• Title/Summary/Keyword: Digital archives

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Reconstruction of the Soft Tissue Defect of the Finger Using Digital Island Flap with Supercharged Vein (손가락섬피판으로 손가락 연조직 재건시 과급정맥문합)

  • Choi, Hwan Jun;Kim, Nam Joong;Choi, Chang Yong
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.153-160
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    • 2009
  • Purpose: The heterodigital or homodigital artery island flap is a popular method of reconstruction for finger defects. Sometimes, digital artery island flap has some disadvantages such as postoperative flap edema, congestion, and partial necrosis of the flap margin. However, we could decrease these disadvantages by means of venous superdrainage. The aim of this study is to report usefulness and postoperative results of venous supercharging digital artery island flaps for finger reconstruction. Methods: From March of 2005 to March of 2008, a total of eight patients with soft tissue defects of the finger underwent venous supercharging digital island flap transfer. Briefly, the flap is harvested along with dorsal vein that is then anastomosed to a recipient vein in an end - to - end fashion, after flap transfer and insetting. Using this technique, eight patients were operated on, ranging in age 23 to 52 years. Results: All the flaps survived with a success rate of 100 percent, thus fully satisfying the reconstructive requirements. No postoperative flap congestion was recognized, obviating the need to take any measures for venous engorgement, such as suture removal. Among 8 cases, it was possible to make an long - term and follow - up observation more than 6 months. In these cases, the fact that light touches and temperature sensations can be detected in all the flaps. Cold intolerance and hyperesthesia were not seen in our series. Conclusion: Providing good harmony with conventional methods and microsurgery, inclusion of a vein with the heterodigital and homodigital artery island flap allows a more reliable and safer reconstructive choice for finger defects. The venous supercharged island flap is a reliable flap with a consistent arterial structure, and with its augmented venous drainage, it is more reliable, providing single - stage reconstruction of adjacent finger defects, including the fingertip.

The Issue of Treating Information by Digital Media in Contemporary Design (현대디자인에 있어서 디지털 미디어에 의한 정보처리의 문제)

  • 박기웅
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.201-212
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    • 2002
  • This thesis is to study about The Issue of Treating Information, according to the circumstance of Digital Media in Contemporary Design. The Digital Design is being able to be organized by developed Science and Technology. Ultra fashionable mode of digital design is leading human life more comfortable and serviceable: and proceeded by technology aheaded by science Developed Computer will help the Space science and virtual reality. and They will lead more developed industrial culture. The design is influencing international society and economic circumstance, and it's making the changedness of product and commercial route. virtual reality and simulation made by developed science is resulting in new design revolution in our society. Especially, it is able to make more bigger result in image breaking and reassimilation. The technology of developed information treating infra is able to transmit & receive a message, which are beyond our sensual boundary and is the meaning of the human-being's progressive development of science culture. Developed information treating methodology made by technology and science of restoration will be Neo-reality for artists and are the cause of great changedness in 21st century's art & design.

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A Study on Digitalization of Fashion Textile Design - A Study of Fashion Textile CAD Design According to Digitalization - (패션텍스타일 디자인의 디지털화 연구 -디지털화에 따른 패션텍스타일 CAD디자인의 활용가치 연구-)

  • 강혜승;권민희
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.289-298
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    • 2004
  • With the advance of digital technology, development of exclusive CAD system for fashion textile that may suggest the future of fashion textile industry is increasingly accelerated. To build up the foundation of digital culture, it is required for fashion textile industry to develop goods with high value added and make rapid change of production system, and actually, exclusive programs are being developed to meet with the desire. Present study considers the vicissitude of fashion textile and the composition and characteristics of design system, and compares and analyses a variety of design developments of digital fashion textile. And it systemizes the expansion and change of creative digital pattern designs that are developed differing from existing graphic program, the expression of suitable textile texture, and the simulation effect by three-dimension modeling. By separating the usage of CAD system for fashion textile into designing and producing aspects, it also focuses on increasing the usage of exclusive CAD system for fashion textile.

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Introducing the Digital Culture Map of Daesoon Jinrihoe: Answering the Need for Information on Daesoon Jinrihoe via the Digital Culture Map of Daesoon Jinrihoe (대순진리회 전자문화지도 개발 시론 - 대순진리회 전자정보 제공 양상과 전자문화지도 개발의 필요성 -)

  • Byun Ji-sun
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.44
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    • pp.97-140
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    • 2023
  • This article is meant to serve as an introduction to the development of digital culture map of Daesoon Jinrihoe. Recently there has been frequent discussion over the need to provide information on the website of Daesoon Jinrihoe's Yeoju Headquarters Temple Complex, and the further need to produce a digital culture map of Daesoon Jinrihoe. The production of digital culture map of Daesoon Jinrihoe has the advantage of being able to publicize and enhance its status worldwide beyond simply building digital archives, collecting data, visualizing Daesoon Jinrihoe materials, and acquiring tools for research on Daesoon Jinrihoe. Therefore, the development of Daesoon Jinrihoe's digital culture map is expected to be a step for Daesoon Jinrihoe to leap forward globally. Next in the process would be the study of data. The current status of Daesoon Jinrihoe's data and analysis of the contents will enable researchers to proceed to the next stage. In the production of digital culture map of Daesoon Jinrihoe, the next step to be studied after data research is to review precedents in the production of digital culture maps related to religion. Researchers will be able to review domestic precedents and overseas precedents, and based on those, it will be possible to suggest a direction for developing Daesoon Jinrihoe's digital culture map.

Strategies and Challenges in Digitizing Archaeological Data (고고 디지털 아카이브 구축의 과제와 전략)

  • KIM Bumcheol
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.56 no.1
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    • pp.6-19
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    • 2023
  • As data management and intelligence capability become proxy indicators of national power, the risk provoked by high depending on digital technology ironically increases. The quicker the changes come to be, the more important digitizing existing data and management of digital data are. The management of archaeological data could not be exceptional. It has to be performed in a more comprehensive, systematic and rapid manner. In order to perform the task, the nature of archaeological data contained in the digital archive should be properly recognized in advance: the primary data are generated by excavation as a process destroying their sources, the data are enormous in type and quantity, including long-term and various human experience, and the natural extinction of primary data in handwritten form is likely to be more crucial than in any other discipline. These characteristics of archaeological data unimaginably devastated the possibility of recovering archives, when we face a digital dark age. Considering both recent trend and the nature of archaeological data mentioned above, we can derive strategies for building a sustainable archaeological digital archive. As an archaeology-major consumer of the digital data, I propose four strategic considerations: ① establishing a system of digital data literacy; ② enhancing evaluation and capability of data reuse; ③ building an international data sharing system; ④ developing it into the platform for digital archaeology.

Digital Citizenship Library Programming in Award-Winning Libraries of the Future: A case review of public libraries in the United States (공공도서관의 디지털 시민성 프로그래밍: 미국의 미래 도서관 수상 도서관을 중심으로)

  • Jonathan M. Hollister;Jisue Lee
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.54 no.4
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    • pp.359-392
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    • 2023
  • Digital citizenship includes an evolving set of knowledge and skills related to effectively and ethically using technology, especially when interacting with other people, information, and media in the online context. As public libraries have long provided access to and training with a variety of technologies, this study explores how digital citizenship has been covered in public library programming to identify potential trends and best practices. A purposive sampling of public library recipients of the American Library Association (ALA) and Information Today Inc.'s Library of the Future Award over the past 11 years (2013-2023) identified 7 case libraries to review. The titles and descriptions of 337 relevant library programs for audiences of school-aged children (5 years old and up) to seniors were collected for a 2-month period from each library's website and analyzed using Ribble & Parks (2019) 9 elements of digital citizenship. The findings suggest that programming related to digital citizenship most often addresses themes connected to digital access and digital fluency through coverage of topics related to computer and technology use. Based on themes and examples from the findings, public libraries are encouraged to expand upon existing programs to integrate all elements of digital citizenship, strive for inclusive and accessible digital citizenship education for all ages, and leverage resources and expertise from relevant stakeholders and community partnerships.

A Study on Digital Reinforcements for Efficient Automotive Design - With Emphasis on VR based CAID System - (자동차 디자인 효율화를 위한 디지털 강화요소 연구 - VR 기반 CAID 시스템을 중심으로 -)

  • Cho, Kyung-Sil;Lee, Myung-Ki
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.19 no.5 s.67
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    • pp.55-64
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    • 2006
  • As digital systems were introduced to automotive design in the mid 1980s, the design process has adopted many digital programs to save time compared to the conventional hand drafting. Digital technology was introduced not only to satisfy the reeds of the global environment, as the number of automobiles exported to many different parts of the world has increased, but also to save time and effort in developing several models of quality automobiles. Therefore, every automotive manufacturer in the world has expanded its virtual reality(VR) studio to establish visualization systems that visualize automobiles in the actual size and a co-operation system that enables simultaneous feedback from all of its design studios around the world. Unlike the existing design reviewing methos, the new improved feedback system is assessed as a reasonable method to evaluates and understand how the automobiles are actually manufactured in simulation. It is especially helpful when advanced products and concept cars require fast results. Other strengths of the new system include shorter development period, cost efficiency, no more manual labor, various designs within a short period of time, and realistic visualization of concepts. Large-scale products, including automobiles, need to be projected in the actual size and high clarity through the Power-wall System and are examined in a virtual space called a Cave. Therefore, it took much time to establish digital infrastructure. An infrastructure would constantly require system improvement and performance enhancement, but it is certain that now is the right time for the take-off to utilizing the strengths of digital design and improve the weaknesses. In this respect, this study provided an understanding of the importance of digital design based on digital reinforcements and examined an effective utilization of digital technology for an efficient development of automobiles in the future.

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The Application of Digital-Diagrams as Infographic Material in Multimedia Design (멀티미디어디자인에서 인포그래픽 도구로서 디지털다이어그램 활용에 관한 연구)

  • 류시천
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.133-146
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    • 2004
  • Diagrams have been deeply and widely used for supporting effective communication relating to design information and knowledge in most design fields. The results show that their role expands to "developmental design material" increasing the principle and method of design process. It's recent trend that Digital-Diagrams are aggressively used in multimedia design fields such as web contents, interactive movies and DVD Titles in order to support user's information understanding more effectively and to stimulate user's participation in information acquiring process. This study aims to clarify the essence of digital diagram corresponding to infographic material in multimedia design and application of multimedia contents development process . This study purpose leads to argue the substance of Digital-Diagrams as one of infographic types and identity of Digital-Diagrams which is relatively compared to existing Diagrams. Eventually, this study examines the application issues of Digital-Diagrams in multimedia design process. Regarding the identity of Digital-Diagrams, they are functionally utilized depending on hypertext based on language forms and interactivity based on graphical forms as core attributes. Therefore, they semantically enlarge user s information understanding by segmenting hierarchy of information expression and rather support user s acquisition of information control ability. Relating to multimedia design process, Digital-Diagrams are used by information designers and navigation designers as method for ‘modeling for realization based on information acquisition support for information-users. Especially, the study results show that the applications of Digital-Diagrams are performed for information representing methods for information designers and embodiment of useful functional factors of interface for navigation designersgation designers.

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A Study on Vision Based Gesture Recognition Interface Design for Digital TV (동작인식기반 Digital TV인터페이스를 위한 지시동작에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Hyun-Suk;Hwang, Sung-Won;Moon, Hyun-Jung
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.20 no.3 s.71
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    • pp.257-268
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    • 2007
  • The development of Human Computer Interface has been relied on the development of technology. Mice and keyboards are the most popular HCI devices for personal computing. However, device-based interfaces are quite different from human to human interaction and very artificial. To develop more intuitive interfaces which mimic human to human interface has been a major research topic among HCI researchers and engineers. Also, technology in the TV industry has rapidly developed and the market penetration rate for big size screen TVs has increased rapidly. The HDTV and digital TV broadcasting are being tested. These TV environment changes require changes of Human to TV interface. A gesture recognition-based interface with a computer vision system can replace the remote control-based interface because of its immediacy and intuitiveness. This research focuses on how people use their hands or arms for command gestures. A set of gestures are sampled to control TV set up by focus group interviews and surveys. The result of this paper can be used as a reference to design a computer vision based TV interface.

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A study on the contrastive analysis of Expression Type of Magazine Identity in Print Magazine and Web version (인쇄잡지와 웹버전의 Magazine Identity 표현유형 비교분석연구)

  • 이나리;최인규
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.5-14
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    • 2003
  • Magazines in this 21st century which is most influenced by digital medium are in the middle position widely between traditional one; broadcastings & newspapers and new one; the mediums based on internet. Although most of the people said magazines were disappeared by growth of the digital technology, contrary to their expectations, magazines have more fixed position now by professionalizing itselves with more diverse themes. However, digital media such as Internet became a part of every day life that cannot be ignored, and digitalization of magazines was not an option but an indispensable stipulation. Especially, web version development of existing magazines is becomes an urgent issues. Therefore, the study of type of expression that can be used for existing publishers to keep their identity on digital medium is a necessary result. As the study which it sees regarding the notion and an intergral part of the Magazine Identity it leads, it materialize the construction phase of the Magazine Identity. With this categorization which will reach domestic, it compares and analyzes an outside instance, presently it constitute the expression type of a magazine that is published.

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