land seismic surveys have been enlarged for both academic and industrial purposes such as investigation of geologic structure of the fault and tidal flat area, construction of highway, railroad and dam, geothermal energy and mineral resource exploration, environmental assessment for waste disposal sites and archaeological investigations. In 2002, the first crustal seismic survey was carried out on the profile of 294km length across the whole peninsular. It is expected that the advanced technology and experience acquired through offshore seismic surveys, which have been conducted in continental shelf of Korea and foreign oil fields, will stimulate the more active on-land seismic explorations.

South Korean Universal Service and Korean Reunification: A Policy Analysis (한국의 보편적 서비스정책과 남북한 통일: 정책분석)

  • Jeong Bun-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.147-166
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study is to redefine the concept and scope of universal service and to develop universal service policy of South Korea for Korean reunification. The basic assumption of this study is that well developed universal service may contribute to the eventual reunification by ensuring equal access to information resources for the two peoples. The theoretical foundation of this study includes social capital and diffusion of innovations theory. This study uses policy analysis as both data collection and data analysis, more specifically qualitative policy analysis with triangulation for improving credibility. Data for the analysis were collected through legislation, other policy documents, and major agreements between North and South Korea related to informatization and unification. This study, identified the major characteristics of universal service and explored the current universal service in South Korea by analyzing major poicy instruments of South Korea. In addition, this study presented a great possibility of cooperating in telecommunication policy and telecommunication infrastructure. Consequently, this study proposed policy recommendations in five areas: 1) redefining the scope of universal service, 2) developing a unified telecommunication infrastructure, 3) developing policy instruments, 4) restructuring government organizations, and 5) creating a participatory universal service model for Korean reunification.

Forest Thematic Maps and Forest Statistics Using the k-Nearest Neighbor Technique for Pyeongchang-Gun, Gangwon-Do (kNN 기법을 이용한 강원도 평창군의 산림 주제도 작성과 산림통계량 추정)

  • Yim, Jong-Su;Kong, Gee Su;Kim, Sung Ho;Shin, Man Yong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.96 no.3
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    • pp.259-268
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    • 2007
  • This study was conducted to produce forest thematic maps and estimate forest statistics for Pyeongchang Gun using the kNN technique, which has been applied to produce thematic maps of variables of interest including unobserved plots by combining field plot data, remotely sensed data and other digital map data in forest inventories. The estimation errors for three horizontal reference areas (HRAs), whose radii are 20, 40 and 60 km respectively, were compared. Although the precision for the 40 km radius was lower compared to that for the 60 km radius, the 40 km radius was found to be an efficient HRA because their difference in precision was modest. At a value of k=5 nearest neighbors for the selected HRA, the overall accuracy was high. As a result, using the k=5 neighbors within the HRA of 40 km radius, thematic maps of number of trees, basal area, and growing stock per hectare were generated. As compared to the forest statistics based on field sample plots, the estimated means of each parameter from the produced maps were underestimated.