• Title/Summary/Keyword: Differentiated Program

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Effects of Self-efficacy and Transplant-related Knowledge on Compliance with a Therapeutic Regimen for Recipients of Liver Transplant (간이식 수혜자의 자기효능감과 이식 관련 지식이 치료지시이행에 미치는 영향)

  • Moon, So Jung;Kim, Hyun-Ju
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.166-175
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    • 2019
  • Purpose: This study was done to investigate the degree of self-efficacy, transplant-related knowledge, and other factors affecting compliance with a therapeutic regimen for liver transplant recipients. Methods: Participants were 140 patients who had received a liver transplant at a tertiary hospital in Y City, Gyeongnam Province and made regular hospital visits as outpatients. A self-report questionnaire was used to collect the data and collection was done from December 4, 2017 to January 26, 2018. Data were analyzed using frequencies, percentages, means, and standard deviations, and t-test, ANOVA, Pearson's correlation coefficients. Multiple linear regression was performed using SPSS/WIN 21.0 program. Results: Participants scored $113.29{\pm}20.95$ (out of 150) on self-efficacy, $16.38{\pm}3.62$ (out of 18) on transplant-related knowledge, and $148.30{\pm}31.06$ (out of 200) on compliance with the therapeutic regimen. Analyzed of correlations among participant's self-efficacy, transplant-related knowledge, and compliance with the therapeutic regimen showed a significant positive correlation between self-efficacy and compliance with the therapeutic regimen (r=.64, p=.001), but no significant correlations were found between self-efficacy and transplant-related knowledge (r=-.01, p=.912) or between transplant-related knowledge and compliance with the therapeutic regimen (r=.06, p=.458). Multiple regression analysis showed that factors affecting compliance with the therapeutic regimen were state of re-transplantation (${\beta}=.17$, p=.016) and self-efficacy (${\beta}=.53$, p=.001). Conclusion: There is a need to apply a differentiated nursing intervention program considering the differences in patients' self-efficacy, transplant-related knowledge, and compliance with the therapeutic regimen.

Feasibility Exploration of Virtual Reality Programming for SW Intensive Education in Elementary and Middle School (초·중학교 SW 심화교육을 위한 가상현실 프로그래밍 도입 가능성 탐색)

  • Ahn, Sung Hun
    • Journal of Creative Information Culture
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.29-36
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    • 2017
  • The Ministry of Education announced plans to introduce SW education to elementary and secondary schools in the 2015 curriculum. However, if we examine major foreign countries where SW education strongly implemented it is found that they stress not only coding education but also real life SW education. Especially they emphasized convergence with other different fields. Therefore, it can be concluded SW education in Korea should be differentiated based on levels of students. For the common basic curriculum, it is needed basic concepts and thinking skills of SW development, but for the enriched curriculum, it should be emphasized SW development education that can be applied to real life experiences and other difference fields as well. Therefore, it is necessary to plan SW intensive education to develop programs for the enriched program. In this study, I explored how virtual reality programming education can be applied to the level of elementary and secondary school students as an enrichment program.

Factors Influencing the Wellness of Call Center Employees (콜 센터 상담원의 웰니스에 영향을 미치는 요인)

  • Kim, Yeonju;Kim, Gwang Suk;Kim, Youlim
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.128-138
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: This study aimed to identify the factors influencing the wellness of call center employees. Methods: From December 2018 to October 2019, a cross-sectional study was conducted with 155 workers recruited from the call centers in Seoul, South Korea. Data were collected using self-administered questionnaires. The questionnaires were used to measure the following scales: Korean occupational stress scale, emotional labor scale, work-life balance scale and wellness scale. Using the SPSS 26.0 program, the descriptive statistics, independent t-test, ANOVA, correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis were conducted. Results: The mean score of the wellness level of call center employees was 3.05 out of a maximum of 5.00. More wellness level of call center employees was associated with gender, psychiatric diagnosis, and call characteristics. A multiple regression analysis indicated that the total scores on the wellness scale were predicted by call characteristics, occupational stress and work-life balance, with an explanatory power of 42.2%. Conclusion: Study findings show that it is necessary to promote wellness in call center workers with differentiated strategies according to call characteristics, occupational stress and work-life balance. This implies that it is necessary to understand the call characteristics and patterns of workers and to provide an innovative wellness program tailored to individual characteristics for an effective management of the emotional labor and occupational stress.

Achieving the improvement of efficiency and vitalization of ARD-based ICT experiential education contents (ARD기반의 ICT체험 교육콘텐츠 효용성 개선 및 활성화 구현)

  • Chung, Hee Hyoung;Kim, Kyung Hoon
    • Korea Science and Art Forum
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    • v.19
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    • pp.623-633
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    • 2015
  • Use of technology through utilization of ICT (Information Communication Technology) in field study area is rapidly increasing. Thus, when applying ICT to experiential education, apart from experiential education contents in simple form, the demand for new high quality contents is increasing considering change in education paradigm focusing on creativity. As a result, high quality interactive experiential education content for developing self-directed future talents is required. As a result of this, the development of ARD-based ICT experiential education content system that enhances learning effect of students by integrating ARD-based (Augmented Reality Display) ICT and experiential education to promote existence and immersion is being tested. This paper aims to improve efficacy and achieve vitalization through case analysis of AR-based ICT experiential education content. As a result of case analysis, the composition of content for improving education content included 1) constant securing and strengthening of experiential education content, 2) necessity for development of participating education content by diverse age groups, 3) development of differentiated ICT experiential education content, and 4) securing professional manpower and development of content in connection with education process. Therefore, with the efficacy of ARD-based ICT experiential education content, this study can first, enhance bond between students, second, enable self-directed learning, third, increase practical understanding in contents that were difficult to control by textbook contents, and fourth, increase interest and immersion in learning. Therefore, the contents on new converging technology that can maximize the development of constant content and cooperation between ICT technology and pedagogy for educating creativity and autonomy of ICT experiential education content.

An analysis of the educational needs priorities for clinical nurse educators: Utilizing the Borich needs assessment and the locus for focus model (임상간호교육자의 교육요구도 우선순위 분석: Borich 요구도와 locus for focus model 활용)

  • Shin, Sujin;Hong, Eunmin;Do, Jiyoung; Lee, Miji
    • The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.405-414
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    • 2023
  • Purpose: This study used a descriptive investigative design to compare the educational needs and priorities of education-dedicated nurses and preceptors regarding clinical nurse educator competency. Methods: A survey was conducted from March to April 2023 with 308 participants, including 140 education-dedicated nurses and 168 preceptors. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and a paired t-test with the IBM SPSS 26.0 program. For the purpose of analyzing educational needs, we further analyzed data through the Borich needs assessment and the locus for focus model. Results: Among the clinical nurse educator competency, both education-dedicated nurses and preceptors identified "new theory and practice" as the highest priority educational need. Additionally, education-dedicated nurses prioritized "teaching design ability," "teaching evaluation ability," and "evidence-based nursing/practice and research," while preceptors prioritized "clinical nursing knowledge" and "professional development ability" as their educational needs. Conclusion: While both education-dedicated nurses and preceptors responded that education is necessary for all the competency areas required of clinical nurse educators, variations were observed in their reported educational needs and priorities. Thus, it is imperative to develop and implement a differentiated education program for enhancing the competency of clinical nurse educators that considers the distinct requirements of education-dedicated nurses and preceptors.

A Study on the Image of a Brand Apartment and Self-Image Consentaneity (브랜드 아파트의 이미지와 자아이미지의 일치성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jin-Hwa;Lee, Youn-Jung;Jeong, Jun-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.31-39
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    • 2010
  • The trend in which an apartment is regarded as not only a substantial property or 'residence' but also as a 'means of self-expression' for consumers is increasing in the present housing marketing, and thus, the apartment brand image has become an important field of marketing management. Therefore, the present study aimed to verify the difference between the image of a housing brand and the self-image of consumers in order to propose a singular direction of strategies for the formation of a differentiated brand image. As a result of research, analysis showed that there is a trend in which consumers show a more positive attitude towards a brand apartment that has a brand image closer to an ideal selfimage. Even if this trend is weak, it was confirmed that the consentaneity between a brand image and the self-image of housing products can become a variable having some influence on brand attitude. The survey method compared a brand image and a self-image by using Likert's 5-point scale on the apartment brands of the top three companies according to the study result of a national brand competitiveness index (NBCI). Self-consentaneity was determined by using the distance measurement model of self-consentaneity proposed by Sirgy (1982). The study data was collected from 210 persons and the PASW program was used for statistical data analysis.

A Study on the Image of a Brand Apartment, Self-Image Consentaneity and Brand Attitude (브랜드 아파트의 이미지와 자아이미지 일치성 및 브랜드 태도에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jin-Hwa;Jeong, Jun-Hyun;Lee, Youn-Jung
    • Proceeding of Spring/Autumn Annual Conference of KHA
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    • 2009.11a
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    • pp.23-26
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    • 2009
  • The trend that an apartment is regarded as not only a substantial property called 'residence' but also 'means of self-expression' to consumers is increasing in the present housing marketing, and thus, the apartment brand image is settling down as an important field of marketing management. Therefore, the present study aimed to verify difference of brand attitude according to consentaneity between an image of a housing brand and self-image of consumers to propose one kind of direction of strategies for formation of a differentiated brand image. As a result of a research, the trend that consumers show more positive attitude on a brand apartment having a brand image closer to an ideal self-image was analyzed to exist even if it is weak, so it was confirmed that the consentaneity between a brand image and a self-image of housing products can become a variable having some influence on brand attitude. The survey method understood a brand image, a self-image and brand attitude by using a Likert's 5-point scale on apartment brands of upper three companies according to a study result of a national brand competitiveness index(NBCI) and understood self-consentaneity by using a distance measurement model of self-consentaneity of Sirgy(1982). The questionnaire for the present research was carried out by surveying students of D university and the PASW program was used for statistical data analysis.

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Effects of SES, Psychological Environments, Stress Coping Method on High School Student's Stress in Choen-buk (전북지역 고교생의 사회인구학적, 심리 ${\cdot}$ 환경적 특성과 대처방법이 스트레스 받는 정도에 미치는 영향)

  • Song, Soon
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.18 no.3 s.47
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    • pp.171-187
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study is to research high school students' stressful life events, to examine effects of SES, psychological environments, stress coping methods on stress. Data were collected by 965 high school students in Cheon-buk. Data were analyzed with the frequency, percentage, factor analysis, reliability, ANOVA test, Multiple Regression in use of SPSS WIN 7.5 Program. The main results are as follow: 1. High school students; stressful life events are ① comparingㆍinterferenceㆍscolding ② having a bad at their study. ③ educational environments ④ ability ⑤ apearance. Peoples stressed me are ① her(him)self ② friend and ③ teacher. Stress coping behaviors are it's ① speak ill a person. ② listen to the music. ③ sleep. ④ be patient. ⑤ keep still or take breath deeply. 2. SES, Psychological Environments, Stress Coping Methods are related to stress. Especially hopeless in future, parental not affections and parental interference are related to stress highly. Also the stress by sex discrimination are related to gender intimately. 3. Effects of SES, Psychological Environments, Stress Coping Method on high school students' stress are very different. So it must to be differentiated the support on the high school students' stress.

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The Role of Job Satisfaction in the Relationship between Job Stress and Organizational Commitment among Nurses in Small-sized General Hospitals (소형종합병원 간호사의 직무스트레스와 조직몰입의 관계에서 직무만족의 역할)

  • Choi, Hyun-Ju
    • The Korean Journal of Health Service Management
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.35-48
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    • 2016
  • Objectives : The purpose of this study was to analyze the effects of job stress on organizational commitment among nurse working in small sized general hospitals and determine moderating effects of job satisfaction. Methods : A self-report questionnaire survey was completed by 292 nurses working at five small sized hospitals in P and K. Data were collected during March 2015 and analyzed with the SPSS 21.0 program. Results : Job satisfaction was a positive factor in organizational commitment. Job satisfaction had significant moderating effects on the relationship between job stress and organizational commitment of nurses working in small sized general hospitals. Conclusions : The results of this study indicate that various job stresses and job satisfaction have a significant effect on the organizational commitment of nurses working in small sized general hospitals. Therefore, to decrease the job stress and increase the job satisfaction of nurses working in small sized general hospitals, consideration must be given to improving the financial and psychological rewards as well as providing differentiated job training. To reduce the psychological burden of nurses, it is necessary to develop adaptation programs of nurses.

Factors Affecting Awareness and Usage of Government Export Marketing Assistance Programs and Their Relationships (정부 해외 마케팅 지원 프로그램의 인지도 및 이용도에 영향을 미치는 요인 및 관계 분석)

  • Lee, Chol;Kim, Sang-Yong
    • Journal of the Korean Operations Research and Management Science Society
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.27-42
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    • 2009
  • The research aims to identify factors affecting the use of government export marketing assistance programs and future improvements of the programs. 500 Korean exporting firms were used as a sample and research hypotheses were tested by the structural equation modeling using AMOS 7.0. The empirical findings are as follows. First, exporting firms' awareness of export marketing assistance programs showed a positive impact on their use of the programs. Second, small exporters showed higher awareness and use of the programs than large ones. Third, the firms with low export intensity showed higher awareness and use of the programs than those with high export intensity. Fourth, exporters having high orientations for overseas market showed higher awareness and use of the programs than those with low international orientations. Fifth, exporters having high proportion of direct exports showed higher awareness and use of the programs than those with low proportion of direct exports. Also, the effects of these firm-specific characteristics on the use of the programs were found to be done indirectly, in other words, through the awareness of the programs. Therefore, it was concluded that export marketing assistance program would be differentiated and specialized to fit in with exporters' different exporting stages and needs. Also, in order to increase the use of the programs, exporters' awareness and knowledge of the programs have to be increased in advance.