• Title/Summary/Keyword: Digital Automation

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Automated texture mapping for 3D modeling of objects with complex shapes --- a case study of archaeological ruins

  • Fujiwara, Hidetomo;Nakagawa, Masafumi;Shibasaki, Ryosuke
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.1177-1179
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    • 2003
  • Recently, the ground-based laser profiler is used for acquisition of 3D spatial information of a rchaeological objects. However, it is very difficult to measure complicated objects, because of a relatively low-resolution. On the other hand, texture mapping can be a solution to complement the low resolution, and to generate 3D model with higher fidelity. But, a huge cost is required for the construction of textured 3D model, because huge labor is demanded, and the work depends on editor's experiences and skills . Moreover, the accuracy of data would be lost during the editing works. In this research, using the laser profiler and a non-calibrated digital camera, a method is proposed for the automatic generation of 3D model by integrating these data. At first, region segmentation is applied to laser range data to extract geometric features of an object in the laser range data. Various information such as normal vectors of planes, distances from a sensor and a sun-direction are used in this processing. Next, an image segmentation is also applied to the digital camera images, which include the same object. Then, geometrical relations are determined by corresponding the features extracted in the laser range data and digital camera’ images. By projecting digital camera image onto the surface data reconstructed from laser range image, the 3D texture model was generated automatically.

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Direct Digital Control of Single-Phase AC/DC PWM Converter System

  • Kim, Young-Chol;Jin, Lihua;Lee, Jin-Mok;Choi, Jae-Ho
    • Journal of Power Electronics
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.518-527
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    • 2010
  • This paper presents a new technique for directly designing a linear digital controller for a single-phase pulse width modulation (PWM) converter systems, based on closed-loop identification. The design procedure consists of three steps. First, obtain a digital current controller for the inner loop system by using the error space approach, so that the power factor of the supply is close to one. The outer loop is composed of a voltage controller, a current control loop including a current controller, a PWM converter, and a capacitor. Then, all the components, except the voltage controller, are identified by a discrete-time equivalent linear model, using the closed-loop output error (CLOE) method. Based on this equivalent model, a proper digital voltage controller is then directly designed. It is shown through PSim simulations and experimental results that the proposed method is useful for the practical design of PWM converter controllers.

Case Studies of Precast Facade Digital Design and Fabrication Strategies (사례 분석을 통한 프리캐스트 입면 디지털 설계 및 패브리케이션 전략)

  • Kim, Jin-Ho
    • Journal of KIBIM
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.8-18
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    • 2019
  • Precast concrete manufacturing has proved economies of scale through the repetitive production by means of standardization, automation, and prefabrication. Advanced digital design and fabrication technologies can empower its benefits by enabling mass customization in the building design and construction. This study analyzed five case studies in terms of 1) design intent and background, 2) module development and facade construction, 3) integrated process among project stakeholder. This article has attempted to establish the following three points in conclusion: 1) Form generating digital design tools such as Rhino, CATIA, Generative Component, and Digital Project were implemented to produce parametric surface pattern and rationalization to maximize existing precast manufacturing benefits. Also, BIM program has been used to promote coordination and communication among engineering consultants and contractors, 2) In addition to traditional precast concrete materials, GFRC, RFP, brick cladding precast and 3D printed mould have been introduced to reduce the weight and cost and to comply the code from the zoning, seismic, and fireproof requirements, 3) Design-assist contract, design-assist financial support, and co-location measures have been introduced to facilitate collaboration between architect, fabricator, and contractor from the beginning of the project.

Digital Transformation in Summer Training Process at King Abdulaziz University: Action Design Research in Practice

  • Bahaddad, Adel;Bitar, Hind
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.22 no.7
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    • pp.171-180
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    • 2022
  • In the knowledge development of online assessment in learning management systems (LMSs), many assessments are evaluated weekly in the summer training course for undergraduate students in the Faculty of Computing and Information Technology at King Abdul-Aziz University in Saudi Arabia. The number of performance assessments in the summer training course reaches 15 weeks. Many of them, however, are sent or done informally or through unreliable ways and cannot be verified by third parties. Therefore, applying the concept of digital transformation is essential. This research study reported herein used the action design research (ADR) method to build a new information technology system that could assist in the digital transformation. An electronic platform was designed, developed, implemented, and evaluated using the ADR method so that the main people involved in the summer training process (i.e., students, academic supervisors, and administrators) would have a high level of satisfaction with it. The study was conducted on 452 students, 105 academic supervisors, and 15 administrative staff and was conducted during the summer semester of 2020. All the training processes were digitally transformed and automated to control and raise the level and reliability of the training. All involved people were satisfied, thus, shifting the process to be in a digital form assist in achieving the high-level goal.

Potential of Digital Solutions in the Manufacturing Sector of the Russian Economy

  • Baurina, Svetlana;Pashkovskaya, Margarita;Nazarova, Elena;Vershinina, Anna
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.22 no.10
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    • pp.333-339
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of the article is to identify priority trends of technological innovations and strategic opportunities for using the smart potential to the benefit of the Russian industrial production development in the context of digital transformation. The article substantiates the demand for technological process automation at industrial enterprises in Russia and considers the possibilities of using artificial intelligence and the implementation of smart manufacturing in the industry. The article reveals the priorities of the leading Russian industrial companies in the field of digitalization, namely, an expansion of the use of cloud technologies, predictive analysis, IaaS services (virtual data storage and processing centers), supervisory control, and data acquisition (SCADA), etc. The authors give the characteristics of the monitoring of the smart manufacturing systems development indicators in the Russian Federation, conducted by Rosstat since 2020; presents projected data on the assessment of the required resources in relation to the instruments of state support for the development of smart manufacturing technologies for the period until 2024. The article determines targets for the development of smart technologies within the framework of the Federal Project "Digital Technologies".

Development of Spot Welding and Arc Welding Dual Purpose Robot Automation System (점용접 및 아크용접 겸용 로봇 자동화시스템 개발)

  • Lee, Yong-Joong;Kim, Tae-Won;Lee, Hyung-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Process Engineers
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    • v.3 no.4
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    • pp.73-80
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    • 2004
  • A dual purpose robot automation system is developed for both arc welding and spot welding by one robot within a cell. The need for automation of both arc welding and spot welding processes is urgent while the production volume is not so big as to accommodate separate station for the two processes. Also, space is too narrow for separate station to be settled down in the factory. A spot welding robot is chosen and the function for arc welding are implemented in-house at cost of advanced functions. For the spot welding, a single pole type gun is used and the robot has to push down the plate to be welded, which causes the robot positioning error. Therefore, position error compensation algorithm is developed. The basic functions for the arc welding processes are implemented using the digital I/O board of robot controller, PLC, and A/D conversion PCB. The weaving pattern is taught in meticulously by manual teach. A fixture unit is also developed for dual purpose. The main aspects of the system is presented in this paper especially in the design and implementation procedure. The signal diagrams and sequence logic diagrams are also included. The outcome of the dual purpose welding cell is the increased productivity and good production stability which is indispensable for production volume prediction. Also, it leads to reduction of manufacturing lead time.

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On the Development of Spot and ARC Welding Dual-Purpose Robot System (스포트 및 아크 용접 겸용 로보트 시스템의 개발)

  • Ryuh, B.S.;Lee, Y.J.;Lee, Y.B.
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.13-19
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    • 1995
  • A dual purpose robot automation system is developed for both arc welding and spot welding by one robot within a cell. The need for automation of both arc welding and spot welding processes is urgent while the production volume is not so big as to accommodate separate stations for the two processes. Also, space is too narrow for separate stations to be settled down in the factory. A spot welding robot is chosen and the functions for arc welding are implemented in-house at cost of advanced functions. For the spot welding, a single pole type gun is used and the robot has to push down the plate to be wolded, which causes the robot positioning error. Therefore, position error compensation algorithm is developed. The basic functions for the arc welding processes are implemented using the digital I/O board of robot controller, PLC, and A/D conversion PCB. The weaving pattern is taught in meticulously by manual teach. A fixture unit is also developed for dual purpose. The main aspects of the system is presented in this paper especially in the design and implementation procedure. The signal diagrams and sequence logic diagrams are also included. The outcome of the dual purpose welding cell is the increased productivity and good production stability which is indispensable for production volume prediction. Also, it leads to reduction of manufacturing lead time.

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K-Trade : Data-driven Digital Trade Framework (K-Trade : 데이터 주도형 디지털 무역 프레임워크)

  • Kim, Chaemee;Loh, Woong-Kee
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.177-189
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    • 2020
  • The OECD has assessed Korea as the third highest in trade facilitation worldwide. The paperless trade of Korea is world class based on uTradeHub : national e-trade service's infrastructure for trade community. Over 800 trade-related document standards provide interoperability of message exchange and trade process automation among exporters, importers, banks, customs, airlines, shippers, forwarders and trade authorities. Most one-to-one unit processes are perfectly paperless & online; however, from the perspective of process flow, there is a lack of streamlining end-to-end trade processes spread over many different parties. This situation causes the trade community to endure repetitive-redundant load for handling trade documents. The trade community has a strong demand for seamless trade flow. For streamlining the trade process, processes with data should flow seamlessly to multilateral parties. Flowing data with an optimized process is the critical success factor to accomplish seamless trade. This study proposes four critical digital trade infrastructures as a platform service : (1) data-centric Intelligent Document Recognition(IDR), (2) data-driven Digital Document Flow (DDF), (3) platform based Digital Collaboration & Communication(DCC), and (4) new digital Trade Facilitation Index (dTFI) for precise assessment of K-Trade Digital Trade Framework. The results of new dTFI analyses showed that redundant reentry load was reduced significantly over the whole trade and logistics process. This study leads to the belief that if put into real-world application can provide huge economic gains by building a new global value chain of the K-trade eco network. A new digital trade framework will be invaluable in promoting national soft power for enhancing global competitiveness of the trade community. It could become the advanced reference model of next trade facilitation infrastructure for developing countries.

The Current Situation of the Digital Interface International Standards and an Analysis of Integration Condition of Ships (선박의 디지털 인터페이스 표준화 현황 및 연동조건 분석)

  • Park, Jong-Won;Lim, Yong-Kon;Yun, Chang-Ho;Kim, Ok-Soo;Lee, Jung-Woo;Chung, Han-Na
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.48 no.6
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    • pp.490-500
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    • 2011
  • The paradigm that ships are navigated by means of analog navigation devices and caption's experiences is shifted to that ships can be navigated by digital and autonomous navigation systems due to the rapid development of electronics and communication technologies. Hence, all systems deployed in a ship are automated and integrated since corresponding ship systems are not individually operated but integrated and managed under common operating system. In this paper, we overview recent research projects targeted for digitally integrated ships (referred to as digital ships), outline IEC 61162 series, specifying digital interface standards for digital ships, and finally present several issues for further improvement of the IEC 61162 series. In addition, we broadly categorize digital ships into three systems consisting of multiple sub-systems, including a navigation system, a power system, and a automation system in the aspect of operation and function. Corresponding interfacing range and method, as well as interface specification and data types of one system in a digital ship are also described according to sub-systems, respectively.

A study of the existing problems of digital libraries and their future environment (현존하는 디지털도서관의 문제점과 미래환경에 관한 연구)

  • 박일종
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.27
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    • pp.391-421
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    • 1997
  • Information scientists need not to answer whether future libraries will be a digital library or not, but to answer how they are structured and served effectively to users currently. 'The library with walls' or 'the library as place' need to be existed in the future, but 'digital library without the wall' or 'virtual library' will need to be studied continuously. This study has tried to reveal the existing problems of digital libraries and their future environment after considering the ambiguous concepts of various types of electronic libraries and their efforts for library automation, and the changed information retrieval circumstances during the last 30 to 40 years through a qualitative document study. As a result, the major findings and suggestions are prepared. The library of the future will be a part of local and national cooperative systems, be filled with the intelligent use of old and new technologies, and be able to su n.0, pport both a place with extensive collections and convenient, easy, & free access to remote intellectual resources. Also, the information storage and retrieval (ISAR) to the future library system would easily provide users with any types of data retrieval system by anybody rather than by an expert or a specialist, so called 'A&E retrieval' in the coming 21th century. It will be highly possible that the future society changes to the information marketplace whose data may be recognized as an intangible assets.

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