• Title/Summary/Keyword: Digital archives

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A Study on the Current Status and Application Strategies for Intelligent Archival Information Services (지능형 기록정보서비스를 위한 선진 기술 현황 분석 및 적용 방안)

  • Kim, Tae-Young;Gang, Ju-Yeon;Kim, Geon;Oh, Hyo-Jung
    • Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.149-182
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    • 2018
  • In the era of digital transformation, new technologies have begun to be applied in the field of records management, away from the traditional view that emphasized the existing institutional and administrative aspects. Therefore, this study analyzed the service status of archives, libraries, and museums applied with advanced intelligent technology and identified the differences. Then, we proposed how to apply intelligent archival information services based on the analysis results. The reason for including libraries and museums in the research is that they are covered by a single category as an information service provider. To achieve our study aims, we conducted literature and case studies. Based on the results of the case study, we proposed the application strategies of intelligent archival information services. The results of this study are expected to help develop intelligent archival service models that are suitable for the changed electronic records environment.

Semiotic Approaches to New Archival Methodology (새로운 기록방법론을 위한 기호론적 접근)

  • Lee, Youngnam;Jo, Minji
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.41
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    • pp.113-173
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    • 2014
  • For the past few years, there has been active seeking of archival practices outside of public institutions. For example, there is oral history archive which has an actual field of its own, community archive, archives of everyday life, cultural resources archive, digital archive, and post-modern archive with its discourse practical character. In this reading, such flow is organized through everyday paradigm, and examines new archival methodology that is suitable for it. Through such critical mind, semiotic approach is taken and the need, direction and alternative of archival methodology is offered. Especially, archival methodology, which can be applied to archives is thoroughly observed. Also, the way how sign practices can be executed in the archival field is explained through specific examples. Of course, it is clearly stated that this is an instance, and that it is an archival methodology that can be applied to public institutions. We hope this would be a discuss that would enable a comprehensive understanding of records.

Research on the War Records of Hamyang-gun, Gyeongsangnam-do, during the Korean War: With a Focus on the Military Records of the Korean Army during the 6.25 War (한국전쟁기 경남 함양군 전쟁 기록 연구 : 육군의 6·25 전쟁 군사기록물을 중심으로)

  • Sunyoung Byun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.137-163
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    • 2023
  • In 2020, the digitization of the previously partially researched "6.25 War military records" was completed and transitioned to public access, allowing anyone to utilize the digitized materials. Following concerns regarding the effective utilization of these records and the creation of historical value, this study analyzed issues found in the specific region of Hamyang in Gyeongsangnam-do based on the management status and utilization information of the National Archives of Korea, War Memorial of Korea, and Army Records and Information Management System that primarily managed the records. Furthermore, it proposes developing the metadata elements to address the issues, constructing a digital archive, enhancing the interconnectedness of war records, providing educational and exhibition services, and offering various forms of research materials.

A Study on the Archives and Records Management in Korea - Overview and Future Direction - (한국의 기록관리 현황 및 발전방향에 관한 연구)

  • Han, Sang-Wan;Kim, Sung-Soo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.1-38
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    • 2002
  • This study examines the status quo of Korean archives and records management from the Governmental as well as professional activities for the development of the field in relation to the new legislation on records management. Among many concerns, this study primarily explores the following four perspectives: 1) the Government Archives and Records Services; 2) the Korean Association of Archives; 3) the Korean Society of Archives and Records Management; 4) the Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management. One of the primary tasks of the is to build the special depository within which the Presidential Library should be located. As a result, the position of the GARS can be elevated and directed by an official at the level of vice-minister right under a president as a governmental representative of managing the public records. In this manner, GARS can sustain its independency and take custody of public records across government agencies. made efforts in regard to the preservation of paper records, the preservation of digital resources in new media formats, facilities and equipments, education of archivists and continuing, training of practitioners, and policy-making of records preservation. For further development, academia and corporate should cooperate continuously to face with the current problems. has held three international conferences to date. The topics of conferences include respectively: 1) records management and archival education of Korea, Japan, and China; 2) knowledge management and metadata for the fulfillment of archives and information science; and 3) electronic records management and preservation with the understanding of ongoing archival research in the States, Europe, and Asia. The Society continues to play a leading role in both of theory and practice for the development of archival science in Korea. It should also suggest an educational model of archival curricula that fits into the Korean context. The Journals of Records Management & Archives Society of Korea have been published on the six major topics to date. Findings suggest that "Special Archives" on regional or topical collections are desirable because it can house subject holdings on specialty or particular figures in that region. In addition, archival education at the undergraduate level is more desirable for Korean situations where practitioners are strongly needed and professionals with master degrees go to manager positions. Departments of Library and Information Science in universities, therefore, are needed to open archival science major or track at the undergraduate level in order to meet current market demands. The qualification of professional archivists should be moderate as well.

Realtime National Defense Issue Detection and Grouping based on Web Media (웹 미디어 기반 실시간 국방 이슈 탐지 및 그룹핑)

  • Oh, Hyo-Jung
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.13 no.8
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    • pp.253-260
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    • 2015
  • Because mass of activity records of individuals and organizations are accumulated in the digital space and amount of information is also increasing exponentially, the most urgent requirements of users is the tool for 'efficient' acquisition of 'useful' information. This paper try digital convergence to combine a domain specific technology with real time issue detection and grouping based on Web media. To derive core functionalities, we collect and analyze user requirements of national defense issue detection services. By utilizing linguistic resources specialized on national defence area and discovering features for measuring issue importance, we try to seek differentiation domain specific issue detection method. Finally we compare our detection results based on the development outputs of prototype.

Type in Motion as a Visual Storytelling (Visual Storytelling으로서의 Type in Motion에 관한 연구)

  • 박효신
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.235-244
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    • 2000
  • The form or interpretation of today's communication design lies in content development and storytelling to the designer. However, the understanding as well as exteriment of the mechanisms behind content creation remain an obscure concept. Particularly given the rapid development of digital technology, since the 1980s typography has been quickly transforming itself from its static state to the more dynamic'Type in Motion'. following this came the need for solid research in'Type in Motion'as the best means of presenting story content and form The previous passage has studied the effectiveness of'Type in Motion'in presenting this kind of content. Type in Motion has allowed vast developments in the methods of story presentation. It is Due that today's digital technology has given many benefits to the designer, but on the other hand, it has required a more diverse understanding of digital design. furthermore, even the designers in digital typography lack the understanding and research in'Type in Motion'not only as a mode of visual language but also of verbal language. Given this point· in hand, the entire interpretation and interrelation of story and'Type in Motion'can be considered essential, given their shaping of effective digital typography.

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The Creative Education for Digital Contents Production (창의적인 디지털 컨텐츠 개발을 위한 교육)

  • 김혜경
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.335-344
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    • 2003
  • Creativity has become a buzzword in the 21s1 century to the extent that it is considered as one of the criteria for a nation's competitiveness. In the cultural industry, one of the industries with the highest growth potential, creativity is the decisive factor Nevertheless, we have to admit that there is a serious lack of this quality in the planning area. Everyone is born with creativity and creative way of looking at things can be developed through training and education. Most of universities now classify digital contents within the realm of design, therefore, emphasizing only the formal or the artistic side of it. However, the study of digital contents requires creative thinking processes that are oriented to problem-solving, for which one needs to put together his/her planning (socio-cultural), expressive (artistic) and technological (scientific) capabilities at the same time. Also, the education of digital contents should be focused not only on acquiring the knowledge and skills, but also on developing individual creativity and learning to increase one's creativity working in a team of an organization. For the environmental aspect, education for creativity should take into account social and cultural specificities of Korea. Therefore, continuous studies must be done to explore more concrete ways of developing creativity on the individual, organizational and environmental levels.

  • PDF

A Proposal of Digital Photo-Biometry of MRD1 and New Levator Function Test (디지털 사진을 이용한 MRD1의 계측과 새로운 위눈꺼풀 올림근 근력 측정법의 제안)

  • Lee, Seungkook;Park, Sung Gyu;Baek, Rong-Min
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.521-524
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    • 2006
  • Purpose: The history of biometry dates back to ancient Greek. The ideal body ratio from biometry is used as a guideline in many works of art. Biometry is also used as a medical standard to determine normal or abnormal. Since the biometry of face is so complicated, many surgeons tend to regard preoperative evaluation as a bother and substitute medical records with some photographs. We introduce a new method to measure MRD1 and levator function using digital photographs, which becomes widely used lately. Methods: MRD1 can be measured with the primary-gaze-view photo which is magnified by PhotoshopR 7.0.1. The distance from coneal reflex of ring flash to upper eyelid margin is converted to mm-unit using the piece of ruler attached on the patient's face. Levator function can be measured with up-gaze-view photo and down-gaze-view photo which are superimposed on another. The excursion distance of upper eyelid margin (a) and the excursion distance of eyebrow (b) are measured respectively. The levator function can be assessed through subtraction of two values (a-b). This method is simple and precise and can be applied directly to patient without photos. Results: Using magnified digital photos and computer, this method can reduce personal error and instrumental error. Taking some digital photos doesn't take long time, so it can reduce the effort of preoperative evaluation and discomfort of patients. Conclusion: Digital photo-biometry is useful for retrospective study. Especially reducing personal error, it is useful when the number of specimens is huge. New levator function test is much more useful for Asian-specific eyes than Berke's method allowing frontalis muscle compensation.

True Aneurysm of the Common Digital Artery: Case Report (온 바닥 쪽 손가락 동맥에서 발생한 동맥류의 치험례)

  • Jang, Joon-Chul;Jeong, Seong-Ho;Han, Seung-Kyu;Kim, Woo-Kyung
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.315-318
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    • 2011
  • Purpose: An aneurysm is defined as a permanent, localized dilation of an artery with a 50% increase in diameter over its expected normal diameter. Aneurysms can be classified by cause as traumatic and nontraumatic. Traumatic aneurysms can be divided into true and false aneurysms. Nontraumatic causes of peripheral artery aneurysms include mycotic, atherosclerotic, inflammatory, and idiopathic. In the hand, true aneurysms occurring at the common digital artery have been rarely reported. We present a rare case of a true aneurysm of the common digital artery that was resected and reconstructed using a reversed vein graft. Methods: A 49-year-old male patient was refered to our institution with a 0.73×0.44×1.37cm sized pulsating mass between 2nd and 3rd flexor digitorum tendons on Lt. palm area. The mass had been present for 5 years and had increased in size over the previous year. No history of trauma was reported. After a physical examination and ultrasound sonography review, a diagnosis of aneurismal dilatation of common digital artery was made. Surgical treatment by excision of the aneurysm, and a reversed vein graft was performed. Results: Histologic examination of the specimen (3.4×0.7cm) showed aneurismal dilatation, with elastin fibers present in the arterial wall. The lesions were healed without any complications and there were no evidence of recurrence. Doppler examination of the reconstruction showed good perfusion. Conclusion: Early excision is recommended to relieve symptoms and avoid neurologic damage. Also, artery reconstruction can be performed by primary end-to-end anastomosis or the placement of a reversed interposition vein graft. Micro surgical repair was the only possible treatment in this case. The authors believe that the vascular anatomy should always be restored as natural as possible.

Construction of the Digital Archive System from the Records of Westerners Who Stayed in Korea during the Enlightenment Period of Chosun (개화기 조선 체류 서양인 기록물의 디지털 아카이브 시스템 구축)

  • Chung, Heesun;Kim, Heesoon;Song, Hyun-Sook;Lee, Myeong-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.229-249
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    • 2016
  • This study was conducted to create a digital archive for local cultural contents compiled from the records of westerners who stayed in Korea during the Enlightenment Period of Chosun. The compiled information were gathered from 22 records, and 10 main subjects, 40 sub-subjects and 239 mini-subjects were derived through the subject classification scheme. Item analysis was conducted through 38 metadata and input data types were classified and databased in Excel. Finally, a web-based digital archiving system was developed for searching and providing information through various access points. Suggestions for future research were made to expand archive contents through continuous excavation of westerners' records, to build an integrated information system of Korean digital archives incorporating individual archive systems, to develop standardization of classification schemes and a multidimensional classification system considering facet structure in cultural heritage areas, to keep consistency of contents through standardization of metadata format, and to build ontology using semantic search functions and data mining functions.